• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 6,054 Views, 60 Comments

The Mane Six Chronicles Book 5: The Long Vacation - KorvasTerindar

Twilight Sparkle has been working herself into such a state of fatigue that Celestia has ordered her to take a five month vacation from her studies and has given Spike the assignment to ensure that Twilight relaxes. A lot can happen in five months.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Spike woke sharply from his deep sleep as a piercing scream echoed through the house. He sat up as Twilight came barreling into his room in near hysterics, If he knew it wasn't possible, he would have sworn both her eyes were on separate circuits.
"Spike! Oh Spike it's just terrible, some one has stolen all my books!"
Spike had to refrain from rolling his eyes as he said, "Twilight..."
She abruptly interrupted him as if she hadn't even heard her name and said, "I mean its unbelievable, who would steal in Ponyville, I can't believe it."

Again Spike had to refrain from rolling his eyes as he said, "Twilight..."
Twilight was now in a frenzy as she again interrupted him, "I'm going straight to the princess, she'll know what to do." Spike headed her off before she could teleport out of the house by loudly yelling, "Twilight! Please Calm down, I took your books." Twilight gasped as she focused her full attention the dragon in front of her, "You? You took my books? But why?!"

Spike had to be honest with himself, he hadn't expected a reaction like this as he sighed and explained that Celestia herself had decreed that Twilight was to take a 5 month vacation and that it was final. Far from looking grateful, she instead looked enraged, "I don't think Celestia would order me to do that, if she did say that then she must be testing my resolve, Give me my books back!"
Spike sat back idly on his bed and simply stated, "No."

Twilight snorted in anger and demanded firmer than ever, "Give Them Back!"
Spike smiled cheekily and said again, "No."
Twilight huffed loudly as she sat down on the bed and asked, "What do you want?"
Spike looked at her in confusion, She thought he was trying to get something from her in exchange for her books, how long had she gone without rest to come to that conclusion? He sighed and shook his head before saying,
"Twilight, I want nothing. I was ordered by Celestia to enforce your vacation, if you don't believe me, read the note yourself."
Spike reached over to his nightstand and picked up the note that Celestia had sent him the night before.

Unrolling it, he allowed Twilight to take the note and she promptly read it, several times and with reread, her face grew more solemn. Finally, after a full 5 minutes Twilight let out a deep sigh and said, " I guess, this means my studies are over, I thought she was happy with my work."
Spike did roll his eyes this time, what was wrong with her? Ever since Applejack's wedding 5 months ago, Twilight had kept her face buried in her books, barely leaving them for an hour at a time. This new, near zealous form of studying had been slightly worrying at first, but as it had progressed it had bloomed into a full fledged fear.

Spike shook his head and said, "Twilight, she is very happy with your work, but she's getting worried about you and frankly so am I. You've been running yourself ragged."
Twilight didn't look at Spike as she said, "Its nothing, I'm just focused on my studies."
Spike placed a claw on her shoulder and asked, "Twilight, whats bothering you?"
Spike knew that something was wrong, something was bothering her and she was using her studies as a shield to protect her from whatever it was. She looked at him sadly and took a deep sigh before saying, "Sometimes... I feel lonely, Spike."

Spike was now more than a little confused, why would she be lonely, he was with her everyday of the week. Before he could inquire to what she meant she got up and moved to the door, "You know, getting that off my chest helped, Thank you Spike." Spike was still very confused by both the reason for her fanatic studying and the abrupt end of the conversation, so he merely nodded, as she left the room. He didn't quite know what was going on, but he would help her if he could.

Breakfast was usually the meal of each day in which Twilight would lay out the schedule for herself and Spike, but as the house was already spotless and her forbidden from studying for the next 5 months, not much was said. Spike fixed their breakfasts in near silence while Twilight sat at the table with her head propped up on one hoof, staring idly out the window. It had been awhile since there had been complete silence during breakfast and the only words spoken during the whole thing was when Twilight politely thanked him as he set her food in front of her.

As they eventually finished their meal, it seeming to go by much slower without the usual chatter Spike finally broke the funeral silence by asking, "So Twilight, what do you want to do with your new free time?"
Twilight shrugged halfheartedly and said, "I don't know, normally I'd be studying, but now..."
Spike knew that she had tried to take some of the books from the shelves while he was bathing this morning. The spell he'd put on it alerted him to any attempts to break it. She'd been unable in breaking it but she had taken this defeat with good grace and had said nothing more about him allowing her access to her books.
Spike looked out of the window on his right, it was bright and sunny outside of the window, one of the last few sunny days left.

According to the weather report, it was supposed to start raining all of next week, the next 3 days were going to be the last couple of warm days available for awhile. Spike smiled as a thought occurred to him, "Hey Twilight, how about we go to the beach? Have some fun while we still have some warm days."
To his relieve Twilight smiled at the idea and nodded, "Sure! We haven't been to the beach in awhile and it'd be good to get out of the house for awhile."
She headed upstairs to pack a few things for the trip while Spike prepared a picnic lunch, he was going to make sure they stayed outside for a while.

She came back down after a few minutes wearing a nice bathing suit and carrying a small bag by magic, which she handed to Spike before saying, "Are we ready?"
Spike nodded and put a claw on her back as she teleported to the beach. Despite having been teleported several times in the intervening years, he still swayed as a wave of nausea hit him upon landing. It was very unsettling to be standing in a room with a solid wood floor under your feet and the to be standing on sand with the waves crashing into the shore nearby. Spike opened the bag he'd been given by Twilight and retrieved insect repellent and proceeded to spray Twilight and himself in the water proof deterrent.

The beach they stood on was remarkable, in fact, Spike didn't recognize it, He looked questioningly at Twilight and she smiled in response, "I came to this beach with my family, about a week or two before you were born. It holds a special place in my heart." Spike smiled and walked toward the waters edge. The sea was beautiful, the sunlight of the early morning sun glittering on the waves like little gemstones. The sand was fine and pleasant under his feet and the air was as clear as could be. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath of the sea air, feeling revitalized by the smell alone.

Without warning he felt a ball of water hit him and he stumbled and fell into the water. He came up gasping to the sound of giggling, "I'm sorry I couldn't help myself, you were wide open."
He looked over at Twilight, who stood in the water a few feet away from him, with three balls of sea water revolving around her. Spike grinned broadly, so that's how she wanted to do this? Magic users could get into some pretty spectacular water fights, so much so that all pools in all of Equestria had forbidden Magic users from using magic in the pool, but here there were no such limitations. He used his own magic to cause water tendrils to wrap themselves around her legs, holding her still as he made a small wave wash over her, drenching her completely, Twilight spluttered as she said, "Okay, new rule, no holding the other still, deal?"

Spike nodded and the battle began. Twilight was very adapt at playing with water like this, but Spike was no pushover, she sent two more balls of water flying towards him and he created a wall of water to stop them, rolling out from behind it and sending a wave toward her. She teleported from out of its way and directly behind Spike and gently pushed on his back. His previous wave attack had left him in an awkward position and the small push was enough to unbalance him and he once again fell into the water. He rolled over, gasping and looked up at Twilight who stood over him smiling broadly.

He grinned mischievously and created a large wave from behind her. Her eyes went wide as it knocked her forward and straight onto Spike, he hadn't intended for it to be that strong. Spike held onto Twilight as the wave washed over them and onto the shore, thankfully, their stuff remained untouched by the water. When it finally stopped Spike looked at her and said, "Well, I guess that makes us even, you all right?"
Twilight shook the water from her mane and looked back at him with a grin, "Yeah, I'm fine, just try and tone it down next time." He chuckled and smiled, he never noticed before, but her eyes seemed to be brighter than usual, It must be good for her to be out and about.

He suddenly became keenly aware of the fact that he was holding her in his arms and quickly let go, a faint blush tinting his cheeks as he said, "Well, you want to swim some more or take a break?" She smiled, and got up saying, "Yes, lets take a break." He didn't notice it, but she had a faint blush as well, she'd never been held like that in her entire life. It wasn't the same coming from Spike, being her best friend and all, but it had still been, interesting none the less. They moved back to the beach where their stuff lay, and sat down on it, both pretending that the last few seconds of their water fight had not happened.

It wasn't long before they both returned to their normal selves, the day moving along quickly as they laughed and talked for a good four hours. During lunch both of them laid back and enjoyed their meal in the bright sun, sunbathing for a while until Spike nodded off to sleep. Twilight smiled as she heard her companion snoring gently. She opened her eyes and rolled over to look at him, It was about 3 in the afternoon and the sun was beginning to set. The afternoon sun glittered off his scales as he slept peacefully.

She sighed contentedly as she looked out over the sea. This day had turned out better than she could have expected, and for some reason, she felt way better than she had been for the last 5 months. This vacation had indeed been what she needed. Her smile grew wider as a thought occurred to her. She focused on her magic and summoned a scroll of paper. She concentrated on a single thought and allowed her magic to flow out of her and into the scroll. When she opened her eyes, she felt her spirits rise further. On the scroll, was a photo taken with magic of Spike, exactly as he was, sleeping peacefully with the sun shinning off him.

She'd keep it as a reminder of today. Today was the best she'd felt in a long time, and it could only get better from here.