• Published 11th Dec 2013
  • 2,603 Views, 250 Comments

An Unwelcome Change - Night Spark

Equestria is under attack! The changelings have returned and are fueled by something other than love. Ponies prepare for war as the changeling horde sacks small cities. With no elements Equestria needs help...but will they take it from a changeling?

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Hear Me

Hear Me:

“I will be a queen and I will take back the hive.”

Night Spark’s teeth were barred. He threw the book down which was wrapped in Twilight’s magic before colliding with the ground.

“Frost, even as a queen you would be no match for her. She would destroy you! I could best you in combat and you think you are ready to be a queen?!”

Night Frost’s eyes narrowed on him.

“You can best me in nothing! I am ready to be a queen! All I need is the sworn allegiance of a changeling and I will ascend. Now be supportive of your family and bow to me!”

His jaw dropped for a moment before his teeth clenched together.

Shining Armor and Cadence watched soldiers train in the courtyard. Cadence sighed as she turned to see her husband gently stroking their filly’s mane. A small smile formed on her face as she walked closer to him. Resting her head against him she whispered.

“Do you ever want to leave it all behind?”

Shining nodded.

“Everyday Cadence… I wake up and I think about you and our little Crystal here.Being a leader is such an honor. The bond I have with the soldiers is something special. I love you and Crystal more than any of that. Watching fine ponies better themselves and train for the defense of Equestria used to fill me with pride. Now I hate that we even have to train. How many of those stallions and mares are mothers and fathers? How many of them have little filly’s and colt’s at home? Now that I have Crystal… I don’t feel so prideful anymore. I am actually-“


His silence answered her question. She nuzzled him and continued.

“Well then I have to ask you… what do you want to do when this is all over? Assuming things… go well…”

There was no hesitation in his voice. His posture straightened and he stood tall. Despite it being a whisper there was a resolute assuredness in his tone.

“I want to be supportive for you and raise our daughter. If we are both politically involved then Crystal will end up being passed around between foal sitters… and I only ever liked one foal sitter. Some crazy beautiful mare who was more trustworthy than Celestia. Shame though… she ended up with some nerdy stallion.”

Cadence smirked and wiggled her brow. They both quietly chuckled. He turned to her and scratched his head.

“That’s not weird right? I mean, do you think it’s… well…”

“No, you are not any less of a stallion for wanting to stay home. Family first and all that jazz. Besides few things are more attractive than a stallion who takes pride in his family and has no problem with playing princess with his little filly. Do you feel any less proud? Are you ashamed to love our daughter?”

“No! Never!”

He quickly covered his mouth and checked on Crystal. She shuffled slightly but remained fast asleep. He lowered his head and exhaled. Cadence gently lifted his head back up and kissed him.

“I think it’s a great decision. One that I wish I cou-“

A loud explosion rang and shook the castle. Crystal being to cry and the couple facehooved together.

The castle courtyard was a peaceful if not dull area. Vast wide open grassy plains accentuated the Castles stone construction. Depending on the day a few merchants with higher social status were permitted to sell their products in small booths. These booths lined the main walkway between the castles outer gates and main entrance. The courtyard served as the public’s glimpse into the castle life. Soldiers would run basic drills on one side while Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns would use the other side for lessons. Small birds could always be seen washing themselves in one of many ornate fountains. To a commoner the courtyard was a haven amongst the city.

So it surprised many when an explosion erupted from the castle archives. Two changelings flew threw the air until they crashed in the courtyards. They tore a path through the pristine grass and nearly destroyed a small food booth.

“I will not bow to my sister!”

Frost spat out dirt from her mouth and snarled.

“Why?! We are blood! I can assume control of their souls! I can sway their allegiance and use their strength to defeat her. Is that lost on you? Or are you to prideful to step back and allow me to lead?”

Night Spark fired on her position. Frost darted back just before the ground underneath her exploded. Night Spark rushed forward and tackled her.

“What lead?! I’ve never wanted to lead anything! You are just a plot headed fool who is not thinking. That hive is not real! They will not yield to you because they cannot! Our mother reaped those souls and created their bodies with the dust of the Badlands. You cannot be their queen!”

“I can… and I will!”

Frost’s eyes lit up with white energy and her brother was bucked off of her. She aimed her horn and fired.

“Those bucking idiots! I should go down their and rip their mother-“

Shining covered Crystal’s ears. He was upset to see his little filly so rudely awoken but she quickly quieted down in his hooves. Cadence was less forgiving to say the least. As her husband he could feel the wrathful aura of his wife. It was times like these where he knew not to argue or basically say anything. A knock on their door caught both their attentions.

“Sorry to barge in on you Cadance, but Spike was adamant that we come see Crysta-“

Celestia’s mouth stopped moving. From their balcony she could see the two changelings going at it. Lightning and ice ravaged anything in their paths. Cadence was still fuming and pacing around while Shining was growing more interested in the fight. Spike rushed up to Crystal. His eyes lit up as he watched her. Shining noticed and smiled.

“Hey Spike, you want to hold her?”

Spike just nodded. As Shining placed Crystal in his claws Spike’s heart beat faster than ever. Of all the gems he had ever held this one was the most precious. Crystal nuzzled up against his chest which caused him to grin. Shining gently prodded Cadence and she whipped around in response. Before she could reprimand her husband for daring to interrupt her venting protocols he pointed at Spike who was now tearing up at the little filly sleeping in his arms. The parents nuzzled each other as they watched him. Celestia interrupted the scene coughing.

“So when did they start-“

“As soon as Shining and I put Crystal to sleep.”

Cadence’s scowl returned.


“Should we stop them?”

All ponies present remained silent. Then Shining Armor shrugged.

“Meh, I’m betting on Frozen.”

“Sweetie, it’s Frost. She’s got my bet too.”

“Frost, Frozen, whatever. What about you Spike?”

Spike was making face at Crystal even though she was asleep.

“Me? I’m betting on little Crystal. Yes, I am. She’s the strongest little filly!”

Celestia watched on. Her front hoof’s twitching ever so often. The sense of urgency was high and a part of her felt the need to stop the fight between the siblings. Another part knew that as long as no pony was hurt… she had always enjoy watching magic duels.

You’d best win Night Spark…

The air dropped in temperature and the ground beneath them began to frost over. Night Spark felt the shift in the air and knew what she was trying to do. His horn surged and arcs of lighting strayed all around him, carving their way through the dirt. He charged her and rushed as if he was going to tackled her. She raised an ice wall before her. Expecting this he flew up and released a shockwave that sent her tumbling backwards into the dirt. As he landed he heard her scream.

“If’ll you’ll not support me willingly…”

Her mane moved wildly as her horn’s light blinded everything in white light. Night Spark shivered as ice began to formed on his own body. The ground beneath him cracked and he began to see ice traveling through it like little snakes. The light began to fade and as it did he could see his sister once more. This time she bore her ice armor. She launched forward at speeds most pegasi could only dream of matching. Her full weight slammed into him and the air was knocked from his lungs. She began to ruthlessly strike his face as she hissed. The ice was damaged by stray arcs of lightning, but it instantly refroze and protected her. Using her magic she lifted him and threw him like a projectile against the castle gates. Ancient doors constructed of enchanted metal rang out like bells from the impact. Taking a moment to catch her breath she stopped.

Night Spark struggled to rise. The side of his head pounded with pain. His steps faltered momentarily as his tried to regulate his breathing. Looking forward he saw his sister through the blood leaking down his face. His concern for her overall well being was now fading as he was once more in a similar situation. Night Spark had lost to her once. Looking down at his hooves he was reminded of what the fight almost cost him.

Standing taller he glared at her. This time he was not weak or tired. This time he had magic to spare, not much; but enough. If she truly desired to be a queen then she was going to have to earn that right. He took in a deep breathe and lowered into an offensive stance. Getting herself destroyed by their mother was not something he was willing to let her do. However if she wanted to selflessly risk her life than he was going to make sure she could at least beat him in true combat. Power danced in his veins and lightning engulfed his frame. As the two glared at each other the massive metal doors were red hot from his lightning. If she was to ascend she would have to prove her worth.

Twilight teleported next to Celestia.

“Celestia! Spark and Frost they are-“

Words failed to form as she saw them all eating popcorn. Luna had joined them and was drinking wine with Cadence. Shining and Spike had been commenting on the fighting techniques while Celestia was watching from the corner. She motioned for Twilight to sit by her.

“Why are you all just watching them? Those idiots are going to kill each other!”

Celestia wrapped a wing around Twilight and looked down at her.

“Twilight no pony is in danger and I very much doubt that either sibling will kill one another. However ruthless it may seem they clearly love one another. Many opportunities to kill or break each other were presented and neither of them took advantage of them. Luna and I used to fight like this…”

Twilight looked up at Celestia. The elder alicorns eyes lingered on the battle. Her face was neutral but Twilight could see a sad glint in her eyes. She turned to watch the siblings. Both of them remained still with their specific magics charged up. They were waiting for one another to strike. Twilight shook her head.

“She wants to be a changeling queen. Apparently that involves having another changeling submit to you.”

The entire balcony was silenced. They all looked at Twilight with open mouths. Celestia furrowed her brows.

“Why is he attacking her then? What does she hope to gain?”

“She wants to steal the hive from her mother. Apparently a changeling society is not like ours. They aren’t ones for sharing power. From what I was reading it was strictly something that has to do with power crazed females. If multiple queens are present in the same hive, their hive mind begins to fragment. Every single changeling becomes confused. Their minds literally begin to tear apart. Night Spark is upset because being a queen paints a rather large target on you by the other queen. He is worried Chrysalis will kill her.”

Luna raised her glass and grinned.

“Family drama! The root of all major conflict! Still our family does it best! Tia let us fight again and d-d-domesticate our powers to the endless night, and… buck it lets fight!”

Celestia groaned as she rubbed her temples.

“Shining Armor would you be so kind as to relieve Luna of her wine?”

As he got up to take away the wine Luna wrapped him in a hug and grinned mischievously.

“Oooh what have we- us- me, here? A good nephew in law to relieve me? Family drama indeed!”

Her giggles caused Shining to cringe and squeal for help. Celestia grumbled something and marched over to Luna. She smacked her sister in the gut so hard the contents of her stomach emptied. Wine covered much of the floor. Luna groaned and held her stomach.

“This is why we don’t allow certain lunar alicorns to enjoy a simple glass of wine. That glass become an ocean and drunk Luna is disgusting Luna. Shining Armor do not take it seriously. I once caught her molesting Cloudsdale. Not the ponies. She literally was doing things to that cloud that no pony should ever do with clouds.”

Cadence nudged her Auntie and smirked.

“You two must have had some pretty crazy parties when you were younger. I bet you both were animals.”

Surprisingly Celestia wore her signature smirk

“Luna and I literally outdrank an entire clan of dragons once. No pony can match us in partying, not even our good friend Pinkie Pie. I will not speak of such times, however. If you are curious speak with Discord.”

The castle shook and part of the courtyard exploded.

The ground before Frost had exploded at the touch of his lightning. A small crater formed and the sense of deja vu was even stronger. Chunks of dirt and rocks flew every which way. Frost had to shield her eyes. She barely saw her brother dive bombing from the sky. Her armor shaped itself to be covered in spikes.

Night Spark frantically tried to slow his decent. This left a hole in his offense. She quickly turned and bucked his face hard. Skin on his face tore from the impact and the pain singed but he landed on his hooves and skidded to a halt. He pointed his horn and thought back to his spars with Twilight.

The lighting shot true and hit Frost square in the chest. Having already hit her her channeled more magic into the bolt. It danced through the air and grew in intensity. The plants around them caught fire. Glass from several castle windows shattered. His body began to tremble. He remembered falling in a similar crater. He remembered her razor nicking his legs. Anger fueled his focus. Any stray arcs pulled in. A single massive bolt now twitched across her armor. He would not hurt his sister like she hurt him, but he would hurt her.

““You want to be queen? Are you so eager to die?!”

He stopped the lighting only to fire off a concussive shockwave, the force of which blew open the massive metal doors. Frost was sent flying meters back. Before she landed he fired the massive arc again, pushing her further back.

“I just told you that I need you in my life!”

The Lightning surging in his eyes alone would have burned ponies if they had been standing next to him. He darted forward and fired another concussive wave. This one shook the balcony the royals had occupied. Soldiers off in the distance lowered at the tremor. Once more he stuck her before she fell.

“I have never wanted to lead! I wish to live happy with my friends and family. I would give anything for that dream! As queen, your only dream will be the prosperity of your hive. Are you ready for that kind of responsibility?”

It took everything she had to not lose consciousness. Another shockwave sent her flying into a fountain. The ornate stone crumble against her and the cool water only made her wounds sting. Her armor had crumbled off of her revealing several burns. The courtyard around them was both frozen and burning all at once. Through smoke she could see his furious eyes glowing with cyan energy.

I want that same dream brother. I desire the love and friendship that this world can offer. For both of us…

Looking around her she used the water around her. Ice razors formed next to her. As they floated next to her she was briefly lost in thought. She remembered about the last time she had used them against him. They began to melt and that water was used to repair the armor around her.

“As your queen I would give anything for the good of my hive. That includes you brother. Becoming a queen is my path to ensure both of our dreams. I’ll be damned if I let your nearsightedness hold us back!”

Her armor repaired she galloped forward. All her magic was focused on keeping her armor intact. Night Spark began his assault once more.Her bones shook against the force of the shockwave but she pressed on. The lightning hit her chest like a battering ram. As her knees wavered she screamed at the pain, but her will held and she marched on. She could feel her armor melt and refreeze. If she slipped up even once than she would fail.

“I am going to stop them this is getting out of hand.”

Celestia held Twilight tighter preventing her from flying away. She watched with great interest. The duel was intriguing to say the least: one changeling with the ultimate offensive and the other with an equally powerful defense. Night Spark’s attack’s were much more powerful than she thought he was capable of. His mastery of lightning was a rare talent. There was no wasteful energy spent like when she had watching him before. Every bolt and arc struck against his sister. She only knew of a hoof-full of beings capable of using lightning that way and several of them were immortal spirits that had long since gone into slumber. The only other was Luna.

She watched Night Frost press forward. The changeling demonstrated a different rare skill that only a small number could claim to have. Shining Armor, Sombra, and an old student of hers were other examples of powerful defenses. Frost could likely kill much stronger opponents by simple tiring them out and striking precisely.

“Their magic is truly something incredible.”

Twilight nodded.

“I helped Night Spark. When we sparred his main disadvantage was lack of magic and accuracy. Now that he is in a relationship he has all the love he needs. Speaking of which I am happy he decided to feed yet I wonder if Derpy knows. I fixed the accuracy problem. Seeing them fight really hits home. Frost is going to beat him.”

“How do you know?”

“That changeling was one of three that took down the Crystal Empire. Strategically she is methodical. The only reason I beat her is because I am an alicorn and am pretty well versed in strategy myself. She may not be able to challenge me magically, but she will beat her brother. Night Spark is no fighter. He loses control. He did in Ponyville and with Midnight. If it’s not something he can kill than it’s a severe challenge for him. Frost is born and raised a warrior. He was born and raised a pony turned changeling.”

Celestia frowned. She raised a brow at Twilight.

“No doubt his sister has the battle experience, but you are forgetting just how powerful emotions can make a pony. Nightmare Moon was pure emotion. Luna’s expertise in warfare had nothing to do with her strength. That changeling had the gall to look me in the eyes and openly challenge me. His emotions might be his weakness although I believe they are his greatest strength. What good is magic without the will?”

Frost stood several feet away from him still pushing against the force of the lightning. She slowly brought the ice around her to her chest. Once she had a solid plate formed she pushed as hard as possible and screamed. Her horn glowed and the plate shot forward as if fired from a canon. It collided with Night Spark just before she jumped on top of him. With a new opening she began to pummel his face again, striking against the spots she had hit before. The two began to wrestle. White and cyan light illuminate their struggle as ice and lighting fought.

Fighting both his sister and the cold took its toll. While the lightning burned her she was physically stronger than him and more skilled in physical combat. She struck quickly against his sides and then punch his horn. The lighting burned her hoofs, but her damage was done. The mind numbing pain shot throughout his head and his lightning ceased. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she continuously struck against his horn. When his push back began to weaken finally she pinned him down.

Her hoof rested against his neck. She didn’t press against him but applied enough pressure to where he knew that she would. The two just breathed in silence. Night Spark nodded at her. She lifted her hoof and allowed him to breathe easier. She fell to his side and rolled over to face him. Night Spark rolled over and looked her over, inspecting the damage done.

“You look like tartarus.”

Frost smiled.

“You look… I’d rather look like tartarus.”

When his eyes looked over her burned hoofs he felt a sense of pride. Grunting from his aching body he stood and offered her assistance. She took several breathes before accepting his hoof. Once up the two siblings look around at the damage.

“How we lost during the first invasion still escapes me…”

Spark smiled and then hugged her. Both siblings grimaced at the contact and then she laughed.

“We are more than likely confusing several of our spectators.”

“It’ll likely get a little worse for them.”

Night Spark’s eyes met hers. He placed his hoof on his chest and spoke so quietly that he may as well have been whispering.

“I never want to lose you Frost. I want a boring and simple life for all my friends and family. Each day I want to wake and not wonder is my sister in danger. Despite my wishes… there is no doubt… you would make for a wonderful queen.”

Frost fell to her haunches as he continued.

“When I saw that page… nightmarish thoughts flashed before me. Our mother crushing your throat or even worse. It seems silly now but… what if you became like… her? Forgive my foolish line of thought. I struck at you with more magic than I should have and despite that you still carried yourself through that pain. You allowed yourself to burn when you could have easily struck me with an ice razor-“

She shook her head with tear brimmed eyes.

“Spark I would never! Not again!”

He smiled and wrapped her in a hug once more.

“I know sister. I should still be saying no. Yet you allowed yourself to burn. You put yourself through pain to protect your subject from crippling harm. I am still fearful of what our mother will do to you. That should not however, be a reason to hold you back. You have the potential to be the greatest changeling queen and instead of holding you back… instead of being afraid… I will support my queen.”

As he pulled away he winced at the pain, but bowed down before her. Frost’s jaw quivered and her horn glowed. As she touched his horn with hers, she spoke as firmly as possible to mask her humbled tears.

“From one to another, another to one,
unified strength with no greater sum.

Hear me, for we are one,
my voice is yours as your’s is mine.

Join me, and as one we shall shine!”

Green fire swirled around them. Any loose debris near them danced from the powerful gusts. Small rocks and dirt were hovering just barely over the ground.

Her luminous white eyes glowed brightly. White magic began to flow through the green fire and within seconds green flames had turned into white and black ones. Night Spark’s eyes now matched hers. Both siblings glowed with the same energy.

To Night Spark it felt like someone had opened his skull and poured a cool liquid inside. His mind once more felt the embrace of another changeling.

Thank you for your trust brother.

Lead boldly and without worry. I shall support you to whatever end may come.

The white light flashed and a clear wave burst outward in all directions. Whatever grass that was not burnt was flattened. As their magic subsided the changelings were able to see one another. The least shocking thing to either one was that their wounds were healed.

“I-I-I am…”

She looked around herself and sized herself up. Night Spark was staring at her and she noticed that she had to look slightly downward to meet his gaze. A playful smirk grew on her face.

“…taller. You are literally beneath me.”

“I-I am.”

Were it any other time of the day he would have argued with her. However he had never seen another changeling queen before. His sister’s height increased drastically. She stood as tall as Princess Cadence and had a longer mane to match. Her chitinous body had much smoother appearance with less holes and jagged edges. Some of the sharper details on her body had been dramatically increased. Thicker, longer and more angled wings now supported her body size. The most regal feature was her horn. Night Spark’s had resembled his mothers in that is was jagged and slightly larger than other changelings. Frost’s now rivaled their mother’s horn. It’s appearance was like a cruel dagger. One that could easily penetrate enemies and just as easily tear out their innards. His jaw remained open in awe at her.


A toothy grin exposed even larger fangs than she had before.

“…keep staring and the others might think something else of it.”

He turned to see all the pony royalty as well as a few others. Twilight’s eyes studied every inch of Night Frost. Scientific inquiry glazed over her eyes as she made her way to the new queen. Only Celestia’s voice massive wing stopped her.

“Twilight I think the science can be ignored for a day. I would like to speak with our queen alone. As a personal favor would you and the good captain mind helping sort out what is left of our courtyard?”

Twilight frowned and turned her head to look at Flash Sentry. She looked at Celestia with an accusatory eye. Celestia winked and walked away beckoning Frost to follow her.

Night Spark stood perfectly still. A familiar power surged through his veins. The power of being bonded to a queen. Chills ran throughout his body and his muscles flexed. The love from Derpy and the power of family was new territory. When he trained in Twilight’s chambers he was borrowing her magic. He merely was guiding the river but now he was the river. As he began to laugh the other ponies started to look at him with confused stares. Night Spark didn't care. Lightning flared up around him as he laughed.

“So much…”

Each chuckle raised the intensity of his magic. Finally he shot lightning far out into the sky.


All but Luna covered their ears from the thunder. Shining desperately rocked Crystal as she cried. Cadence lost all joy and love at the cry of her baby. She teleported right infront of him and slapped him. Night Spark fell over from the force. The once gentle and kind Cadence stood over him with seething eyes. Her voice was quiet however it was so venomous several guards straighten their postures and scooted away.

“I don’t give a pony’s plot what might happen when your bitch of a mother attacks. So long as this city is not being assaulted my child will get the rest she needs. My child will not be woken up by foalish little changelings who like to get their horns off. My child is the most important thing to me. Is that understood? When you disturb my child you disturb me. When you disturb me you get hurt.”

Despite all of the fear and natural instincts telling him not to Night Spark spoke as only a fool would.

“Didn’t my mother disturb-“

Cadence turned her head and with no effort at all shot 10 times the amount of magic into the sky. The shock from its force knocked over several guards and further cemented Night Spark into the ground before her. She quickly return her gaze to him.

“You will pick up this damn courtyard and do so quietly. If I see so much as a single blade of blackened grass I will do things to you that will justify ripping the damn elements of the tree of harmony just to banish me for at least a thousand years.”

Cadance turned away so sharply her tail slapped him. She nearly ripped Crystal from Shining’s arms and stomped away. Everyone remained quiet for a while. Twilight walked up to Night Spark and chuckled.

“We better get started then right? Nice highlights by the way.”


Twilight cast a reflection of him for them to stare at. Faint luminescent white streaks ran through his mane. Night Spark circled the reflection noticing small differences. Any place that was normal cyan had either white highlights or was an even brighter shade of cyan. He looked at Twilight and nodded.

“Becoming a subject of Queen Frost is empowering. I suppose one could say it makes me look… cool.”

Twilight opened her mouth to speak but decided she had no words for him. She simply walked away shaking her head.

Celestia walked with Frost until the were back in her chambers. She turned and gave a respectful bow to Frost.

“I suppose congratulations are in order. Differences aside your ascension is a welcome change. Your bravery is highly commendable and you have my respect. From what Twilight explained you have just painted a target on yourself. All for the chance that you might help us turn the tide of this war.”

Frost nodded. If she were being honest she would tell Celestia that as selfless as her original intensions were, power was another factor. Even at her peak Frost had never felt this good. Physically she felt like she could quite literally rip her brother’s head off. Her magic pool now felt like an ocean.

“Let me say this Celestia. I will make the changelings hear me. They will hear my call. I will not stop calling on them even if it means death for myself. Perhaps I might not be able to turn all the hive, but if I can turn some than this fight will be much easier for you. For I know what powers my mother. It sickens me so much because we were all to blind or scared to notice it. Since she cannot feed on love. She feeds on her hive.”

Celestia’s brows creased and she slowly shook her head.

“Frost, I am not sure I understand. These changeling are composed from her magic. How can she feed from them?”

“In simple terms the larger the hive the more powerful the queen. My hive is but two members, but both Night Spark and I add to one another abilities. As queen I benefit from it even more so as it is my duty to protect him. My mother uses dark magic to pull souls from tartarus and bind them to the sands of the badlands. That is why she could, with a simple glance, drain a changeling to death. A normal queen such as myself can take most the magic from my hive however I would not be able to kill my brother by simply glancing at him. She has the normal gains of a queen with a large hive, but her true power comes from their souls. She is the true threat. It is my belief that were you to actually best her in a fight all she would have to do is kill off a tenth of the hive. Their souls alone would replenish her power. Celestia they are just reserves, ammunition!”

Frost frowned and shook her head.

“As a royal I now feel this sense of urgency to protect my one subject. I think I can understand now how it is you feel. So I will do my very best to assume control of the hive. With them out of the equation the alicorns should be able to match my mother. “

Celestia nodded and sat on her haunches. She watched Frost with a wistful and small smile.

“I’d never have thought that I would have a changeling queen in my castle anytime soon. I like to think positively so I am going to assume that we will both stand tall and proud when this is over. I’d like for us to work together. I think we can build an Equestria where both our kinds can prosper.”

Frost clicked her tongue, but did not speak. She wanted to scream at the princess but held back. Silence lingered over them for a long time.


“If I take the hive I will release them. I’ll not become my mother. The souls of the dead shall be returned to tartarus and the sands of the badlands will blow through the wind. Those changeling will return to their homes. If all ends well then the greatest threat to you kind will have been thwarted and I will be the proud queen of at least 2 changelings. There are no relations to nurture. No walls needing to be torn down. You’ll have three changelings living with you until time takes us and then Equestria shall be free of us.”

“Frost I’m sorry, I didn’t-“

She waved her hoof.

“The concept of extinction was not easy for me to understand, but I do understand it. One can only be so abrasive against the world before the world scratches back. Is it unfair? Is the blame solely upon our shoulders? I know these answers. I am prepared to be the last changeling queen. I worry only for my brother. He is brash and hard headed, but underneath his dark deeds and thick skull is a good hearted pony.”


“He grew up here. Another heartless path of destruction my mother sowed many years ago. At the end of all things I believe he may have an identity crisis. I speak bravely now, but I suspect I will be just as traumatized. I have no idea what it will feel like truly being alone in the world. Will he try to fit in as a pony? Or will he spend his life sulking around in grief?”

Celestia’s ears fell.

“You don’t have to forgive my sister and I. We allowed our fear of losing pony support to cloud our judgement. I am responsible for this. I let ponies act on their baser instincts and for that I am sorry Frost. If we best your mother and win this war. I will do everything in my power to give you and your subjects comfortable lives.

Both royals politely bowed to one another.



When you are done cleaning your mess I have my first command of you.

I said I would support you sister, but don’t think I am some lowly drone…

Shush. I command you to take your filthy mare and enjoy a romantic day with her. I will greet our sister and ask her to join us. She will wait with Flash who will babysit my little warrior Dinky.

Am I understood?



Come now little brother give me this. Let me enjoy this for at least a few days.

…we are twins

I came out first

Buck off…

Come now brother be supportive! Now am I understood?

*sigh* Yes…my queen


Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait. Got some cool stuff happening in this chapter. I am so excited for the outcome of this story. As always give me all your love/hate/fear/pain/jealousy/hope. Or just you know comments and shit.

On a side note I am working on a theme for Night Spark. It's been a work in progress but yeah. I will share when I'm done. Or I will just share a Nickleback album with y'all.