• Published 11th Dec 2013
  • 2,603 Views, 250 Comments

An Unwelcome Change - Night Spark

Equestria is under attack! The changelings have returned and are fueled by something other than love. Ponies prepare for war as the changeling horde sacks small cities. With no elements Equestria needs help...but will they take it from a changeling?

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Torn Asunder

Torn Asunder:

"You have my thanks again, princess. While the dungeons are not as terrible as I imagined it is nice to be on the other side of those bars."

Twilight walked next to him and nodded.

"No thanks are needed, Night Spark. You shouldn't have been in there in the first place."

"That is something I would like to speak with you about. Your guards, or at least some of them, seemed strange. Though none of them are too happy to see me these guards were… well they were emotionless and yet driven. I would have normally attempted to escape however they came from nowhere as if they all knew at a moments notice where I was.”

Twilight shook her head.

“Night Spark could you identify any of the guards who arrested you?”

“Honestly no, princess… its like you royals clone the same three stallions. Still you should be alert. Especially after what my mother has told me.”

She turned and looked at him as he just continued to walk. It took a moment for her brain to connect to her mouth.

“Wait you spoke to Chrysalis?! She’s here?”

Night Spark continued to walked ahead as he spoke.

“No, princess, she is not here. However she reached out to me through the hive mind. I need to search your library again for something. I will tell you everything you wish to know on the way.”

Night Frost took another sip. Cider was so foreign to her and yet its taste seemed so familiar. It was sweet and light. It reminded her of feeding. She noticed a small group of ponies forming in the street outside the diner. It concerned her but she did not want to ruin her peace meeting with her new ally.

“Dinky, I hope you are enjoying this cider as much as I am. This was a splendid way to celebrate our truce, my little friend. You were wise to recommend this tasty beverage.”

Dinky wiped a hoof across her muzzle to get any excess cider off. After falling back in her seat she smiled.

“Yup. To the Moon has the best cider ever. Sis told me once that there are special kinds of cider too. She said that some of them make even the best ponies as clumsy as she is.”

Night Frost frowned at Dinky’s choice of words.

“Dinky, forgive me for asking but, why do you claim that your sister is clumsy? From what I have seen she is among the most tolerable and patient of your kind.”

“Well… because she is…”

Dinky looked at her food as she spoke. Her little hooves poked at the hay waffles.

“My big sis is the best sister ever. She loves me so much that one time she told me that if it came down to me or muffins for life she would choose me. Sometimes she can be clumsy. Like there was one time where she crashed through a ponies window. She landed on their pet frog and… well that’s why we don’t live in Fillydephia anymore. We lived in Manehattan too… but she left the oven on. Everywhere we go it’s something and ponies aren’t as nice as she is.”

Night Frost waved her one hoof in the air as she spoke through her mug of cider. Her eyes watched two stallions outside. They were arguing and closing the distance between them.

“Surely these incidents were accidents? Do they truly warrant calling her clumsy?”

Dinky let her head sink onto the table.

“You don’t get it. Ponies make fun of us… make fun of me. Her name is Ditzy Doo. It’s like our mom and dad knew she was going to be different. Ponies call her Derpy though…”

“Both names sound wonderful, Dinky.”

The little filly looked up at Night Frost with a tiny fire in her eyes.

“It’s not nice. They are making fun of her when they call her that. I know it’s bad but sometimes I wish…”

Night Frost reached across the table and grabbed Dinky’s hooves.

“Never. Dinky, being a sister is hard. I almost took my own brothers life but I love him and I know he loves me. However I do not trick myself into thinking we share the strongest bond. What I see when you are with your sister is the most powerful bond I have seen since the Canterlot Invasion. Do not let others taint that bond. Ditzy would do anything for you and you should do the same. Should any fool dare mock her in front of you than you should teach them that kindness does not have to be shared with vermin. I shall teach you the art of intimidation my friend. You are no longer Dinky, the youngest Doo sister. From this moment forth you shall be known as Dinky the Terminator!”


Night Frost moved back from the sudden outburst. Dinky watched her through unshed tears.

“I tried. They made fun of her and I used my magic on them. Then they started making fun of me instead. I even zapped Diamond Tiara’s flank. She cried to her daddy and I got sent home to my sis. She cried so much that I cried too. She told me to promise never to use magic on ponies but… sometimes… I…”

Night Frost gave a sympathetic smile and helped her out.

“Sometimes you wish you could do more than just burn their flanks. Sometimes you wish you could pummel them into the ground and make them suffer as they have made you. That anger inside you Dinky, is both a blessing and a curse. They have hurt you for your whole life I presume. That pain cannot be so easily remedied. What you do with that anger will determine who you are. Both paths have their pros and cons. Release your anger and you will make the abusers quiver in fear. They will no longer see you as prey. They will stagger from your very gaze. You could relish in being dominant over the pitiful scum. The other path in unimaginably difficult but you have done it better than most. Keep that anger inside. Hide it away Dinky and let know one see it… at least not yet. Let them laugh and abuse you. Let them see the weak filly and her clumsy sister. As they laugh you shall study and train. Become smarter and stronger than they could ever hope to be. Do not let the anger control you or corrupt you and one day when you are ready… you can silence them all. In the mean time just remember that your sister is going through worse than you. Ditzy is older than you. There was a time where you were not there to be at her side. You cannot abandon her or let your love for her falter.”

Dinky furrowed her brows. The small fire in her eyes burned even hotter but was concealed.

“You’re right, Frosty. I’m gonna hug her so hard when I see her that she’ll fly straight!”

“Dinky I believe you mean… oh because her eyes… I see… Do you ever speak of that to her?”

Dinky smiled nervously and scratched her neck.

“Well I only bring that up when we fight… but I feel bad. Sorry Frosty but sometimes I am a mean pony.”

Night Frost took another gulp of her cider and wipe her muzzle. She spoke with a toothy grin.

“As I can be a mean changeling little one. So long as we are both sorrowful about be mean I think we are-”

Night Frost’s eye caught the two stallions. They were arguing loudly for a moment. Then they started shooting magic from their horns. the crowd around them joined in and a small riot was born.

“Dinky we must leave. We must leave now.”

Dinky turned in her seat and saw what Night Frost had seen. She watched as the stallions tried to kill one another.


The two got up and head for the exit. As they approached Night Frost looked carefully around. The diners guests were all too busy observing the chaos outside. A brief flash of green fire turned Night Frost in to a steel colored mare with a long white mane. Dinky looked at her confused.

“Dinky follow me and I shall answer your questions later.”

As they exited the commotion grew louder. The two of them watched as the guards tried to intervene. They began to separate the ponies and shouted for them to cease fighting. Frost relaxed a bit as the situation seem to die down. She watched the same two stallions beat each other. They were bleeding on the road. One guard tried to separate them. She could hear one of the stallions screaming.

“He’s a damn changeling! He’s going to replace us! All of us! Not me! Not me! Not me!”

The screaming stallion turned to face the guard and shot him in the chest with multiple magic bolts. The guards rushed in to their injured comrade and the ponies were left to attack one another. Unicorns were firing magic at each other. Earth ponies were bucking others and breaking bones. Pegasi were flying around and using their using their hooves to assault each other. Night Frost knew they feared her kind but this kind of fear was something else. It was irrational and misguided. It was an unnatural fear that resonated within her gut. She pushed Dinky towards the direction of Derpy’s home. The filly began to move as Night Frost looked around. Although she could not see anything she felt as if she was wading through a stream of fear. The more she thought she felt the stronger the sensation became.

“Let us go and find your sister, Dinky.”

She opened the door and nearly dragged Dinky inside. Dinky sat herself down on the couch. Night Frost was checking out the windows as Derpy walked in.

“Hey you two? Did you have a yummy lunch, Dinky?”

Night Frost left her place near the window and sighed in relief. She made her way to the couch and stood before Dinky. She placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Dinky you are my ally now. Whatever is taking place I shan't allow it to harm you.”

Dinky’s jaw trembled as she spoke.

“They hurt that guard…”

“They also hurt each other as well but they will not harm you. You have nothing to fear little one. Sit here and allow me to speak with your sister for a moment.”

She walked over to Derpy and motioned for her to step away from the living room. They both entered the kitchen. From the kitchen they could both see the back of Dinky’s head as she sat.

“You must stay here with your sister and answer the door to no one.”

Derpy looked puzzled.

“But, Night Frost, what if they knock?”

The gray mare looked genuinely lost. Night Frost spoke in a low voice.

“Then you do not answer.”

She looked at Derpy with a firm gaze. Derpy bit her tongue and made a few small attempts to speak. Night Frost wondered what was on her mind.

“Ditzy, what is it? What do you wish to say?”

“But they knocked…”

“What of it? Ditzy for your own safety you mustn't answer the door. Not until I have located Night Spark and-”

She paused when she realized Derpy looked even more confused than ever. Her temper began to grow and she grabbed Derpy firmly.

“Are you telling me you answer the door every time it is knocked!?”

Derpy smiled and nodded.


Frost let her head drop. She felt like continuing her lecture but she did not have time.

“It is unsafe right now for you or your sister to be outside. I feel like I know what has these guards so vexed and if I'm right... I just need to find my brother. If this is true than this war is going to rage on sooner rather than later. Stay here.”

Night Frost pointed her horn at the door and fired white magic. In a matter of seconds it was covered with a thick wall of ice. She then moved towards a window and started to climb out. Green fire formed wings on her back. Being a pony felt wrong to her. They were disgusting and often dirty. The only thing she enjoyed was her mane. The ice white hair was shimmering in the sunlight. Her natural mane reminded her of her mothers. It had little volume and fell flat on her face. She flicked her mane behind her face and looked up. Despite being in the lower end of the city she could easily see the castle and all its towers. Frost flapped her wings and lifted off.

Lightning spewed from his horn. Hundreds of bright cyan arcs clawed away against Twilight’s shield with no effect. Night Spark smirked. He had access to a limitless pool of magic. Twilight shouted at him.

“Your attacks aren’t effective! They aren’t precise! Instead of focusing on trying to wipe out everything directly in front of you focus on a single point somewhere on your target!!”

His eyes met hers and he nodded. She stood a bit taller bracing for whatever he could dish out. Night Spark kept his focus on her face. His eyes began to glow as the arcs began to join together. Instead of branching out all over they formed a singular and massive bolt. He began to push more magic into the attack. The large bolt doubled in size and split. This continued until once again he had multiple arcs although these were almost as thick as a small pony and aimed only at Twilights face. She found herself having to apply a little more magic to her shield to ward of the attack. Night Spark had been open to learning skills used by unicorns as she had been open to learning more about changeling culture. She had volunteered to start first. She need something to distract her from her discussion with Flash Sentry.

“Are you sure you can hold much longer against this, princess?”

Twilight scoffed and with a single flick of her horn her magenta shield expanded outward until it collided with him. The resulting impact sent him flying toward the wall. He fell down and coughed. Twilight regretted her reaction to his taunt and went over to help him up. She extended a hoof out to him.

“You are skilled, princess. I have never wielded such power and yet you made it seem like it was nothing.”

As he stood she shrugged.

“Yeah well when you have a brother named Shining Armor you can expect to pick up a few tips on defensive spells and tactics. Are you ok? I’m sorry about getting you like that.”

He smiled and waved his hoof.

“Not to worry. Changelings often were severely injured or killed in training.”

“What!? Why?”

“We share everything. Food, wealth, knowledge; anything and everything you can think of that is within reason. In many ways nearly every changeling is equal save for a few things. Some excelled at being scholars while others excelled at being infiltrators. One thing we all tried to excel at was our skill on the battlefield. Some knew their place and did not bother with sparring. Others held their abilities so close to their hearts that many changelings wished to one day challenge my mother. No changeling ever has but they still dream of it.”

Twilight did not like hearing that. Chrysalis had the fear of her own kind as well as ponies.

“Why don’t any changelings challenge her? Why doesn’t she kill the ones who want to? You are part of a hive mind right?”

He chuckled a bit.

“She welcomes those who wish to challenge her. If anything she even prefers them. Changelings are not like ponies. I suppose I am the exception-”

She cringed at hearing him say that.

If only Flash heard you say that…

“Changelings don’t spend their life trying to achieve fame or glory. They spend their life ensuring the glory of the hive. We still have hobbies and individuality but, we do not have the desire for self-glorification. When a changeling wishes to challenge my mother they do not wish to kill her. It is their way of testing their strength and hers. Though I suspect the real reason of her being unchallenged is that the changeling are all but dead. What you see is the result of Necromancy and dark magic so powerful that even Sombra would have difficulty keeping up.”

She looked at him at noticed he was staring blankly.

“Night Spark, are you saying that your mother is wielding dark magic? How long have you known?”

“Yes, well technically I weird it as well. That green flame you see when I change forms? Dark magic.”

Twilight moved closer to him and looked at him with wide eyes.

“Is that why she is attacking? Is she corrupted by Dark Magic?”

“She is corrupted by grief, strife, hatred, and madness. Flip the tables. I abuse your kind and your family. Eventually I call for a mass extermination of your kind because of your differences. You look to Chrysalis, the immortal goddess who told you she loves you as much as she loves me. What does she do? Does she stop the cruelty? No. She fears what the majority would say. After all what is a god that receives no prayers. So you watch your kind get systematically exterminated. Those you once held dear now spit in your face and try to harm you. You retreat to the forsaken desert and are left to suffer the heat and monsters. Your mother and father who are skilled in dark arts end their own lives and to grant you their power and wisdom. The last of your kind left alone in the desert. My mother heard only the dust and echoes in a barren wasteland for who knows how many years. She resorted to madness. The changelings attacking you are ghosts given shape by the sands of the desert.”

Night Spark realized he was tense with anger and noticed Twilight's discomfort. He sighed and walked away from her to the other end of the dome.

“Forgive my rant princess. I know it sounds like an elaborate lie but Luna herself did not deny it.”

“Did she confirm it? Because there are several flaws with your story. For starters if you had access to dark magic you would not be so easily wiped out by ponies. The only advantage you have now is numbers. Back then you would have had that and the changelings older than even Chrysalis. Another odd thing is that based on what I know this would have been taking place during the war against Sombra. If ponies were fighting on two fronts we would have lost.”

Night Spark thought on what she said. It made sense and left many questions to be asked.

“We must speak to-“

The Room shook and a loud boom was heard. They both looked at each other and then at the floor beneath them.

Twilight shot a small bolt at the center of the floor. A small portal formed that led to her room. She motioned for Night Spark to follow and they both proceeded to find out what the noise was. They floated down from the top floor they landed near the massive bookshelves. Twilight’s eyes anxiously watched the books near Night Sparks hooves. He saw this and inched away from them. From where they were standing it became apparent what had caused the noise. A large gaping hole was now in the middle of one of Twilight’s walls. Standing in a pile of rubble was Night Frost. Much to Twilight’s confusion she looked afraid.

“Nice to see you can use a door. What do I owe the pleasure of-”

“Night Tear. She is here... she is in this city, brother.”

Night Spark felt a his stomach drop along with chills up his spine. Twilight looked over to him now realizing she had two terrified changelings in her room. She groaned and then stomped her hoof.

“Will somepony please tell me what is going on?”

Night Spark fell on his haunches. He shook his head and remembered his dream. Chrysalis had warned him.

“She will attack when the city is at its weakest. For once she is not lying and yet I find no comfort in that. This explains why the guards are behaving strangely.”

Night Frost stepped forward and sat near him.

“It also explains why Dinky and I witnessed a massive brawl near To The Moon. A guard was blasted in close proximity by another unicorn.”

Twilight marched over to them and grabbed both their heads with magic. Both of them were forcibly turned to face her. She spoke through her teeth.

“What are you both talking about?”

Night Frost sighed and began to explain. Her voice remained soft.

“Night Tear is our sister. She is in a way more deadly than any of us. Were you to meet her in battle you would not see a warrior. Instead you would meet a thin changeling who seems harmless. Almost like a homeless child. She does not use her magic as others do. In truth I do not believe that she can. Instead she makes you see all which you fear. You begin to hear and see things that would seem ghoulish even to those in the depths of Tartarus."

Night Spark continued for her.

"I rarely saw her while in the hive. Only our mother could resist her magic. The few changelings who wandered into her cave never returned. At least once a month a changeling could be heard screaming from that hole."

Twilight blinked several times before continuing.

"She had her own cave? Is she second in command or..."

"According to our mother she had to be kept in a secluded area. Unlike us Night Tear has no restraints. Her magic is always at its fullest power. The fear and chaos caused by it feed her and make that magic all the more powerful."

Night Frost stopped and looked at her brother.

"Night Spark we are not safe. Everypony already fears us. Night Tear is going to drive them mad. I suggest we leave the city and-"

Twilight's head twitched.

"You can't leave. We need both of you to help find Night Tear. If she is really as dangerous as you say than she has to be the top priority. Listen I know a lot of magic but until I actually see and analyze her magic I don't know how I will be affected. No matter how powerful I am if she affects my head before I realize it... well..."

Twilight looked at Frost desperately and sighed.

"Please stay and help us. You two have the best logical chances of success."

Night Frost looked Twilight up and down. She didn't hate her... she hated what she was asking. The wings on her back tensed as she thought.

"Tell me, Twilight, what do you intend to do with her? Will my sister be killed or will you try to apprehend her first?"

"I would never kill her, Night Frost!”

"No pony will kill her... no pony.”

Night Spark spoke with wide and fearful eyes. Despite his calm voice both Night Frost and Twilight could tell he was distraught.

“We shall find our sister and we will attempt to understand her. I took the life of one of my siblings... I do not wish for another to die. Night Frost, we must approach her as I approached you. We must give her the chance. If she does not want anything to do with us then we protect the innocents here... whatever the cost."

Twilight was taken aback by his words. She looked at him and then at Night Frost. Pity swelled up inside her.

“Listen you two I promise she won’t be killed. Neither of you should have to go through something as hard as this. Just help me find her and I will help her as best I can.

She made her way to the door. The siblings both watched her as she was leaving.

"I have to tell Celestia and Luna. They should both be in the main hall now. You two are more than welcome to meet me there. The other princesses will probably want to know more about Night Tear. It may not mean much but you truly have my sympathy. Family is the best kind of friendship. I hope that I can help you and Night Spark add to that. All I can say is thank you for being open to us."

The door shut softly. The siblings sat near each other in silence. The same fear was gradually taking control of both of them. Neither had truly experienced Night Tear's magic and the fact that only Chrysalis could resist it made the situation more nerving.

“Sister, I am uncertain of how this shall play out. You were open to give me an opportunity to show you another path. Night Fire will probably spit on both of us... that much is expected. I have never laid eyes upon Night Tear. I have only heard of what she does to others. What if she chooses to fight us? Will we even be in our right minds when facing her?"

Frost placed a hoof around him and pulled him in for a side hug.

"Spark, I will not mock you for admitting that you are full of fear. I am as well. I suppose I have been infected by the disgusting ponies you see as friends. Your bucking partner and her little sister are important to me I think... More so Dinky than Derpy. I fear more for her safety now than my own. Were it any other pony... any other filly... I would be disgusted of what I have become. When I see how those two love one another I know that is what I want between us... all of us..."

Night Spark thought once more of his mother's warning. A part of him wanted to heed that warning and leave. As long as he had family and Derpy he would be fine. He shook his head. It wouldn’t work. Derpy would never love him if he willingly left and his family would never see him or her as equal.

“I want that too sister. My only concern is for our safety. If anything were to happen to you, Miss Doo, or Dinky…”

Night Spark clenched his jaw. He stomped one hoof down.

“No unnecessary risks. No reckless anger. No foolishness. That is what is required if we are to safely handle this. Also you can cease this hugging.”

Night Frost tightened her grip and smiled.

“I will hug you while I can, brother, and you are hopeless to resist. We both know that you will be the first to make an unnecessary, reckless, and foolish mistake. Besides this is the closest you will ever be to a member of the opposite sex!”

Night Spark’s eyes widened as he shoved her off of him.

“Damn you! Let’s go and meet with the princesses.

“Pardon me, but have you two lost your minds?!”

Celestia and Luna were in the throne room standing near the exit. Celestia’s horn flowed with golden magic and a document appeared before Twilight.

“Twilight this is an authentic letter of distress from the Gryphon Empire. If it were forged I would know. They report a changeling invasion and ask for assistance. I will not send any resources until we know for a fact-“

Twilight interrupted her with her wings flaring.

“Celestia there is a changeling in the city already! Spark and Frost believe she has the ability to break down barriers in one's mind and leave only the worst fears.”

Celestia sighed and placed a hoof to her temple.

“Twilight did you see what happened to the Crystal empire? Thousands of ponies died! The second largest pony civilization was nearly wiped away for a second time. That very same threat is out there. It endangers us all and no matter how much I love our subjects I cannot leave thousands more to be potentially erased. If I send a scout, or even a scouting party can you guess what may happen? They could all be slaughtered and return with false news while infiltrating Canterlot. That is why Luna and I must go. We can travel to the empire in a day’s time and be back.”

Twilight looked to Luna in hopes that she would understand.She shrugged.

“You have both lost your minds!”

“No, they have not.”

Twilight turned to see Night Spark and Night Frost walk in. They walked up to the royalty as he continued with his eyes focused on Celestia.

“They simply wish to avoid being responsible for yet another genocide.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed at him while Luna shook her head. Before her sister could scold him she intervened.

“Night Spark, I have shown you nothing but respect. I have been patient with you and understanding of your situation, but if you continue to provoke my sister I will intervene. Truth be told perhaps part of our reasoning is because of exactly what you claim. Do not judge us as you do not know as much as you think. We are leaving today and in the mean time the city will be under the rule of Twilight and Prince Shining Armor. Cadence will have no hoof in ruling while we are gone. She will enjoy time with her sweet child while she can.”

Night Spark looked away from Celestia and towards Luna. He began to wonder what exactly she was hiding from him. She had no issues backing him up when he and Celestia bickered. He wondered what had changed. Twilight’s hyperventilating interrupted his thoughts.

“What do you mean Shining and I are in charge? We have riots breaking out in the streets. Ponies are attacking ponies! This city is loyal to you not me or Shin-“

Celestia placed a hoof on her. Her voice was plain and it silenced Twilight. Celestia spoke not as a teacher or princess. She spoke like a mother.

“Twilight, you are a princess. You are a powerful alicorn. Most of all you are a leader. You need to look at this city not as you do individual ponies. It does not need a lesson in friendship… at least not today. This city is your foal. Even the most loving and devoted mothers have to be firm at times with their young. There are riots, changelings, and crime in this city. Discipline is required to restore the peace.”

Twilight took a nervous step back.

“Celestia what are you-“

“I am saying that you need to use your power Twilight. Every child knows that their mother loves them but they must also learn that their mother with punish them for bad behavior. You are still new to being an alicorn but, in time you will be more powerful than Luna and I. I know this, Luna knows this… you need to know this as well. I would never leave my child unless it was in the hooves of a pony I trust with my life. Do you understand?”

Twilight nodded slowly. Celestia left her to process and moved over to Night Spark and Night Frost. She glared down at Night Frost. The changeling met her gaze but did not implicate hostility.

“I could have you captured. I could have you executed. You have taken so many and yet three of Equestria’s leaders trust you. It is for that reason alone that I allow you to walk free. Twilight told me of your sister. I expect you and your brother to find her and take care of this situation. The more ponies that are hurt give me more reason to deal with you.”

Night Spark stepped in between Celestia and his sister. He was not going to allow her to intimidate family. The white alicorn looked down at him.

“Tell me, Celestia, who judges you? Does genocide become forgivable as time passes? Is it excusable? Because you move the sun you judge all? What hubris… it has been sometime since I last read into your kinds history but I do recall a time where ponies moved the sun and the moon themselves. I will not allow a self proclaimed god to threaten my family.”

Celestia lowered her head and became very close to his face, her eyes never left his.

“As my sister said changeling, you do not know as much as you think. I would suggest pondering that before you proceed to question me. Find this other changeling and stop this madness. Assist Twilight all you can because if I return and my city is on the verge of destroying itself then I will find and handle the situation. Family or not she will die if she is harming my subjects.”

As she turned around Night Spark’s desire to shock her grew exponentially. He was grinding his teeth when Luna came up to him. He relaxed and looked up at her. She looked over at Celestia who was walking through the exit with Twilight.

“You both are reminders of a great failure. A failure that has surely returned to haunt us. She knows this and you must trust me when I say she does not hate you… not truly. That is not something Celestia is capable of. She is simply frustrated. Night Spark we abandoned your kind and we accept that. Do not think we did so out of selfishness. If ponies will not respect me then… well… the world is aware of how I react to such situations. We failed so many then. Changelings and ponies both suffered during that time. I will explain things to you in more detail but time is working against us. I must depart.”

The sides of his head felt as if needles were trying to escape. He left Luna and his sister and galloped out the exit towards Twilight and Celestia. He stood in front of Celestia and spoke firmly.

“I do not understand. Your sister claims that I am mistaken about what occurred so long ago.”

Celestia watched him as he moved forward.

“Celestia, I want to work towards a future where the world will know not all changelings were monsters. You have two who are against the atrocities occurring. Two of tens of thousands… I want the world to know that the changelings are not unified in this hate. I will do whatever I can to make that happen. Starting with you. You have my word that Night Frost and I will stop any threat in this city. My word may not being enough as I understand we have both said things that should have never been said. Even so you have it.”

She kept her expression firm and towered over him for as long as she could. Celestia eventually sighed and her presence became less intimidating. She lowered her head down to his level. The uncertainty in her voice was apparent as her eyes focus on him.

“We have both been… foals Night Spark. I have allowed this war to take its toll on me and while I cannot say that I am ready to consider you a friend I will do my best to work towards that future. As I see it we both tread on a delicate line. I am not ready to trust you fully and nor will I give you the benefit of the doubt. To many lives are at stake for me to do so. Find the changeling causing this madness and stop her. We can discuss this further-“

Night Spark’s eyes caught the movement of and orange pegasus at the door. Standing in the way of them all was none other than Flash Sentry himself. Celestia’s words faded away as Night Spark’s eyes bulged. Flash Sentry marched in and stood next to Night Spark.

“Princess Celestia preparations have been made. We are prepared for… Night Spark?”

Celestia caught Night Spark’s puzzled expression and sighed.

“Flash Sentry has been ensuring that certain measures are in place should anything happen while I am away. Your brother is among my most trusted guards, Night Spark. If you truly desire to make things right between us than I request you give him any assistance he needs in locating this other child of Chrysalis. In return I shall do my best to give you and your sister the benefit of the doubt. Flash Sentry thank you for your efforts. They have not been unnoticed. The guards need structure and they need a leader. It is long overdue that we appoint a new captain. I have already received approval from my sister and now I have had ample time to assess your skills. Flash Sentry I am appointing the you to be the new Captain of the royal guard. Shining Armor set the bar high. You have met that bar but have yet to exceed it. I expect you to do so while I am gone.”

Flash looked dumbfounded. The position came with a hefty raise. It gave him status and power that he had never had before. Those things were not what caused him to stay silent.

“Flash Sentry?”

His mind returned and he bowed to her.

“Your highness, I would be honored to accept this responsibility but I am afraid I am already a personal guard to Princess Cadence. I am here because our home was destroyed.”

She chuckled and lifted him out of his bow with her hoof.

“Do not worry about my niece. She stole my previous Captain. She owes me a new one. However if you feel strongly about remaining at her side then I will not stop you from doing so and nor will I be upset at you. However I must be selfish and require that you answer me now.”

Night Spark stepped in between them.

“He accepts Celestia. He has to. There are guards under your command who are not fully in control of themselves. Night Tear is slowly influencing their decisions. There is no pony better to weed out these guards than a pony whose own brother is a changeling. Together we will stop this situation from escalating.”

Flash nodded with a wide grin and gave Celestia a crisp salute.

“Very well then. I should depart now. Oh and Night Spark… T-thank you.”

Celestia left the room and Luna followed suit snickering as she past Night Spark. She slapped him lightly with her wing.

“It is strange hearing her say thank you is it not? If I carved a picture of your face into the moon, my little changeling, I believe every pony would laugh for the rest of time. I shall see you soon, Night Spark. Take care, my friend.”

Luna left the room. Moments later a massive whooshing sound could be heard from every window in the castle. The two alicorns were seen flying far into the distance at speeds rivaling Rainbow Dash. Twilight and Flash both stared at Night Spark. He avoided the gaze and sank down in embarrassment. Night Frost was blankly staring at the spot that Luna was standing in.

“See, Night Spark, friendship really is m-“

He turned to Twilight and held a hoof up to stop her from finishing that sentence.

“Please princess, don’t make me gag. Celestia and I are… not friends. She is at this moment like an employer. Some days I despise them and others I can tolerate them… tolerate.”

She mouthed an “ok” and looked around slightly defeated. Flash picked that moment to wrap one leg around Night Spark’s shoulders.

“You know I really appreciate what you did. Shining Armor is one of my best friends but he was also a commanding officer for some time. It’s just strange to be standing where he once stood. ”

Night Spark looked at him head cocked to one side. Flash was watching him with a smile on his face.

“You are my brother, Flash. You will not fail this task. Celestia be damned I will not have a brother who is a imbecile.”

Flash pulled Night Spark in and gave him a noogie. Night Spark struggled against Flash’s vice grip. He released a wave of energy from his horn with shoved Flash to the side. With a raspy and furious voice he scolded Flash.

“You damn idiot! How could I ever doubt that you are my brother? You are just like that fool over there!”

Flash was laughing wildly on the floor as Twilight face hooved. Night Frost spoke up while still staring at that spot.

“The race of ponies is a strange and disgusting one. As we are the only two changeling who walk a different path there are only two ponies who seem different to me. The element of generosity and the princess of the night! All others are vermin… well save for Derpy and her sister. I suppose you are not so bad either, Twilight.”

Flash stopped laughing.

“Hey what the big idea? You’re not so great yourself there!”

Frost gave him a disgusted sneer. She then walked up to her brother.

“Enough foolishness! Night Spark, let us begin our search. The longer Night Tear hides in this city the more she will influence fear and thus the more powerful she will become. Princess Twilight go and stop your subjects from being imbeciles. Orange stallion clear yourself from my view so that I can resist the urge to empty my stomach.”

Flash quickest dashed in front of her.

“You wanna go, changeling?”

Night Spark coughed. Flash waved a hoof at him while locking glares with Frost.

“Shut up, Spark, you know what I meant.”

Frost smirked at Flash.

“You think you can fight me. You think you can actually be effective against my power? Restrain yourself from being an embarrassment yet again and-“

“Says the changeling who was gawking at Princess Luna’s flanks! Love might be what you feed on but I sure bet you were hungry for some-“

Frost tackled him.

“I shall bath in your blood and only then will you realize that you are beneath me!”

Flash pushed her off him and got into a defensive stance.

“Changelings bathe? Since when?”

Night Spark coughed louder this time.

“Shut it, Spark! Also how would I realize anything after you have bathed in my blood? Don’t really think things out do you? Do you lose intelligence when you leave the hive?”

Night Frost shot a white beam at his chest. Flash wrapped his wings around his body and just as the magic was going to hit he thrusted the wings forward. The white beam bounced off of the golden armor and returned to its sender. Night Frost fell flat, the bean nearly hitting. Her nostrils flared and she bared her sharp teeth.

“How dare you reflect my magic?”

“Enchanted armor, Frost! What you think its just for show?”

“Yes! Just like the rest of the guards! Nothing but show! What could you possibly defend Celestia against?”

Twilight finally intervened and shot the floor with a crackling beam. A square foot of tile was erased from existence. Both Flash and Frost both ceased their fight. Twilight sighed and shook her head.

“Night Spark and Night Frost please leave and search for you sister. Flash you come with me. Also Frost and Flash, treat each other better. You are technically family. You can fight as long as you don’t kill each other.”

Night Frost showed her teeth in a mischievous grin.

“Very good. I know for a fact ponies can survive even after having their wings cut from their bodies.”

Twilight grunted.

“No cutting or killing! So help me I will lock you in a room with Pinkie Pie and a bag of sugar! Now go!”

Night Frost scoffed and walked towards the door. She shoulder checked Flash as she passed him. Night Spark followed her and shut the door behind him. Twilight sighed with relief.

“Well Princess it looks like I am going to be-“

“Flash I am sorry. I am sorry I let you down and seeing you with him makes me realize that I was being incredibly selfish. I’m judging him for what Chrysalis did. It’s not right and I still feel that way but, if Celestia can try to make amends with him then so can I. I’m not asking for your forgiveness. I just don't want to make anyone…”

Flashes' smile disappeared. His normally warm nature was replaced by a neutral one.

“Princess Twilight, I am now the Captain of the Guard. I will not only meet the bar set by your brother I will surpass it. That means I will not let any interaction or difference in opinion affect my dedication to ensuring your safety.”

Twilight felt her body temperature ride. Seeing him hide his emotions was not something she would tolerate. She let her anger get the best of her and prodded his chest with her hoof.

“You can’t just do that! Don’t hide from me! I don’t want you to feel burdened or trapped by protecting me! If you hate me that’s fine! Just don’t hide behind that expression.”

She saw the slight twitch in his eye and only then did she realize how hard she was prodding him. Her hoof retracted quickly and covered her mouth.

“Flash I am sorry I didn’t mean to-“

“I’m not trapped by you. Nor am I burdened, your highness. A florist doesn’t hate a rose even when they are cut by its thorns. They are just angry, but in time they remember that it's just a flower. I have a job to do. I have a duty to you and the other princesses. I am here… the guard is here because we give the ponies of equestria hope. Despite the circumstances they can see that the guards have faith in you.”

Twilight nodded slowly. She looked him in the eyes and watched him silently. He remained emotionless and met her worried gaze without flinching. She snapped out of her thoughts and looked down as she walked away from him. He began to follow her as they walked out into the hall.

“Princess you should know that your friends have made some progress. Would you like to hear a report?”

“Sure Flash…Sure”

Her crestfallen expression tore away at him.

“Applejack has had soldiers bucking tree posts for the last several weeks. We have seen improvements in overall strength and endurance with nearly all of the soldiers. Rainbow Dash has had the air squads practicing racing techniques. Speed among the troops has increased some but the agility of the air squads is truly something to be reckoned with. On another note she has inspired a lot of loyalty among the troops, no pun intended. Pinkie Pie’s squad may as well be a bunch of ninja ponies. She had a whole 5 days with them and now they are dodging magic bolts like it’s no issue. Fluttershy has taught the troops why it is important to fight efficiently and avoid extra damage to the area. She also has provide our medic with a few herbal mixes that work as well as any pain relieving magic. Rarity has locked herself in the Castle Forge. She assures us that everything is fine however we have not seen her in over a week. I am starting to worry about how her armor designs are coming along.”

Hearing how her friends have been helping lifted her mood. She smiled as they were reaching the corridor leading to her tower.

“Thank you for that report. Would it be too troublesome if I asked you for more frequent updates?”

“Not at all, princess. Also Spike has something he wanted to show you. He and Celestia have been meeting in private and have been working on something.”

She stopped walking and furrowed her brows.

“Not that I don’t appreciate it but why are you telling me that?”

“I am telling you because it is my job to keep you informed. I also am letting you know because I don’t want you to feel that you are any less of a princess than the others. I am loyal to you all equally. Now we should…”

The faint sounds of screaming made his ears twitch. From her expression, Twilight seemed to have heard them as well. Flash moved close to her and checked around them. A few guards were glaring at them colder than usual.

“Flash that’s coming from outside. We should check it out.”

“Princess I think we should-“

A burst of light engulfed both Twilight and Flash and in an instant they were outside the castle. Flash felt his heart pounding through his chest.

“Princess a little warning next time! Please!”

She blushed and chuckled nervously. She then gasped at the sight of a massive crowd just outside the castle gates. Suddenly the black iron bars that separated the castle from the rest of Canterlot seem like a joke. Before the crowd was a uniform line of Castle guards and soldiers. They were armed and in fighting stances. Infant of the actual gate was a figure standing on a small platform. Flash recognized him immediately.

“Why is General Midnight closing off the gates? Princess?”

“I’m not sure, Flash. How many guards are under his command?”

He turned to look at her with a shocked expression. He figured she was incapable of asking silly questions.

“Uh Princess, short of the four Alicorns in existence the entire EUP answers to him. I am an exception as Captain because I am your representation in the military.”

The two began to approach the gate. As they got closer General Midnight was notified of their presence. He spoke in a booming voice to the crowd.

“Citizens of Equestria! Do not fear! I have shut these gates with good reason. You have been betrayed! The royalty has been seduced by the enemy and has allowed them to walk amongst you!”

Twilight shouted out at him.

“That’s not true!”

The general glared at her with fierce eyes.

“Is it not? Lie to me, princess but do not take your citizens for fools!”

He turned back to face the crowd and continued.

“I held my tongue when they allowed one in the castle. Now they have allowed two! I will not tolerate this heresy any longer! The changelings are a threat to our way of life. Let the Crystal Empire be a lesson to you! Let Appaloosa be a lesson to you! Make no mistake the threat is real. They will come and they will exterminate us all unless we remain vigilant! My life and my duty is to you my ponies. My purpose is to ensure the safety and survival of our kind! I shall not abandon you! From this moment forth I am declaring martial law! A curfew is in place. Anypony out after sundown shall be treated as a changeling spy and will be treated as such.”

Flash Sentry flew over the gate and shoved a guard aside.

“General are you insane? You are committing treason! Princess Twilight has been left in charge! You c-“

The general narrowed his eyes at Flash.

“I am committing nothing you fool! The EUP is loyal to Equestria and her ponies. We have a duty to pony kind not the princesses!. I will not allow those who give shelter to the enemy to control our forces.”

The crowd roared and many pushed against the wall of guards. The guards all had the same strange look as the ones who arrested Night Spark. Many ponies agreed with the General while others felt him to be a traitor. The crowd began to fight among itself and chaos spread. The General finished his speed with a command.

“To those of you who are vigilant! To those of you who are brave! Should you believe a pony to be a changeling or be sheltering a changeling inform a guard and we will be swift in our response. That is all.”

He stepped off the platform and moved through the gate. He headed back towards the castle and stopped as Twilight stood in his way. He walked up to her with no fear and stopped only when he knew she was uncomfortable.

“This is what happens when you spit on the memory of those who died. You are a sympathizer and you are weak. If the princesses will not serve the ponies than I will. Just see to it that you stay out of my way. I will purify this city and eliminate the threat.”

“You are insane if you think that you are just going to take-“

He exhaled sharply through his nostrils and moved closer.

“What are you going to do? What? Tell me! Do you wish to fight me? I am ready to die! I am ready to kill! I would personally see to the destruction of half this city if it guarantees that the enemy fails. Can you say the same? What are you prepared to do? What lengths will you go to? You may have magic Princess but, that is it. You are not a soldier! You are not willing to sacrifice like my Violet was! You are unworthy of the responsibility of being a princess!”

He walked around her and towards the castle. Twilight remained still as Flash galloped towards her.

“Princess this isn’t good. Ponies are going crazy out there. You have to stop him! I asked around and it seems he has about 200 or so guards. That’s large enough to cause civil unrest across the entire city. Ponies are already picking sides! We can’t afford them to see the guards having a civil war.”

“Flash, what do you mean picking sides?”

He looked over her shoulder and saw the general looking back from the Castle entrance. Flash returned his gaze to Twilight and motioned towards the castle with his head.

“Your side or his. Ponies are actually agreeing with him. Princess you have to something or we may lose this city to Midnight. And quickly.”

Twilight turned to watch the castle. The general had stated his intent and made sure she knew how adamant he was in carrying it out. This time talking would not be enough. Twilight charged her horn and flexed her wings.

“Flash I don’t want to hurt the General or anypony for that matter. Being an Alicorn doesn’t help me here unless I am planning on killing my own kind. I won’t do that. I can’t do that. So I want you to gather as many guards as you can who are not under his command. I want you to rally them and arrest any guards who are trying to enforce the general’s commands. My concern is for your safety. Do everything you possibly can to not kill them.”

“Princess that’s not going to be-“
She turned and face him with her horn glowing. Flash expected to see a commanding presence but instead found a darker and much more livid Twilight staring back at him. Her tone was one he had not heard before.

“There will be no killing today. Anypony who does will no longer be a subject of mine and will be banished. I am the princess of friendship. Killing is not something I will tolerate! You want to pass the bar my brother set? Then go and protect this city!”

Her words hit home with him. Flash saluted her and flew off towards the barracks and fast as he could. Twilight headed for the Castle and ignored the mobs roars coming from behind her. The gate would hold them for now... and she preferred to solve problems at their root.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading and for your patience.

The next chapter or two may actually have some slight gore and/or disturbing descriptions because basically the shit hits the fan.

I broke my "shorter chapters" goal with this one but Im still trying to aim for shorter ones so bear with me.

On a side note... SEASON 5 IS NEAR. My life has a reason again.:pinkiecrazy:

p.s. Tidal is worst pony.