• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 6,054 Views, 60 Comments

The Mane Six Chronicles Book 5: The Long Vacation - KorvasTerindar

Twilight Sparkle has been working herself into such a state of fatigue that Celestia has ordered her to take a five month vacation from her studies and has given Spike the assignment to ensure that Twilight relaxes. A lot can happen in five months.

  • ...



"Ow! Stop sticking me!"

Twilight stood on a wooden stool, staring into a mirror as Rarity pinned a flowing white gown together on Twilight. At the moment, however, Rarity was pulling a misplace stick pin from Twilight's flank. Rarity let out an annoyed sigh as she tried to reposition the fabric she'd been pinning when Twilight had shifted. As She moved the pin again, Twilight did a full half turn to view a section of her dress in the mirror, the pick sliding against her skin roughly as Rarity again missed her mark. Rarity let out an irritated growl and used her magic to physically shift Twilight forward, so the rear of the dress was once again in front of Rarity. "Twilight, for the love of Celestia, stop fidgeting!"
Twilight visibly stilled her body while Rarity continued with her work.

Twilight grinned in the mirror at her appearance. The dress was over half done and Twilight had to admit that it would be going much faster if she'd hold still, various sections of her body felt like they'd been used as a pincushion already. Rarity's thorough irritation was pretty evident as she finally pinned the last section in place, her face was sullen and her eye brow knitted together.

She moved around to her sowing table to pick out a decent thread to start sowing the dress together, Twilight taking the time tub rub the sorest parts of her body. Rarity Caught the movement and looked over her shoulder at Twilight, who's leg immediately snapped to the stool as if she hadn't done anything. Rarity threaded a sewing needle with silver thread and turned back to Twilight saying as she did so, "You know, it wouldn't hurt if you had held still like the first twelve times I asked you."

Twilight shifted sheepishly and endeavored to hold perfectly still while Rarity used her magic and began sewing together the gown. Rarity kept her attention focused solely on the dress, making doubly sure to not accidentally sew the dress to Twilight's skin. Twilight eventually let out a sigh and said sheepishly, "I'm sorry."
Rarity let out a distracted, "Hm? What was that?"

Twilight repeated her apology and Rarity shook her head, dismissing it with an unseen smile. "You needn't be sorry dear, its your wedding today, you've every right to be excited." Twilight smiled and nodded, a blush rising in her face at the idea of finally being wedded to her beloved dragon.

It had been a month since Spike had proposed to her, and in no small way created a massive stir in Ponyville at the news that Twilight Sparkle was finally marrying. Her entire family came to the town a week prior to help with the wedding plans and Twilight had been so busy that her wedding gown had literally come down to the wire.

It was now two hours before the wedding, which was set to take place at noon today, she'd been up since dawn just for her dress alone. Rarity moved around to Twilight's left side and began sewing there, focusing on her dress and little else. It wasn't long after Rarity shifted behind Twilight to start sewing the two halves of the dress together that the door to the fitting room opened and Twilight's mother walked in.

She walked over to her and stood on her hind legs, wrapping her forelegs around her daughter, tears spilling from her eyes as she stood there. "Oh my baby girl, you've grown so much...I am very, very proud of you Twilight." Twilight raised a hoof and wrapped it around her mothers forelegs. Twilight didn't say anything, she was at a loss as to what to say. Even now as her mother pulled back and smoothed out Twilight's mane a little.

Twilight smiled at her mother, tears running down her cheeks as she realized how much she'd grown, it didn't seem like all that long ago that she had been wrapped in her mothers forelegs when she was little, the loving kisses her mother would place on her head before tucking her in. Even now, face with the prospects of a happy life ahead of her, filled with love and family, she couldn't help but feel a sense of distant loss at the knowledge that she no longer was the young filly she once was.

She kissed her mother on the cheek gently before wrapping her own fore legs around her mothers neck, sobbing gently. Rarity smiled faintly at the family scene as she cut the thread on the last seam, pronouncing the gown finished. Twilight's mother took the veil off the table and placed it onto her daughters head, standing aside to allow her to view her reflection. Twilight let out a teary laugh of joy at her reflection, the veil, crafted of white silk that draped down across her face was affixed to a wreath of white winter orchids. The gown was made also from silk, it shone with a silvery sheen as the light from the windows hit it.

It was simple, yet elegant, beautiful in all aspects of its design, the dress trailing out a good ten feet behind her. She turned to her mother and smiled broadly. Her mother smiled back and turned to leave with a parting hug. "Mom?"

Twilight's mother stopped and looked back at her daughter with a smile, "I know dear, I love you too. In my heart, you'll always be my little Twilight, I'll always be there for you in all your troubles, if you ever need me, you need only call." She smiled again as Twilight nodded, allowing Rarity to make a few minor adjustment as her mother left the room to join the wedding procession. Twilight stepped down off the stool and looked at Rarity asking, "Well, how do I look?"
Rarity smiled and opened her mouth to respond when a warm male voice came from the doorway, "As lovely as I would expect from my bride."

Rarity twirled around and bellowed, "Out! Go on, get out! Your not supposed to see her in her dress till the wedding! Shoo!" Spike flat out ignored Rarity as he entered the room with a large wrapped package under his arm, his crisp and very handsome suit making him look strong and imposing as he set the package on the table.

Rarity ran up to him and threw up a barrier of blackness between him and Twilight, so he could not see the dress more than he had. Rarity planted her hooves firmly on the ground and demanded in a firmer tone, "I told you to go! I don't want you ruining it!" Spike stared her down as he grabbed the cloth covering on his package and pulled it off, revealing the huge diamond that Twilight had given him all those months ago. Spike motioned to the gem and said, "I want to give this to Twilight, may I?"

Rarity shook her head and said, "No! A wedding gift, you could have done that after the ceremony, but not now!"
Spike raised and claw and Rarity fell silent immediately, unspoken protests failing in her throat. Spike gave her that look he'd developed so well over the years and Rarity's fight left her. She sighed exasperatedly and lowered the barrier. "Fine, just hurry up and get it over with."

Spike nodded and looked at Twilight, a smile playing across his face as he said, "You look beautiful Twilight." She smiled in return nodding at Rarity, who sighed and left, leaving Spike and Twilight alone.
Spike shifted a little from side to side as Twilight stared at him curiously. "Spike? Is there something you wanted to show me?" Spike nodded and motion to the diamond next to him, "I wanted to give this to you, but not in the way I am sure that either you or Rarity are thinking."

At her curious stare, her eyebrow disappearing into the flowers of her veil, Spike lifted the gem with his magic bringing it in front of him. Focusing his magic he placed a claw against the gem and it shattered soundlessly, the fragments floating in the air like fragments of ice. Spike directed the fragments to float towards Twilight, the gem fragments fixing seamlessly to the hem of the dress, along all the seams, and finally all along the veil, making it look like she was wearing ice crystals in a cloud of white.

She stared shocked at the gown, words utterly failing her. Spike smiled at her and turned to leave while saying, "I'll see you at the isle my love." He walked out of the room and Rarity came back in, her jaw about fell off as she beheld the modified gown. "Oh my...did Spike do that?" Twilight nodded as she smoothed out the front of her gown, the diamonds sticking fast to the fabric. Rarity worked her mouth a few times, no sound coming from here as she examined the dress.

Rarity eventually shook her head and said, "I suppose I can forgive him coming to see you for this, he simply must teach me how to do that!" Twilight let out a snort of laughter as she picked up the bouquet of flowers and moved to the door, "Well, Rarity. I guess this is it, we better not keep to wedding waiting." Rarity smiled and nodded, opening the door and following Twilight out of the room.

The noon sun hung high in the sky, its warm rays shining down onto Ponyville and it inhabitants, all assembled on the outskirts of town, a large area of the plains beside the town had been changed into a glorious depiction of spring. Though the land was locked in the grip of winter, this area was warm and dry, Spring lilies and wild flowers grew in the area, coating it in a carpet of multicolored blossoms. Ponies of various colors, of every kind of hue were grouped around, all chatting together excitedly at the union to be held here this day.

All of Twilight's friends stood at the front of the crowd, smiling broadly as the minutes ticked by. At the front of the procession stood Spike, Shining Armor standing beside him as the best man, an odd choice but one Spike had felt appropriate. Spike was shifting from side to side, obviously anxious, eventually necessitating Celestia, who was leading the procession to put a hoof on his shoulder and nod silently.
Reassured by the Princess, Spike took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

It was then that the music began, the wedding march picked up as Spike turned in the direction of the isle. The crowd let out gasps of awe and wonder as Twilight appeared at the end of the isle, her gown practically glowing with the light of the sun glittering off her. Her father stood next to her, head held high in pride as he walked along with his daughter. Following behind Twilight, carrying the trailing end of her garment were Sweetie Belle and Apple bloom, each of them wearing flowing gowns of white that matched Twilight's. When they finally reached the front of the group, Twilight took her place beside Spike and sighed happily as her father looked at Spike.
Celestia cleared her throat and the music and crowd immediately fell silent.

Celestia smiled at both Twilight and Spike before speaking, "My friends, we are gathered together today to bear witness to the union of Spike and Twilight Sparkle. I would like to take a few moments to speak before the vows." She closed her eyes and looked up at the sun, sighing lightly before continuing.
"Love is one of the most beautiful forces in this world, it binds us in ways that none can fully understand. It surpasses our ability to understand it and defies all our ideas on how it should work. My friends, here we have before us love in its purest form. Now, let us proceed." As Celestia looked back down at the group, her two children came out from the back of the crowd and moved to the front to stand alongside all of Twilight and Spike's friends amidst the many gasps and cries from the crowd. Celestia nodded to both of them with a smile and proceeded to explain to the crowd at large of who they were.

When she had finished, she forestalled all the coming questions with a raised hoof and said, "We will have a question session after I've sent these two on their honeymoon. Now, shall we?" This statement caused both Spike and Twilight to blush as they nodded.
Celestia looked at Twilight's father and said, "Do you give Twilight, your daughter, to be Spike's bride with your blessings?" Twilight looked out of the corner of her eye at her father and was pleased to see him nod, knowing full well that he would.

Spike turned to Twilight and pulled her veil back, taking one of her forelegs in his claws before speaking his vows,
"Twilight Sparkle, my love. I vow to love you forever, to be with you through all the hardships and all the joy. I shall be with you, even as the sun goes down in the horizon and the moon rise at night, I shall be with you. My heart is yours, my love is yours, my life is yours."

Twilight had tears in her eyes as she felt his vows echoing in her very soul. She smiled, yearning to kiss him, holding back the urge and reciting her vows,
"Spike, my love, I vow to love you forever more, to be their for you always as a wife should. I will bear your burdens with you, I will share your pain. I will bear your children, I will raise them with all that I am and above all else, be yours and yours alone."

Celestia nodded and said, "Spike, Twilight, upon the confession of your love for one another and the exchanging of your vows, I hereby confer upon you my blessing, May the two of you live long lives together, filled with joy, love, and happiness. May the two of you find comfort in each other and always be in each others hearts." She moved toward Twilight and placed her horn against her head, whispering to her, "Twilight, my gift to you, for as long as Spike shall live, so too shall you. Neither of you will suffer the pain of losing the other."

One of Celestia's tears slid from her eyes as she focused her magic and a gold band appeared at the base of Twilight horn, a formality of the ceremony, a mark of the bond she would soon share with Spike. Celestia moved to Spike next, setting her horn against his head and whispering a quite blessing to him. Her horn glowed and the golden band appeared on Spike's left claw.

Celestia stepped back from them and said with a loud voice, "As all here bear witness to the vows that have been shared by these two, by the power vested in me by the crown I bear and the position of Princess of the sun, I hereby pronounce that these two be bound together as dragon and mare. May they live in love for the rest of their days."
Celestia nodded to Spike who needed no further encouragement.

Spike took Twilight's other fore hoof into his claw and lifted her to her hind legs, brushing back an escaped lock of her mane, cupping her jaw in his claw, he leaned in close, pausing just short of her lips to whisper, "I love you..." With that he closed the infinitesimal gap and kissed her lovingly to thunderous cheers from the crowd.

As they turned to the crowd, walking down towards them, they both couldn't hide their smiles as the crowd rushed towards them, their friends and family at the head of the group. Even as they were swamped by friends, cheering and congratulating all around, Spike felt distant as he reflected on the past. It had started five months ago, hard to believe it but it had only been five months. He had started with the intent to keep Twilight happy and cheerful in her forced vacation and as time had advanced, the vacation had evolved into so much more.

They had entered into it as friends and had emerged from it as a wedded couple. To some degree, it was almost overwhelming but even as he stood there, with his new wife next to him, he was confident in saying that no matter what happened, they would never be divided. Spike swept Twilight off her hooves and into his arms, the cheering of the crowd so much meaningless noise as he stared deep into her eyes, his heart burning with a feeling best described as passion as he leaned in and whispered into her ear,
"Twilight, I love you..."
Twilight smiled in response and said, "I love you too."

With that, they joined their friends in their celebration, no longer just friends, no longer just lovers, but now, so much more... they were a family.


Comments ( 40 )
oaxaca #1 · Dec 4th, 2013 · · 1 ·

I remember reading this on fanfiction.net.

A must read.

Definietly one of the best Spilight stories in existance :twilightsmile:

3578521 Still, it seems somepony got butthurt and downvoted which makes me smile even more :twilightsmile:

3578539 It simply shows that Spilight is for more mature fans and not raging kids :twilightsmile:

At last one of the greatest spilights has arrived!

3578548 That's not nice, dood. There are other reasons why Spilight isn't a great pairing, dood. For me... it's because they are practically siblings, Spike is half Twilight's size, and the fact that Fictional Heterosexuality was ruined for me by video games, dood... also... I don't like Spike in general... he's only there to be Twilight's postal service and to make remarks, dood.

3578750 You misunderstood me, I was only saying that as far as I know Spilight group doesn't contain fans who down vote story before reading it. I mean, I can understand down voting something if it is really badly writen and mr. Grammar looks like he fell from the stairs and is all broken up, but down voting based on preferences? That's low and offending to the author who put a lot of work into his fic.:twilightsmile:

3578762 I totally agree on that, dood. Which is probably why I barely ever downvote stories, dood.

I'm just throwing my two bits about why there are people against Spilight as a avid Spilight hater, dood.

3578768 It's cool, we all have our preferences about stories and truthfully my only gripe is about portraying Spike and Twilight as Mother/Son when even L. Faust said that Celestia is his motherly figure. :twilightsmile:

3578762 I agree, though I'm not sure I should comment on my own story. I don't down vote Sparity stories on principal or due to preference. I don't have a problem with the pairing at all, But I feel that personally, Spilight is a more believable romance than Sparity, mostly because of the fact that Spike's attraction to Rarity is based almost entirely on her beauty and little more. This has been show cased several times in the show, from his instant attraction to her and his becoming dewy eyed over things that resembled rarity or matched her own beauty, especially show cased when Twilight was temporarily given Rarity's hairstyle. The sibling argument also has little basis, as Twilight and Spike are in no way related and Twilight often treats spike more of an assistant and friend than family. A good comparison is the way she acts towards and treats both cadence and Shining, Shining is her actual brother, and Cadence is very much like an older sister to her. I have given this a fair bit of thought and as Neizd said, Celestia is more a mother figure to Spike, meaning the mother/son argument is also non-applicable, as this was also stated By Lauren Faust, it is technically canon. That being said, I hope you read my story, because I did everything within my power to make it as believable and acceptable as possible, namely the fact that Twilight and Spike are of equal height and Spike is much older and more developed

3578800 It isn't that they behave like siblings... it's because they are practically siblings, dood. Twilight knew Spike since he was born for crying out loud and that's one of the lesser things I dislike about the pairing, dood... the Major reason why I dislike Spilight is more of a reason why I dislike all Fiction M/F pairings so THAT doesn't matter. And... I could label them as friends, but with how the show is going... they are either step-brother, step-sister... or just normal friends, since position of BEST friend is currently taken by five other ponies, dood.

3578866 If you don't like straight pairings, then why are you here?

3578900 A group that I'm in updated with this fic under the Twilight Shippings folder and the title gave me the impression that it'll be shipping among the Mane6, dood. Then I saw the comments and randomly decided to add a few bits for no real reason, dood.

3578913 Okay, well, we all are of varying opinions

Good to see this make it over to Fimfiction, I remember reading it on Deviant Art. I enjoyed it. ^^

Now it is in fimfiction where it truly belongs :twilightsmile:

3578488 Theirs alot of contenders man..... I may not be so sure....:rainbowwild:

3578971 Right is so why isn't Spike worst fear is Rarity rejecting his advances or the Goddeses banishing him, no! Spike's fear is being abandon by the mare he cares mostly.....derpicdn.net/img/2013/8/9/395523/thumb.png
3578866 So their you heard it.....

Awwwww, so cute! :twilightblush: :heart:
Lovely story, I enjoyed the whole thing! Though, I have just one minor thing to say: grammar. :applejackunsure: In all honesty, it was not the cleanest, but that did not seem to take away from the story at all. This isn't meant to be taken as an insult, but rather a small criticism. :pinkiesad2:

P.S.- If you would ever like an editor or the likes, I'd be more than happy to help! I'm no professional, and it is true that I have yet to post a story on here, but I would love to help someone who has to the best of my abilities. Let me know! :twilightsmile:

3618372 I am glad you enjoyed it. I have been meaning to give the story a look over for correcting of small errors as of late, mostly considering the improvements I've made in my writing recently, you can't really tell, but I wrote this story over a year ago. I hope you read my other stories too, they are also very good reads, and I don't mind a little constructive criticism, all it can do is help me improve. :twilightsmile:

Damn... I rarely say this, but this was one of those stories that when they end, you feel happy at the beauty of what you've just read, yet at the same time, sorrow for realizing the adventure is over. Truly a beautiful piece of art you have here. Also, THIS DESERVES FAR MORE THAN 45 LIKES!!! :flutterrage:

... Though one detail didn't set right with me... The light barrier. Even for MLP that still seemed a little out there. I mean, relativity states that going faster than light is impossible, yet if you were to do so, you would in fact be traveling backwards in time due to the fact that time has begun to curve in on itself to the point that it overlaps. To put it simply, traveling faster than light would cause you to no longer be traveling primarily in space, as we do when we think of movement, instead, you're mostly traveling in time. In fact, every time you get in a car you're time traveling to the future since time slows with speed. Though it's so tiny, I'm not sure if an atomic clock could count it.
Yeah, sorry about that... :twilightblush: I've kinda been trying to get every detail as accurate as possible in this time travel story I'm going to write. Well, obsessing might be a better way of putting it.

3715685 lol, well, thanks for the reviews, I'm glad you enjoyed the story. :twilightsmile: Your actually not the first person to point out the traveling faster than light thing, I primarily did it that way to create someone with which RD would have absolutely no chance with competing with, to create interesting chemistry between the two of them. Other than that I am very glad and honored to have written something that has been enjoyed by so many, seeing these reviews makes me happy it all the more worth while.

3715836 Man, you deserve it! This was gold.
Honestly, now thinking about it, that conversation would be kind of interesting to say the least.
:rainbowkiss: Hi, back now.
Stormwing: Did you get the milk?
:rainbowderp: What?
Stormwing: I told you to get the milk.
:rainbowhuh: Did you go FTL afterwards?
Stormwing: Yes.
Stormwing: Oh, my bad...

... That'd actually be pretty horrible for her.

3715897 Lol, well, the story of their meeting hasn't been written yet, so there is still time to iron out the details :twilightsmile: I have four OC's to build, one for each of these individuals :pinkiehappy: :ajsmug: :rainbowkiss: :raritycry: Fluttershy's not in those smilies cause I've already ironed her OC partner out. :twilightblush: I love writing!

3715927 Meh, to them time travel accidents will be a normal topic of argument I guess. :derpytongue2: Well, I sure do hope you do more Spilight. I absolutely love that ship! :twilightblush: However, I'm sad to say, not many good Spilight writers are still active. :ajsleepy:

3715953 I don't have any other Spilight stories planned at the moment, but that's not to say that I won't seeing as I love the ship myself. At the moment, I'm working On Fluttershy's story and a book that I'm writing in hopes of getting it published. Also, take a look at The Passing of a Legacy, it effectively is a small continuance from this story. Though, to be fair, be prepared to :fluttercry:

I shall wait optimistically and patiently. :twilightsmile:
Man, if you saw what I was thinking of for this one Spilight fic I'm going to write, you'd bawl for a week.

3716050 Well, I won't reveal spoilers, but suffice to say, I did everything within my power to make it both heartrendingly sad and yet heartwarming at the same time. I do hope you give it a shot and good luck on your story, it sounds like you got a good idea. :twilightsmile:

3716613 Same here! And don't worry, I shall certainly give yours a read. :twilightsmile: Also, thank you for the well wishes for my story. :twilightblush:

lol this was an amazing story, absolutely loved it! :twilightsmile: a follow up story would be nice, maybe spike and twilight children, or are you as amazing as this story and already have that planned? a guy can dream! :twilightblush:

didnt notice that i totally copied the emotes of the comment below me xD

4843266 You aren't the only one who pointed that out, it seemed like a good idea at the time. I'm glad you enjoyed the story other than that.

And finished. I liked the story, it was cute and fuzzy slice of life romance with good characterization and pacing. A few repeating spelling errors and some awkward sentence structures in the beginning(it was your first story you said so this is to be expected) , but nothing too agregious beside the light speed thing. :P

Thanks for the ride, I might just have to give some of your later stories a look see. :)

4843779 I look forward to your future reviews then, :twilightsmile: Again, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

6607343 lol, to my defence, I was very new in the fandom at the time and hadn't seen any of the episodes at all. I had only been a fan for like, a week, and decided to write this. As it stands now, I agree completely, as it stands when I first wrote it, hell I didn't know better. :twilightblush: I appreciate your comment! :pinkiehappy:

Really good story the feels hit me strong when celestia performed that spell to make sure they die at the same time :fluttercry: :applecry: :raritycry:

Happened across your works. I might have missed it, but why are books 2-4 not here? Are they on ff.net, or not written yet, or what?

I didn't write them yet unfortunately. I lost my motivation to continue while writing Fluttershy's story.

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