• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 6,054 Views, 60 Comments

The Mane Six Chronicles Book 5: The Long Vacation - KorvasTerindar

Twilight Sparkle has been working herself into such a state of fatigue that Celestia has ordered her to take a five month vacation from her studies and has given Spike the assignment to ensure that Twilight relaxes. A lot can happen in five months.

  • ...

Chapter 11

Twilight sat on her bed, staring around her room. The room was quiet and suffused with a warm glow. Candles were lit and spaced at regular intervals adding a soft mood of romance that made Twilight's coat stand on end. She sighed and smoothed out the white night gown she was wearing and settled down on her bed. Her heart was fluttering in anticipation as her eyes drifted back towards the door.

Slowly, as if time stood still, the door handle turned. Spike walked in, a grin on his face as he spotted the woman he loved, shutting the door behind him. His heart was pounding madly, as he knew hers must be as well. They had come so far together and now, they had reached the peak. He walked over to the bed and slid down on it, gliding a claw along her cheek, causing a blushing smile to spread across her face. Spike leaned close and kissed her, his lips meeting hers sweetly and passionately. She let out a contented sigh and leaned back onto the bed, pulling Spike into her arms. Spike pulled away from the kiss and looked into Twilight's eyes. "I Love you."
Twilight Smiled and said, "I Love you too."
With this, they kissed again as Spike stroked her neck…

Twilight snapped awake with a grunt. Her mind was fogged with the intensity of her dreams. She blushed as she remembered the contents of the dream. It had been so intense, so…intimate. She shook her head and looked down at the book in her lap, a romance novel that she'd been given by Celestia. It was about a dragon consumed by greed that kidnapped a pony princess. Her strong heart burned through his greed and allowed him to return to normal, the two falling in love. She was convinced that this book was the direct cause of her dream. Twilight was also getting the strong feeling that Celestia wanted her to take her relationship with Spike to the next level, but she had never even that about it… Could she marry Spike?

The thought was both alien to her and endearing. She was unsure if she could marry the dragon, but she wanted to, of this she was sure. She got to her feet and returned the book to the book shelf. Regardless of her feeling in this matter were irrelevant, she couldn't just go ask Spike about this, it just wouldn't be proper. She returned to the couch and stretched out on it. She'd been confined to the living room since this morning, on Spike's orders no less.

He had told her he was going to do something extra special for her today, something that obviously involved cooking as he had not only confined her to the living room, but also had used magic to create a black barrier between the kitchen and the rest of the house. Even if she had wanted to know what exactly it was he was doing, she didn't want to ruin his surprise. She wasn't sure how much longer he was going to be in there and she hoped it wouldn't be much longer, she was very hungry.

Fortunately, she felt a shift in the air as the magic surrounding the kitchen archway dissipated. The tantalizing smell off several of her favorite foods wafted in from the kitchen and she felt her stomach writhing in anticipation of the meal ahead. She felt Spike slide down on the couch and she turned her head towards him, smiling broadly. He smiled back and proffered a bright red rose to her which she took, smelling it with exaggerated motions.

She summoned a vase with water and put the rose into it, positioning it in the middle of the table. She shifted around and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him in thanks. He smiled and returned the hug, allowing it to stretch on for a minute before pulling away gently. "Twilight, shall we go eat?"
She smiled broadly and nodded, "Yes! I'm starving!"

Spike nodded and pulled her to her hooves before instructing her to close her eyes. She did so, relying on Spike to guide her as she walked with him to the kitchen. The smell of food got stronger and stronger, causing her empty stomach to growl menacingly. Finally, when the smell got to be too much, Spike whispered in her ear, "Open your eyes." She did so and her breath caught; the room was so different to what it had been earlier.

The table was covered with a white silk cloth, a single candle sitting on it with place setting for two. The night sky outside adding to the mood as the moon hung hi in the air. She turned to Spike as kissed him, wrapping her forelegs around him. She broke away from the kiss and whispered, "Thank you Spike, it's wonderful."
Spike chuckled and said as he guided Twilight to the table, "Wonderful and we haven't even got to the meal yet."
It was Twilight's turn to chuckle as she let Spike seat her at the table. Spike moved to the counter and returned with every single dish he had cooked floating with him. He caused them to rotate around him as he offered each of the dishes to her in turn. She didn't skimp on his offers and took some of everything he made, desserts included.

As he served her dinner, she couldn't help but feel a glowing happiness inside at what he was doing. There was something about this simplest of settings, dinner with the one she loved, that was more romantic than the most intimate of kisses. It was a feeling of closeness that could only be described as longstanding, a feeling as if this had become, well, passionate, loving and deep in its simple nature.

She watched Spike as he fixed his own plate and sat across from her. The meal passed wonderfully, the two of them laughing and talking about various things. She smiled as he offered her a particularly tasty bit of his food, opening her mouth to allow Spike to place it in her mouth. This exchange went on for most of the meal, sharing bits and pieces of their dinners with each other. She smiled, staring at the dragon across from her. He did so much for her and she loved him for everything he did and for who he was. Spike was dear to her, she would do anything for him.

Soon, the last crumb disappeared from the plates as the meal came to an end and both of the slumped back comfortably in their seats. Twilight felt pleasantly drowsy as the warmth of the house and the fullness of her belly washed over her in waves. "Oh Spike, that was a wonderful dinner, thank you."
She heard Spike chuckle tiredly and say, "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Though now we need to head to our rooms before we fall asleep at the table."

She nodded and slowly got up and got a surprise as the drowsy dragon moved around the table and swept her of her feet, kissing her gently as he held her in his arms. "You're always carrying me Spike. I can walk you know."
Spike chuckled and said as he left the kitchen with the pony in his arms, "I know, but I want to, humor me."
She smiled and cuddled against him as he carried her out of the kitchen and up the stairs to the second floor.

He shouldered her bed room door open and placed her on her bed with a light kiss. Twilight couldn't help but compare the scene to that of a married couple. Though she wouldn't allow her mind to wander to those thoughts, she could help but smile at the comparison. She also couldn't help but wonder…is it possible that her future was destined to be with him. She closed her eyes and curled into her bed as Spike kissed her again and quietly bowed out of the room, leaving her alone.

Spike smiled as he entered the hall. Soon, very soon, his final surprise would be ready and he knew just when to give it to her. As he returned to his room, he looked at the completed wood box and white cloth that covered an area next to it. He went over to it and placed a claw on it. Two more weeks… that was all that he needed. He reluctantly moved away from his desk and lay back onto his bed and said as he closed his eyes, "Twilight…I love you."