• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 2,027 Views, 24 Comments

Hero Anon - Bastinator

Following off of Anon in Equestria, a human is summoned into Equestria to fight a monstrous threat, but the human they chose isn't a fighter. In fact, he's not what they expect at all when they discover his relationship to their villain.

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Chapter 6: Change of Scenery

Breeze disappears into the clouds leaving you with Dash. You pick up your sword and shield off the rough tundra. She’s still unconscious, but putting your finger to her neck proves that she’s still alive. It’ll take a few hours for her to wake up you wager, and you debate whether to leave her there. She’ll bring more than enough problems, and that’s just if you allow her to live. You know you’re going to regret this, but your mother taught you better.

She’s lighter than you thought. You sheathe your sword, Rainbow Dash plopped atop your shoulder. You set out west where Breeze pointed. If they already left the city then they’ve got a plan as well. Next Stop… wherever the hell they’re going.

The frozen plains are left behind as you proceed into more rocky terrain. You’re surprised that Rainbow Dash hasn’t woken up yet, but you have ways to deal with that. You come upon a stream, the water’s a bit shallow, but you’ll make do. Grabbing onto her torso you chuck her into the pool, watching as she flails about. She sees that she isn’t dead yet and looks to you, “Did we-?”

“Yeah we did, and I use the term ‘we’ very loosely.”

She steps out of the waters edge and shakes herself dry. ”We still did it though. That’s good news right?” You don’t give her an answer and begin walking back towards the horizon. ”So are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

“I’m going back to my group. Now that you’re awake you can leave.”

”I’m coming with you.”

“Your call.” She tags along for the time being. Due to the Windigoes help you are much more sparing with your rations, though they’re still a bit chilly. It hits nightfall and you have no intention of resting, neither does Dash. You’re curious as to why she’s following you, and you’re also curious as to why you’re letting her still. You see little orange dots up ahead, the lights from your group’s camp. Dash listens as you tell her to shut up and let you do the talking.

The last thing you want to happen when you arrive is for a fight to break out. You spot the griffons circling overhead, silently observing the landscape. When they get sight of you they immediately head back to camp to inform the others. Seems you’re going to get a welcome party.

Dash stays behind you as you enter camp, the others standing at attention. They salute as you pass, to which you return in earnest. Their expressions change to one of anger when they spot Rainbow Dash. She scoots closer to you, unable to escape their deathly gaze. You walk into the commander’s tent, the leader trio already inside. Vinyl rushes over and hugs you, you holding her tight. “I missed you.”

“Me too.”

She pulls back and punches you in the face, “That’s for not telling me you were leaving.” You rub your jaw but can’t help but grin. She still cares. Iron Will and Soarin shake your hand, “Good to see you up and at it. I assume you were successful?”

“Great success.”

”This is going swimmingly, we’ll be able to take back Equestria from Anonymous in no time.” Speaking of Anonymous… “Before you get too worked up, there’s someone I think you should meet.”

”And who might that be?” Vinyl perks up. The tent’s flap opens, Rainbow Dash entering in beside you.

“Rainbow Dash.” All eyes focus on her, the three of them speechless. “I understand you’ve met before.”

”What in the hay were you thinking bringing her here?”

“Chill Soarin. She won’t do us any harm.”

Iron Will whistles, “She certainly won’t.” Two minotaurs squeeze inside, likely some troops Kamos graciously tasked to join us.

Vinyl glares at the Pegasus, “Take this mare out back and tie her up.”

“Hold on a minute-“

“Don’t test me Anon,” she snaps. The guards acknowledge and grab onto her. She doesn’t struggle or put up a fight, only following.

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

”With us? Do you have any idea who that is?”

“Yeah I do.”

Soarin cuts in, “Anon has a reason to bring her here? Right?”

“He always does,” Iron Will agrees.

“Look, I found Dash-“

”He’s calling her by a nickname already? She isn’t your friend Anon.”

“Can I finish Vinyl?” you retort angrily. You take her silence as a yes. “I found her out there in the wastes. I don’t know why she was there, but she offered to help me find what I was looking for.”

”She was trying to get close to you, and it worked.” Your glare shuts her up again.

“I don’t know why, but I don’t think she wants to fight us anymore.”

”Do you have any proof?”

“I have my intuition, and that’s enough for me.”

”I know Rainbow Dash, knew more like it,” Soarin says, “And I have to say that I feel the same way as Anon.”

”You can’t be serious. She’s an agent of Anonymous. This is just what she wants.”

”I agree with Anon and Soarin.”

Her frustration peaks off, “I can’t believe I’m hearing this.”

”I still think it’d be best to keep her restrained for the time being,” Iron looks to you, “Just in case.”

“A necessary precaution, understandable.”

“I’ll set up a guard rotation to watch her,” Soarin adds.

”You- I- Ugh!” Vinyl storms out back to her tent. You’ll probably have to find somewhere else to sleep tonight.

The three of you touch up on past events, including what they were doing outside the city. Seems they had gotten word of another group much like ours out west, and were en route to join forces. They’re led by some stallion called Big Mac, but you’re pretty sure they don’t have McDonalds in Equestria so that could be anyone, just not a giant burger, which is disappointing. Soarin stays to organize the flight schedules and other tasks, Iron Will and yourself going outside to continue training.

You tell him about the creatures you fought and your journey. He knew nothing about the monsters, but knew something about those weird crystals. ”Blood Stones if I remember right. Dad had a small stash years back, they’re rare as hell, most are inert nowadays, but enough geology. Let’s get to it.” He swings swiftly before you have a chance to draw your sword, but you duck and draw before he can get to you again.

You’ve gotten a lot better due to his training, but he still manages to outmaneuver you at every turn. Still though, your progress these past few months has been astonishing. It’s amazing what happens when you exert yourself fully. He catches your arm midswing and gradually pushes it up, “You have to do better than that.”

“I am,” you sacrifice your sword hand and step forward, wrapping your foot around his back hoof and pushing.

”Whoa whoa-“ he stumbles backwards, letting go of your arm. He falls on his butt, dumbstrick. “Where the hell did you learn to do that?”

“Wrestling with my older brother.”

”Sneaky bastard. Wish I could meet him.”

You turn pale. “No you don’t.”

”Get away from me.” You hear Dash’s voice echo across camp, “I’m warning you.”

”What’s going on?” You sheathe your blade and track her down. She’s tied to a tree, her wings pinned to her side, painfully so.

”We promise it’ll feel good for you too,” one of the guards says trying to get behind her. You step in before things get out of hand.

“Something you plan on doing to our guest?”

”She’s a prisoner sir. Prisoners get treated like prisoners.” Dash is shaking nervously, but tries to stay composed. You can tell she’s scared.

“I think you need to take the night off.”

”I’m not leaving until I’ve had a little fun.”

You reveal the blade of your sword, keeping your eyes on him. “What part of that involves getting put in your place?” Now it’s his turn to shake.

”No- none sir. I’m off,” he splits, Dash thanking you with her eyes.

“I think it’d be best if I watch over her,” you look to Iron Will, “Just in case.”

“Necessary precaution?”

“I just don’t trust most of the troops.”

”You owe me a training session.”

“Yeah yeah, sure.” He moves off into camp, leaving you with Rainbow Dash.

”You didn’t have to help me,” she tries to boast but can’t subdue the fear in her voice. You nestle yourself next to the tree she’s tied to.

“I know.” You wouldn’t be a good person if you let that bastard have his way. Sleep is that much sounder with a clear conscience.


The void you find yourself in is as dark as you remember. Ever since you’ve talked with the Windigoes your brother hasn’t been contacting you as much anymore. You never enjoyed your chats, but it at least gave you something else to do. A form begins to materialize after a while of waiting. “It’s about time you showed up. What do you want?”

”I want to end this charade.” That voice… it isn’t your brother.

“Who are you?”

A unicorn stares back at you, purple fur with an almost nerd-like mane, but the air about her proves to be anything but. ”I am Twilight Sparkle, and this ends here and now.” An itch hits the back of your skull, “It starts small, an ununreachable sensation without consequence.” You grasp at your skull, “But it’s just the beginning. It intensifies, almost as if a rock is ground into your skin.”


”Anonymous has taught me many things. Take note of the pressure as it expands, spreading lower to your back.” It hurts… What is this? “Picture the knife as it begins to cut deeper into your flesh. The acute sweetness of your blood as it runs down your spine.” You grip your clothing as every word becomes reality, feeling the blood escaping you. ”Your flesh sears, the inferno licking you with its frenzy.”

“You... You’ll pay…”

She lifts your chin up and stares into your eyes, “I don’t think so.”

The surroundings flare into a sage green, “Enough!” Pain floods your body as you’re pulled out of your nightmarish sleep.


The thought of that night still haunts you, but the event only worsened when you awoke. Everything she said, every excruciating torture you succumb to, was real. The cuts, blood, fire, all of it. She would’ve killed you if your brother hadn’t interfered. He’s many things and you have a lot to hate him for, but he saved your life. You stick next to Rainbow Dash for the week, and… it’s not as bad as you thought it would be. She boasted, sure, but there was an almost fatigued tone in her voice, as if she wished for another tale to tell.

Vinyl still didn’t trust her, and she had no reason to as far as you were concerned. But she took it out not only on you and her, but everyone. It was like how Soarin acted when he first met you. Hopefully that means that she’ll eventually warm up to her.


You loosen the straps constricting her wings, brushing underneath her folds. As a part of guarding her you also had to clean her, and you’ve seen how long it takes for Soarin to clean himself. He talked about how sensitive their wings were, and you’re seeing the effects firsthand. Thankfully Dash is being mature about it. You finish the task after almost half an hour of constant grooming, and you still haven’t been able to attend to yourself yet. Whatever, there’s time for that later. The camp gets ready to move on and you decide to leave the straps off and undo her manacles.

She won’t run away, you don’t think anyways. You have to stay with her regardless for her own safety. Vinyl stops and gives the two of you a look. ”She’s your baggage. You fall behind, and you’re on your own.” She really is taking this hard.

You keep her beside you as you head to the front of the pack, the other ponies giving her fleeting glances. ”We should be getting close.”

Iron Will leads you as he overlooks the map. “Odd…”

“What is it?”

”Nothing it’s just… We’ve been following the path for a while now, and I can’t shake the feeling that something’s off here.” You look around, a few trees scattered amongst the rock. You feel it too, like you’re being watched. A small pile of rocks roll down the hill, hushed voices muttering amongst themselves.

“We aren’t alone.” You look down a narrow tunnel, a hooded figure with glowing eyes peeking out and disappearing behind the boulders. You recognize the creatures and chuckle to yourself. “Fucking Jawas. We’ve got nothing to worry about. They’re harmless, unless we have droids.”

”Droids?” You think about trying to explain, but save yourself the trouble. Rainbow seems to understand you however, likely from her time with Anonymous. The foliage thickens more as you keep onward, but even now you can’t seem to find the second group. Camp is formed in a clearing and groups are formed to try and locate the others. You volunteer to lead the first group and Dash joins in with you. A few more volunteer as well, giving you a small group of around seven. Iron Will supplies you with his map, circling the places they would most likely be. You say goodbye to Vinyl, but she brushes you off, again. There’s no winning with her, so it seems best not to try. You tighten your sheathe around your waist and set off into the woods.

You press into the northern region where the more mountainous area is. They could’ve left for high ground; it’s what you would do. Dash keeps her eyes peeled for anything suspicious, but it’s impossible to tell where danger would be. About an hour into your patrol the hushed chanting begins. The others in your group are skittish, constantly jumping at the slightest noise. It doesn’t help that the noises echo through the rocky walls. “Guys, you really need to relax, they’re just jawas. If anything they’d want to trade with us.”

”I don’t know Anon,” Rainbow Dash says, “They’ve really taken a liking to us.”

“And what do you mean by that?”

”It means that they’ve been following us for a while.”

“How do you know that?”

”Intuition.” Good enough for you.

You draw your sword and raise your shield. “We’re heading back.” You go back the way you came, not wanting to spend anymore time here.

”They’ve got us surrounded.” Their chatter increases, the midgets hidden amongst the rocks.

“They’re jumpy, they’ll let us go if we assert ourselves.” You move up the incline to the top of the hill, this is starting to get to-

”OOTINI!” You seize and convulse as a godly amount of electricity courses through you, amplified by your armor. The current is too much for you to take and you collapse backwards.

“Fuck. Jawas…”


You roll onto your side, your eyes adjusting to the lack of light. The stone floor scrapes against your bare back, some old wounds opening back up. ”Please stay still Anon.” You look into the darkness to find her face looking down on you.

“V-vinyl? Where are we?”

She pets you with her hoof, “I found you out like a light and dragged you to safety. I hope you’re okay.”

“What-” you cringe, “happened to the others? Are they alright? Are they safe?”

She looks down, “I’m afraid they didn’t make it.” Her words are sympathetic as are her tears, but…

“Rainbow Dash got out right? She had to get away.”

”She didn’t make it either.” She sniffles before lying next to you, “I’m just glad you’re okay.” Vinyl wouldn’t say that, she hated her. You push up against the rock wall and get to your feet. ”You really should stay down, let me take care of you.” You’re a lot of things, but a sucker isn’t one of them.

“Where’s my armor? Where’s my sword?”

”I took them off to dress your wounds, please stay still.” Like hell you will. You stagger over to your equipment she placed nearby, pulling your sword up. ”Anon, why won’t you listen to me? Stay with me.”

“Why don’t I listen?” you ask. You grab her by the neck and pin her against the wall, sword cutting into her neck, “Because you aren’t Vinyl.” She struggles to get free, kicking at your exposed stomach, but you’re tougher than a pony.

”Why Anon? Why are you-“

“Shut up! Where are the others?” You press the sword a tad deeper, the blood dripping down the blade.

”I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she gasps. You pull your sword away and knee her in the gut, “Please…”

“Tell me where they are! Don’t lie to me!” You strike her jaw, closed fist to add the extra pain, the act becoming too much for her to bear. You place the tip of your sword onto her chest as she lies on the floor wheezing. “One more chance. Tell me what I want to know or I’ll run you through.”

”Please… hurts…” Her eyes flutter shut and she lies limp. You reel backwards as her skin bubbles over and shifts into a sheer black. Insect-like wings sprout from her back, her horn withering with the rest of her body. You sit closer, inspecting her prominent canines. She’s a shapeshifter, and a strange one at that. For now she’s out, which gives you the chance to escape and look for everyone else.

The steel scrapes your wounded back eliciting a grunt, but soon enough you’re back and ready to go. You head outside into the tunnel, the cavern jutting out into different directions. The sounds of a scuffle catches your attention and you rush to its origin. What you find makes you pause. ”HIYA!” Rainbow Dash smashes her hoof into… you? She pounds him in the gut, your gut, whoever… leaving him a bumbling mess on the floor.

“Go easy on me, it’s my first time.”

She glares at you and prepares herself, “How do I know you’re really you?”

“Intuition if I recall.”

She relaxes with a nervous chuckle, “I guess you’re right, this guy wasn’t quite as lucky.” She kicks the body, now reverted back to his original form. ”Why didn’t you tell us we were in Changeling territory?”


She gets that you’re new here so she gives you a crash-course on them, feeding off of others and a bunch of other mojo. You strap her back into her armor and move out to try and find the others. They have to be close, it’s just a matter of time. Dash and you systematically clear room for room, kicking ass and taking names. They were always in pairs, one team member with one changeling, but it wasn’t just your team, there were others as well. You find other ponies in here with you, likely survivors from the second team, but also some rather interesting creatures.

She called them Diamond Dogs, natives to Equestria, driven out during your brother’s reign. Apparently they’d taken up arms against him after a scuffle they’d had. You’re not going to complain. More troops to call your own is all. The dogs lead the way in the caves, their vision naturally adapted to the dark recesses of the earth. They say you’re getting close to their leader, Big Mac.

You overhear voices coming from Mac’s room, “It feels so good to give in, don’t fight it.” You step towards the entrance, three changelings inside. Two were like the others you had fought, but the middle one… she was different. ”I can be any pony you want. There’s no sense struggling.”

”Like hay I’ll give in to you monsters…”

She holds her head, “Oh you wound me.” She laughs, “Playing tough won’t save you.”

He sees you and grins, “Think again.” One of the guards turn around just in time to see you knock him out. The other swivels around and charges.

“Shoryuken!” He falls backwards, KOed by your attack. The large changeling turns her head and smiles.

”So the fabled hero comes to my home at last. It has been an age since I last met your kind, too long.”

A wall of flame blocks the red stallion in his cell as she steps towards you, her eyes a pair of shimmering emeralds. ”Do not be afraid child. Let your queen embrace you.” You plant your foot back and grasp your sword as the others move away. “You’re just like him, a bit shorter but you have that unmistakable fire in your eye. Tell me, what is your name?”

“Anon, and I shall not falter.” You say that, but as she closes in you find yourself stricken with Rigor Mortis. She presses her horn against your head, eyes locked with yours.

”I wouldn’t expect anything less my dear.” Another spout of flames engulfs the two of you and drag you down into the floor. They’re so warm- so… comfortable… Rainbow Dash strikes the flickering barrier, but for nothing. She continues to fight, disappearing from view.


You shake your head feverishly as you come to your senses, an intoxicating odor overpowering your slumber. ”About time you woke up. I remember heroes being more resilient than that.” Across from the table sits your captor, the female changeling in Mac’s cell. You attempt to stand, your actions hindered by a trio of hands pinning you down. They look just like you, strength the same as well. “Your hands are far more useful than hooves, but we make do.” Food is laid out across the table. You’ve got veggies like carrots and potatoes as well as a plate of rich red apples, but sitting in the middle is something that makes your mouth water. Succulent and savory meat…

”We changelings do not require such trivial things to survive, but I recall your kind enjoying this assortment of sustenance.” Damn right humans do. It looks so good, you could just… “Feel free to help yourself. I think we got off to a bad start. I am Chrysalis, queen of the changelings. Anon, correct? Your brother has been quite busy.” Your hand freezes, “Please Anon, I am not naïve. I have my sources.”

“Fair enough,” you pull a slab of meat from the center, the scarlet juices mixing with your vegetables. Oh lord this shit is good.

”I was afraid my skills had gotten rusty over the past several hundred years. It is good to see they have remain unhindered by time.” You recall your situation and stop eating. She catches your drift, “I mean you no harm hero. If I did, you wouldn’t be here right now.”

“How did I even get here? The last thing I remember is getting shocked by those Jawas.”

”You mean the cloaked midgets? They have certainly been a pest around here lately thanks to your brother, but to the point. They took you to us in good faith in exchange for some odds and ends.”

“They like the weirdest things.”

”Indeed.” You continue eating, the food too good to pass up.

“Where’s the rest of my team then?”

“They’re headed this way. Diamond Dogs have a good nose after all.”

“Then maybe you should leave while you have the chance. They’re not going to be quite as fearful this time.”

“They will not harm me, not like they could anyways.”

“And why is that exactly?”

She stands up, “Because you’re going to make them.” You choke on your food, a firm smack dislodging the hunk out of your throat.

“You better have a good reason for me to do that.”

She nods and looks to the hall, “Come. Walk with me.” The guards allow you to stand and follow her. They stay with you until Chrysalis speaks, “Alone.”

”Yes my queen,” they stay at their post. You and Chrysalis walking outside.

”I knew one of your kind at one point dear Anon. He was a weakling when we first met, weaker than you are now. He tried to fight me, failing of course, but he had guts.”

“So that’s how you know so much about me?”

She nods, “I spared his life in a moment of weakness, and he vowed to face me again. Two years past as he fought my forces out of Equestria. It was astonishing the level of power he had gained in that time.”

“So what happened?”

”He came for me in my home,” she ushers you into the next chamber, “In this very room. We fought for what felt like hours, but when the chips were down I came out on top. The hero had failed.”

“Not exactly a happy ending.”

”The story did not end there. I had grown… infatuated with him, it was a strange feeling. I gave him a choice, he could die here and allow Equestria to fall.”


”I would withdraw, if he stayed with me.”

“And he chose the latter.”

She smiles, “He was cold at first, but he soon found himself enjoying my company. We spent many years together. Many good years…” She has a sad tinge in her voice as she reminisces about her past. “All good things must come to an end however.” You run your hand across the stone walls where they joined together. They were happy. “Anon fell deathly ill, his heart failing him. Even with all my power I was unable to cure him of his ailment. I traveled in secret across Equestria and beyond in search for anything to save him. I failed.” She moves to her bedside and draws a small box from under the bed.

”He said he would find a way back, no matter the cost he would come back to me. That was so long ago…”

“I’m sure he’s still trying.”

“No, he’s long gone by now, just another soul at peace. He deserves as much.” She opens the box and pulls out a small silver necklace joined with a ruby pendant. You sit down beside her as she gazes into the crystal. “This is the only thing I have left of him.” She looks at you, holding out the necklace, “I want you to have it.”

“Me?” You take hold of the gift and bring it closer, the ruby sparkling in your grasp.

”He used it to even the odds with me in battle. The necklace shields the wearer’s mind from outside threats. Invaluable, but by those marks I saw on your back I say you could use it.” You slip the necklace over your head. The ruby hums as it cleanses your mind, and for the first time in these past few months do you truly feel safe.

“Thank you, but why? Why are you telling me any of this? I don’t understand.”

“My hero gave up everything to save Equestria. I will not let his death be in vain.” If what she says in true, then that must mean… ”Let me aid you in this fight. These caverns run deep with my kin, each as strong as their enemy.” Your comrades call for you down the halls as they get closer, their voices gaining strength. ”One chance.”

You stand up as your friends enter, “Anon. We’re here are you alright?” They spot Chrysalis behind you and ready themselves. Dash moves to the front and grinds her hoof into the stone, “We’ve got her.”

“Wait!” you raise your hand defensively and look back to Chrysalis, “She’s not a threat to anyone.”

”Anon do you have any idea who you’re dealing with?” You give Chrysalis a grin and walk to Dash.


Big Mac nods to you, “I think we should find a way out of here.”


”The surface isn’t far,” Chrysalis explains. “I can have my guards show you the way.”

“You’re helping us now?”

”No, I’m helping Anon.” The others leave it at that as a team of changelings escort you out. Twisting through the halls of the earth you finally get your first sign of daylight, the rays heating your parched skin. You breathe in the clean surface air and admire the gorgeous blue sky. ”Until next time hero.” The changelings disappear down in the tunnels below.


With the new additions from Big Mac’s group and the strength of a changeling army at your back, you’re sure this scouting trip turned out exceptionally well. You head back to camp, the wind brushing through the trees. ”So Anon, what in the hay happened back there?”

“Don’t know what you’re talking about RD.”

Big Mac sounds off, “That lady is as stubborn as they come. She just fell into your hands a bushel of apples after a nice buck.”

”What Big Mac said. What did you say to her?”

You hold the pendant she gave you, the warm pulse rocking through your arm. “It’s what she told me.”


Back in Canterlot… *smack* Twilight drops to her knees after your hearty slap. “Disobey me again and I’ll have your head.”

She gets to her hooves and glares back, “I’m finishing the job you’re not competent enough to handle.”

You being to squeeze the air out of her lungs with a motion of your hand. “Mind your manners. I gave you power, and I can strip it away.”

Her defiance only fuels your anger. You lighten up on her, “You don’t have the balls.” You drag her down to the floor and force you down to her knees.

“You force my hand. I offered you power and all you repay me with is your betrayal!” Her will weakens as you invade her mind, sucking out all you have given her. “You showed such promise. It’s a shame to lose you as well.” She bows her head as you absorb the last of her chaotic power. “Pinkie Pie?”

She zooms to your side in a flash, “Ahuh?”

“Place young Twilight here with the others. She is to be made an example of.”

She cocks her head to the side, “Sir?”

“Did I stutter Pinkamena?”

She moves to Twilight and grabs hold of her. ”I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be, the bitch had it coming.”

She shakes her head, “I wasn’t talking to her.” You move to stop her as she pounds the ground and confetti jets off blindingly in every direction. When the poppers clear the two of them are nowhere to be found.

“They’ll die… slow and painfully… Fluttershy!” She steps through the doors, quizzically looking at Pinkie’s aftermath. ”Take your men and scour the land for the wretched Pinkie and Twilight.”

“Engagement sir?”

“Bring them dead or alive.”

”Dead it is my lord…” She’s about to walk out.

“And Fluttershy,” she looks back, “Let Wuten have a little fun.”

”Aye aye my lord.” You sit down on your throne and rub your temples. Things couldn’t fuck up any worse if you were trying. Well, time to see what Anon’s up to. Maybe he got his ass beat again and will give you something else to think about.

Anon… Why can’t you sense him? This is impossible, he couldn’t be dead. You grip the sides of your throne, the stone shattering under your grasp. “No… No…” The sky’s darken above Canterlot, the epicenter of chaos.