• Published 8th Dec 2013
  • 1,122 Views, 71 Comments

Puella Magi Twilight Magica - SoulboundAlchemist

What if there was an Equestria with only earth ponies, pegasi and alicorns? What would happen when an alien creature went around granting magical powers to certain earth ponies and pegasi? Bad stuff, that's for sure.

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004 - That Would Be Truly Wonderful Part 2

Puella Magi Twilight Magica
By darkponyD

004 – That Would Be Truly Wonderful Part 2

Location: Ponyville Middle School, Ponyville Central
“And so…” Cheerilee droned. “…the form we’ve been studying up to this point…” Twilight sat at her desk, her eyes on the desk in front of her. More specifically, on the notebook she was doodling in. Normally, she would have been paying close attention to the lesson, but that was before she was chosen by Kyubey. She wanted to have an outfit designed and ready for when she did decide on a wish. She glanced up, looking over at Rainbow, snoozing on her desk, then down at Kyubey, taking a nap on her saddlebag. She smiled at the sight and turned her attention back to her designs.


Morning break found the two friends on the roof of the school. A secluded spot they went to almost every day, unless someone told them otherwise. They sat on a bench, silently munching on the snacks they each brought, with Twilight occasionally giving Kyubey a bit.

“Hey, Twilight,” Rainbow said, glancing over at her friend. “Have you come up with a wish yet?”

“Not really…” she sighed. “Have you?”

“Nope, not a clue,” Rainbow replied, stretching. “Seriously, I’ve gone through and considered so many different things too. I mean, there are plenty of things I want to have or do, but I guess the whole ‘risking your life for it’ part is what’s getting me.” She got to her hooves, walking over to the railing on the edge of the roof. “None of the stuff I want is worth that much.”


Kyubey watched the exchange with something akin to confusion on his features. “How odd. Most of the fillies I make my offer to accept right away.”

Rainbow stared off into the distance. “Well… Maybe the pair of us are just fools?”

“You think so?” Twilight asked.

“Eeyup,” she nodded. “A pair of blissfully ignorant fools.” Rainbow turned her gaze towards the hospital as thoughts of another pony came into her mind. “I’m sure it’s not all that unusual. Wishing for something so strongly you’d gladly trade your life for it. There must be countless people in the world, who have such wishes in their hearts. It just means the two of us, who can’t even figure out what to wish for, haven’t experienced even a fraction of those ponies’s suffering. We’ve been so blessed, that we’ve become ignorant fools.” Twilight and Kyubey watched as she tightened her grip on the railing, a gleam in her eyes, and her thoughts on a pony she cared about very dearly. “Why us, of all ponies?” She suddenly whirled around. “Doesn’t it seem unfair? There are probably ponies who would give anything for a chance like this…”


Suddenly a sound came from the exit. The two fillies turned to see Fluttershy striding towards them. Rainbow immediately took up a defensive position beside her friend, a glare plastered on her face.

‘It’s all right.’ Pinkie’s voice said in their heads. The two glanced over to see her standing on one of the neighboring towers, her Soul Gem in her hooves, ready for her transformation if necessary. Fluttershy kept walking until she was only a few hooves away from them trio.

“Picking up where you left off yesterday?” Rainbow demanded, her glare hot enough to melt iron.

Fluttershy shook her head, unfazed. “No. I have no such intention.” She leveled her own glare towards the creature on Twilight’s back. “I had hoped to kill it before it made contact with Twilight Sparkle, but it’s too late for that now…” She returned her gaze to the two fillies, but only addressed Twilight, as if Rainbow wasn’t there. “So what will you do? Will you become a Magical Filly as well?”

“I…” Twilight hesitated. She honestly didn’t know herself. Thankfully, Rainbow, not one to be ignored, jumped in before she could answer.

“Like you have any right to ask us anything!”

The filly ignored her, unfazed by her outburst. For her, the only thing that mattered was Twilight. “…Do you remember what I said yesterday?” she asked.

“Yeah…” the strange warning had been echoing in her mind since she first spoke to the strange filly.

Fluttershy bowed her head, her eyes closed. “Good. Then I’ll pray my warning will not have been in vain.” She turned around and started walking away.

“F-Fluttershy! Um…” Twilight stammered. “What did you wish for when you became a Magical Filly?” The filly stopped and turned back to her, stunned. Twilight studied her face, and saw a flicker of something in her eyes. Was it…fear? Sadness? Then she was gone.


As soon as the last bell rang, signaling the end of another school day, Twilight and Rainbow ran out the room towards the lockers. Rarity was already there, getting her bags, and preparing to head home.

“Rarity!” Rarity turned as Rainbow called her name. “Sorry, but the two of us have a few small errands to run today, so…”

Rarity’s eyes narrowed. “Something private?”

“Um, well…”

“I’m so jealous!” she sighed. “I guess there’s just no room anymore for a third wheel like me!” With that, Rarity took off like a rocket for the second time that day.

“Once again,” Rainbow called after her. “you’ve got it totally wrong!”

The two fillies failed to notice a certain yellow pegasus filly behind them, listening to every word they said.

“Miss Shy…” she turned her head to find two of her classmates standing beside her. “You’re finally going to come have coffee with us now, right?”

She gave an apologetic smile. “Sorry girls, but I have some urgent business to attend to today as well.”


“My apologies.” With that, Fluttershy made her exit.


Location: Ponyville Shopping Center, Café, West Ponyville

“Now then,” said Pinkie, grinning as she set her steaming cup of hot chocolate on the table in front of her. “Shall we begin lesson one of our little ‘A Day in the Life of a Magical Filly’ class?” The pair in front of her nodded their heads in anticipation.

“I don’t know if it’ll be any help,” Rainbow said, pulling out a long narrow package. “But, I brought this along.” She unwrapped it, revealing a red bow staff. Grinning at the looks of astonishment on her friends’ faces, she sat down. “I figured it was better than having nothing to defend ourselves with.”

Pinkie chuckled, “Well, I’m glad you’re going into this with that kind of mindset.”

Rainbow then turned to Twilight. “How about you, Twilight? Bring anything?”

“Um…well, I,” she stuttered, embarrassed. She pulled out her sketches and placed them on the table. “I-I thought maybe I should at least start thinking about costume ideas…” The two other fillies at the table burst out laughing. All she could do in response was hang her head in embarrassment.

Finally getting control of herself, the pink filly reached up and brushed away a laughter tear. “Well, you’ve certainly brought enough enthusiasm!”

Rainbow nodded in agreement. “I can’t top that even if I tried! You totally beat me..!” The two took another look at the costume ideas in front of them, and once again burst out laughing.”


Location: Ponyville Shopping Center, (area under renovation), West Ponyville

The trio stood at the exact spot of their previous encounter of the labyrinth, Pinkie’s Soul Gem hovering in front of them, through use of her Soul Gem’s magic. As they watched, it began to glow, pulsing with a warm, golden light. “These are remnants of the magic used by that Night Mare from yesterday,” Pinkie explained. “The key to Night Mare hunting is sweeping the city on hoof, searching for remnant magic. Once your Soul Gem picks up a Night Mare’s trail, you just use it like a compass and follow it to the Night Mare.”

“It’s a lot less exciting than I was expecting,” Rainbow sighed as Pinkie began to lead them towards the Night Mare.


Location: Fringe of the Everfree Forest

“The Gem doesn’t seem to be glowing any brighter.” The trio had been wandering the streets of the city, their gaze fixed on the Soul Gem.

Pinkie nodded. “It’s because it’s been a full night since the Night Mare escaped. There are fewer hoofprints around to catch hold of now.”

“What if you had gone after it right away yesterday?” Twilight asked, glancing aside.

“I may have been able to finish it off,” Pinkie replied, her gaze never wavering from the path in front of her. “But it wasn’t worth leaving the two of you alone after what you’d been through.”

Twilight turned her gaze away, knowing that she had, in a sense, cheated Pinkie out of a reward. “…I’m sorry.”

Pinkie chuckled. “It’s fine.”

Rainbow just smirked. “Eeyup! You truly are an ally of justice, Pinkie!” Her expression darkened. “On the other hoof, what is with that transfer student?! She really ticks me off!”

‘Is she really a bad pony..?’ Twilight didn’t really know much about Fluttershy, but what she did know confused her. First, she was exceptionally friendly to the students that swarmed her on the first day, answering their questions, and asking a few of her own. Second, she was extremely unfriendly towards Rainbow and Pinkie, almost as if she knew them from somewhere, and had declared them to be mortal enemies. Third, she warned Twilight away from becoming a Magical Filly. Finally, and most confusingly, the look she gave her earlier that day. So full of fear and sadness. It was enough to give the young filly a headache.

“Say, Pinkie,” Rainbow said, breaking Twilight out of her reflection. “Do you have at least an idea of where the Night Mare might be?”

“Well,” Pinkie replied, thoughtfully. “You often find traces of Night Mares’ auras around FFM(1) crashes or deadly accidents. That’s why I normally check high-traffic streets and spots in the Red Light District where fights tend to break out first. I also check out of the way places where people might try to commit suicide.” Her face darkened, turning into a scowl. “Then, there are hospitals. The most awful places for a Night Mare to take up residence. It’s unbearable to see them draining the life out of those who are already weakened with pain and illness.” Pinkie suddenly stopped, her Soul Gem glowing profusely. The trio looked at it, two of them in fascination, while the other began looking around. “It’s reacting to some very powerful magic. It must be close.”


Location: Fringe of the Everfree, Abandoned Factory

The trio ran to the building, Pinkie’s Soul Gem glowing brighter and brighter as they got closer.

“There’s no mistake,” Pinkie said. “It must be here!”

Rainbow glanced up, and gasped. “Pinkie, look!” The other two followed her gaze to see a young mare standing on the edge of the building. While the building was rather squat, it was also tall enough to be fatal if one were to fall from the roof. As the trio watched, the mare hurled herself from the top. Pinkie quickly used her Soul Gem to transform, and used her magic to catch her before she could hit the ground. She then gently lowered her to the ground, being careful to avoid the shards of broken glass littered around the building. As the trio huddled around the mare, they noticed an odd symbol on her neck.

“A Night Mare’s kiss,” Pinkie breathed. “Just as I expected.”

“I-is she..?” Rainbow asked, nervously shifting from hoof to hoof. She knew this mare after all. It was Derpy Hooves. She had been in the process of recovering from a flying accident, which left her wall-eyed and no longer able to fly.

“No, she’s fine,” Pinkie reassured the polychromatic filly. “She’s just out cold.” She got to her hooves, a serious look on her muzzle. “Let’s go!”

The trio ran into the building, carefully searching the area for the labyrinth entrance. Almost immediately, Pinkie’s mane clip started flashing, causing an ominous, black portal to open. “I won’t let you escape this time!” said Pinkie with a smirk, while Rainbow readied her bow staff. Pinkie then made a sweeping motion with her hoof towards the staff, causing it to twist and contort into an intricate design with electricity crackling along the length. “It’s not much, but the electrified quality of it should serve to protect you from any immediate dangers at least,” Pinkie had started walking towards the portal as she spoke, stopping and turning back to the two fillies behind her. “You must stay near me once we’re inside, all right?”

“Right!” Rainbow called as she and Twilight ran to catch up. Pinkie and Rainbow immediately jumped into the portal as soon as they got to it. Twilight, however, hesitated, second thoughts swarming through her head. She shook her head, and jumped in after them. None of them, however, noticed the tall yellow pegasus filly following close behind.


Location: Fringe of the Everfree, Abandoned Factory, Gertrud’s Labyrinth

Upon entering the labyrinth, the trio was immediately attacked by the same puffball creatures that had encountered before, this time accompanied by large butterfly-like creatures with multiple eyes and abnormally large bodies paired with abnormally small wings. Pinkie immediately summoned a canon and fired at the strange creatures, taking the group out with a single blast. She then took off up a flight of steps. In other words, the same way that the creatures originally came from. Of course, more creatures attacked, prompting Rainbow to take a few swings at them.

“Stay away!” she snarled as she hit one of the butterfly things, causing it to disappear. Pinkie just glanced over as she summoned canon after canon, taking out the rest of the group. Twilight just stood, holding Kyubey, and watching.

“So?” Pinkie asks, as the trio take off up another flight of stairs. “Are you two scared yet?”

“A-as if!” Rainbow pants as they turn a corner and stop. Pinkie pulls out a canon and fires at the creatures, which suddenly reform behind Rainbow, ready to take a bite out of her flank. Before it could get the chance, Pinkie hits it with a crippling kick, her calm and collected appearance steadying Twilight’s frazzled nerves.

‘I am scared…’ she thinks, as time seems to slow. ‘But…’ She never got to finish her thought as she found herself running further into the depths of the labyrinth.

“Keep it up!” Kyubey called from Twilight’s back. “We’re almost at the deepest point of the labyrinth!” Pinkie suddenly jumped over a railing, landing right in the middle of a large group of the creatures. She spread her hooves wide, and six canons materialize around her, taking aim and firing as she directed, destroying each and every one of the creatures. The others quickly follow her, as she took off through one final door, leading to the single largest room of the entire labyrinth. In the center is a huge and by far ugliest creature you could imagine. Its body long and a sickly cream color, with a small pair of butterfly wings, and its head like a rose bush.

“Which one is this, Kyubey?” Pinkie asks.

“Gertrud, the plant Night Mare,” Kyubey replies.

Rainbow and Twilight look like they’re gonna be sick. “That’s a Night Mare?” Rainbow asks.

Pinkie nods. “Yes.”

“Ugh… disgusting.”

“Y-you’re going to fight that thing?” Twilight stammers, lost in a sea of fear.

“I’ll be fine,” she chuckles, turning back to them and taking Rainbow’s staff in hoof. “As if I would lose to that!” she says as she twirls the staff and slams it on the ground between herself and the two fillies. Immediately a shimmering, golden barrier erects itself between the two fillies and the fight. “Stay back!!” Pinkie warns before leaping onto the ground in front of the Night Mare.

Once on the ground, Pinkie summoned two canons, prompting Gertrud to attack, hurling a massive sofa at the pink filly. She immediately dodged, and used her canons to destroy it before it could be used again. As the sofa was destroyed, Gertrud quickly took to the wall, climbing it in an attempt to get in a better position. Pinkie quickly summoned another thirty canons, all lined up, ready to be fired. She fired them off one at a time, as she carefully aimed in front of the fleeing Night Mare. Gertrud, however, proved to be far faster than it looked, easily dodging each and every one of the blasts, biding its time before-

“Huh?” Pinkie suddenly felt a lot of small somethings crawling up her leg. She glanced down to find an army of tiny creatures quickly climbing up her, joining together to form a tentacle, lifting the pink filly into the air. Pinkie had just enough focus to summon another two canons, making them hover as she tried to aim them at her opponent. Both shots, predictably, missed their mark, and the filly found herself being slammed into a nearby wall. Gertrud then latched its own tentacle around Pinkie and dangled her over its ‘head.’

“Pinkie!” the two fillies gasp.

Pinkie’s eyes open as she smirks. “I’m fine.” The ground below started to glow as strands of yellow energy pushes its way up and around the Night Mare cornering it. “As if I’d let myself look so uncool in front of my future Magical Filly juniors!” The strands of energy shot towards Gertrud, wrapping it up in a cocoon of energy. Pinkie smirks as it shoots its own dark energy bolts towards her. “Close, but no cigar.” She pulls out a ribbon from her mane, using her magic to direct the magical cloth into the tentacle still holding her, cutting herself free. As she falls, she uses that same ribbon to summon a massive canon, reminiscent of the army’s artillery canons. Energy gathered at the muzzle of the weapon as it prepared to fire. “Tiro Finale!” The massive bolt of energy left the canon, blasting straight towards the Night Mare, engulfing it in flames. Pinkie gracefully landed on the ground where the Night Mare had been, catching a cupcake in her mouth.

“S-she beat it…?” Rainbow breathed.

“Amazing…!” Twilight gasped.

The world then took that as its cue to revert back to normal, the hallway of the abandoned factory taking the place of Gertrud’s labyrinth. Pinkie knelt as she picked up a small black and grey object, left behind from the Night Mare’s final destruction. “This is a Grief Seed,” she says as she turns back to her two companions. “A Night Mare’s egg.”

“E-egg?!” Rainbow stammers, more in confusion than fear.

“Night Mares carry them sometimes,” the pink filly explained. “If you’re lucky, you’ll find one after a battle.”

“It’s all right,” Kyubey chimed in. “In this form, they’re perfectly safe. In fact, they’re incredibly valuable because of what they can do.”

Pinkie pulls out her soul gem setting it on the floor for the two fillies to see. “The color of my Soul Gem looks a little muddier now than it did last night, right?”

Twilight looks closer, as does Rainbow. “Now that you mention it…”

“But,” Pinkie continued. “If I use the Grief Seed…” she moves the aforementioned item next to her Soul Gem. The dark energy contained in the Gem, suddenly transferred itself into the Grief Seed, resulting in the Gem shine much brighter than before.

“Woah! It cleared up again!” Rainbow exclaimed.

Pinkie nods. “ With this, the magic I used during the battle is restored as well. When I said there were certain rewards for defeating Night Mares, I meant this.” She then turns to one of the dark hallways and tossed the Grief Seed down it, to be caught by a butter yellow wing. “It should be good for one more use,” Pinkie called with a smile. “I’ll let you have it…” the owner of the yellow wing stepped into the light. “…Miss Fluttershy…”

“Her again?!” Rainbow growled under her breath, glaring poison daggers at the yellow filly.

“…Or do you dislike sharing with others?” Pinkie continued, ignoring the cyan filly’s glare. Fluttershy just stands there, a deadpan look on her face.

“It was your kill,” she replies, tossing the Seed back. “You should keep the reward for yourself.”

Pinkie catches it with a frown. “I see. So that’s your answer.”

The yellow filly turns around, and walks back into the shadows, but not before leveling a warning look in Twilight’s direction.

“Ugh!” Rainbow growled. “She really does bug me!”

“We could have been friends…” Twilight sighs.

“It only works that way if both parties feel that way,” Pinkie replies with a frown.


The two fillies watch from a distance as Pinkie sits with Derpy, as she comes too. “Where am I?” she asks with a yawn. The memories slowly start to return to her as she looks around at her surroundings, her eyes growing to the size of saucers. “O-oh my Celestia, what was I about to…? Why would I…?” Pinkie quickly embraces the mare in front of her.

“It’s OK. You’re safe now,” she says comfortingly. “You were just having a bad dream, that’s all.”

“Well,” Rainbow smiles as she watches the scene unfold before her. “That’s one case closed.”

“Yeah…” Twilight replies, offering a smile of her own.


Location: Home of the Sparkle Family, East Ponyville

‘It’s too confusing,’ Twilight reflects as she works, putting the finishing touches on her costume designs. ‘Figuring out what to wish for. But Pinkie looked so amazing when she was fighting to save ponies. If even someone like me, could go around truly helping people like that…’ she puts down her pencil as she gazes at her creation. ‘I think that would be truly wonderful.’

Author's Note:

Next time on Puella Magi Twilight Magica!
"I only pretend to be cool."
"I'm really pushing myself hard."
"Even when I'm scared, or hurting, There's no one I can talk to."
"All I can do is cry on my own."
"It isn't a good thing... to be a Magical Filly"
"I'm not afraid of anything anymore."

Hurray! The second episode is done! The next episode is when the story starts to take a darker turn, but only at part 2. So, until next time,
Onwards and Upwards!

(1) Flim-Flam-Mobile