• Published 14th Dec 2013
  • 1,167 Views, 10 Comments

A Change of Pace - M Specter

Diamond Tiara has lost everything and now must farm to save herself and her Father from poverty.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

When Diamond awoke from her sleep she noticed that her father wasn't around. Getting up from the bed, she yawned and rubbed her eyes.

Once she was fully awake, she noticed that their was a note on her father's desk. Upon closer inspection it was a note addressed to her.

The little filly grabbed the note and began to read what was written on it.

Dear Diamond, I know today is your day off from working in the fields, so I suggest getting out of the house and maybe hanging out with your friends. As for myself I'll be out for most of the day.

Stay safe, and I’ll see you soon. Love Your Father.

P.S. There's food in the kitchen if you're hungry.

Diamond put the note down and headed for the kitchen. She wasn't worried about her father much, he had the tendency of leaving her home alone a lot over her life. Eventually she had gotten used to it.

When Diamond reached the kitchen she was surprised to see some pancakes and eggs for her on the table. The note did say there was food in the kitchen but she assumed that he meant in general.

Not about to waste the good fortune that was on her plate, she quickly found a fork and a knife to eat it with.

They were still warm and very delectable. Diamond decided that she wanted to savor every single bite because she figured that she wouldn't have the chance of eating them much.

Once finished, she put her dishes in the dishwasher and headed outside.

Diamond decided that she hadn't seen Silver Spoon in a couple days and was wondering what she was doing lately. With a destination set she walked to Silver Spoon’s manor.

Just being near the manor made Diamond think about her old life. The memories of what happened only a week ago were still ingrained in her memory. It was about this time last week she and Silver were on a private airship drinking tea.

She sighed at the memory and finally walked the last couple of steps up to the door of the manor.

When she made her way up the short flight of steps she tapped on the door, awaiting for somepony to open it.

To her surprise it wasn't one of Silver's butlers or Silver herself who opened the door. No, the mare in front of her was in fact Silver Spoon’s older sister, Octavia.

"Good morning Diamond Tiara, I trust you've been well since the last time I saw you."

"Well, not exactly. The last couple of days have been rough for me."

"Oh dear, why don't you come inside and tell me about it over tea."

"Is Silver Spoon home? It would be easier to tell the story to both of you then to re-explain it to her later."

"Yes of course, she's in her room upstairs, you're free to go look for her while I make tea for all of us."

Diamond trotted to and up the stairs, into the upper hallway where Silver Spoon’s room was.

They both hadn't seen each other since the incident with Babs Seed when she had threatened to tell their mother’s about their bullying. The experience had left them both with mud caked fur, and it all toppled down hill from there.

She had to get used to her new home as well as learn how to farm like the Apple family. Needless to say she didn't dislike it as much anymore, but she would still rather be at home enjoying life then working on a farm she never wanted to work on.

Reaching the door to Silver Spoon’s room she knocked on it.

"Spoon, you in there?" She asked as she lowered her hoof back down.

The pink filly heard the sound of rustling paper before the door opened to reveal a gray filly with a bed head.

"Silver, what have you been doing since I last saw you?"

"Sorry Diamond, I was working ahead on this week’s homework when I fell asleep."

Silver Spoon's always finding ways to overachieve.

"Haven't you been wondering where I was yesterday?" Diamond asked.

"I have, but I figured you were doing something important, so I used yesterday to get ahead."

"I lost my home yesterday." Diamond said with a bit of sadness.

"I'm so sorry to hear that," Silver said as she hugged her friend. "If there's anything I could do to help, just say it."

"Can I use your shower?"

"What?" Silver Spoon said surprised.

"My new home’s shower has cold water running through it at all times."

"Of course you can." Silver said still hugging her friend tightly.

"Also you might not want to hold me so tightly. I didn't shower yesterday, and I've been doing farm work."

Silver then pushed herself off of Diamond, letting loose a small "ew" in the process.

"Why would you ever do farm work? You know for a fact that we shouldn't be dirtying our hooves with menial tasks such as those."

"Spoon, my father trusts me to do it, and considering our recent events, it's the least I could do for him. Also farm work is kind of fun."

Silver gasped.

"Diamond, do you actually like getting your hooves dirty? Spending long hours out in the sun?"

"No but..." Diamond hesitated for a moment trying to put what she had felt into words.

"I feel a connection with the earth. It's as if I found a long lost friend that I didn't even knew I had."

Silver looked at her as if she was crazy and then said, "Whatever you say Diamond."

"Well I'm going to use your shower, it'll feel good to have warm water over me again."

"Knock yourself out." Silver said as she sat herself back down at her desk to continue her studies.

Diamond felt a lot more relaxed after her shower. In the mirror she noticed that the mane clip her father had given her was still in her mane.

She lifted her hoof to feel it, while she was doing that she remembered what her father said about it, As long as you have this, everything will be ok.

She smiled softly and said quietly, "I believe you Dad."

Once Diamond was finished with her business in the bathroom she talked to Silver Spoon until Octavia called them both down. They talked about a variety of things, but they both avoided the subject of Babs.

Once all the mares sat at the table, they each took a sip of their delicious tea.

"This tea is lovely Octavia."

"Yeah sis, it is simply divine."

Octavia smiled and said "I'm glad that you both like it. My friend in Canterlot never tasted my tea, so without somepony to taste it, I couldn't tell if it was good or not."

"Sis, you make the best tea. Who cares if that friend of yours never tasted it, it's their loss."

Octavia's smile widened even more at her sister’s comment.

"Thank you Silvy, it means a lot coming from you."

"Octaviaaa~, I told you to stop calling me that!" the filly pouted.

"But if I did, then I wouldn't be able to see the expression you make every time I say it." she said between snickers.

As the two siblings bickered some more Diamond couldn't help but wonder how her own sister was doing. She moved to Manehatten after she got in a fight with their father. Diamond didn't know what it was all about but she still missed her sister terribly. The last time she heard from her was a week ago when she mailed her some of her fashion design sketches.

"So, Diamond, how is everything? Is your father still trying to land that business deal with Rose Luck?"

"Yeah, eventually he was able to talk her into it, but it doesn't matter much anymore. Dad lost all of his business deals."

Octavia gasped, "What happened?"

"I don't know, Dad hasn't told me what happened. I have no idea how we lost our home and all our belongings." Diamond said as she slowly stirred sugar into her cup.

"I just came home one day and bam, we didn't own our house anymore."

"You poor thing. Diamond, if you need any help, we’re here for you."

"But that's not even the worse part," Silver exclaimed, " she has to work like a farmer all day!"

"Silver, are you trying to make our guest feel uncomfortable? What have I told you about respecting what a lady has to do."

"To not make ill comments, even if you don't like it."

"Exactly, now apologize to Diamond Tiara."

"I'm sorry Diamond, I shouldn't have said what I said."

"It's alright, like I said, its not bad once you get the hang of it."

"Oh, so you enjoy farming? I wouldn't take you for a farmer Diamond, but since you enjoy it, I guess it should be no problem for you."

"I didn't either, but aside from our state of living, it's a welcoming change of pace."

"That's good to hear." Octavia said as she took another sip of her tea.

He eyes then widened at the thought of something.

"How about I play a song for the both of you? I haven't played for you both since you were small."

The two filly's nodded and smiled at the prospect of being able to hear Octavia's music again. The gray mare set her teacup on the table and moved toward the case her cello was in.

"I think your going to like this one," she said as she prepared to start, "it always was your favorite."

"Applejack, why didn't you tell me about the state this barn was in sooner?" Rarity said as she looked at the state the inside of Diamond’s home was.

"I'll gladly help a family in need, especially if they have to live in house that looks like this!" She exclaimed as she pointed around.

"That's good to hear but we need to hurry, we don't know when Diamond will be back and this has to be a complete surprise."

"Did someone say surprise?" Pinkie said as she came out of one of the broken floorboards, throwing confetti over the two mildly startled pony's.

"Yes, Pinkie. We need to fix this house before Diamond comes back."

"Okie dokie lokie. My party cannon is on standby and I'll be on the look out for her." She said as she disappeared into the floorboards.

“How about we start with some sort of plan of action? It would be unwise if we just started randomly and it made the house look even worse than it already is.”

“Applejack, nothing can make this house look even worse than it already is.”

One of the wooden planks on the roof fell onto the floor near the two ponies, scaring them.

“Yeah, I think you're right, but I think we still need some more help if we want this barn to be spectacular.” she then put a hoof to her chin as she thought of who could help them.

“Why don’t we ask Twilight?” Rarity said as she shook some dirt off her hoof. “After all, she did plan our last Winter Wrap up pretty well.”

“I think you're onto something Rarity. You go ask Twilight for help while I ask Apple Bloom to help us out.”

“See you back here soon.” she said as they both separated to do their allotted tasks.

Author's Note:

Edited By:TheSeeker

Comments ( 2 )

Cooool. As always, your stories are great. :scootangel: And TheSeeker, nice editing. :pinkiehappy:

Octavia as Silvy's sister is one of the nicest things I've read in fiction. They should be related.

It's something rather special when you get taken out of your comfort zone, feel like you got nothing left, but end up discovering something awesome you would probably never tried given your previous style. Diamond is really discovering something nice about herself and what it means to have that connection with the earth.

Nice to see Silver didn't turn her back on DT, though she does appear to find it icky and beneath her, she still allowed DT to hang out and stuff. Love how you wrote that scene, not 100% accepting of her new lifestyle, but not about to throw away everything they built up because of it, Octavia certainly helped there at least. Playful Octavia... best big sister <3

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