• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 2,027 Views, 24 Comments

Hero Anon - Bastinator

Following off of Anon in Equestria, a human is summoned into Equestria to fight a monstrous threat, but the human they chose isn't a fighter. In fact, he's not what they expect at all when they discover his relationship to their villain.

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Chapter 3: Flight of the Griffins

Week 5 in Equestria. At least you think it’s been that long. The days seem to blend together lately. Between lengthy training sessions with Iron Will and nonstop walking, you’re more than a little wore out. But you have to tough it out. In some small manner these p0nies look up to you. You’re supposed to be their hero after all. You stopped allowing Iron Will to help you walk. Now when you fall, you have only yourself to pick you up.

It was difficult, still is in fact. Strength doesn’t always restore itself in your arms and legs. You remember the first time you fell behind. It started out as a small gap, slowly enlarging to the point where you couldn’t spot them at all. When night fell, you were left all alone. It wasn’t exactly something you wanted to happen. You could’ve made a small fire and slept it off. Could have. You kept walking, with only the moonlight as your companion. Peaceful, is the term.

The faint glow of the camp off in the distance was more than a welcome sight. You silently trudged on through the snow. Your comrades were already sound asleep, their night guard joining them. You snuck behind Iron Will, hand on your sword. “You try to sleep, I’ll cut you deep.”

He just smiled and looked at you, “Shut up and go to bed.” You didn’t though. You had to practice. Let’s just say everyone was left speechless when they found you in their midst once more, practicing with your sword. No one said a word of it, not even the asshole Soarin made a comment. It was a good start to the day.

The Talon mountain range wasn’t much for a change of scenery. Now instead of some loose dirt, it was composed of stone shards. Many difficult nights followed trying to find a decent place to sleep, and with your schedule it didn’t leave much time for any actual sleeping. You’d had your first griffin sighting about a week into their territory. Soarin made the dickish decision to try and make contact. You warned him, but he wouldn’t have it. Their actions were taken as hostile and one of his teammates was injured… brutally. You’d be surprised if he managed to fly again.

Soarin took it pretty hard, but he kept up appearances as not to drop morale. At least you could respect that. You walk beside Iron Will at the front of the pack, Vinyl at his other side. You feel safe being by them. ”So how do you plan to convince the griffons to help us? They won’t do it out of their free will,” Iron Will says.

“Careful diplomacy.” In truth you don’t know how you’re going to do it. Asking politely is always option number one.

”If anyone can do it, Anon can,” Vinyl backs you up, “His status commands a certain respect.”

”Griffins respect only those who prove themselves capable, and, sorry to say, but you aren’t there yet Anon.”

“None taken.” You know he’s right, and there’s no sense arguing the point any further.

”Anon’s a hero. They should know what he’s capable of.”

”They know a hero broke their back when they invaded hundreds of years ago. If anything, they have a deep hatred for his kind.”

“Then maybe I can use that to my favor with Anonymous. If they hate me, then they’ll really hate him.”

”If he has power, he has their respect,” Iron Will comments. Well fuck…

“I’ll think of something. I always do.”

”GRIFFIN SIGHTING!” The three of you look about for the winged creature. “Three ‘o clock. High!” You look up the mountain side, the griffin perched higher up, staring down at your group.

You gulp quietly and walk forwards. Let’s hope you don’t make the same mistake Soarin made. ”Anon where do you think you’re going?” Vinyl asks alarmed.

“All part of the plan,” you answer, undoing your belt. You give the sword back to Iron Will.

“I’ll be wanting this back.” He answers with a nod. You give Vinyl a quick hug before starting up the cliff. Your feet make it easier to ascend the side, but only so much. The griffon stays motionless watching as you gain ground towards it. About half way up it stands up and flares its wings, sending you to freeze. You don’t want to piss it off.

Once you’re sure it’s not going to attack you continue to climb, rather shakily now though. You’d rather not get clawed to death. You make the last leg of the haul and come face to face with the creature. It’s about as big as you, maybe a little smaller. But like many young men say, ‘It’s not how big it is, it’s how you use it.’ That couldn’t be any truer than right now.

Griffins are bred for war. Their talons could tear a pony’s entrails out with a single swipe, and that beak could pierce any number of defenses. They’d make great allies in a war, and powerful foes if you fail. It better be the former. You only just remember that you’re still staring at the griffin. Your wave your hand, trying to act as friendly as possible. “Hi there.”

The griffin says nothing as it looks over you. You rub the back of your neck nervously. Things are off to a flying start. “We come from Equestria seeking a safe haven. My name is-“

”We are aware who you are and where you’re from. I am here to inform you that you’re wasting your time.” Your speechless. Shut down before you could even get to your name. This really is a good start.

“It’s our time to waste, and we’ll waste it here,” you reply strongly. “I seek an audience with your superiors.”

”You are in no position to make demands whelp. If it were not for my orders the only way you would leave this mountain is if your friends dragged your lifeless body off of it.” So… that’s how it is.

“But you have other orders don’t you?” you ask taking a step forwards.

”Don’t tempt me fiend!” She grinds her talons against the stone for good measure, but that doesn’t stop you.

“Grant me an audience would you kindly. We’ve come a very long way…”

She growls as you take a final step forward, about two feet away. “I could kill you in seconds.”

“If that’s what you need to do. I came here in good faith, unarmed, but if that’s how things will turn I shan’t fight it.”

She curses to herself, her wings relaxing by her sides, “If we’re going to go, then there are some rules to follow.” You give yourself a pat on the back and congratulate yourself on your victory.


You head back down the mountain and back to your friends. You take your belt back and stow your sword. ”How’d it go?!” Vinyl asks ecstatic.

Iron Will pats your back, “I knew you could handle yourself.”

“Look, she’s promised to lead us to the castle, but we have to-“

”They have a castle?” Vinyl asks with interest, “I thought they lived in small towns atop the mountains.”

”They are more like Equestrians than you know.”

“Yes, well, we have some rules to follow in return. Let’s get the big one out of the way, no p0nies are allowed inside the city.”

”Things still tense between us?” Vinyl asks, “Fine then. What else?”

“Just stuff about following griffin law, yadda yadda. They’re setting up a camp outside the city for you all.”

”Be lucky we extend our generosity,” the griffin says from behind you.

”Be lucky we came to you,” Vinyl fires back. The animosity between them runs deep. You step in between the two before things can get any worse. You don’t need something little ruining what you have.

“She’s going to take me to the city first. She’ll be back for the rest of you in about a day.” You mount the griffon, and hold onto her feathery neck. “Don’t have too much fun while I’m gone.”

”Wouldn’t want you to miss it,” Iron Will says before you take off into the sky.

”Hold on tight. It can get a little rocky.”

You do as instructed, harboring a deep fear of flying. You had trouble going on airplanes, and you don’t even get a seatbelt. You can feel the vomit rising in your stomach and lean over to purge. But when you open your eyes, everything just seems to fade out.

“It’s beautiful…” you mutter, unable to contain your awe. The landscape is just serene.

”It’s a natural wonder alright,” she says sarcastically, weaving through the clouds.

“Don’t take this for granted. You don’t know what you have-“

”Until it’s gone. I’ve only heard that a hundred times…”

“That’s because it’s true. The little things are sometimes the most important.” You watch as the snow drifts down, layering the land in blankets of white. Beautiful in the simplest of forms. You pass through a cloud, emerging through the other side.

She sweeps down low, the wind cutting into your face, a rush of adrenaline shooting through you. It’s like a rollercoaster without the track. Fuck this is more fun than it should be. She levels out, gliding along the air, “Welcome to Aviaris.” You look to your right, the city carved into the mountain. The castle walls jut upwards level after level, stopping just below the mountain’s peak.

She flies in close to one of the lower walls. The stone is carved evenly, likely able to withstand immense pressure easily. The griffins left nothing unchecked when they built this fortress. She takes you up, flying over what you take to be the commons and market districts. The inhabitants look as you fly overtop, moving higher and higher through the levels of Aviaris.

She presses her way to the top, the beat of her wings aiding your way up. She ascends to the final level, landing abruptly at the top, “You can get off now.” You hop off, an array of guards grabbing you from behind, “Hey! He’s with me.” You tear yourself out of their grasp, straightening your clothes. Her word seems to be good enough for them.

“Shall we then?” She leads the way, the guards still tailing you. A set of brass doors swing open, revealing the way inside.

”My lord does not tolerate inappropriate behavior. Do I need to remind you to behave?”

“No ma’am. My momma raised me right.” You walk down the ornate hallway, a burgundy rug running beneath your feet. The torches burn bright on either side of you, pairs of guards at every entrance. “Has enough security I see.”

”We find ourselves in dangerous times. One must always be wary of certain foreigners.” You pass through another set of doors and into the throne room. A large griffin sits at the far end, head high and on alert. A pair of workers stand beside him, fanning him with large tropical plants. It’s a bit out of place in the icy mountains, but you can dig it. You calmly walk towards him, passing a series of guards along the way.

”Halt!” He shouts without looking at you, “What is your name?”

“My name is Anon sir,” you reply.

”You will address him as ‘my lord!’” the griffin says angrily.

”Calm yourself child, it is quite alright,” he replies in turn.

”My lord…” She starts only to be interrupted.

“You are dismissed child.” She bows her head and exits behind you, the doors clamping shut. ”Come closer young one,” he beckons with his claw, “Let me have a good look at you.” You approach sheepishly, “Do not waste my time.” Shit shit shit… He stands up, a bit taller than your are. You can’t tell by looking, but you know that he’s decently aged. His feathers are still in wholesome condition, the tips fading to a deep gray. His beak forms a small smile, “Ah yes. It’s been many centuries since one of your kind walked these halls.”

“I wish in better circumstances.”

”Yes indeed,” he nods, “We are aware of the danger that looms in your land.”

“Then you know why I’m here.”

”I know many things, but the reason for your presence is not among them. If it is refuge you seek then you shall have it.”

“You are generous sir, but that is not the reason I have traveled here.”

He sits back down on the floor, “Interesting, then why have you come?” Here it is Anon. All or nothing.

“I want your help to defeat Anonymous.”

His expression is cold and unchanging. ”I cannot do as you ask hero. I will not put the lives of my people on the line for your quest.”

“It’s only a matter of time before he comes after you next. You should know that.”

”No he won’t,” he nods to one of his guards, “I have a way to end this without the need for bloodshed.”

”Sorry I’m late Stormguard. Did I keep you long?” A griffin pushes you out of the way, “Watch it dweeb.”

”No Gilda, you’re right on time,” he turns to you. “I believe our meeting is over Anon.”

The griffon named Gilda turns to you as your about to leave, “So you’re Anon huh? Anonymous said you were scrawny…”

“What did you just say to me?”

A pair of talons lock around your arms as Gilda comes a bit closer, “Your brother sends his regards.” The guards pull you away, leaving your brother’s agent with the griffin leader, Stormguard.

“That motherfucker…”

You’re released into a small room, “This will act as your personal chambers for the present time.” They close the door behind them, an audible clank ensuring the door is locked. You pull on the handles fruitlessly. Seems you’ll be stuck here for the time being. You knew this was too good to be true. Your brother had to interfere once again, and this time it wasn’t for the better. There’s no sense in trying to find a way out. Instead you do the only thing you can do when you’re awake. Practice.

You draw your sword and take up your position. The most basic things yield the largest results. At least, you hope that’s true. The strain you felt in the past weeks has lessened dramatically, but you’re still far from done with your training. You cut the air, starting out your session.

You fall back on your bed, sweat drenched on your shirtless body. It’s been a couple hours and there’s no sign of activity. Exhausted from your practice session you close your eyes and fall into a deep sleep, an ominous presence already taking form in your mind. ”Failing in a matter of minutes? Tragic really.” He stands across from you in the void that smug fucking smile infuriating you.

“You sabotaged me with that mole of yours!”

He chuckles lightly, wiping a tear from his eye. ”You think her a mole? No, they know of her allegiance to me. They simply don’t care.” He crosses the void and walks over to you. “I’m just upping the ante.”

“You want him to surrender to you? They’re warriors.”

”Stormguard is wise and powerful, but he knows he cannot win.”

“You say you want me to challenge you, but then you cut me off before I can begin. Which one do you want?!”

”I want you to prove yourself. My actions did not sway him in the slightest. I merely offered an alternative.”

“Then what do you want me to do?”

His form slowly fades away, “When the floodgates are broken, jump into the raging tides. Only then will he join you.”

“I don’t have time for your riddles. What do you mean?”

”Be polite now, you have company.” You stir from your sleep, a griffin standin by the door.

”Why come to us for help?” he asks. You recognize his voice, Stormguard’s voice.

“My lord,” you bow your head instinctively, “I apologize for-“

”Do not make me repeat myself,” he walks towards you, your sword still tight in your hand. You drop it to the floor.

“The enemy of my enemy…”

”That does not make us a friend,” he swiftly replies. So he does see them as foes after all. You had hoped as much.

“If it were your people in my place, what would you say then?”

”My answer would be unchanged,” he answers walking to the other side of the room, his entire body in view. ”For you see,” he says softly, turning back and sitting on his flank, “They too are my people.”

“You… what?”

“Hippogriff, the bastard child of a griffon and mare, or so I’m told. A creation with potential bar none, excluding your kind.”

“If you’re half p0ny, then you must feel something for our cause. Help us.”

His sigh is defeated as is his posture, “I cannot. Doing so would doom both halves of my bloodline. I simply cannot do as you ask.” He walks to you and places a talon on your shoulder, “I came here so you can understand. I will do whatever it takes for my people to survive, but not if it comes with our death.”

“I- understand… I didn’t know how close this hit you at home.”

”You couldn’t have known. You are free to walk around as you will. I’ll have the guards unlock your door.” He stops at the open door, “And do put a shirt on. You look ridiculous.”

Stormguard leaves, and you hastily dry yourself off and slip your shirt back on. You came all this way for nothing after all. If he can make lasting peace with your brother, then maybe…

”You going to stay in your room all day,” a voice booms out from the hall. You step outside and smile, shaking the minotaur’s hand.

“What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t allowed in the city.”

”Correction, p0nies aren’t allowed, and the last time I checked I only had two hooves.”

“Good to hear.” He takes you down the hall, the griffins still watching you.

”So how’d the negotiations go?”

“Not well.”

”Figures, the griffons never took to kindly to p0nies.” You explain how this isn’t the case, detailing his heritage. “He wants to save who he can? Admirable.”

“But foolish. Hope has blinded him to the truth.” You work your way outside to the courtyard overlooking the city.

”There are others we can employ. We can move back to Equestria and-“

“And what? Equestria has fallen. There’s nothing left back there.”

”Then what do you suggest we do? Twiddle our thumbs and wait?”

“When the floodgates are broken, throw yourself into the raging tides. Only then…”

”Who said that?”

“An old friend.” You spend the next few nights inside the city. Iron Will slept with the rest of the group to ensure they didn’t do anything stupid. Soarin doesn’t change. Stormguard stayed true to his word and offered his protection to your band of refugees. They aren’t allowed in the walls, but it’s for their own protection.

You’re in another session with Iron Will, practicing out in the courtyard, “Again.” You plunge forward, Iron Will stepping out of the way. Now you’re able to see him pissing on your efforts. ”You fight like a brute, all strength and no finesse. Focus on speed, and then you can worry about force. Again!” You plunge forward, your sword clanging against the floor. “Am I wasting my time? Fight!” He’s pissed you off one too many times.

You stab forwards with a miss and follow him with another swipe, missing again. You step in and slash, your sword stopping. You… hit him. He smiles down at you, “Good job kid.” He twirls his axe, ripping the sword out of your hands and pressing the blade against your neck, “but don’t get cocky.”

You shove away the axe and take your sword back happily. A griffon comes to the two of you. ”Sir, Lord Stormguard has requested your presence.”

“Alright, just let me get washed up.”

”Now sir.” You put your hands up playfully.

“Whatever you say boss.”

You and Iron Will follow him into the throne room. Gilda and Stormgaurd are already there waiting for you. He motions you two to come closer. Something’s wrong, you can feel it. Gilda has that look… He locks eyes with you, “I’m sorry it has come to this.” He nods to the guards. Their talons dig into your arms as they force you down.

”Hero, by the order of Anonymous you are hereby under arrest,” Gilda says, the griffins locking your wrists in a pair of manacles.

Iron Will speaks up, “You have no authority here! We are under the protection of griffin law!”

“I thought you were better than this,” you say to Stormguard. He doesn’t look at you.

”I will do what is necessary to save my people Anon.”

“I understand.”

The doors to the throne room burst open, a squad of white knights pouring in, an armored Pegasus at the front. ”Gilda!” she shouts. “Get this vile prisoner ready for transport. We move within the hour.”

Her talons pierce your shoulder, a stream of blood coating her claws, “Roger that Dash.” You clench your teeth as she twists her claws inside your flesh. He did what he had to… it’s not his fault. The Pegasus walks past you, giggling at your displeasure and bows to Stormguard, “Anonymous sends his regards. He wished to have been here in person.”

”I fulfilled my end of the deal, I presume you will do the same.”

”You’re in no position to make demands. Anonymous may recognize your power, but I do not.” She looks to her knights, their signature bows at the ready. It’s a long way from Anor Londo.

”Take the big guy, we’ll get the rest on our way out.” Shadowguard does not look happy, “You said they’d be left at the city under my supervision.”

”I am altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.” This seems very familiar.

Stormguard stands up, towering over the Pegasus. He looks around the room to his guards, then back to the Pegasus, “Deal’s off.”

”I was hoping you’d say that,” she swings at the hippogriff, Stormguard catching her hoof with ease, “That makes two of us.”

He throws her back to her guards, the Pegasus fuming, “Get him out of here!”

Iron Will slams his fist against Gilda’s head and pulls you to the side. The griffins close in on the group, “Last chance to walk away.”

”Draw.” The knights draw their bows in unison, aiming at the guards. She sets her sight on the hippogriff, ready to charge. “FIRE!” The battle begins, arrows sailing through the air. The griffins fly around them, one not so lucky, dying on impact. The Pegasus charges at Stormguard. She moves at lightning speed, but he moves all the faster, blocking attack after attack with ease.

“When the floodgates are broken…”

You stammer to your feet and run into the battlefield, “ANON!” Iron Will shouts after you.

“Throw yourself into the raging tides.”

You sprint towards the group of knights whom are fending off a flock of griffins. A knight falls to the ground, overwhelmed from the swarm and is torn apart, his screams of pain fading out as he dissolves. You tackle a knight, only managing to push him back, but it’s enough for the others to take him down. Something pulls you back forcefully and rolls you onto your stomach. The iron binding your hands is cut in two. “Don’t get yourself killed now.”

You thank Iron Will, picking up your sword. Time to see where the tide takes you. You plunge your sword deep into an unaware knight’s backside, dealing critical damage. Its lifeless corpse falls to the floor, fizzling away moments later. They begin dropping like flies, the wave of griffins tearing them apart.

You find Stormguard knocking the Pegasus back, but behind him, that bitch Gilda is working around him. Iron Will sees this too, and the two of you nod in agreement. He grabs you around the waist and pulls you above his shoulder. ”Arms and legs straight, sword forward.” You know the drill, you’ve only done it… zero times.

“Don’t miss,” you say as he gets a running start.

”I won’t.” He throws you onwards towards the oncoming griffin.

You fly just overhead of Stormguard, the griffin lunging behind him. “Say hello to my lil’ friend!” You spear into her chest, knocking the two of you away. Gilda gets caught under your weight, your sword penetrating her chest and into her lungs.

”Gilda!” the Pegasus screams with… sadness. She dodges Storm’s next attack, flying to her friend. She bucks you over, kneeling beside her. ”Don’t you dare leave now. Don’t you even think about it.”

Gilda coughs up blood, still somehow smiling at her. ”I never thought you *cough* were a flip-flop…”

The two lock talon and hoof, their heads pressing against each others. ”You’re gonna make it. Anonymous can-“ Gilda’s pained cough stops her.

”Get out of here Rainbow Dash. *cough cough* Too late for me.”

”I’m not leaving you here. Not again.” The knights retreat to the door, barely holding off any more attacks. You fumble trying to get up, falling flat on your face. Gilda smiles up at Dash, “Junior speedsters *cough* are our lives.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes well up, “Sky-bound soars and daring dives.”

”Junior speedsters… it’s- *cough* our quest. To some day be the very best,” they say in unison.

Gilda’s eyes close, “Get there for me Dash.”

”Gilda?” She pats her feathers, tears falling down her face. “I’m sorry.” With one brief hug she soars out of the room, the knights fighting until her escape.

The griffins move to make chase, Stormguard halting them, “She is no longer a threat. Attend to the dead and wounded.” They don’t refute their orders. Stormguard helps you to your feet, “You did not need to help me hero.”

“I know, but I didn’t want to watch you get hurt.”

”Instead it seems you hurt the infamous Rainbow Dash. Not an easy task, bringing her to tears.”

“My only intention was to keep you safe.”

He nods, Iron Will walking up to you two.

”Do not think this sways my mind young hero. I will not fight this war for you.”

“I understand sir.” He places his talon on your again.

”But that does not mean we will not help.”

”So you’ll…”

”We will aid you in this war, buy only if you can gather more for your cause.” You’re excited. Things turned out far better than you had hoped.

“Yes sir. Of course. Where do you think we should go next?”

”This is your quest to undertake, not mine child. I have things I must attend to in the meantime.”

He escorts you two to the door. ”However I believe your burly friend may have a clue as to where to go next.”

You look to Iron Will questionably. He looks back, “What?”

“You have something you want to say?”

”I just… I never expected things to make it this far. We’ve been on the losing end for the past few years, and this… it doesn’t seem possible.”

“There’s no such thing as bad luck, besides you got me now, the fabled hero. Pfft, yeah right. The one who can barely hold his own in a fight.”

”I don’t know if you noticed, but I wasn’t the one who convinced them to help us. It wasn’t Soarin, or Cadence, or anyone else. You did that.”

“Still can’t fight for shit.”

”A hero transcends the physical, but you’ll get there. Our little sessions will see to that.”

“Yeah right, little.” You walk outside, the snow having stopped for now. “So what’d he mean back there about you having a clue?”

Iron Will spruces up a little, “Well, I never thought about it before, but we’re so close now.”

“You going to dance around the question or answer it?”

”We’re in the center of griffin territory right? Well, to the north of that is another set of land that we could use.”

“Still dancing.”

”Anon, I think we should go there.”

“And where exactly is ‘there?’”

Iron Will pauses, looking over the distant mountains and to the rolling plains beyond, “Home.”

Meanwhile in Canterlot… “The home of the minotaurs? Interesting. I never thought about them before. Strong in combat, skilled at their forge. Perfect.”

”Ms. Rarity is here to see you Anonymous.” Ugh, not her again. She is so boring.

“Very well.”

Rarity strides up to meet you, “Nice to see you again. I have come to-“

“Not changing the uniform.”

”But whyyyyy?!”

“Annoying me now,” you snap your fingers, a flash of light bursting around Rarity. Much more tolerable now. You can’t stop her once she gets started. “You doing alright there squidity?” She squeaks frantically. You’ll take that as a yes.

The doors burst open and Rainbow Dash storms through. “So everything went according to plan?”

”Gilda… she didn’t make it.”

“Good, never liked her anyways.”

”She was my friend!”

“Friendship is dead. You know it, I know it, all of Equestria knows it.”

”Give me my army. Let me crush them now.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that. I don’t want you spoiling my fun.”

”You think this is a motherbucking game?”

“Yes,” you say seriously.

”You…” She shakes her head painfully, griping onto it with her hooves.

“I didn’t know you had any fight left in you. Let your Anonymous help.”

”STAY AWAY FROM ME!” she screams, flying out the door. Meh, she’ll be back. Bitches always come back to Anonymous.

“Twiley? Send in my entertainment.”

”Snips and Snails, you’re up.” The two fillies hustle out to the center of the stage.

”Alright, and a one and a two and a-“

“To the rancor pit.” You press a button, the two falling to their demise. Now where is your muffin button?