• Published 11th Dec 2013
  • 2,603 Views, 250 Comments

An Unwelcome Change - Night Spark

Equestria is under attack! The changelings have returned and are fueled by something other than love. Ponies prepare for war as the changeling horde sacks small cities. With no elements Equestria needs help...but will they take it from a changeling?

  • ...

Blueberry Muffins

Author's Note:

The first of a few light hearted/in general lighter, chapters. Not to worry. While it may seem that the darkness is gone... it is not. It is just preparing to strike.

Hope you enjoy!

Blueberry Muffins:

“Please be nice sister. I want you-“

“Oh for the love of ice! Knock the damn door already and shut up. I will behave just fine.”

Night Spark knocked and politely stood still. He could not wait to see her and let her know that he was alive and well. The thought of her smiling made him smile like a fool himself. Night Frost gagged at her suddenly well mannered and cheeky brother.

"This is pathetic brother. Your infatuation with this mare is bad for you."

He turned to her and kept his goofy smile.

"Oh sister you have no idea... Just wait until she blesses you with one of her muffins. It is an eye opening experience."

"Blesses me? Oh my poor dear sibling has been brainwashed. You fall so easily into the clutches of this evil-"

Just as she was going to begin speaking ill of ponies, the door opened to reveal a tiny filly. Dinky look at the two changelings and squeed.

"Night Shark!!! You're alive! We missed you so much! Turn into a princess and have tea with me!"

Night Frost gave her brother a confused look. He blushed. Before he could explain the princess tea party Dinky had noticed Night Frost. She approached the new changeling and walked around her. Frost turned away from her brother and allowed filly to analyze her.

Ahh well met young adversary. Yes, see if you can pinpoint a weakness. I dare you! You will find none!

Dinky poked Night Frost under her right wing and somehow hit a sensitive spot. The result was Frost laughing.

How dare she?! I shall destroy you tiny filth!

Dinky continued her observation until she felt like Night Frost was acceptable. Her young mistrusting eyes never left they icy changeling as she spoke.

"Night Shark... who is she?"

Night Spark smiled at the filly.

"Little Miss Doo this is my twin sister, Night Frost. Night Frost, this is Miss Dinky Doo."

Night Frost turned to her brother with a disgusted look.

"Night Spark, you mean to tell me that this is the mare your wish to take?! Please tell me that your life has not been so hard that you would resort to taking a youngling as your source of pleas-"

Night Spark had nearly had a stroke. He shocked his sister's flank with a small bolt of lightning.

“Frost, you damn fool! This is Miss Doo's little sister! How could you for even the smallest fraction of a second believe me to be so-"

Dinky interrupted him in an ecstatic squeal.

"TAKE ME? Take me where?"

Night Frost laughed heartily at the filly while her brother was still recovering from a near aneurism. Night Spark placed a hoof on Dinky.

"We are not to take you anywhere little Miss Doo. May we come in? I would very much like the opportunity to speak with your sister."

Dinky moved out of the way and motioned for them to come in. She closed the door and led them to a couch.

"My sis isn't home. She is out looking for a job. I think she is trying find some place she can make muffins instead of delivering stuff. Night Shark you should help! I can teach you how to bake!”

Night Spark remembered that Derpy had lost her job. He made a mental note to scare her old boss one day. Perhaps transforming into his mother and visiting him would do the trick. While Dinky was probably wanting him to become nothing more than her personal tea party princess, he took her suggestion seriously. He would think of a way to help Derpy return to work. While thinking of how to do so he paid no attention to his sister. Night Frost circled the filly and began to perform her own analysis.

So many weaknesses. I could strike at her rear left leg now and she would fall. A ice razor to the right leg and she would fall on the weak leg, awaiting my final strike. No. Too easy. Perhaps she presents these targets openly due to some countermeasure she has to ensure my defeat.

Dinky sat on her haunches innocently as the new changeling circle her. To her Night Frost was merely acting funny. Dinky giggled and purposely fell over. She latched onto one of Night Frost's hooves. The changelings eyes went wide.


Frost tried to shake the filly off, but failed. While Frost was attempting to scrape off the small gross thing attached to her, Night Spark could not help but laugh. He used his magic to lift Dinky off of his sister and placed her gently on the couch.

Frost wiped her hoof on her brother with a face of disgust. She then glared at Dinky who was giggling at her.

"I demand to speak with your elder sibling little pony. Only after a great duel will you realize just how foolish your laughter is!"

Dinky tossed a pillow at her and blew a raspberry. Frost snarled at the filly. She decided to demonstrate her strength by shooting the pillow with magic. The sound of cracking ice could be heard as the pillow froze instantly. The temperature of the room dropped rapidly and soon their breathes were producing fog. Frost's victorious and sinister smile was instantly destroyed when she noticed Dinky once more grabbing a hold of her hoof. The filly was shivering but smiling as she spoke.

"That was so cool! Do you want to build a snowman?"

Frost deadpanned off and out to the distance as if some presence was there. Dinky continued.

"Oh you could help me make muffin ice cream! Then we can sell it and buy a giant muffin shaped mattress for my sister!"

Frost scowled at Dinky. She shook the filly off and walked away.

"I shall not use my power on pastries! What a waste!"

Night Spark wanted to stop them but watching the two argue was slightly entertaining. He found it remarkable just how similar the two were. He made another mental note to remind Frost that she acts like a filly.

Dinky scowled back at the new changeling. She threw another pillow using her magic and hit Frost right in the face. A single feather landed on Night Frost’s snout. The changeling growled at the touch of the feather and Dinky spoke.

"Muffins are not a waste! They are better than stupid frozen pillows! What kind of power is that anyway?!"

Frost stepped closer to the little filly.

"My power is not to freeze pillows! I am, Night Frost. I summon the full power of all things cold. My ice can cut through any object! My cold can bring the strongest of foes to their knees!"

Night Spark coughed something that sounded a lot like Twilight Sparkle.
"Silence brother! I am the most powerful changeling in all of Equestria!!!"

Night Spark coughed something else that sounded like Chrysalis.

Night Frost shot the pillow next to Night Spark and froze it until it shattered. Night Spark shrugged. Frost once more turned to Dinky who was glaring at her.

"My power is endless little pony! Where are thy muffins now?!"

Dinky kicked Frost and pain shot up the changelings leg.

"My muffins are in the kitchen thats where, Frosty Plot!!!"

Night Spark fell from the couch laughing. Frost stood and boiled at the name she was called. She growled from her gut and pointed a hoof at the filly.

"You shall redact your words or, I will demonstrate just how 'frosty' I can be!!!"

Dinky blew another raspberry and ran off in to the house. Frost charged after her and began to freeze objects. The two chased each other all over the home and began to make an icy mess.

"You will make a fine ice sculpture little pony!!!"

"You'll make a gross muffin!

"I will make ice cream out of your bones and feed it to Cerberus!!!"

"I will put you in my oven and make you into a nasty muffin and then throw you away! No pony wants to eat you!"

"Lies!!! Every pony desires to eat me!"

“Ha! You said ponies want to eat you!!!"

Frost screeched in anger.

“Vile little wretch!”

The foundations of the home were shaking as the two continued their battle. Night Spark noticed the home had quickly turned into a warzone. Frozen objects and ice patches were everywhere and shattered pillows littered the floor. While their duel of fates was entertaining, he was allowing them to wreck Derpy's home. He thought of how to stop the war without hurting them.

"Night Frost... Dinky..."

His horn charged up and hummed with power. He closed his eyes and concentrated. To the naked eye it appeared as if all he was doing was channeling magic. However his actions were more sinister. The glow of his horn became brighter as he was emanating static charges through out the air. Both Dinky and Night Frost suddenly found that everything they touched shocked them. He could hear their complaints and it caused him to smirk.

"Damn it, Night Spark! Ow! What has gotten into- DAMN!!!"

"Night Shark, stop! You owe me twice the tea time! Night- EEP!!!"

A smile formed on his face. He had been victorious. That confidence soon drained from him as the door opened and revealed Derpy Doo. Her eyes steadily observed the warzone that her house had become. With one eye in another direction, she seemed to be absorbing the damage from multiple angles. When they finished their examination they rested upon Night Spark. He let out an audible gulp. Derpy let her saddle bag fall off of her, and walked over to Night Spark.

"Night Spark..."

Preparing himself for some kind of punishment, or at the very least verbal scolding, he leaned away from her. The grey mare lift him from the couch, and nearly squeezed his innards out by placing him in a bone crushing grip. It was a punishment that he supposed he welcomed. The vice grip reminded him of just how strong the mare was. She ended the warm torture by violently pushing him back down on to the couch. Night Spark was thoroughly confused as she seemed happy not just seconds ago. Suddenly the mare had a scowl on her face, and her gritting teeth showed.

"You stupid jerk!"

Her use of such words with a strong tone instantly made his heart rate rise. He wondered what exactly he had done to anger her. The disarray in her home was his first guess.

"Miss Doo, what-"

A gray hoof stabbed the air before him.

"Don't you Miss Doo me! What kind of friend just ups and leaves after what happened in Ponyville? You didn't even say goodbye or take any muffins!"

Night Spark remembered clearly why, he left the way he did. He could now see the heads of both Night Frost and Dinky, peeking out from a doorway behind Derpy. The two looked like a pair of fillies watching their parents fight. He made yet another note to remind Frost the she acted like a filly. With a sigh he began to explain.

"Miss Doo, after the events that took place in Ponyville, I blamed myself for what occurred to you and your sister. I felt that I was to blame for what occurred, and part of me still feels that way. It was my kind… my brother who hurt you… So I did what I thought was necessary to make sure no harm would fall upon you two."

Derpy took a step closer.

"So you ignored me, to protect me?"

He nodded.

"I suppose that it makes little difference now. The princesses have called every city to evacuate, and fall back to Canterlot. Soon this city will be the target of the horde. It will be ponykind versus my kind in one final battle."

Derpy's expression softened. She fell on the couch next to him. Pony and Changeling sat together in silence for a small time. Derpy lightly punched the changeling next to her.

“There… that’s your punishment you dummy. Next time you better let me know.”

Night Spark smiled. He slowly got up off the couch. Derpy noticed the simple task taking more effort than it should. She sat up herself and was immediately concerned.

"Hey um are you okay? Night Spark?"

"It is nothing, Miss Doo. I was injured at the Crystal Empire.“

He felt the gaze of his sister from the corner of the room. She injured him, but that was not the business of anyone else... not even Derpy. Having just gained a loving sibling, the last thing he would do is make the situation awkward for Frost. It already was going to be a strange ordeal. Walking to the corner, he continued.

"All that matters is that I am alive, and... that I gained something, or someone special."

Derpy cocked her head in a puzzled manner. Something about seeing her do that warmed his heart. Her blonde mane hanged off to the side, and made the gray mare look especially...


Night Spark turned his gaze away before it would have seemed strange, and grabbed his sister from behind the doorway. She shrugged him off, but stood next to him. Derpy saw the new changeling, and looked a little disturbed. For a brief moment she seemed upset. Night Spark nudged his sister so that she would introduce herself. Derpy, however, spoke before Frost could.

"So... you have a marefriend now?"

Night Spark’s eyes nearly flew out of his head. He shook his head rapidly, and stuttered and words failed to form. Night Frost felt the need to be a sister again, and helped him out.

"Why yes! Night Spark and I, love each other very much! It has not been more than two weeks, and much physical activity has occurred between us!"

Night Spark’s head turned maniacally towards his sister.


"Physical!? I will demonstrate how, physical I am!!!! I shall crush in your skull like this!!!"

He pounced on Night Frost, and knocked her onto the ground. His hooves pressed against her throat. She smirked at him as her eyes glowed.

“Oh, you wish to do this now? In public? Very naughty, Night Spark!"

Derpy sat in confusion as she watched Night Spark and Night Frost attempt to kill one another in her living room. Small shots of lightning and ice hit the walls. Dinky eventually joined her sister and watched as well.

"I will have Luna banish you for this! To the moon, no… the SUN!!!"

"But I am already so hot right hear, and now!"

"UNacceptable!!! The dungeons of Canterlot await you! Celestia, will dance atop your bones!!!"

Frost saw the shocked face of the gray mare out of the corner of her eye, and smirked. Night Spark used that small opening to send a web of small shocks to his sister. She jolted up immediately. The siblings slowly rose up off the ground, and glared at one another. Derpy's voice cut through the tension.

"Um... I have a guest room if you two want to bake each others muffins..."

Night Spark waved a hoof.

"No muffins shall be baked unless they are your muffins!!!"

It was only a fraction of a second later that he realized Derpy was not talking about food. His face flushed, and yet again he found himself stammering. Night Frost walked over, and wrapped a hoof around him. Her devious smile directed at Derpy.

"What my brother is attempting to say is, that we will not be romantically interacting... in your home... and that should any romantic interaction take place... it will be involving your muffin...s. "

Night Spark's mind shorted out as he fell to the floor. Night Frost walked towards Derpy, and sat herself down on the couch next to her. She smiled at the now nervous gray mare.

"My poor brother. Even after everything that cruel life has thrown upon his shoulders, he can only think of your muffins. While he is unconscious I wish to take this time to apologize to you. For starters, I engaged in combat with your younger sibling, with whom, I shall continue to attack. She has struck my honor, and she will pay. Rest assured no harm shall come to her, however, I cannot swear that I will not freeze her."

She motioned to Derpy's home.

“Secondly, I wish to apologize for destroying your lovely home. Your sister was gracious enough to invite my brother and I inside, and we- I took advantage of that hospitality. I hereby swear to you that I, meaning mainly Night Spark, will make proper repairs and that all expenses will be charged to my first and new gross friend, Twilight Sparkle. Although your sister was directly responsible for most of the damage..."

Night Frost sighed and turned towards her brother.

He looks peaceful when drooling on the floor. He should faint more often.

“Lastly, I am in no way involved in any romantic behaviors with my brother. Although some changelings have been known to proceed with such a practice, it is not common. You, disgusting pony, are free to... bake with my brother as you please. However, he has stressed to me that it is important that I am to get along with you. I believe, he wishes us to be friends. I cannot say that we are, however I do have a proposition as to how, we may become accepting of ones presence. Oh I am sorry. I have been incredibly rude. My name is Night Frost, and I am Night Spark’s twin sister. It is a... pleasure to meet you. While I still think your kind is strange, evil, and most of all repulsive, Night Spark seems to want me to become friends with you more so than anypony. I owe my brother much, so believe me when I say that I am putting forth my best effort. Now then... shall we begin?"

Derpy unknowingly nodded as she tried to absorb everything that was happening. It was going to be a long evening.

Dinner Time:

The table was well set, and had a variety of different food. Derpy and Dinky, had worked together to make an impressive feast for their guest. There were some hay-cakes, a salad, two different vegetable soups, a fruit platter, and of course muffins. Night Spark sat nervously next to his sister, while Dinky and Derpy sat across them. Derpy and Night Frost had exchanged smug looks. Derpy focused on Night Spark, while Night Frost focused on Derpy, and Dinky focused on Night Frost. Night Spark focused on the plate before him as he was still to embarrassed to meet Derpy's sight.

"I will freeze myself the next time I doubt you, brother. This pony’s muffins are sweet and round as you described. Miss Doo, I love your muffins!!!"

Night Frost skipped all the other food and nearly dived into the plate of assorted muffins. As she ate like a savage, Night Spark only sulked more into his embarrassment. Derpy smirked.

"Thank you Night Frost, I knew you'd like 'em. Spark?"

Her voice was not unlike a song to him. Perhaps he had missed her more than he realized. She continued to beckon him.

"Spark? Hey um... I know what happen earlier was weird. It's okay though. As long as you two are happy together than... who am I to judge whose muffins you um... bake?"

He face hoofed and sighed.

"Miss Doo, I swear on the lives of the princesses that I- We- just no! There is no-"

Night Frost waved a hoof at Derpy in the same manner a mare of the Canterlot elite would.

"Oh Miss Doo, can you see how flushed he gets when discussing this? I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I never pushed him away from our mother. Why, they would have been inseparable. Two siblings is one thing, but a mother and her offspring? My dear little brother, where would you be without me?"

His speech came out in the way only a furious changeling could produce. His hissing raised the hairs on both Derpy and Dinky’s necks.

"I would be at the Cryssstal Empire ssshowering, in the ashesss of my dead sissster, and every lassst one of her pathetically trained troopsss. I would not be disssrespecting my friendsss home. I would be in the royal cassstle deciding exactly what pressssssure, would be needed to crussssh our motherssss throat!"

His breathing was deep, and his wings were vibrating rapidly. They produced a sickening humming that was essentially the changeling war cry. It was a common stance when changelings were infuriated. Night Frost stopped her teasing immediately. Anger was rough housing with your sister in another's home. Hissing speech and humming wings, was a deep desire to utterly kill something. Night Spark was no longer going to tolerate her joke. She frowned, and looked at her brother with whatever could qualify for changeling puppy eyes. He continued to glare at her as if she was a meaningless sack of flesh, waiting to be burned to ashes.

"Night Spark... brother I... please forgive me."

She knew she had to play her cards right if she wanted to calm him. Her intent had not been to make him this mad. She decided she had much to learn about her brother, and just how attached he had become to these ponies. There was one thing she was sure of, however. Night Spark had not lost his inner changeling. She lowered her head.

"I have not had... fun in so long. As you recall we did not play much as hatchlings. I simply wanted to have fun with you brother."

His wings stopped vibrating and his speech returned to normal.

"You chose your fun at the expense of my feelings sister! You pushed to far! Excuse me."

He got up and left. As the door closed, the three sat in an uncomfortable silence. Derpy had seen her friend's frustration and felt guilty. Night Frost slowly shook her head.

"I am terribly sorry, Miss Doo. You must think me cruel. Despite the outcome, I only had the best intentions. We are new at being brother and sister. He saved me from a meaningless fate. His injury?"

She felt reluctant to share the information with Derpy, but she knew that if she did it would help the mare seem more of his good heart.

"It was I who inflicted it. I was a brash fool, who simply thought he had betrayed Night Storm and our kind. Left us for... well you. So we fought. To his credit he was severely depleted of energy when I beat him. The entire time we fought he wished for me to turn and join him. It was only after I injured him, did I see just how much I love the damn fool. He told me he loved me. He courageously fought until I-"

Night Frost shuddered and lowered her gaze.

"I utilized my advance knowledge of strategic weaknesses in physical bodies to strike at his tendons. I rendered him useless in battle, and it was only by the magic of Twilight Sparkle, that he is alive and able to walk. Even so I am responsible for his difficulty."

Derpy stood up and looked at Frost. Before she had thought about being good friends with the changeling. Now she had respect for her, but could not bring herself to call Frost a friend.

"Thank you for telling me the truth. I'm gonna talk to him. Dinky, play nice with Frost."

As Derpy left Frost smirked. Her plan worked. She smiled at the filly at tossed another muffin into her mouth. She spoke with her mouth full, and did not care at all. Unlike Night Spark she felt entitled. She thought herself a changeling princes, but soon privately admitted that she was not royalty..

No. I have no guards, nor do I have filth bags groveling at me every waking minute. I would very much enjoy having filthbags...

"Dat, mah wittle dishgushting pawny."

Frost swallowed the blueberry deliciousness in her mouth, and reveled in her victory.

"Is how the game is played. I now have produced an angsty and broody brother, and a guilty and kind mare. I will have them baking, in no time at all! Let this be a lesson to you little filth sac. Sometimes, all you need is a sister's push."

Dinky's innocent smile turned to a sinister grin of the best kind of evil: young evil. Frost raised a brow at the filly. Dinky in return muttered two words.

"Frosty. Plot."

Derpy found Night Spark sitting on his haunches in front of her home. He stared up at a full moon, which illuminated the night. Without saying a word, she approached him and sat next to him. The two sat and stared at the moon in silence. Night Spark could feel her warm presence next to him, and it calmed his nerves. Derpy placed a wing around his shoulders. Feeling her soft wing wrapped around him lit a fire in his mind. 

“Night Spark, are you ok? I guess I’m sorry…”

He turned to her and wondered what she meant. Receiving his questioning gaze made her nervous and she quickly retracted her wing and shuffled her hooves around nervously.

“When you uh passed out Frost, told me… a lot. She told me that you and her fought. Even though she said she was sorry…I still am kinda angry at her.”

He furrowed his brow, but not in anger. Recalling that his sister at one time was ready to kill him was not a pleasant memory. Derpy continued.

“She also told me that you and her never uh… well… yeah. After that she told me how much you wanted her to be friends with me and so we… teamed up…”

Night Spark raised a brow at her and Derpy grinned shyly, while blushing.

“She…we… I played dumb…”

Derpy’s grin fell to a frown and she stopped shuffling her hooves.

“Well dumber than usual I mean. I pretended to still think you and her… you know. Now you're mad and well I’m sorry.”

Night Spark wanted to still be angry. His sister had made a fool of him in front of the only pony he cared about. He realized that his fear of Derpy not approving of Night Frost, allowed him to forget about Derpy’s easy going and fun nature. The idea that the mare he loved and his sister teamed up to annoy him, gave him hope. Night Spark felt invigorated. That hope raised his spirits and gave him courage. That hope allowed him to see himself with a mare that could brighten his darkest day. Hope felt good.

"Miss Doo, you need not apologize. I am a stubborn fool who failed to see the fun in a joke. It is I, who must apologize for everything that has occurred today. Please understand why I sit here frustrated. I see us as two beings who have had similar circumstances. We both have suffered by not fitting in what society deems to be right or normal. Many in our lives have not been able to see us for who we truly are. Yet, we persist...

Looking at Derpy, he smiled. The moonlight made cast a soft glow on her gray coat. It was then he was truly grateful for Luna's nights. In his eyes the mare sat like an ethereal creature. The longer he looked at her the more she infected his mind.

"Despite tormenting me my whole life, I am in debt to fate as it had crossed my paths with you."

Derpy tilted her head. She was wondering where Night Spark was leading their conversation. It did not matter that he was a changeling as he had treated her with more respect than anypony had ever done. She met his smiling gaze and blushed slightly. His cyan eyes were focused on her like the moon was focused on the earth. As he continued he shuffled nervously, and the moonlight accented the more distinct features about him. She thought them to be sharp differences, but she was not at all bothered by them.

“You are a…true friend. I have spent my life wallowing in anger and pity. I hated what I had been given and... I still do hate somethings. However, I have nearly drowned in death's cold ocean twice now, and during such times only one thought appeared, like a light beckoning me to surface. When faced with the realization that I may die I thought of nothing, but one pony."

Derpy did not put two and two together. To her credit it was unexpected. No pony had adored or showed any interest in her. Derpy never thought that anypony would. Her eyes were weird and she was not the smartest mare. Her looks hadn't caused anypony that she knew of, to take a second glance at her. In her own eyes, she saw herself as your average everyday mare. The only pony to think more of her was her little sister. She leaned in towards Night Spark with a face full of the curiosity and excitement. She wondered with a filly like innocence, who her friend had his eye set on. 

“Oh my Celestia, Night Spark! You…have a crush?! Who is it? Wait don’t tell me….Twilight! She’s smart and pretty! You two could probably learn a lot from each other.”

Night Spark wanted to face hoof, but he would not be rude to her. He instead deadpanned.

“Okay not Twilight…hmmmm….”

Derpy furrowed her brows and thought while biting her tongue. Night Spark found her very adorable and smiled. Suddenly her wings flared out, and nearly smacked Night Spark in the face. She jumped and tapped his chest rather harder than he expected.

“LUNA!!! By Celestia's flank, you are in love with Princess Luna!”

Night Spark turned to her and tears were in his eyes.

Damn it Miss Doo I am trying to profess my love for you, and here you are unable to see it!!! Fate strikes at me once more! Buck it I shall let it go! I shall tell her once and for all!

"I... I... thought only of-“

As if fate had come to strike twice, Night Spark was interrupted by an explosion. A flurry of frozen muffins blew out from the side of the small home. Due to how close homes were to each other in Lower Canterlot, the muffins pelted through the neighbors home as well. The neighbors screamed and shouted, while Dinky and Frost continued the fiercest battle of the war.

“Night Spark, we’ll talk later. Don’t worry, with me and Dinky at your side we’ll win you Luna’s heart in no time… so long as Frost and Dinky don’t kill each other. Who knows… maybe you’ll win Luna’s full moon too.”

She darted inside her home and tried to thwart the evil forces at hand. Night Spark stopped his false laughing at her comments regarding Luna. The hope he had felt earlier faded some, and he sat sulking in both sadness and weakness. Derpy had failed to see what he had been trying to say. He continued to speak while watching the three of them battle in the home. His voice, a whisper carried in the gentle breathe of night; heard only by himself and the moon.

“I thought only of you. Miss Doo I thought of you. Beyond the raging fires of war and the pain of all my injuries, I saw your beautiful face as I see the moon now. So clear and bright. It beckoned my soul away from the darkness, and led me towards a terrifying and new world. A world were I need not fear what fate has in store for me. A world where I can leave my hatred behind and wakeup to ponder how my good friends are fairing. A world where I can say that I have a sister. A world full of hope and aspiration. Above all things a world where I can... be with you."

Thinking about her wing wrapped around him, Night Spark sat alone until the forces of chaos calmed in Derpy’s home. Her warm touch remained as embers in his mind. The mare gave him a strength more powerful than any magic he had felt, and ironically she made him feel weaker than he had ever been. His love for her pushed him forward in battle, and his hope to be loved by her would force him to do anything for her approval. That thought was strange to him and even a little scary.

She does not yet realize her hold over me. Would she ask it of me, I would give her the throne of Celestia. I do not know how, but I know I would. Damn it. I have become nothing more than a drooling creature. I am a damn dog! Though… I suppose a dog would receive more love from her than I would… If that is the case than perhaps I would not be opposed to being her dog.

He stopped thinking such things in fear that Night Frost would somehow hear his thoughts, and toy with him. Night Spark went inside and decided to join in on the chaos. The night became a full scale war mixed with the occasional jolt, ice blast, or blueberry muffins. The neighbors eventually called the guard and before anypony could be arrested or charged, Derpy bribed them with a months supply of her special blueberry muffins. The treaties were signed and every pony slept happy that night, especially Luna. Their dreams had been a blast to watch and now that she knew just how angry Night Spark got when teased about certain things, she would have her fun.