• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 2,289 Views, 28 Comments

Adventure Anon - Bastinator

Anon's not your typical adventurer, actually, quite the opposite. He's pompous, arrogant, hateful even cruel, but he gets the job done. After taking a stop at Ponyville he begins an adventure that doesn't go as planned.

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Chapter 6: Future Designs

Rarity shuts the door behind you and lets out an exasperated sigh. ”Your room is down that hall and to the right. Don’t make a lot of noise, I need my beauty sleep.” She retreats up the stairs without a second to waste. She just left you here… That… that… Soothe your jimmies Anon. Keep calm. It’s not going to last forever.

You go down the hall and enter your room. The guest room is about what you’d expect. A simple bed, barely large enough to hold a pony, let alone you. It has a small closet and window, the moon shining bright through it. That bed won’t do at all. You turn some knobs on your wheelchair. It folds out into a makeshift bed, just what you needed. Throwing some blankets atop of you and stuffing a pillow under your head you rest. This is going to be a long month.

You wake up early, something obviously wrong. You sit up, shivering slightly and tightening the knobs on your chair. There’s nothing here. And that’s what’s wrong. You rub your eyes and roll out into the kitchen. The air is clean and bland, making you miss Sugarcube Corner all the more. Spices and flour and sugar. How could a kitchen be any different? You set about making yourself some breakfast, deciding you’d better start the day out right.

There’s the smell you’ve been missing. You flip the pancakes, the sizzle music to your ears. Some bacon and eggs would be superb. Not like you’d actually get any of that. ”Excuse me?” a voice asks behind you.


You can’t ruin your breakfast by looking away. ”Who are you?”

“We met yesterday, remember?”

”I’ve never met you before.” You quickly look towards the voice, finding a tiny filly standing in the doorway.

“Oh, crap I thought you were Rarity.”

”Who are you?” You slide the pancakes onto a plate, forming a nice little stack.

“Anon’s the name.” Questing was the game. “And who are you?”

”I’m Sweetie Belle, Rarity’s my older sister.” Let’s hope the apple falls far from the tree. You pop open a bottle of syrup and coat the pancakes with a thin layer. Sitting yourself at the table, Sweetie Belle plops down beside you. “You uh- aren’t afraid of me?”

”No, why would I be?”

“I figured everyone in this town hated me.”

”Well I don’t hate you.” You smile and cut into your pancakes.

”You going to eat all those?”

“I was kinda planning on it?”

”Oh, ok.”

You look at her for a bit, finally giving in. “Go grab a plate.”

She’s back in a jiffy, plate in hoof. You slide half of the pancakes over to her, working on your own. She takes a bite, “Holy hay!”

”Watch your mouth young lady!” Rarity makes her entrance, gasping at the sight of you two.

”Sweetie Belle you get away from him this instant.”

”But Rarity, he made pancakes.”

”No buts, now get up to your room and get ready for school.” Sweetie Belle pouts, leaving the two of you alone. ”What’s the matter with you? Did you listen to anything I said?!”

You take another bite of your delicious breakfast. “Nnnope.”

”I told you to stay away from her, and the first thing you do is make her breakfast?!”

“For crying out loud don’t be such a drama queen.”

”Don’t you tell me how to act you heathen.”

“And here we go…”

”I won’t have you hurt Sweetie Belle like you did to that other filly. I will not.” Oh shit you completely forgot about her. ”You’re going to stay in your room until this month is over, and that’s that.”

“I don’t think so. Twilight put me in your care, and that’s exactly what you’re going to do.”

”Are you trying to intimidate me?”

“I don’t need to. Are you going to break your friend’s trust because you have a personal grudge?”

”I’d never…”

“If I wanted to rape your little kid, then guess what lady? I would.”

”You’re a monster.”

“Thanks for noticing, anything else we need to talk about?” You smile, finishing the last of your meal. “Thought so.”

You clean your dishes, Rarity leaving while you were busy. You might have gone a bit far with her, but what she said was true. The things you’ve done were evil, but you were doing them in the name of good, so that makes it okay right? Alexander the Great had to release some steam every once and a while. Why should you be any different? You lift your chest high, rolling after Rarity. “Because I’m better than him.”

You call out to Rarity. No response, typical. You explore the house, finding her slaving away in one of the back rooms. You knock at the open door. “Rarity can I come in?”

”The answer is no.”

“No is the new yes don’t you know?” You roll on in, avoiding her scattered spools of cloth. “About that talk five minutes ago-“

”Going to apologize?

“You aren’t going to make this easy are you?”

”Exactly what do you think my answer is?”

Cool it Anon, just cool it. “You know, I came into this town trying to be a team player. Trying to be a nice guy.”

”You raped a filly!”

“I said trying.”

”There is nothing you can say to make what you did right. Celestia would have your head.”

“And I wouldn’t blame her. What I did was evil, I have no doubts about that, but I wouldn’t dare do it again.”

“Of course. You’re nothing with your broken body. People like you don’t change. You’ll be right back to it when you’re done here.”

“Don’t think to know me princess. In fact,” sorry Pinkie, “why don’t you go and fuck yourself.”

”How dare you!?”

“No, fuck you. You drag me into your home, away from my friends, belittle me when I try and apologize, and take offense when it pisses me off? Shove it up your ass.” I think you’re rage broke Anon. Shut up brain. “I didn’t expect you to forgive me. All I wanted was a chance, and it seems I lost mine already.” You roll out of the room. “I’m not the same guy I was three months ago.”


It’s been a couple days since you got here. You’ve kept to yourself in your room, trying to come up with something to say. It always plays out bad in your head. You sigh as you look at the door. ”Just talk to her.”

“It’s not that easy dude.”

”Just say you want to start over.”

“What part of ‘it isn’t that easy’ don’t you understand?”

”You’re overthinking it.”

“I’m sure I am.”

”Then go.”

“She’s sleeping already. I shouldn’t wake her.”

”And since when did you care?”

“Since I had time to think about what I’ve done. Since I made friends…”

”You? Friends? Say it ain’t so.”

“Shut up, you got the book or what?”

”I didn’t think you cared about the series.”

“Well it helps me take my mind off of things.”

”Ain’t that the truth.” He sits down on your bed, still cloaked in the shadow. ”I haven’t seen you in a month, what chapter were we on?”

“Six. Page 144.”

He laughs, his voice cracking, “Paid that much attention huh?” A thought strikes you.

“Why didn’t you come and see me?”

”Even I’m not stupid enough to intrude in Pinkie’s room.”

“Yeah, she’s quite the handful…” You wish you were with her now…

”Let’s begin.”


You get a head start in the morning, waking up before anyone else. The best thing about waking up, is a dick not in your butt. They don’t have any Folgers so you’ll have to improvise. You put the brew on, setting out the materials for your breakfast. Pancakes, fruit quiche, and muffins. Good enough to bed any mare that comes your way. Pinkie taught you right. ”Sweetie, what did I say about getting into my- Anon.”

You put on a smile, gesturing her across the table. “Why don’t you have a seat over there?” She sits across the table. “Please, help yourself.”

She pours herself a cup of coffee and a slice of quiche. She opens her mouth to speak, you putting your hand to cut her off. “A great man once said to me, ‘Seek first to understand, then to be understood.’ I’ve put use to that phrase.” You take a muffin, buttering the top. “I know why it is you hate me, and I agree with you. I have done terrible terrible things, and do not expect forgiveness.”


“Please let me finish.” She nods. “This is the cycle we find ourselves in, a cycle fueled by hate. I want to throw a wrench in that cycle.”

”You want to start over.”

“It takes two to tango Rarity. Will you be my dance partner? Theoretically.”

”If it would mean we could move past this dastardly standoff, then yes I would.”

You extend your hand. “Shake on it.” She takes your own, weakly shaking it. It was better than nothing. “Please dig in. I made it for you both.”



You coax her out of hiding, taking a seat beside Rarity. ”What did I tell you about sneaking about?”

“That it’s unlady like.”


You nod at her, extending your hand again. “Hi, my name’s Anon.”

”Pleasure, I am Miss Rarity.”

“Lovely to meet you ma’am.” You sit together and enjoy a delightful breakfast. Whoever said you couldn’t start over?


”Hold still Anon.” A bead of sweat rolls down your face. Your arms are shaking under the strain.

“How long is this supposed to take?” you ask between puffs of air.

”It’ll be over soon enough.”

The cold metal touches your hips, sending a shiver up your back. Your arms aren’t strong enough to keep yourself held up forever. You grimace as you feel yourself loosing your grip. “Gonna fall.”

”Just… one… more… second…” She pulls back the tape, “Done.”

“Thank god.” You let go, landing on your stomach. Sweetie Belle managed to place a cushion under you, saving you a painful fall. “So did you get what you needed?”

”I *should* take more to double check.” Oh god no. ”But I’m sure these will do.”

“And you’ll have it ready by when?”

”I have a long list of things to do already…”

“Oh, well then.”

”I should have it ready by tomorrow.”

“You are the best seamstress in Ponyville.”

”Only Ponyville?”

“Equestria. My bad.”

“Please don’t feed her Anon,” Sweetie Belle begs.

You laugh. She certainly has an ego alright. “Everyone needs a little boost now and again.”

”Anon knows what he’s talking about, don’t you?”


Rarity prances into her work room. You’d asked her if it wasn’t too much for her to make you some new clothes. You shouldn’t have been surprised by her response. She didn’t waste any time in getting her measuring tools and getting to work. You even had to hold yourself up so she could measure accurately. Your arms still weren’t what they used to be, but thanks to Pinkie… ”What’s wrong Anon?”

You smile and stroke the filly’s mane. “Just thinking about someone.”


”Arms up.” You do as instructed, Rarity pulling the shirt over your head. You pull your arms through the short sleeves, the cloth fitting you rather nicely. ”Now the bottom.”

“I think I can do that by myself.”

She eyes you curiously, “You don’t have to be embarrassed about it.”

“You think I’m embarrassed? You’re a funny gal.”

”Well fine, have it your way.” She tosses you the next item, a well crafted pair of boxers. It’s a little weird for her to help you into them. ”I still don’t see the problem. It’s not like you were exactly keeping those on in the first place.”

You slip them through your legs, snuggling just right on your waist. “And I did that in front of strangers. It’s different around someone you know.”

”I think you have that backwards.”

“Maybe,” you chuckle.

”Do you need help on the next one, or would you like to do it yourself?”

“I’m going to need your help yeah.” She turns around positioning the article beneath your feet. ”Ready?”

“Don’t make it weird.” You lift yourself up as she slides the pants up your legs. When you feel it’s all the way on you ease yourself down. You look down, a little surprised. “You even got the zipper?”

”I followed your design to the letter, is it what you wanted?” You zip up and roll in front of a mirror. You’re a spitting image of yourself before you came here. ”I thought it was a little simple, but those patient clothes just had to go.”

You touch the mirror, feeling a little of yourself coming back. “It’s perfect.”

”If that’s what you really want…” It’s like you’re staring into the past, back home… before you left. After months of searching for answers you’d given up. You changed, and not for the better. Maybe this was your second chance… ”Anon?”

“Sorry Rarity, thinking to myself.”

”Do you want the second part of your gift?”

“Second Part?”

”Be ready to leave in a few minutes.”

“Where are we going?”


“No shit,” you laugh, “Where to?”

She gets to the top of the stairs and disappears from view. ”You’ll see.”

You turn to Sweetie Belle, a fiendish grin on your face. “So Sweetie…”

”It’s not ladylike to gossip.” Dammit.

You just get to wait. Anxiety soon sets in. Where is she taking you? It’s driving you crazy just thinking about it. Tap tap tap tap tap… Every second feels like a minute. You start tapping your foot again. “How long are you going to-“ Wait. That was your foot. You look down, the little bugger jumping lightly. “YES! FUCK YEAH!” If you can move your foot, then how about… Nope, not a thing. But still, PROGRESS!

”What are you yelling about?” Rarity appears, wearing a light pink dress with gold trim, gems adorned into the fabric.

“Wow. You look…”

”Fabulous is the word dear.” You smile, Rarity joining you at the bottom. ”So what is it you’re so excited about.”

“See for yourself.”

She looks down at your foot, gasping. ”My word!”

“I know right, it’s great.” She rushes out of the room, coming back in a flash. A soft cushion covers your feet in a jiffy. You look down to see Rarity fixing a pair of boots on your feet. “Fashion first, physical wellbeing second. Only you Rarity.”

”I could not let such a crime of fashion go unattended.” All you can do is shake your head and smile. You’re taken by the chair through the dimly lit streets.

“Do you think we could stop by Sugarcube Corner? To say hi.”

”We can’t delay if we are to make it in time.” You pass by the bakery, your eyes trained on it. Is Pinkie in there? How’s she doing? Rarity pulls you along, the bakery disappearing behind a corner. Laugh it off. That’s what Pinkie would do. You try, but can’t muster a peep. It’s not that easy. ”Well here we are.”

You look up to the sign, the name etched into the fine wooden base. “The Gem?”

”It is simply divine.” You’re taken into the establishment, and fuck, it is fancy. Custom counter tops, dim interior, fancy attire.

“Do you see the chandelier? It’s hovering.”

Rarity approaches the counter. ”Reservation for two. Under Rarity.”

“What’s the point of that I wonder?”

”Right this way please.”

“I mean, I see how they did it. I just ain’t gettin’ the why.”

”Are you coming Anon?” You almost forgot about that.

“Yeah yeah.” The ponies give you one glance and keep to themselves. It’s a relief they don’t just stare. You’re led to a table near the back.

”Hi there, my name’s Kaylee and I’ll be your server today. Can I start you off with something to drink?”

”I shall have a sparkling water dear.”

”And what for you sir?”

“Let’s see here…” You open the menu and try to decipher the cryptic language. You aren’t even sure this is Equestrian. “I’ll just take a water, thanks.”

”Alright, I’ll be back in a few minutes with your drinks.” She leaves the two of you alone. ”So, what do you think? Isn’t it fabulous?”

“It’s fancy, but I prefer things a little more down to earth.”

”You sound like Applejack.”

“Don’t tell her that. She’ll kill me for sure.”

”You worry too much Anon. It’s a thing of the past.”

The waitress returns with the drinks, “Are you ready to order?”

“Oh yes. I’ll take the Verdi Mescolati with honey pepper vinaigrette.”

”Great choice madam, and for you?”

Fuck fuck fuck. “I’ll take the same.” Score 2-0. Flawless victory.

”I’ll have that right out for you.” You wait until the waitress leaves.

“This ‘thing of the past’ is why everyone hates me.”

“They just need to give you a second chance, like I did.”

“Some people don’t deserve second chances.”

She sets down her water, “Don’t speak like that. Everyone deserves a chance.”

“Do they though,” you take a swig of water, “This wasn’t the first town I visited.” You’ve been to plenty…

”Listen here, a pony can always change, it’s always a choice.” She picks up her drink, “I want no more talk of this to ruin our dinner.”

“Then what do you want to talk about?”

”Well. Have you seen the latest design’s from Canterlot? Stunning I say.”

“I can’t say that I have.”

”You’ve lived in my house for weeks and you haven’t read *any* of them?”


”Well, not everyone can appreciate the arts.” Oh god this is going to be a long dinner. You sip at your water, occasionally nodding and voicing interest.

”You’re food madam.”

”Ah yes, exactly what I’ve been waiting for.”

”And there you are…” She sets down a small salad in front of you, an orange dressing covering the assorted veggies.

“Thank you.”

”You’re welcome. Anything else I can get for you today?”

”We’re fine darling.” She leaves you two alone to enjoy your dinner. You place a piece into your mouth, wanting to gag immediately. This just isn’t good.

Rarity finishes her bite, “Isn’t it just delish?”

You swallow, forcing a smile. “It’s the best I’ve had here.” The water tasted better than this. She’s about to take another bite but instead stares at the bowl, mouth agape.

“They forgot the croutons. Out of all the things that could happen this is the worst… possible… thing!” She falls on the couch dramatically. Where did that thing even come from?

“You okay?”

”Okay?” She gets out of her seat. “How could you ask if things were okay?”

“It’s just croutons.”

”Just”! If I do something nice, I want it to be perfect. Wait until I give them a piece of my mind.” She rushes off before you can respond. Damn it’s hot in here, is she feeling that too? It must be all these candles and lanterns. You roll across the room and into the back for some fresh air. Opening the door to the alley you go outside.

A breath of fresh air does wonders for you. You lean your head back and take a load off. Second chances... ”Nice to see you Anon.” You look down the alley, a trio of stallions emerging.

“Excuse me, I don’t know who you are.”

Another stallion emerges, an earth pony from the looks of him. He’s older than the rest, his hair slick and oily a trio of money bags on his flank. His suit suits him well, Rarity would probably compliment him on it. ”Do you know who I am?”

You wouldn’t have asked if you knew. They walk closer to you, blocking the exit. ”I’ll take your silence as a no.” The door to the restaurant slams shut. Oh fuck you raw, this isn’t good. You pull at the door desperately. ”It wasn’t as hard to find you as they said. Once Rarity made a reservation for two, we knew we had you.”

You roll away from the approaching ponies. “Who the hell are you?”

He laughs, his henchmen joining in,“My name is Filthy Rich, not that you’d recognize the name.” He’s right, it doesn’t ring a bell. ”But I do have one that you might remember. I believe you got acquainted with her the night you arrived.” Typically, he pauses for dramatic effect. ”Diamond Tiara.”

Diamond Tiara? Doesn’t ring any bells. He must be- “Oh. Oooooh!”

”Oh indeed.” You move further back in the alley, only delaying the inevitable. A dead-end, how quaint. ”You hurt my daughter, and now you don’t have your precious Twilight or Pinkie Pie to protect you.”


“She’s not going to help you, we have taken care of that.”

Oh no he didn’t… “The fuck did you do to her?!”

”Look at the fire in his eyes. You boys might just enjoy this.”


“She’s restrained, no harm will come to her, but you…”

One of the larger stallions approach you. “You’re in for a world of hurt.” The stallion rears up and brings his hooves down on your head. You gasp in pain, Filthy Rich chuckling to himself.

”Don’t dispose of him too quickly. Make him suffer.”

”Yes sir.” He rears up again for another blow, hitting you in the chest. You grunt as Mr. Rich disappears from view. ”Let’s have a good look at ya.” He pulls your face up, pounding a hoof into it.

He brings your head back up. ”Smile for the camera.” You spit a wad of blood in his face, angering him further. He pounds both hooves at your head, sloppily you might add. You cock your head to the side, his hooves cracking against the stone wall. ”Feathery flank infested freak! HAY!” You punch him in the throat, shutting him up.

Your attack does little more than stun him unfortunately. Taking the opportunity to escape you roll around the big one, only coming face to face with the next two. “Going somewhere?” He bucks the side of your chair and knocks you over. ”He ain’t going nowhere.” You crawl towards the exit. ”Feisty one ain’t he?”

One kicks you onto your stomach, his hoof resting on your wrist. He grinds it into the dirt slowly, pain overwhelming you. ”I think we should break him all over again. What do you think?”

”The boss would just love that.” He pounds a hoof in your chest eliciting a small scream. ”Music to our ears.” He pounds again and again, each strike damaging you further.

“Pl- Gah!”

”Hold up, what’d you say freak?”

“Plea- se... stop…”

”That’s just hilarious. Hear that? He wants us to stop.”

”I think he said he wanted more actually.”

”You know, I think that’s what he said too.” You close your eyes, hoping this nightmare would just end.

”Dude you hear that?”

”Hear wha- AH!” One of the henchmen falls onto you. You can feel his weight crushing your lungs.

”Who the-“ You open your eyes just in time to see the last two thugs beaten to a pulp by an unknown force. The sway of purple moves at superhuman speeds, knocking them right onto their flanks. You manage to get a fleeting look at your savior, his oversized purple hat atop his head.

His costume covers his entire body, keeping every part a secret. He kneels next to you, “Are you alright?”

You cough painfully, but force a smile. “Been better.” *cough* “About time you saved me for once.” You try to sit up, only to fall right back down.

”Stay still, you need to rest.”

“No rest. Have to- *cough* help Rarity.”

He looks up, “Get him out of here. I’ll get Rarity. Just stay calm.”

“I’m alwa… calm…”