• Published 22nd Dec 2013
  • 485 Views, 4 Comments

Dust in the Wind - Foxes33

The Sonic Rainboom, something powerful and could possible be used as an advantage. War has spread and now Equestria believes that there is one hope. The long time descendant of the former general Rainbow Dash, but will she commit?

  • ...

Chapter Four - Metallic

The sun was shining in brights rays, making it warm. The wind blew, but there was another sound. Lightning ears pricked, it sounded like heavy breathing and the sound of falling water. She could only stare at the pine trees ahead, she already knew. The liquid that was falling wasn't water, it had to be blood. Lightning could smell the metallic odor in the air. It made her stomach twist in knots. It was putrid. The smell, the sounds, it made her scared, leaving her petrified. Her heart was thudding against her chest and her face felt hot from her nervous and scared emotions. She could only listen to those sounds, not Sketch's yelling voice. He was uttering swears and yelling at her to get up, but she couldn't hear his voice.

Lightning had no idea what was going on, but she didn't want to know. She didn't dare look, covering her eyes with her light blue hooves. That was when Sketch tapped her shoulder and she jumped. Jumping to her hooves, Lightning almost whacked Sketch in the face, but he dodged. However his face was displeased. He was covered in cuts, some more gruesome then others. She cringed, and she felt embarrassed. Who else would tap her shoulder?

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Sketch growled.

"I-I was scared." Lightning muttered.

"You better not be like that on the battlefield, unless you want to die in seconds." Sketch hissed.

"What happened anyways?" Lightning asked.

"A creature attacked, it isn't done. I fended it off, but it will be back. So be on your hooves, we still have to eat." Sketch explained, irritation in his voice.

He limped away and that was when Lightning saw the worst. A long scratch that went down from his thigh and down. It went across his cutie mark. Blood covered it, none fresh. It was all in clotted and dry. There were ugly shades of maroon red. Lightning looked at her hooves, that was her fault. She had gotten scared and now Sketch was injured. She looked up to see, he was still limping. These ponies truly were tough. She felt grim, it maybe was her fault. Lightning released a sigh and walked closer, keeping her distance. Soon Sketch came back with some rations, which were clearly dried apple slices. He put them down and just looked at her.

"What's wrong?" He asked, rolling his dark green eyes.

"I am sorry. It was my fault that you got hurt. I shouldn't have been scared ." Lightning squeaked.

Sketch released a sigh and scratched the back of his head.

"It wasn't your fault. Nopony can blame you for being scared. Listen, I am sorry for snapping, but times are rough and I have to get you to base. I may have gotten injured because you were scared, but it doesn't matter now. That is in the past." Sketch rejected.

"But it-" Lightning started.

"No, no, no, it isn't your fault. Your not use to this stuff. I shouldn't have made you feel bad." Sketch interrupted.

Lightning was about to retort, but decided against it.


"For what?" Sketch asked confused.

"For not making me feel bad. You not as bad as you seem." Lightning answered, smiling.

"Wait, what do you mean not as bad?" Sketch asked.

"Just never mind." Lightning said quietly.

Sketch handed her half of the bag's contents. They ate quietly, mostly because Lightning noticed Sketch was focusing. He was looking over his wounds. She wasn't sure if he had any medical supplies, but she doubted it. When she finished the bite of her last dried apple slice she walked over.

"Is it bad?" Lightning asked curiously.

"Not too bad, could have been worst. Looks like I am going to have to see Comet. He will fix me up, don't worry about it." Sketch answered, getting to his hooves.

That was when a rustle came from the bushes. Sketch grabbed a long metallic from a sheath that was hidden by his cloak. Lightning hid behind him, she had nothing to fight with. She could only watch as a large creature came lumbering out of the trees. It had thick fur, and she could just see a reddish glare. It was drops of blood, this must have been the creature from before. Its eyes looked reddish and menacing. It had medium sized claws with gnarled fangs. Lightning could already see the blood on its claws.

"We have to run," she squeaked.

Sketch paused and looked back at her, then to the beast.

"You start flying, I will lift off then your in the air. I can't let you get hurt." Sketch uttered.

Lightning's eyes widened and she looked at the large cut across the top of his leg.

"But your injured!" She cried.

"Just go!" He growled.

Lightning looked up, looking for a gap between the branches. She needed an opening, it was too risky to fly through the branches. She could hear the loud footfalls of the beast. She looked around more frantically. She could then hear the sounds of claws against the metal blade. It scared her, but she knew she couldn't fall to the ground and cry. Two lives were at stake, hers and Sketch's. She glanced back and forth, running through some of the trees. She could hear the pinging noise of the claws and blade clashing. She turned for a seconds to see Sketch's blade pierce the skin of the beast's arm. Blood dribbled to the ground. The beasts head flew back, its mouth opened as it yowled in pain. It growled and hissed at Sketch.

For a second she saw its large right paw come down, but turned away. She knew she couldn't get distracted now. She blocked out the other noises, and only listened to the whispering wind. She looked forward and up slightly. She could see a bright light, it was sunlight! She found it, the opening. She turned back and watched as Sketch was knocked against a tree by the large paw of the creature. His blood soaked blade fell to the ground, leaving him helpless. Lightning stared, she didn't want him to die. He was maybe snappy and a little mean, but he was going to be her teammate.

"Just go!" He coughed, blood seeping from a cut on his forehead.

Lightning didn't listen, instead she picked up the heavy metal blade. She kept it up and just stared at the beast. Lightning held tightly onto the blade she went forward, the blade in her mouth. She opened her wings and circled to the back of the beast. Before its left forearm could come down on Sketch, she drove the metallic blade into its back where the heart was. The life from its eyes faded and it fell. Sketch scampered out from under it before it hit the ground with a thud. Startled, Lightning fell backwards and off of the large beast. She looked up at Sketch with scared eyes, but was comforted and surprised to see him smiling widely.

"Look at that, you can fight. Good job kid." Sketch praised.

Lightning just smiled back and watched as he went to retrieve his blade. He sheathed it and came back to her.

"You ready to go?" He asked, walking towards the opening.

"Yeah. Lets go." Lightning answered, feeling better.

She opened her wings and followed after Sketch took off. She felt warm and fuzzy inside, she finally didn't mess up. It gave her confidence and made her excited to meet the others.

"I am really proud of what you did. You may have disobeyed, but you came back to help a comrade. That takes courage." Sketch praised once again.

"Thanks. I am surprised, I just, saw you and I had to help, I couldn't leave you to die. You have a family." Lightning said, blushing.

She smiled until she noticed the frown on Sketch's face.

"What's wrong?" She asked, frowning also.

"Its nothing, lets just get to base. Were almost there." Sketch answered, flying up ahead.

They flew for a while, but every hour they had to take a break because of Sketch's wounds. It was all silent, there was nothing to say. Lightning looked down at the ground, she finally got it.

I think it has something to do with his family, but I can't just go out and say it. I shouldn't be like this, he deserves privacy. Lightning thought.

"Hey, were finally here." Sketch called.

Lightning picked up speed and caught up. She could see a a building in the mountain. She smiled widely, she was finally here. They landed together, and soon Lightning felt small. Most of the soldiers looked at Sketch, some asked what happened and he said it was nothing. He limped by himself and she followed him closely. Sketch was the only pony here she somewhat knew. She looked at the face of others, some glared at her, others ignored, and some just put on a fake smile and waved. They went down a stair case, then were going down a white hallway. Sketch stopped at a door and opened it, walking in. He closed it after she entered.

The room was all white, there were bandages and medicine cabinets. A few metal buckets for water, curtains that kept patients separated and an ugly metal sink in the corner. Charts scattered the walls and blood stained the floor. It was easy to tell this was the medic office. She watched as orange stallion with a reddish orange mane looked over stuff. He was whispering something she couldn't hear. She pricked her ears, trying to listen in, but folded them down when he turned. Lightning jumped, he looked like a cyborg with these large goggles over his eyes, or were they even that. He lifted them up revealing pink eyes, he smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He paused when he saw Sketch. "What the hell happened to you?"

"A beast attacked me. In fact, if it wasn't for Lightning here I would have been killed." Sketch explained, smiling at her.

"Really? Wow, new girl is better then we thought she would be." Comet praised, smiling at her.

Lightning blushed, she couldn't help it. She wondered if she had down that great of job. She was so distracted that she didn't hear the door quietly open, but heard it slam shut. The noise was loud and rang of the white walls of the medical office. Lightning turn and saw a yellow orange mare with a glossy yellow mane. Her back right leg was bandaged along with her chest. Her eyes were dark yellow and she looked at her.

"Really, just sounds like beginners luck. What were you thinking when you saw Agent Sketch in trouble?" She asked, her eyes glaring at Lightning.

"I-I just wanted to help. I thought I could-"

"Could what? Save him? Well look at him, he is covered in blood, he is a bloody mess! You not worth training." She snapped.

"Leave her alone!" Sketch snapped, getting in front of Lightning.

Lily backed away, surprised by the sudden snap. She glared at Sketch now. Comet just rolled his eyes and grabbed one of the buckets. He was clearly going to take no part in the argument.

"What did you just say to me agent! Look at you!" She hissed.

"Yeah, well I could be dead. Would you rather that? Back off Lily, you can't win this fight." Sketch retorted.

Lily glared, and rolled her eyes. She flicked her glossy yellow mane back and just looked at Sketch.

"Then who will train this mare?" She snapped.

"I will." Sketch volunteered.

Lily just laughed and looked at him. She stopped when she saw his serious face. A wide smirk ran across her lips.

"Oh really? What makes you think that Creek will allow that?" She asked.

"Just think about it Lily. I have been making him mad, he would be more then happy to keep me busy." Sketch answered.

Lily just released a frustrated sigh. She frowned and just glared at Sketch. She then turned and flicked her glossy yellow mane behind her slender shoulders.

"Your lucky Sketch." Comet sighed.

Comet was gazing over the tools on a small table beside an examination one. There was already a bucket with steam coming out of it and many other things.

"Come on Sketch, I got to get you cleaned up." Comet sighed, soaking a cloth in the warm water.

Sketch just sighed and slid onto the examination table. He removed his cloak and he was more beat up then Lightning knew. He was covered in bruises and cuts. Comet used his magic to bring a warm cloth to the wound on Sketch's flank. Sketch winced, it was clearly painful. Slowly Comet scrubbed away the blood from the wound. He then lowered his goggled and looked at it. He then sighed and lifted his goggled back up.

"I feel bad for you, its going to need to be disinfected." Comet sighed.

"That is going to hurt, but I can take it." Sketch assured him.

"Still, bite down on this stick. I don't want you waking the ones who are resting." Comet sighed once more.

"Fine," Sketch growled.

Sketch bit down on the stick while Comet grabbed a brown bottle of peroxide. Lightning just looked away, already knowing it would hurt. Peroxide burned and she even heard the stick snap. She look at it, coming closer to take a look.

"How can you tell it is infected?" Lightning asked, looking at the gash.

"Easy, mostly by the fact it was from a beast, but the cut looks darkish, well if your wearing the goggles. Plus all the caked blood didn't help." Comet explained.

Lightning just nodded and watched once again. That was when she heard more laughing. She shuddered, thinking it was Lily coming back with an excellent retort. However the tone was different.

"Wow they weren't kidding. You are a train wreak." A mare's voice giggled.

"Shut up." Sketch retorted.

"Why are you here Swift?" Comet asked.

Lightning turned her head and saw a silver mare with a grey mane. Her eyes were bright blue and it was obvious she was a friend of Sketch. Lightning still felt small, she didn't know Comet and Swift as well as Sketch.

"I came to get the new arrival, which is of course Miss. Strike over here."

"She just got here, give her a break." Sketch murmured.

Lightning could tell that Swift just heard it and she shook her head. A frown came on her face and it seemed like she knew something was up. Lightning looked at her, confused.

"Sorry, Creek wants to see her." Swift explained.

"Then let him wait. Cause I still need to talk to him." Sketch retorted.

Swift just nodded and sat down and waited. Lightning just stayed silent and looked at her hooves, moving away from the examining table. Lily had cut her confidence in half. What if she could have helped Sketch avoid some of his wounds? Now he had to get fixed up. She also wondered what was going on and who was Creek? She missed her friends Frost an Tawny. Lightning couldn't help, but to frown.