• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 2,289 Views, 28 Comments

Adventure Anon - Bastinator

Anon's not your typical adventurer, actually, quite the opposite. He's pompous, arrogant, hateful even cruel, but he gets the job done. After taking a stop at Ponyville he begins an adventure that doesn't go as planned.

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Chapter 9: Adventure's End

You pick up your cane and put on your fake smile. “It was a pleasure being here.”

”Aww please stay. Just for a little longer.”

Your smile turns a little more real. “If it’s alright with Ms. Case.”

”The children want you stay after all.”

You were hoping to get an early start at the tavern. But it seems fate had another thing planned. “Alright, one more story.”

The children screech happily as you sit back down. You’d been working the local orphanage for the past year or two. Has it really been so long since you left? Anyways, they mainly just need someone to help repair this and that. On occasion though, you actually get to see the children. Since you’re the only human in the known world, they were bound to have questions. Their caretaker was a kind mare, and she took good care of the kids. She could only entertain them for so long however, and that’s where you came in.

You sit down on the couch next to Ms. Case, the children sprawled out on the floor. “Which story do you want to hear today?” As an adventurer, you had a novel’s worth of stories at your disposal. The kids were in awe at your gusto. They even made their own stories with you, which they’d tell as if it were true. Those were some good times, but that stuff’s long behind you now.

”How about the one with the dragon!”

“Which one?”

”There were more than one!?” Oh lord these kids are easy to entertain.

A filly pulls at your pant sleeve. ”Umm, excuse me.”

”HEY! We want him to tell us a story.”

You hush her fellows, recognizing the little girl. She was always the shy one of the bunch, and never talked to you. Until now that is. “Yes dear?”

”Could you tell us about your latest adventure?” she asks in the sweetest little voice.

Your last adventure… Why not? You pull the little filly onto your lap and stroke her mane. “My last adventure. That certainly is a story.”

”Yeah! Tell us that one!”

Ms. Case looks at you worriedly. ”You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

“I know,” you nod, “but they asked.” Where to begin? The start is always a good place. “My journey began here, in this very city. I just came from over the Torgal Sea, determined to find my next adventure…”

You make sure to avoid the R-Rated content, as not to corrupt these poor souls. They cheered for you at the start, and then you spoke of the avalanche. Their faces turned pale when you spoke of how you were broken and betrayed. You didn’t use real names, as not to tarnish your enemies’ reputations. They needed something after all, and then you spoke of the mane 6. The mood turned up indeed at that point. Fluttershy showed you kindness, Twilight empathy, Rarity understanding, Applejack trust, and Pinkie Pie… Your face turns red, eyes heavy with moisture.

The little filly turns her head to you. ”Is something wrong?”

You put on a fake smile again and choke down the tears. “I think I should stop there for today.”

”But whyyyy?” the children whine.

”Now children, Anon’s had a long day. He’ll be back tomorrow right?”

“Yeah…” You hoist yourself up on your cane, Ms. Case escorting you to the door. She shuts the door behind her, helping you down the steps. Los Pegasus sure is busy at this time of day.

”Are you sure you’re alright? You looked like you were about to break down in there.”

“It was a personal story, but one that shouldn’t be hidden.”

”I understand.” No she doesn’t, but you don’t that against her. ”Let me make it up to you. I know this nice restaurant that just opened up…”

A date? She played it cool, but you could see what it was. “I’d love to, but I can’t, sorry.”

”Oh… That’s alright. Did you have plans?”

“Yeah. You could say that. Same time tomorrow ma’am.”

”Same time…”

You escape into the crowd, though it’s hard to blend in when you tower over the inhabitants. You pull the cloak over your head and head through the back-alleys. Nopony traverses these sections in fear of being mugged. It’s part of the reason you feel so safe in them. You find the backdoor to the tavern ajar, the owner loading in a cart of ale. ”Just in time Anon, you mind giving me a hand?” He always puts emphasis on the word ‘hand,’ his idea of a joke maybe.

“No problem sir.” You hoist a barrel over your shoulder, carrying it inside. It’s not easy to hold onto with one hand, but you manage. You load four more barrels into the storage room.

”You sure are ‘handy’ to have around.”

“Yeah yeah, laugh it up.”

”Don’t get all sensitive. I’m only joking.”

“I know… it just gets hard to laugh at sometimes.”

”Trouble at work?”

“It’s all in the past.” Truer words have never been said.

”Thanks for the help anyways. Drinks are on the house tonight.”

“I’ll make you regret that.”


You find your usual seat in the back corner of the main room. The waitress brings over a fresh mug and biscuit tray. Weird custom, but you don’t complain. You rest your head on the table after a gulp of ale. This isn’t what you had in mind by settling down but it’ll have to do. Tonight you shall live like a king. With free booze and bread. What’s not to like?

At least the alcohol numbs most of your body. It makes those painkillers last a bit longer when you’re not popping them like vitamins. ”Another mug sweetheart?”

“I think I’m- Wait…”

You recognize that voice. ”Or do you want something a little special?” The mare sits next to you, you’d recognize that pearly skin and pink hair anywhere. ”What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?”

“What are you doing here?”

”Just here for the yearly convention.”

“Well, this has been quite the surprise Ms. Redheart.”

”Care to buy a lady a drink?”

“It depends, are you going to poison mine?”

She reaches into her bag, “Sorry, it seems I left it at home. Rats.”

“In that case, I might as well.”

You flag down the waitress who brings a cup for your old friend. ”Thanks for that.”

“Your welcome.” You drink your ale happily, the little slice of your past invigorating you. “So what’s new back at Ponyville?”

”Not much really. Things have been really quiet since you left.”

That takes a load off your mind. You were worried something had happened in your absence. “Well, that’s good to hear.”

”Not everyone would agree.”

“And what exactly do you mean by that?”

”It’s not important.”

Not important? You slam your fist on the table. “It’s important to me!”

”Alright alright, just calm down.” She’s right, deep breathes, in and out. Once you think you’ve calmed down enough you ask again. ”The town has been kinda dead lately, and before you ask, it’s not literally dead. Just quiet.”

“That doesn’t sound like the Ponyville I remember.”

”Because it isn’t. Things have changed Anon, and not for the better.”

“How’re my friends? Are they alright?”

“Yeah they’re fine, except for Pinkie anyhow.” Shit… shit shit shit.

“What happened?”

”She’s really the reason things have gotten so bad. All she wanted to do was make people smile…” You left her there… ”Now all she wants to is stay in her house. She hasn’t left for almost a year now.” You did this to her. You have to go back there. You made a promise to leave… But that doesn’t mean you wouldn’t go back. ”Anon?”

“I’m going back to Ponyville.”

She laughs openly, “That’s a good one. You almost sounded serious.” You get up from your chair, leaving your mug on the table.

“Because I am.”

She follows you as you head up the stairs. ”You can’t be serious. You know what’ll happen if you go back.”

“And what makes you think I care?” You find your room and start to pack. “I spent the last two years hiding in this hole trying to forget about her. I won’t let her suffer that fate as well.” She didn’t let go. You fled from her. It’s time to go back.

”I can’t let you get yourself killed Anon.”

“Since when did you care? If I recall you wanted me dead.”

”I cared since I heard more about you. I know what you’ve been doing here.” She’s talking about the orphanage isn’t she?

“It’s just a job, nothing more.”

She blocks you as you try to move. ”I think you wanted to make up for what you did. There’s plenty of better paying work in this city.”

“Maybe this was the only job I could get, but it doesn’t matter I’ll be gone by morning.” You manage your way past her, pushing downstairs.


”You know what this is? It’s expensive as hay I’ll tell you that.” Ughh… Adventure ponies. Blind from what’s really important. ”I could buy up every inn in Los Pegasus with this vial, and I got two more like it.” Wait, you recognize that band… ”Want to take another guess old man?”

You take the last step to the ground floor, your cane echoing through the room. “I reckon that’s called Dragon’s Breath, and there’s only one way to get that.”

”And that’s to kill a- a… Anon?”

“Did you miss me?”

”You… You died! We…”

“Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups.” You step towards them, the ponies backing away in fear. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

”And how do I know that?”

“Because you’re no use to me dead.” It was a stroke of luck finding these guys. You turn to the owner behind the bar. “This should cover my room. It was nice staying here.”

”Sad to see you go. You’re quite handy.”

“Indeed I am,” you chuckle. You look back to the frozen band of ponies. “You took what’s mine and claimed it as your own. You owe me a favor I reckon.”

”If you want it back-“

“Keep it. I don’t need it anymore, but what I do need is a ride.”

”Anon please listen to me,” Nurse Redheart whispers in your ear.

“I appreciate the thought, but it’s time for me to go.”

”Think of the children, you can’t just leave them.” You can’t leave them on their own, but you can keep them in good hands.

”Give me one of those vials.” The squire doesn’t hesitate and tosses it to you. You reach into your pack and pull out your journal. You give both to Nurse Redheart. “Give these to Ms. Case, it’ll do her good.”

”There’s no convincing you is there?”

“I’m afraid not. See you back home.” You walk out the door, the streets blackened and desolate.

”So where do you want us to take you?” You walk towards the wagon, your old entourage in tow.

“Back to Ponyville.”


You step out of the carriage, a puff of dust lifting into the air. This place really is depressing. ”Are we free to go?”

You turn back and smile. “Give me your word, all of you.”

”Anything sir.”

“I want you to pick up my quest. Go from town to town doing what needs to be done, not for glory, but for what’s right.” The squire salutes, turning the wagon around. Ponyville… how quaint.

You walk slowly down the road and into the town. There’s no rush to greet you, no screams of terror. Only silence. You pass through the market, stopping to buy an apple on the way. Big Mac’s at the stall. He looks at you with his unchanging expression. ”Two bits.” You pay your dues, savoring the rich flavor. No one made apple like the Apple family. ”Good to have you back.”

“Good to be back.”

You keep on down the road, recalling the scenery. Twilight’s tree house still stands, though the fall leaves have turned a vibrant orange. You see the boutique, paying it a ceremonial nod. But you’re looking for a more specific piece of architecture, where the walls themselves are sugar and sweet. Sugarcube Corner… It’s just like you remembered. The ponies stop and stare, a small entourage of ponies closing in on you, and smack dab in the front is your old friend. “Always a pleasure Filthy Rich.”

”How nice of you to join us again. It saves me the trouble of hunting you down.”

“I’m not here to cause any trouble.”

”Then you’re more foolish then I thought.”

You stroke your cane, showing it off. “I may not have a sword or bow to intimidate you with, but this comes off as a close second.” You hold it out, twirling it in your hand. “Verawood, top-of-the-line material right here. I had a guy who owed me a favor. Polished prim and proper. Great handiwork really.” You step towards the older stallion. “I could knock a human out in a single blow, and you’re not as tough as I ever was.” You withdraw your cane, planting it back down on the ground. “But that would be a waste of such workmanship.”

You stand inches away from the stallion, whispering in his ear. “You won’t forgive me for what I did, but do yourself a favor and forget.”

”We both know that as long as you’re here, I will never stop.”

True words. “Then I won’t waste anymore of your time.”

You walk past him, leaving him behind you. ”You were hurt before, you can be hurt again.

“And my friends were there for me before.” He doesn’t attempt to follow you. He knows better. His mind game failed, and he’s out of moves. For now anyways… But now, you need to find your special somepony.


You walk into Sugarcube Corner, the smell of frosting and cinnamon butter absent. The Cakes see you walk in, unflinching. “Upstairs?”

They nod, “She doesn’t take visitors.”

“You going to stop me?”

”We’re just letting you know she may not be what you expected.”

You thank them and head for the stairs. “Pinkie is always full of surprises.”


You place your foot atop the stairs and climb. ‘Pinkie Pie?’ You heave upwards, advancing.


You reach the top of the stairs. ‘How do you do it? Stay happy all the time that is.’ You find her room and open the door, the hinges creaking.

‘I think of something I like and don’t let go.’ She’s pale, paler than you’ve ever seen her, sitting on the edge of the bed. How could you do this to her?

You step inside, closing the door behind you. ‘And if you do?’

The floor creaks as you walk to her. ‘Then you let it go and hope it comes back.’

You sit next to her, wrapping your arm around her. ‘Just like that?’

She presses into you, her tears trailing down your arm. ‘Just like that.’

It’s good to be home.

You manage to grab the sugar from the top shelf. Not an easy feat with the cane. It sure would be nice to start over. ”You gonna pour it in silly?” You smile and deposit a scoop into the mixing bowl, Pinkie covered in cookie dough and frosting. But why would you ever want to start over when you already have Pinkie?

You open the oven and slide the fresh rack of dough inside. Ah, you press a finger to your temple and lean against the counter. Damn this is one hell of a migraine. “Hey Pinkie can you hand me my pills?”

”Okie dokie lo-“ She freezes as she holds out the bottle. “Pinkie you okay?”

”Anon,” her tail twitches, then her eye, leg… Her Pinkie Senses have been going haywire lately, but nothing like this. You hold onto Pinkie as her body begins to spasm.

“It’s alright Pinkie I’m here. I’m- Another spike of pain pierces your mind. You fall to the floor holding onto your cane. You grab hold of your bottle, Pinkie settling down. She looks to you, and you to her. A searing white light surrounds you, the world as you know it fading away. Your senses dim to the point of nonexistence. A feeling of weightlessness takes you, ended by a thud as you hit the cold ground.


Your eyes open to the treetops. Where- How’d you get here? Where’s Sugarcube Corner? You work your way to your feet, your pills at your feet. A shot fires from deeper within this forest. You’d experimented with guns in the past but they always blew up in your face, this one… it works. Nopony has mastered such creation yet. There’s only one other species you know of that has such technology. You know how people can be, how you used to be. If they’re here, then Equestria’s in danger. You pick up your pills and head towards the sound. You can kick ass one last time.

Author's Note:

The very end, the part preceded by the three space gap, leads to another story.

Comments ( 9 )

just read the new post great work i love this story easily one of my favorite :ajsmug: whats the name of the other story gonna be

3549390 most of his stories are linking to the sequel. colonial marine in equestria is what fired the gun. it was a shot to get a pair of brothers beating each other to death which is from anon in equestria leading on to hero anon leading on to dead anon. evil end for anon in equestria links to hero anon and good end for the same links to the end of hero anon. once you read all the stories prepare for mindfuck 2000.

this was an amazing story. I have only but to read spartanon's next chapter tommorow, emmisary, and soft diplomacy and then I will be prepared for sequel!

The sequel that links most of my AiE stories together is going to be called, The Anons of Equestria. Do not expect it to be as good as any of my individual stories however, because I was unprepared for the undertaking.

Thanks, this is one of my favorite stories that I've written.

It was a really lovely story, it had more character development than one could ever expect as well. :yay:

I'd say he went from a destructive barbarian who hides behind a veil of good will to a more reasonable minded albeit weaker warrior whose motivations are genuine. Alas, to each their own.

Kick plot story, but what the heck does the writing in that authors note at the end mean you also put that at the end of hero anon also. :rainbowhuh:

I like to think all of my stories are self-enclosed, save for the ones with actual sequels. That being said, I also wrote a story called The Anons of Equestria that includes a lot of my characters. The part that you're wondering about is the short sequence that would lead into that story. I hope I explained that well enough.

Why?! Moving on, i hate the weak!

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