• Published 8th Dec 2013
  • 1,127 Views, 71 Comments

Puella Magi Twilight Magica - SoulboundAlchemist

What if there was an Equestria with only earth ponies, pegasi and alicorns? What would happen when an alien creature went around granting magical powers to certain earth ponies and pegasi? Bad stuff, that's for sure.

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003 - That Would Be Truly Wonderful Part 1

Puella Magi Twilight Magica
By darkponyD

003 – That Would Be Truly Wonderful Part 1

“My name is Pinkie Pie. I’m a ninth-grade student at Ponyville Middle School. And, I am one who has made a contract with Kyubey – a Magical Filly!”

Location: Home of the Sparkle Family, East Ponyville
Twilight Sparkle awoke to the bright sunlight streaming in through the windows, strange memories running through her head. She sits up, looking around the room at the many stuffed animals littering her shelves and floor. “Another strange dream…!?” she groans. She then notices the addition of a new creature in her stuffed animal collection.

“Good morning, Twilight!” It was Kyubey, of course. Which meant that it wasn’t a dream at all. It was real.


Twilight and her mother stood in the bathroom, once again preparing for the day ahead of them. This time, it was oddly quiet, until Velvet decided to break the silence. “Twilight…” she said through a mouth of toothpaste. “I heard you got home late last night?”

Twilight nodded. “Yeah, I got invited over to an older student’s house…”

The pair took a swig of water and rinsed their mouths in unison. “Well, I’m not going to make a fuss about curfews or anything,” Velvet replied. “Just let us know where you are before dinner, all right?”

Twilight nodded, smiling. “I’m sorry.” She turned her head to take in the site of the new addition to her morning routine.

Kyubey lay, completely relaxed, in a steaming bowl of water, eyes closed and with a look of contentment on his face. ‘Ponies really can’t see him…’ thought Twilight.


Location: Pinkie Pie’s apartment, Ponyville Central, 5:30 PM the previous night

Twilight and Rainbow stepped into Pinkie Pie’s apartment and gasped. “Wow! What a wonderful room!” The room was small, containing a simple living room set consisting of a small couch, a coffee table and shelves of sugary confectionary, not to mention the many shelves of cookbooks, and fantasy novels.

“I live here alone,” Pinkie explained. “So feel free to make yourselves comfortable. Though I’m afraid I don’t have much to offer as refreshments…” This statement wasn’t entirely true, since Pinkie’s shelves contained so much sugar in the form of cakes, cupcakes and cookies, along with a good supply of tea. Soon they were all seated around her coffee table sipping tea and munching on cake.

“Pinkie, this is easily the best cake I’ve had in years!” Twilight exclaimed.

Rainbow nodded in agreement. “No kidding, insanely tasty!”

Pinkie smiled. “Thank you.” She took a sip of her tea before continuing. “Since you two have been chosen by Kyubey as well, it means you’re now involved in all of this. So, I thought there were a few things we should go over.”

Rainbow waved her hoof dismissively. “Yeah, yeah. Go ahead and ask your questions.”

Twilight giggled. “Rainbow… I think you’ve got it backwards…”

Pinkie chuckled before her expression turned serious, and she pulled out the same gem from before. It glowed a soft, pleasant orange color, and radiated a great deal of power.

“Ooh, pretty!” Twilight said, dazzled.

“This is a Soul Gem,” Pinkie explained. “When Kyubey makes a contract with a filly, a Soul Gem is born. It’s the source of our magic, and also the proof that we’re Magical Fillies.”

Rainbow’s eyes narrowed. “What about this ‘contract’ business? What exactly does that mean?”

“I will grant you one wish,” Kyubey explained. “Any wish you desire!”

“Wait, really?!”

“A wish…?” Twilight asked.

Kyubey nodded. ”Yes, anything at all. I can grant you even the most impossible of miracles!”

Rainbow tapped a hoof against her chin. “So we could wish for riches and treasures? Or to be part of the Wonderbolts? Or even to be in an adventure as epic as a Daring Do novel?!” Her voice grew more excited the more things she listed.

“Uh, maybe not that last one Rainbow,” Twilight said giggling. “Those books can get pretty scary.”

“Yes,” Kyubey answered Rainbow. “But in exchange for that wish, your Soul Gem is created.” Kyubey paused, looking at both of the fillies. “Those who possess a Soul Gem are duty-bound to do battle with Night Mares.”

“Night Mares?” Twilight asked. “Are they something different?”

“If Magical Fillies can be said to be born from wishes,” Pinkie explained. “Then Night Mares are creatures born from curses.”

Here Kyubey took up the explanation. “Just as Magical Fillies spread hope to the world, Night Mares spread despair. And since they’re invisible to normal ponies, it makes their evil all the more insidious. Anxiety and mistrust, irrational rage and hatred, they sow the seeds of disaster throughout the world.”

“Many of the inexplicable suicides and murders that occur are caused by a Night Mare’s curse,” Pinkie explained, face turned away. “The Night Mare’s formless darkness grows within the cursed pony, until it consumes them from the inside out.”

Rainbow set down the cup she had been drinking out of. “If these Night Mares are so dangerous, why don’t ponies know about them yet?”

“Because Night Mares hide themselves deep within the labyrinths they create,” Kyubey explained. “They go to great lengths to remain hidden from ponies at large, working from the shadows of their labyrinths and relying on their curses. That maze-like place you wandered into today was a labyrinth.”

“The labyrinths are extremely dangerous,” Pinkie said. “Ponies who wonder in don’t usually make it back out alive. You two are extremely lucky I was around at the time.”

Twilight shuddered. “And you fight those things?”

Pinkie nodded. “Yes, often at the risk of my life. That’s why the two of you should think very carefully before deciding to become Magical Fillies. Having been chosen by Kyubey, you have the rare opportunity to have any wish granted. But remember that that wish walks side-by-side with death.”

“Oh horseapples,” Rainbow said, hanging her head. “This is gonna be a tough choice.”

Pinkie giggled at this reaction. “To help you make up your minds, why don’t you come along with me on a few Night Mare hunts?”

“Huh?!” the two younger fillies gasped.

“You should see for yourselves what it’s like to do battle with Night Mares.” Pinkie explained, closing her eyes. “Besides… you should both think long and hard about whether there’s something you want badly enough to make it worth putting yourself in danger.”


Twilight watched as her mother continued her morning routine, choosing her next words carefully. “Hey…mom?”


“Say that, hypothetically, someone offered to magically grant you any wish in the world. What would you wish for?”

“I’d have those two trustees driven straight out of the company,” Velvet said, without looking up.


“And also,” Velvet closed her eyes in frustration. “The CEO really is getting too old to keep pushing himself, so maybe I’d have him retire as well.” She pulled out a makeup brush, dabbing her face with it thoughtfully. “Oh, but he hasn’t named a successor yet…”

“Then what if you became the new CEO?” Twilight asked. Velvet stopped what she was doing, and peered off into space, deep in thought.

“I hadn’t considered that…” she said as she packed up her makeup box, her eyes glinting as she considers what her daughter had suggested. “If I could gather enough support in the sales department… I’ve already got the planning committee and general affairs in my corner… Then my only hurdle would be old Baldy from the accounting department… Maybe… Interesting…”

“Mom…” Twilight giggled. “You’ve got a scary look in your eyes.”


Location: Central Park, Ponyville Central

“Good morning girls!” Twilight called as she ran up behind her friends.

“Good morning,” Rarity replied, turning and smiling towards her. Rainbow Dash was just about to greet her in the same way, until she spotted Twilight’s little passenger.

“Good morning, Rainbow!” Kyubey greeted, smiling widely. Rainbow just stood there staring, not knowing what she should do.

Noticing, Rarity glanced between Twilight and Rainbow, not noticing Kyubey at all. “Rainbow, is something the matter?”

Rainbow Dash completely ignored the question, instead running up beside Twilight. “So other ponies really can’t see him?” she asked quietly, not wanting Rarity to hear her.

“It certainly seems that way.”
Rainbow nods as she walks back over to a confused Rarity. “ O-oh! No, it’s nothing at all!” she said hastily, answering Rarity’s earlier question. “Let’s get going!” Twilight smiled, ready for her next trick.

‘It seems we can communicate…’ Rainbow froze as she heard Twilight’s voice in her head, whirling around at the same time. ‘…Just by thinking to each other like this.’

‘What?!’ she thought in panic. ‘You mean we already have magical powers?!’

‘No, no,’ came Kyubey’s amused response. ‘I’m simply acting as a conduit for your thoughts to pass through. But it’s handy being able to talk telepathically, isn’t it?’

‘It… Feels a bit weird…’ she replied as she and Twilight started walking away.

Rarity just stood there confused, and she wanted answers. “Hey, you two. What’s going on? You’ve been staring into each other’s eyes for a while now…”

“Huh? Oh, n-no, there’s nothing… going on…” Twilight stammered guiltily.

A look of surprise crosses Rarity’s face, as if something was just confirmed. “You’re already close enough to communicate through your eyes alone?!” she questioned. Suddenly, she gasped in shock as her mind went down the path of least resistance. “But for two ponies to suddenly get that much closer overnight… What on earth did you two do after I left yesterday?!”

“What are you…?” Rainbow asks before it suddenly clicks in her brain. “No! It totally isn’t what you’re thinking!”

“Well,” Twilight said, rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment. “A lot of things happened last night, but…”

“Not helping, Twi!” Rainbow hissed between her teeth.

“But you can’t!!” Rarity continued, ignoring what Rainbow had said. “You’re both fillies after all! Can’t you see that it’s a love that can never be?!” She took of screaming after that last part, dropping her saddlebag in her haste.

“Rarity!” Rainbow called after her. “You dropped your bag!” But her call fell on deaf ears.

Twilight sighed. “Rarity’s acting more like you today, Rainbow.”

“Hey!” Rainbow cried, indignant. “What’s that supposed to mean?!”


Location: Ponyville Middle School, Ponyville Central
Classes were just about to start as the two fillies stood in front of Rarity, trying to explain themselves, it didn’t look like they were getting through to her until Ms. Cheerilee walked in and told the class to get to their seats. As they took their seats, Rainbow continued the conversation she had been having with Kyubey after Rarity took off. ‘But seriously, is it really OK for you to tag along to school with us?’

‘Why not?’ he asked, shrugging.

‘Like I said, that filly from yesterday just transferred into our class.’ Rainbow replied. ‘Isn’t she trying to kill you?’

‘Actually, I think the school is the safest place for me. After all, Pinkie’s here too.’

‘But Pinkie is a ninth-grade student,’ Twilight pointed out. ‘So her class is pretty far from ours.’

‘Don’t worry, I can hear you all perfectly,’ came Pinkie’s unexpected reply.

‘At this distance, I can still reach her with my telepathy.’ Kyubey explained.

‘Oh! U-uh, um, good morning, Pinkie!’ Twilight stuttered in embarrassment.

They could hear Pinkie chuckling as she replied. ‘I promise I’ll keep close watch over you all, so don’t worry. Anyway, she doesn’t strike me as the type who would attack you in public.’

Rainbow shuddered. ‘I sure hope you’re right…’ Just then, the fillies all caught sight of Fluttershy as she walked in. ‘Ugh! Speak of the devil…’ She took her seat and turned around, taking note of Twilight and Kyubey, her face betraying none of her thoughts.


Location: Pinkie Pie’s apartment, Ponyville Central, 7:00 PM the previous night

The fillies were just about to leave Pinkie’s apartment, when Rainbow had a thought. “That transfer student, is she a Magical Filly as well?”

Pinkie nodded. “Undoubtedly. She seems to be a fairly powerful one, too.”

“But then, wouldn’t that make her a good guy, also fighting the Night Mares?” Rainbow asks in confusion. “If so, why would she suddenly start attacking Twilight?”

“It was me she was after,” Kyubey explained. “It seemed like she was trying to prevent me from contracting a new Magical Filly.”

“But why?” Rainbow questioned. “If we’re fighting the same enemy, wouldn’t it be better if there were more of us?”

“Not necessarily,” the two younger fillies turned their attention to Pinkie. “It’s actually more common for Magical Fillies to contend against each other.”

“What?” Twilight gasped. “But why?”

“You see, there are certain rewards one can gain from defeating a Night Mare,” she explained. “That’s why sometimes, depending on the time and situation, Magical fillies may actually battle one another for the rights to those rewards.”

“So basically,” Rainbow reasoned. “The reason that filly was staring at Twilight all day yesterday, was because she knew Kyubey was trying to get to her?”

“Most likely, yes,” Pinkie confirmed, using her magic to turn her Soul Gem into a hair pin.


Fluttershy kept gazing towards Twilight. It was still rather creepy, even though Twilight knew the reason for it. ‘Don’t worry, Twi,’ she glanced over to see Rainbow glaring at the yellow filly. ‘If she tries anything on you, I’ll punch her lights out!’ Rainbow grins as she turns to Twilight. ‘Plus, we have Pinkie here to protect you too!’

‘That’s right,’ Pinkie replied. ‘Leaving aside Rainbow and her punches, I am here, so you’ll be just fine.’

Rainbow’s grin fades as she processes what Pinkie said. ‘Hey! What do you mean “leaving aside?!”’

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, I hope you've all had a good Christmas, I hope you're all ready to re-enter the PMTM world with this new chapter.
One little thing before you read it though, you'll be seeing this: \\***// in the story when it goes into flashback mode.