• Published 22nd Dec 2013
  • 485 Views, 4 Comments

Dust in the Wind - Foxes33

The Sonic Rainboom, something powerful and could possible be used as an advantage. War has spread and now Equestria believes that there is one hope. The long time descendant of the former general Rainbow Dash, but will she commit?

  • ...

Chapter Three - The Journey Ahead

Pale sunlight leaked through the light grey curtains. Lightning stirred in her bed, still feeling tired. The night had been rough and sleepless, leaving her groggy. Her muscles seemed reluctant to move and she could hardly keep her eyes open. This morning was going to be her last time here. Soon she would be flying to a military base in the west, ready to fight. Lightning's stomach felt tied in knots, she knew she was nervous. She released a sigh and slid out of her dark wooden bed. Pulling up the dull blue covers, she couldn't help, but to wonder about this new life. There was so much to loose.

Lightning walked towards the window and gazed out at the street. She could see fancy ponies walk down the sidewalks. Lightning sighed again and pulled away, it almost seemed to terrible to watch, to know it was gone. She would no longer have the same comfort, it would all be different. She walked to her dresser, grabbing a bright red brush to comb her rainbow mane. She winced when she brushed out the knots that cascaded through her mane. She stared in the mirror, wondering if she would get blood stained when she returned. Lightning was so distracted that she didn't even notice the door open. Somepony walked up beside her.

"Too bad, huh." Frost sighed.

Lightning snapped out of her trance. Wincing only for a second before realizing that it was Frost. She didn't know what to say, so she just nodded. She scanned the room and found that Tawny was no where to be found. Lightning wondered where was her rusty colored friend?

"Where's Tawny?" Lightning asked concerned.

Frost just rolled her eyes and answered briefly, "In denial."

"That sounds like him."

Soon there was silence, as though speaking was forbidden. Frost just looked at her friends with worried eyes. She knew all the risks of Lightning leaving and she didn't want her to. Tawny would still be here, but Frost had no other mare friends to talk to.

"So who will you talk to well your gone? Sure there are maybe other mares there, but they will be older then you, by my guess." Frost asked randomly.

"I don't know. I guess I should keep a journal." Lightning sighed.

Lightning walked over to a drawer by her bed. Slowly she opened it, revealing a light blue book with her name on it. She grabbed her saddle bag from under her bed and packed it. She sealed it shut, and just looked down at her hooves.

"Come on, it won't be that bad." Frost encouraged, drifting off at the end.

"That bad, it will be worst then here. I have to go, Sketch will be waiting." Lightning dismissed.

She walked out the door and Frost only watched her leave. As though if she left, she would have been letting her friend go. Lightning's mom stopped her, tears in her eyes.

"Bye honey, I love you." Her mom cried.

"Good luck. We both love ya." Her father said, staying where he was.

Lightning didn't go in for a hug. She already knew it would hurt too much. She had enough emotion today and now to be leaving.

"Bye. Love you both," she whispered.

Lightning opened the white door and stepped out onto the dark wooden porch. She looked, knowing where she was going, to the place she first saw Sketch. Lightning walked down the path and onto the cement sidewalk. Her head hung low as she walked. Ponies waved good-bye, some she waved back, others she ignored.

"Hey, sorry." A familiar voice came.

She turned and say Tawny. He pushed his glassed up and had it skateboard with him. It was clear he felt bad for not going with Frost.

"Its okay," she comforted.

"I am just scared you will get hurt. Besides Frost, I have no other friends. Frost, I know she can live through it, she is social, I am not." Tawny said quietly.

"Tawny, you will be fine. I know you, you can make friends, just one will replace me if I don't come back." Lightning sighed.

"Lightning stop being negative!" Tawny growled. "You can't act like your never coming back. Imagine how bad your friends and family feel. If you act like that you will die! Be confident!"

Lightning just stared blankly at Tawny. She knew he was right, this whole time she just mopped. Lightning lifted her head and actually smiled.

"Your right! If I am a secret weapon, it isn't that likely I will die." Lightning said.

"Hmm, I still wonder what ability makes you their secret weapon? Just curious." Tawny wondered.

Lightning shrugged. She never asked Sketch why she was chosen. That was when she noticed she was coming to the meeting place. She could see the tall dull green pegasus waiting for her.

"Well I guess this is good-bye."

"For now," Tawny added.

Lightning smiled, it made her feel warm. It just felt great knowing that her friend had confidence in her.

"For now," Lightning agreed.

Lightning walked away from Tawny's side. Her head turned and she watched as Tawny left. Lightning wished he could come, just something from home, so she could hold on to. She walked closer to Sketch, who only watched as she came towards him.

"You ready?" Sketch asked.

"I wouldn't be here if I wasn't." Lightning retorted.

Sketch glared at her, clearly not liking the talk back. Lightning did wince and instead just looked at his dark green eyes. Sketch soon just snorted and looked away.

"You shouldn't act like that. General Creek will not appreciate it." Sketch snapped, "Come on lets go."

Lightning stretched out her wings and notice how much smaller she was for a pegasus. Seeing Sketch stretch out his large wings just made her feel small, but just shook her head. It was nonsense, size meant nothing. He took off and Lightning followed right after. Lightning easily caught up, his wings were maybe bigger, but she was use to make a great effort. All the pegasi in her flying class level were bigger then her, and she could easily keep up. Sketch turned his head, and smiled, he seemed happy to see her keep up.

"How far is it anyways?" Lightning asked curious.

"Pretty far, we might have to set up a camp." Sketch answered.

Lightning just nodded, unsure of what to ask next. She wanted to get to know Sketch well, he would then be easier to travel with.

"What is it like at the base?" Lightning asked.

"Sad. Many are injured, our medic, Comet, is doing his best, but with Digger being out and about he has troubles." Sketch answered.

"Whose Digger?" Lightning asked.

"He is supposed to be the assistant medic, but we lost our messengers in a siege. So he had to go get medicine, it just happened to be our worst week. Unfortunately, we haven't heard from Digger in days, Comet is worried he got killed." Sketch answered.

"Were they close?"

"Yep. Digger is half blind, he use to be a soldier. However Creek decided he would be better off as a medic, because he couldn't fight well. Comet taught him everything, they had that mentor relationship thingy."

Lightning soon decided to be quiet and just looked at the ground below. She couldn't stop thinking of her friends and family she had left back at home.

"Listen, I am sorry if Yesterday I gave you a lot to think about." Sketch apologized.

Lightning lifted her head and looked at him. He was looking straight ahead and she was surprised he apologized. Sketch didn't seem like that kind of pony.

"Its okay." Lightning said, accepting his apology.

They traveled for hours in silence, until it was around sunset. Sketch stopped and Lightning halted, trying to catch her breath. He looked around for a few seconds.

"We have to land and set camp here. Base is too far." Sketch explained.

He swooped down to the ground, silent like an owl. Lightning followed, but her wings a lot louder then his and she noticed. She scanned the darkness of the trees.

"Are you sure it is safe?" Lightning asked, concerned.

"I don't know, but we need to rest." Sketch growled.

Sketch just laid under a tree and curled up, while Lightning cocked her head confused.

"Didn't you bring anything for camping?" Lightning asked.

"Normally I would, but this was faster. Besides its Summer and bugs aren't that bad." Sketch replied.

Lightning looked at the pine trees. They stood tall, the tops impossible to see from the lack of light. The ground was covered in light brown pine needles and some green patched of grass. Lightning sighed and laid in between to tree, carefully checking for tree sap. She would rather if her mane didn't get sticky. She laid down in the pine needles, trying to get comfortable. It wasn't her cozy bed, that was for sure. She sighed again and lowered her head, trying to sleep. However her thoughts kept her awake.

Is this what every night will be like? Sleeping on the cold ground, no shelter. I already miss home, but it is too late to turn back. I am already here, and I am sticking with my decision. I can't give in just because of the lack of a comfy place to sleep. All I really hope is that there is no tree sap, I want to make a good impression when I arrive, but I wonder who Comet is. I know he is the medic, but is he nice or snappy.

All I really hope is that he isn't like Sketch, snappy and seemingly careless. I know I shouldn't judge, but shouldn't he have brought camping stuff? Are they low on supplies? Also, who else is there? Are they all mean, or are they nice? I won't know until I get there, but they are survivors. They must be tough and strong, able to do many things. Sketch didn't break a sweat flying here while I was having troubles near the end! Maybe I am not meant to go there? I am I strong enough? I saw his smile, he liked how I was able to keep up. I impressed him, what does he expect from me?

What will they all expect from me? Lightning thought.

She felt terrified just to know she may not be good enough. Slowly her eyes closed, unable to stay opened. She fell into a deep dreamless sleep. When she woke up, she heard something and it wasn't Sketch.