• Published 22nd Dec 2013
  • 484 Views, 4 Comments

Dust in the Wind - Foxes33

The Sonic Rainboom, something powerful and could possible be used as an advantage. War has spread and now Equestria believes that there is one hope. The long time descendant of the former general Rainbow Dash, but will she commit?

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Chapter One - Torn

The sun shown down on a lovely Manehatten day. Mares walked in large fancy hats and beautiful pieces of jewelry, while stallions wore tuxedos or other fancy pieces of clothing. Foals skipped merrily, almost looking like zombies who were meant to make Manehatten fancy. It was a warm summer day and it felt great. Not many were aware of the slight dangers that were to occur. No place was perfect. On the grey cement of the sidewalk there was the rolling sound of plastic wheels.

"Catch me if you can!" Yelled a light blue mare.

Her mane was rainbow colored, but her yellow most intense. Her eyes bright yellow like the sun. Her cutie mark, a dark cloud with multiple lightning bolts sprawling down. She was a little short, but fast. She rode her skateboard, weaving through other ponies. Her wings fluttered every so often to make her go faster. Her friends followed, just able to keep up with her.

"You can't beat me this time, Lightning Strike!" Called a taller grey unicorn mare with a dull blue mane.

She ripped down the sidewalk, keeping up very well and soon passing Lightning. Fancy ponies gasped, some cursing and screaming at the young teens. Some would scream they were improper and reckless, but they thought they were living the good life. Soon a rusty colored stallion began to pass her, he was the same age and wore glasses. His eyes were a brighter orange and his mane sleek black.

"Why so slow?" He mocked.

"I am not done yet Tawny!" Lightning Strike called, giving a devious laugh.

Her wings picked up the speed and she tore down the sidewalk like a rocket. She could soon see the grey mare and her dull blue mane. The grey mare turned and gasped, surprised to see her there. She tried to pick up speed and stay in the lead on her board, but soon Lightning passed her.

"Whose slow now?" She giggled.

Lightning looked behind her for a second and soon hit the side of another pony. She looked up, horror in her eyes. She had crashed into the worst pony to crash into in Manehatten! Her friends caught up and skidded to a stop when they saw what had happened.

"I am so sorry Mr. Jabber! Please don't tell my mom. I-I didn't mean to!" Lightning pleaded, her eyes sad.

Groceries were scattered among the street. The old dull blue stallion turned and looked at the three teens. The grey mare and Tawny backed up while Lightning shrunk where she was. Her body quivered, sure she had heard this a thousand times. This time though, Mr. Jabber's head looked red like a tomato, a fully developed one too. His eyes showed pure fury, that would make anypony cringe.

"Why you! Your mother suspects more of you Miss. Strike. I am going to tell her and that is finale. You hooligans! You respect nopony else, you only care for your fancy boards. You didn't even watch where you were going! Look at my groceries! Off with ya! Come on, get!" He shouted.

Lightning Strike picked up her skateboard and ran off behind her friends who were already running. She quickly caught up to them. They walked in silence.

"Tough break," the grey mare sighed.

"Yeah, Frost is right, tough," Tawny agreed.

Lightning Strike's head hung low as she looked at the grey sidewalk. Frost turned her head to look at her. She frowned wider.

"Come on Lightning, it happened before. Mr. Grumpy Pus should calm his shit," Frost explained.

"Yeah, but he's gonna tell my mom! If she finds out, I might loose my board!" Lightning squeaked.

"What! She can't do that! You're a skater, besides there is a war. Maybe she will think otherwise. We need some entertainment," Tawny soothed.

Lightning forged a fake smile onto her lips. She held her head high and nodded. She looked up ahead to see an alleyway, which was a shortcut to the skate park. That would make it so they didn't go back and run into Mr. Jabber.

"Hey guys! Come on, lets take the short cut!" Lightning Strike suggested.

"Yeah lets do it!" Frost agreed.

Tawny nodded in agreement. The threesome went into the dark alleyway. The sides were cluttered by garbage bags, dumpsters and garbage cans. Some trash just cluttered the floor, but none even cared. Certainly not the prettiest part of Manehatten. That was when there was a small clang. It was the sounds of the metallic bins hitting each other.

"Eeep! What was that?" Frost squeaked.

Soon a thin black cat came from behind the trash bins. Tawny laughed and Frost scowled. Tawny's laugh soon dissipated when he saw Tawny's face. Lightning just smirked and kicked a dirty grey garbage can. The sound rang loudly, making Tawny and Frost jump.

Lightning laughed, "You two are so easily startled!"

"Shut the hell up!" Tawny said, laughing himself.

"You two are so mean," Frost giggled.

The threesome laughed, until a big clang rang out. They all stopped laughing and began to look around. It seemed to bounce of the red brick walls. Lightning stepped back to be closer to her friends.

"Um, Lightning, are you fooling?" Tawny asked in a hush whisper.

"No," Lightning squeaked.

"Maybe we shouldn't take the shortcut," Frost whispered.

"Well, maybe it was the cat," Lightning suggested, standing tall again.

"Yeah, yeah, the cat. Lets go. if we hurry, we won't have to worry," Tawny agreed, smiling widely.

They both nodded. The group stayed clustered together, not saying a word. It was as though they were afraid something would hear them. They soon came to the tall light brown fence. The group paused.

"I will go up and help you up," Lightning suggested to Tawny.

They all hated the fence, it took a while to get over. Yet this was was still faster then going around and getting knocked into moving clusters. Tawny nodded. Frost just smirked and teleported to the other side, while Lightning flew into place. Tawny walked over to the old broken milk crates. he jumped up carefully, he waited there for a second. Lightning flew up fast and grabbed him, flying him to another staircase of milk crates.

"Thanks Lightning," Tawny said when he was on the ground.

"No... problem," Lightning huffed slightly.

She felt tired after the race and helping Tawny over. The threesome continued onward.

"So do you think Mr. Jabber will tell you mom?" Frost asked.

"Yeah, he was pissed Frost!" Lightning answered.

"Too bad, hope you don't loose your board. What will we do then?" Tawny laughed.

"Shut up!" Lightning said playfully.

That was when a mysterious dull green stallion pegasus with a darker mane appeared. He wore a black cloak and his eyes very dark green. It was almost as though he was in camouflage.

"Excuse us, but were heading to the skate park," Frost said politely.

"I am not hear to talk with you, I request an audience with Miss. Strike," He explained.

"What? Heh, I don't know you dude," Lightning refused.

He soon slide a badge on the ground so it stopped in front of them. The three hunched over it and looked. The stallion lifted his head and it was easier to see his face.

"My name is Sketch. I am a Field Officer of the West unit. I believe that gives me an audience with you," He explained, a gleam in his eyes.

Tawny looked at the card. "Field Soldier, that is a senior rank! You're supposed to be at war, why are you here?" He exclaimed.

"I needed to come for our secret weapon. Your friend Miss. Strike is more important then she thinks she is. So if I may explain, that would be useful," Sketch explained further.

Lightning lifted her head. Her heart thudded against her chest loudly when she heard she was a secret weapon. Her yellow eyes could only stare in horror at the dull green stallion.

"What do you mean secret weapon?" She asked, her voice quivering.

"I would rather explain in private," Sketch answered.

Lightning Strike looked down, she wanted to go to the skate park, yet she was curious. She looked at her friends' pleading eyes, then at the dull green mysterious pegasus. She sighed.

"Sorry guys, I have to, you know," Lightning Strike apologized.

Frost's mouth gaped widely, and his eyes just stared at her. Before she could yell and probably curse, Tawny covered her mouth.

"Its okay Lightning. We can meet you later, try to make at the park before seven, or I will let her tear you to pieces," Tawny laughed, winking.

Her friends left, crossing the stone road and through the gates of the skate park. Tawny waved, while Frost tried to hold back the screams. Lightning laughed and looked at the Sketch.

"Where to?" She asked.

Sketch picked up his badge and looked at her.

"This way, we will talk in the forest. That is where nopony will hear," He answered, walking towards the forest.

Lightning sighed and followed. She was somewhat concerned, she didn't know this pony, but in her gut, she knew he wasn't bad. They walked, and he had said nothing.

"So how is the war going?" Lightning asked, trying to strike a conversation.

"Okay, I guess," He answered briefly.

Lightning Strike soon gave up after the answer. She now knew, this stallion was serious, too serious for her personally. She followed until they were deep in the forest. That was when he stopped.

"We are safe from the ears of others," Sketch declared.

Lightning scanned her surroundings averting her head up. Looking at the broad oak trees and their dark leaves. They stood tall and seemed to just scrap the sky. She then lowered her head and looked at Sketch who settled his saddle bag underneath one of the oaks.

"So why I am I important?" She asked.

Sketch sighed, "You are impatient, tisk, tisk. Anyways, as all ponies know, the general who was here at the beginning of this war was General Dash. She was the one who separated the teams to keep control, putting her best generals on the other teams. Her signature move being the Sonic Rainboom that she performed to kill and scramble the enemy forces. That was until she died saving a young soldier. She didn't regret it of course."

Lightning cocked her head. "What does this have to do with me?"

"You are her daughter," Sketch explained, "When you were born, she knew she couldn't take care of you. She brought you to us, and it was decided that you would be the secret weapon to save us. Since you had a rainbow mane, we hoped you would be able to obtain a Sonic Rainboom. Dash hoped that it wouldn't have to happen, for your sake. They gave you do your current mother for safety. Haven't you ever wonder why you look nothing like her or your father? They aren't who you think." Sketch asked.

"No... I-I can't go to war! I am to young, and, my mom isn't, real. She was a lie?" Lightning said, her voice quivered.

"I am afraid so, but we need you. Faren's troops have a secret weapon. It is your choice. I hope you make the right decision. I will come tomorrow for your answer. We will meet at the place I met you. Good-bye for now," Sketch said, disappearing into the darkness.

Lightning watched as Sketch disappeared like a shadow. Lightning was left there, mouth gaped.

"Impossible," she gasped, "Impossible."