• Member Since 13th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 2nd, 2020


My stories are converted from greentext, so take that into account. Also all my characters name's are Anon. It's an /mlp/ thing.


  • TDead Anon
    Following the events of Hero Anon, a long-dead hero finds himself amongst the living once more. Anon will do what he must to fulfill an old promise.
    Bastinator · 37k words  ·  31  7 · 1.6k views

This story is a sequel to Anon in Equestria

Following off of Anon in Equestria, a human is summoned into Equestria to fight a monstrous threat, but the human they chose isn't a fighter. In fact, he's not what they expect at all when they discover his relationship to their villain.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 24 )

Wow. Another story. Please tell me you're c/ping these from over on /mlp/, because this is just absurd.

I converted them from greentext and then spammed them in at once. Expect the update list to be hit tomorrow.

The pacing in this made it feel like it's supposed to be a cracks fic. But I guess not?

If that means what I think it means, then no, it's not.

Edit: I am surprised that this story has as many negative views as it does. I mean, it's not my best story, but it's also not my worst.

3510727 I think it's because, literally in the first chapter, you dumped what should have been at least 4 chapters worth of content.

I can see where you're coming from. I personally wanted it to go fast so I could get into the parts I wanted to write, which isn't a very good strategy in hindsight.

When I heard husks I was like is this an me3 reference? When he said right trigger and video game I was like yeah this is my new favorite story. :pinkiehappy:

Holy shit I wonder if they will come back from the racor pit all like anakin skywalker shit or something

this chapter made chaos anon seem a lot less of an ass. And can someone explain to me what a burur is? The Windigo seem awesome.

Fucking Jawas. find it odd that I am named after that movie. Great chapterĀ”

A Burer is an enemy from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. They're ugly telekinetic bastards that can mimic the sound of a child to lure their prey.

This chapter has officially given me mindfuck times two. I never expected vinyl to die and especially to anon. and anon lied. my assumptions come up to that good anon will turn bad. I guess I will just have to read and see.

wow. just just wow. I remember this part from colonial marine in equestria, but I never thought that anon and anonomymous would be beating each other in front of the marine. my mind is entirely as satisfied as it can be right now. I can't wait to see what's next. but let me get this straight the evil end to anon in equestria links to this story, but the good end to it links to this end?

Indeed. When I did the sequel, I wanted there to be a miscommunication between them. To Hero Anon, Anonymous killed him and all he cared for, but to Anonymous, Anon is going crazy, accusing him of crimes he never committed.

3531137 The Burur if im not mistaken is a enemy from the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Series,Specifically radiation mutated psychic midgets that can kill you with their mind quite easy if you arnt wearing the proper gear,generally the best tactic for fighting them in the games is to rush them with a shotgun,As their melee attacks tend to be easier to get armor for than their psy-attacks (Correct me if im wrong,Its been a while since i played a stalker game)

3531513 Again,Shotgun rushing is the best way ive found to deal with the fucks

I am sorry I only read 2 chapters but it gave me too many feelings of wanting to kill some random person and for a truck driver that is a very bad thing so i will not be reading the rest but good writing and story telling in the chapters I did read.:twilightsheepish:

So I instilled feelings of anger or rage in my fellow man? Christmas comes early this year!

I'm missing something here..aren't I?
._. Time to read more.

worst ending ever...After all that....then everyone died the end

Oh damn. I read the greentext version of this over three years ago. That ending hit me like a ton of bricks, and left me depressed for an entire day. Maybe I'll get around to reading the prequel and sequel(s) for this, since this is one of the stories that really left an impression on me early on in the fandom.

i don't get it, what happened to anon? I mean i'm pretty sure he's home in earth but how? why?

Was there any inspiration from the "Wanderings of non-brony" ?
If no then go read it (with the prequel though) beacuse this here looks so similar.

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