• Published 8th Dec 2013
  • 1,127 Views, 71 Comments

Puella Magi Twilight Magica - SoulboundAlchemist

What if there was an Equestria with only earth ponies, pegasi and alicorns? What would happen when an alien creature went around granting magical powers to certain earth ponies and pegasi? Bad stuff, that's for sure.

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002 - I First Met Her in a Dream... or Something Part 2

Puella Magi Twilight Magica
By darkponyD

002 – I First Met Her in a dream…or Something Part 2

Location: Ponyville Middle School, Ponyville Central

Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy were walking down the corridor, on their way to the Nurse’s office. Though Fluttershy asked Twilight to take her there, it seemed more like Fluttershy was taking Twilight instead. One of many things she had noticed that morning.

“U-um, I, uh…” Twilight stammered, trying to get her thoughts organized. “How did you know I was the Nurse’s Aide?” Fluttershy kept walking, as if she hadn’t heard anything. Twilight had never been self-conscious before, hard to be with great friends like Rainbow Dash and Rarity. But, then again, she had never met anyone like Fluttershy before. It was like she knew Twilight so well, but was still a stranger to her.

“Ms. Cheerilee told me.” Fluttershy answered.

“Oh, I see,” Twilight said, blushing. “Oh, um, the Nurse’s office is…” Fluttershy turned the corner just before Twilight got a chance to tell her.

“This way, isn’t it?”

“Yes, that’s right,” Twilight replied. “Um, but… Um… It seems like you already know how to get there…” The pair continued on in silence, the tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. Finally, Twilight decides to break the silence, “Um… Miss Shy?”

“You can call me Fluttershy.”


“What is it?”

“Oh, um…” Twilight stuttered. “That’s kind of an unusual name, isn’t it?”

Fluttershy said nothing, her face darkening, as does her mood. “O-oh! But not in a bad way!” Twilight was getting flustered, and nervous. Not a good combination for the filly. “I-I was just thinking it sounded kind of pretty –“

Fluttershy suddenly turned around, startling Twilight into silence. “Twilight Sparkle,” Fluttershy said, a sense of foreboding in her words. “Do you treasure the life you currently live? Do you consider your family and friends precious?”

Twilight blinked. “W-well… I… Yes, I do. Both my family and my friends—I love all of them, and consider them very precious!”

“Do you really?”

Now Twilight was angry. If there was one thing she hated, it was being accused of lying. “Yes, really! I would never lie about something as important as that!”

Fluttershy nodded. “I see. If that’s really the case, then you wouldn’t try to change the person you already are, would you? Because if you do, you will end up losing everything you care about.”

Now Twilight was confused. What could this cryptic warning from this cryptic filly mean?

“You should stay as you are, Twilight Sparkle,” Fluttershy continued as she turned away. “Stay as you are, and as you always should be.”


As the day went on, Fluttershy proved herself to be not just gorgeous, but also extremely gifted in her studies and physical skills, receiving a perfect score on a math quiz, and breaking the school wide speed record set by Rainbow Dash. A pair of blood red eyes observed this display of skill from a far, but only had eyes for Twilight and Rainbow Dash. ‘Hmm, two fillies who have yet to find their special talent. Interesting. Twilight Sparkle, however, intrigues me. So much potential…’


Location: Ponyville Shopping Center, Café, West Ponyville

“She said WHAT?!” Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow Dash sat at their usual table, eating lunch. Twilight had just told her friends about the conversation between her and Fluttershy.

“It doesn’t make any sense, does it?” Twilight said.

“Just when I was thinking she was someone gifted with both brains and brawn, it turns out she’s a crazy New Age weirdo!” Rainbow exploded, growling in frustration. “Exactly how far was she going to keep up that weirdo character act?” A thump signaled Rainbow’s head slamming onto the table in front of her.

Rarity just shook her head at Rainbow’s antics. “Twilight, are you sure you’ve never met Miss Shy before?”

Again, the internal debate Twilight had during morning break reared its ugly head. “Well… The sensible answer is ‘yes,’ but…”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Rainbow asked, raising her head off the table, eyebrow cocked. “That you met her in some ‘insensible’ way?”

“Well…” Twilight started, making up her mind. “Last night… I first met her… in a dream… or something.” Her two friends just stared at her for a few seconds, before bursting into uncontrollable laughter.

“Awesome!” Rainbow guffawed. “You’re acting like one of the characters in those fantasy novels you love so much!”

“Oh, come on!” Twilight huffed. “This is really bugging me!”

“Well, it’s all obvious now! You must have known each other in a previous life, and were brought across time and space to meet once again!”

Rarity rolled her eyes. Rainbow Dash and her wild theories strike again! She turns back to Twilight. “You said you met in a dream. What kind of dream was it?”

Twilight’s face screwed up in concentration. “It was…” she started, and then stopped, the memory fading into oblivion. “To be honest, I can’t really remember anymore. I do remember that it was a very odd dream, though…” A flash of the shadowy object leaps into her mind, as if to illustrate the point.

“Then maybe,” Rarity explains. “You actually have met Miss Shy somewhere before.”


“Though you may not consciously remember, your subconscious could have taken note of her and later brought her image out in a dream. Basic psychology.”

“Isn’t that a little far-fetched?” Rainbow asked a skeptical look on her face. “I mean, if that’s the case, that’s some coincidence!”

“I suppose,” Rarity pulled out her pocket watch. “Oh! It’s that time already? I’m sorry, I better go.” She got up and started packing the items she took out of her saddlebag back in.

“Piano lessons, right?” Rainbow asked. “Or is it Prench classical dance today?”

“High tea lessons,” Rarity replied. “Even though exams are right around the corner. I wonder how long Mother intends to make me continue with them.”

“Whew! Makes me glad I wasn’t born into a rich family!”

Twilight stood up, “Should we get going too?” Rainbow nodded, and the trio picked up their lunch trays, taking them back to the front counter.

When they left the café, Rainbow pulled Twilight aside. “Twilight, do you mind if we stopped at Vinyl’s Music Shack before heading home?”

Twilight nodded. “Sure. Buying another CD for Blues?”

Rainbow chuckled. “Sort of.”

The pair re-joined Rarity, and the trio parted at the stairs.


Location: -------- -------- ------, ----- ----- -----------, ---- ---------

A white and red creature was running through the dark hallways of the building. He had been cornered there earlier by that yellow filly. Now he was being chased by that same filly, who was now trying to kill him. He turned a corner, dodging boxes and debris as multiple flashes of violet energy flashed past him. He was almost away, the exit door right in front of him- “Argh!” A lucky shot from his pursuer hit him, throwing him several yards across the hall, his exit now blocked by his pursuer. He quickly got back up and ran, narrowly avoid another blast. He turned another corner and jumped into the ventilation system.

Fluttershy stepped into the light as her quarry disappeared from her line of sight, but not from her perception. She turned her gaze, starring straight through the walls and ducts, following the sound of the creature’s paws lightly pounding on the metal of the ducts.


Location: Ponyville Shopping Center, Vinyl’s Music Shack, West Ponyville

After parting ways with Rarity, Twilight and Rainbow Dash quickly made their way to the first level of the shopping center where Vinyl’s Music Shack was located. Upon arriving, Twilight and Rainbow went their separate ways; Twilight going to the popular music section, and Rainbow moving into the classical music section. After a few minutes of browsing, Twilight finally found what she was looking for, a new single by her favorite artist, Claris! She put on the headphones and- ‘Help me…’ Startled, Twilight took off her headphones, listening for the voice again.

‘Help me… Twilight…’

Twilight jumped. Not only was the voice echoing in her mind, but it also seemed to know her name.

‘Please… Save me…’

The filly, curious, went off to find the source of the voice. But not before Rainbow saw her, and pulled off her own headphones to follow her.


Location: Ponyville Shopping Center, (area under renovation), West Ponyville

Twilight walked through the dark corridors, searching for the voice she had heard. ”Hello? Is anyone there?”

‘Save me…’ That voice again. It seemed to echo around her, drawing her to the door just ahead of her. A sign read ‘This floor is closed due to renovation’. Foolishly, Twilight slowly approached the door, and with only a moment’s hesitation, opened the door and entered.

Twilight peered into the dark room, slowly walking in. “Where are you?” she called. “Who are you?”

‘Save me…’ Suddenly, there was a rattling in the vents above her as a small white creature falls to the floor in front of her. It was vaguely cat-like in appearance, with red patches all over its body. It was also covered in wounds, though none of them were life threatening. Twilight rushed to the creature’s side, picking it up in her hooves. “Save… me…” it said.

A sudden crash directly in front of her prompted Twilight to look up, seeing, once again, Fluttershy before her; though this was not the Fluttershy she had met this morning. This Fluttershy wore a grey and black outfit reminiscent of their school uniforms, with an intricate red and grey shield on her left hoof. “Fluttershy…?”

“Get away from that thing,” she said, her voice as cold as ice.

“B-but… He’s hurt!” Twilight protested. The creature was breathing heavily, its eyes shut. Twilight pulled him close, suddenly realizing what Fluttershy was planning. “No! Please, don’t do something cruel!”

“This has nothing to do with you,” Fluttershy replied, striding forward purposefully.

“But he was calling me!” Twilight protested. “I could hear him begging me to save him!”

Fluttershy stopped, inches away from Twilight. “…I see.” The two stared at each other for several long minutes, Fluttershy trying to decide the best course of action to take, Twilight trying to decide whether or not she should run. Suddenly, a burst of white foam took the decision out of their hands.

“Twilight! This way!” Rainbow Dash stood with a fire extinguisher clutched in her wings, using it to obscure Fluttershy’s vision. Twilight put the creature on her back, and ran over to Rainbow, who tossed the fire extinguisher into the air and gave it a good solid buck to make it rocket in Fluttershy’s general direction, before turning and bolting.

Fluttershy shook her head, calmly using her wings to blow away the foam. Just as she was about to go after the pair, the world warped and twisted around her. “Now, of all times…!”

Some distance away, Twilight and Rainbow Dash ran as fast as they could, their hooves pounding on the tile floor.

“Wh-what is with that filly?!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Now she’s attacking people in cosplay?!” She glanced over at the thing on Twilight’s back. “And what is that thing? It’s not a stuffed animal is it? It’s alive?”

Twilight shook her head. “I don’t know. I don’t know what any of this is. But we have to save him!”

Right as Twilight finished saying this, the world suddenly warped and contorted, the hallway expanding into an enormous field with widows floating in midair and odd plant-like creatures in the distance.

“What?!” Rainbow cried. “Where’d the exit go? What is this place?!” The whole place seemed to be shimmering and growing, creating twisting paths and twisted pictures filling the ‘sky’.

“There’s something wrong with this place.” Twilight said nervously. “The path keeps changing!”

“What is going on here?!”

A rustling sound to her right prompted Twilight to turn her head. “There’s something over there!” What she saw was a strange creature. A lot of strange creatures. Their appearance would have given Discord a run for his chaotic money. They stood on two legs, though they weren’t so much legs as they were butterflies. The rest their body was essentially an enormous dandelion with comical faces on the puff-ball portion that served as its head. The creatures poured out, chattering as they quickly surrounded the cowering fillies.

“This has to be a joke, right?!” Rainbow whimpered. “I mean, I must be dreaming, right? Right?! Twilight?” The creatures started drawing the circle tight, closing in on the pair. Suddenly, there was a loud cracking sound. A long chain broke on the ceiling, falling in a spiral pattern around them, and erupting into a blaze of yellow energy, repelling the strange creatures. The two fillies were speechless.

“That was close!” The two fillies turned around to find another filly striding towards them with a smile on her face. She was a bright pink, with a straight mane and tail, carrying a yellow gem around her neck. “Don’t worry, you’re safe now.” Her eyes focused on the creature Twilight was carrying. “Oh! You rescued Kyubey for me, didn’t you? Thank you, he’s a dear friend of mine.”

“I-I was called to him.” Twilight stuttered through her shocked face. “I heard his voice in my head.”

The pink filly smiled and nodded. “Ahh, I see.” The filly turned her gaze back to the fillies, taking in their appearance. “Those uniforms, you must be students at Ponyville Middle School too. Are you eighth graders?”

Rainbow, coming out of her state of shock, finally voiced the question both the fillies wanted answered. “Who are you?”

“That’s right, I haven’t introduced myself yet.” The filly said as the creatures from before started regrouping behind her. “But before all that…” The filly turned around, doing a sort of dance, ending on her rear hooves, with the yellow gem cradled in her hooves in front of her. “…mind if I wrap up a bit of work?”

A yellow glow suffused the filly as her clothes suddenly changed. Her hooves were encased in knee-length boots, her body in a yellow gunner uniform, and finally a brown cap on her head. Her pink hair exploded into a messy mass of curls as well to finish off the transformation.

Twilight and Rainbow couldn’t stop their jaws from crashing into the floor on seeing this. The pink filly merely chuckled as she jumped into the air, a mass of the approaching creatures beneath her. She waved her hoof, summoning mass of canons out of thin air, all focused on the creatures below. She brought her hoof down, signaling an unknown force to fire their payloads on the creatures below. The creatures all vanished, leaving nothing but the odd butterfly flittering around.

Twilight and Rainbow just stared, the faces adorned with looks of shock and awe. “A-amazing” Twilight said in a whisper. It was then that the world began to regain its senses, returning them to hallway they had been running through earlier.

“What?” Rainbow exclaimed. “We’re back?! All because you beat those things?! I could have done that with my eyes closed!”

A clop of hooves behind them stopped Rainbows impromptu rant in its tracks. The three looked up to find Fluttershy before them.

“The Night Mare escaped,” the pink filly said, approaching her. “If you want to finish it off, you’d better go after it right now. I’ll let you take it this time.”

The yellow pegasus filly glared at her. “I have business here.”

“You don’t read between the lines very well, do you? I’m telling you I’ll overlook what you did this time.” The two just stared at each other for a time, an ice-blue gaze meeting a warm-blue gaze. “Don’t you think it would be better for both of us not to court needless trouble?”

Everyone stood there, not moving an inch, no one wanting to back down. Finally, gritting her teeth, Fluttershy turned away and flew off. Twilight and Rainbow both breathed a sigh of relief as the pink filly turned back to them.


The group were seated in front of the exit door, the pink filly’s gem glowing as she healed the white creature, Kyubey. Finally, he opened his blood red eyes and jumped to his paws.

“Thanks Pinkie! You’re a lifesaver.”

The pink filly, Pinkie, chuckled. “If you want to thank anyone, it should be these two,” she said, gesturing to Twilight and Rainbow. “I was just in the neighborhood.”

Kyubey turned to the pair, smiling widely. “Thank you very much. My name is Kyubey.”

Twilight just stared at the strange creature. “Were you the one who was calling me?” she asked.

Kyubey nodded. “Yes, I was, Twilight Sparkle,” Twilight gasped. “And you, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash now looked at the creature suspiciously. “How do you know our names? Are you a spy?!”

Kyubey laughed at that accusation. “I’ve been called many things, but never a spy before.” The creature got its laughter under control before continuing. “I actually came here because I have a request for you. Both of you.”

Twilight tilted her head. “A…a request?”

Kyubey nodded. “I want you to make contracts with me and become Magical Fillies!”

Author's Note:

Next Time!

"I will grant you one wish--any wish you desire!"
"Huh? Really?! What kind of wish?"
"Anything you want. I can grant you even the most impossible of miracles!"
"That would be truly wonderful."[i/]