• Published 19th Dec 2013
  • 2,561 Views, 51 Comments

The Silver Spoons; A Tragic Silver Spoon Story - TheOneAJ

What if The CMC had to hang out with Silver Spoon for a while, and what if Silver Spoon, isn't as mean as she is belived to be?

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Crusader Friends

Apple Bloom walked into a surreal classroom the next morning. Nothing seemed different, yet the classroom felt different. It wasn’t until Cheerilee said good morning did Apple Bloom and the rest of the class realize that Diamond Tiara and Snails were absent. Turned out, Snails came down with a case of the pony flu the previous day and had passed it onto Diamond Tiara while they were working on their project.

Apple Bloom felt bad for Snails, but she couldn’t help but grin at the thought that Diamond Tiara would be out sick for at least a day. She hopped Silver Spoon had caught it too, but sighed when she saw her sitting by herself in class. Guess Apple Bloom could only hope to be so lucky for one day. However, as soon as Silver Spoon looked her way, she lowered her head.

Perhaps it was because of the lecture Applejack had given her the previous evening about leaving Silver Spoon before she got all the way home that still bugged her. During their conversation Apple Bloom had stormed off afterwards, with every right to be mad in her opinion. Then again, her sister deserved it. Turns out Applejack knew all along who Silver Spoon was, and how she and Diamond Tiara often bullied her and her friends. It also turned out that the whole reason Applejack had even asked Silver Spoon to join them for dinner was because she wanted her and Silver Spoon to learn to get around. She felt joining them for dinner was the best way to do so.

‘Element of honesty her rear.’ She had snapped at Applejacks right after her sister’s confession.

Before she was sent to her room, Applejack had dared to suggest that if she got to know Silver Spoon, walk a mile in her horseshoes, maybe they could end their hatred towards each other. While Applejack wouldn’t expect her sister and Silver Spoon to become friends, they could at least get along in school. It was halfway through that conversation that Apple Bloom told Applejack what Silver Spoon said about her and Granny Smith dying. Of course, she made it out to sound worse than it actually was, and that Silver Spoon had said it on purpose just to spite and make her angry. She then just walked up to her room as she left Applejack to absorb what she just said.

Apple Bloom was still a little steamed at her sister when she woke up the next morning, but after sleeping on it, she had at least apologized to Applejack at breakfast. She even admitted that Silver Spoon hadn’t purposely wished her dead, which her sister seemed to have already figured out anyways. Still, it made Apple Bloom feel better when her sister a warm smile before she nuzzled her face before and said how proud she was for telling the truth. Then with a final noggie and a smile, Applejack sent Apple Bloom off to school with one last suggestion that Apple Bloom should give Silver Spoon, and maybe even Diamond Tiara, the benefit of the doubt again. Apple Bloom merely shrugged that she would at least think about it, and then headed out to school.

What could she say? Even if an Apple was stubborn at times, they never stayed mad at each other for very long, even if they were wrong.

With a smile, Apple Bloom got her pen out. She was ready to take notes on one of the best school day of her life. She then glanced over towards Diamond Tiara's empty desk to admire its vacancy, but instead stop on Silver Spoon’s.

It was actually pretty sad to see her without her partner in crime. What made it hurt more for Apple Bloom, was when she realized that Diamond Tiara was Silver Spoons only friend. It was a sight that made Apple Bloom sick to her stomach. She began to cruse her beat herself up for how she was thought as she imagined how she would feel if somepony felt good if both Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo were out sick, leaving her all alone for the day. Worst of all, she actually started to feel bad for how she treated Silver Spoon last night.

As Cheerilee began to ask how their projects were coming along, Apple Bloom realized that she wouldn't be able to any attention in class at all that day. Her mind kept drifting from what her sister had said, to how she was feeling towards silver Spoon. All she could do throughout the class was roll her pencil across the desk as she pretend to listen to Cheerilee’s lesson.

She was so deeply lost in thought, that she almost didn’t hear the recess bell, almost. As soon as the bell range, Apple Bloom made a dash for fresh air with her friends.

“Relief!” Sweetie Belle chirped as they all raced outside.

“Yay!” Scootaloo said with a grin, only to frown when she saw both Apple Bloom’s hair and bow sagging. “You okay, Apple Bloom?”

“Oh, oh yeah,” Apple Bloom said as they all watched Silver Spoon walk by them, head lowered, not even noticing them. In a moment of guilt (that’s what she told herself) she decided to believe that maybe, just maybe, Silver Spoon wasn’t all that bad. Maybe it was just Diamond Tiara that made her mean, and all she really needed was a better group of friends to be nice.

Before she could think twice, she shouted out to Silver Spoon. “Hey, Silver Spoon!”

Silver Spoon looked in confusion. “What?” She cocked an eyebrow.

“Would you… like to play with us for recces?”

Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Silver Spoon’s mouths dropped to the floor.

“Really?” Silver Spoon said with a bright smile.

“Really?” Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo said simultaneously.

Really? Apple Bloom thought to herself

“Really.” Apple Bloom said out loud. She glanced at her friends. “I mean, it would be the right thing to do, right girls?” She glared at them.

“Yeah,” Sweetie Belle said with a weak chuckle.

“Let’s… all go play four square together!” Scootaloo gritted her teeth and waved her hoof out.

Looking much better than she had when she walked into class that morning, Silver Spoon made her way to the four square court with Sweetie Belle right behind her, as Scootaloo held back to get a word in with Apple Bloom.

“This project going to your head or something?”

“Maybe,” Apple Bloom admitted, “but, Scoot, when she wasn’t around Diamond Tiara yesterday, I know how this is going to sound, but she actually seemed… nice.”


“Just give her a chance," she stomped her hoof into the ground, "she may surprise ya’ll or somethin. Besides, I think it was one of Twilight’s and Applejack’s friendship lessons on don’t judge a book by its cover, or giving somepony’s a chance or, something…look all I know is that we need to be nice to Silver Spoon!”

Scootaloo huffed. “Fine, but the moment she calls us a blank flank…”

“She won’t.” Apple Bloom forced herself to say.


In the end, the four fillies did have a fun recess that day. They didn’t talk much, but they didn’t have to.
They played, they smiled, they bounded. For the most part, Silver Spoon seemed satisfied as she passed the ball in their game of for square. It didn’t bother Apple Bloom as much as she thought it would, but it still troubled her somewhat.

By the end of the day, while they were still skeptical of Silver Spoon, particularly Apple Bloom, they were at least willing to keep their feelings to themselves as they continued to show Silver Spoon the only kindness she had even had aside from Diamond Tiara.


As the school bell range, Silver Spoon was defiantly in a much better mood. She had gone into class with Diamond Tiara to fallow, and had expected it to be the most depressing day ever. Then Apple Bloom had shown her kindness, even after being so mean to her last night. She certainly hadn’t seen it coming, but Apple Bloom’s kind gesture had meant more to Silver at that moment than Apple Bloom could have ever known.

Then, just as she was willing to have a good day, her mind realized what she had to look forward to when she got home. She stop by Diamond tiara’s to see how she was doing, but then she have to head straight home. She had high hope that her parent’s latest fight was over, thou that didn’t mean there wouldn’t be another one eventually. Then again, maybe her parents wouldn’t even be home, which made her happy, but lonely without them. She also had more lessons to get done, and with what she missed out on the previous evening….

“Hey, Silver Spoon!” She heard Scootaloo shout as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle climbed into their wagon attached to Scootaloo’s scooter.

“We’re going to the Golden Oaks Library to look up some more info for our project, want a ride?”

A ride in that shabby looing thing, she thought? Old habits and thoughts do die hard. Still, what else did she have to do? Go home and do more work she hated only to be interrupted by another one of her parents fight? She would certainly get scolded for this, but at that moment, she didn’t care.

“Like, sure.” She tried shrugged like it was no big deal. They may not have been Diamond Tiara, but it was better than being alone. “You sure you can pull with me in it?” She asked skeptically, while she sort of wished Scootaloo said no, leaving her with no choice but to head home and avoid more trouble.

“Trust me,” Scootaloo said as she flexed her tiny wings, “I’ve carried much more, much faster.” With that, they were off.

“Wahh!” Silver Spoon screamed as the scooter took off like a wonderbolt throughout the town.

After a minute of speeding through town, Silver Spoon was finally able to get use to the wagon as she began to enjoy the ride as the zipped through town, leaving ponies in the dust as the hurried out of the way. It was as exciting as it was scary, an exhilarated feeling that she didn’t want to end.

“So, did you find any pony ancestor for your project?” She heard Apple Bloom asked Sweetie Bell halfway through the ride.

“Boy did we,” Sweetie Belle said, “Scootaloo has this greatest uncle twice removed who won in the Equestria games 300 meter could hurdles.” After Luna and Celestia ruled Equestria for over 500 year, they had it passed that when you referred to any grandparent as a great for more than four times, you would just referred to them as greatest grandparents to save time energy, and to save paper space in genealogy reports.

“Yeah,” Scootaloo said, “and Sweetie Belles got this greatest grandmother on her mother’s side who designed dresses for the princesses themselves when they first came to rule.”

“Oh yeah,” Sweetie Bell smiled with a grin towards Silver Spoon as well, “what about you two? Did you find anything?”

“Well, we…”

“Hang on girls!” Scootaloo shouted up front as they found themselves going on a ramp as they flew into the air. The girls in the wagon screamed in terror as Scootaloo screamed in excitement as she even did a hoof stand on the handled with a flip before they all safely landed on the ground at the library.

“We're here.” Scootaloo said all cool and relaxed after nearly facing possible death.

After Silver Spoon realized that she wasn’t going to die, she let out a wide cheer. “That was amazing!”

“That’s nothing,” Sweetie Belle grinned, “you should see what she does on a regular basis.”

Silver Spoon was just too tempted. “Really,” she asked, “would you care to show me what you can do?”

Scootaloo didn’t nod her head. “Sure.” She said as she unhooked her scooter from the wagon as her tiny wings took off. She circled around the library a few times before she got enough speed to do a couple of flips, as she finished off by actually jumping off and landed on the handles with just one hoof as she gently came to a stop as she fluttered down to the ground.

“What do you think?”

“That was-,” Silver Spoon tried to compose herself. In the end, she gave in. “That was awesome. She couldn’t believe she was using such street language. “You should totally try to get your cutie mark in scooter riding!”

“Well, thanks.” Scootaloo said skeptically she expected a mean punch line to come afterwards.

Silver Spoon’s ear perked up. “No, I mean it. You ever try to get your cutie mark in scooter riding?”

The thought must have never crossed her mind, or any of their mind before. Then Scootaloo smiled as Sweetie Bell sang. “Well, no but I don't see why we can't try that out." She the addressed Sweetie Bell and Apple Bloom. "What do say girls?"

Then all three of them sang, “CUTTIE MARK CRUSADERS SOOCTER RIDERS, YAY!”

“But first we need to be cutie mark crusaders research… project completers?” Apple Bloom pointed out.

Silver Spoon remained quiet. She kind of felt bad for her. She knew Apple Bloom worked hard (if not her hardest at times) to get descent grades. Besides, nopony wanted to be held back. “Oh well,” she said, “you can get back to your crusading once we get an A on this project.”

“Um, thanks,” Apple Bloom said.

Silver Spoon scratched the back of her neck. After a moment of awkward silence, Silver Spoon decied to try something that she had been thinking about since recces, and even before then. Ever since Diamond Tiara cutesineta-when Apple Bloom formed the cutie mark crusaders- she always wanted to be a cutie mark crusader.

She liked hanging out with Diamond Tiara, even if she didn’t like what they did to relive stress. However, after spending a day with Apple Bloom and her friends, and with no fear of retaliation from Diamond Tiara, she felt confident. In her heart, she never had wanted to follow and be like Diamond Tiara. She wanted to be like the crusaders. Fun, carefree, and always smiling without having to hurt anypony. While she couldn’t change her cutie mark, she secretly wanted to change who she was.

So, with a heavy breath, and no Diamond Tiara around to stop her from asking. “Can I perhaps…come along on your crusading? I mean, I always wanted to ride a scooter but like, never had the time to.”

The three fillies, most of all Apple Bloom, looked on in disbelief. It was a long silence, one which made Silver Spoon wonder if they were about to laugh at her.

“That sound fine.” Though Apple Bloom didn’t say it in the most optimistic way, she said it with enough enthusiasm to convince her.

She blinked. “Really?

“Yeah,” Sweetie Belle placed a hoof around her, “you can even sing the crusaders song with us!” She then went into the song.

“We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders,

on a quest to find out who we are.

And we will never stop the journey,

not until we have our cutie marks!”

“That was pretty good, Sweetie Belle.” Silver Spoon said. “Actually,” she corrected, “it was great!”

“You sure?” Sweetie Belle headed titled to the right. “I mean, I’m not that great a singer.”

“I’m sure my sister would say otherwise.” Silver Spoon immediately wished she hadn’t mentioned that. She was saved from more questions when Owllicious flew in with three books.


“No one!” Silver Spoon said.

“Whoo.” Owlicious said as he dropped three of the four suggested books down below Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell, as he handed a smaller book to Silver Spoon.

“Where’s mine?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Whoo.” The owl replied.

“Mine.” She said as the owl flew off, and came back with a very large book that nearly crushed Apple Bloom as it feel to the floor.

The Silver Encyclopedia, by Silver Ink.

“Looks like I gotta lot to work with.” Apple Bloom said sarcastically as she glance at Silver Spoons book of her family, which was very small in comparison, landed by her feet..

“Oh um, yeah,” Silver Spoon looked drastically between the two books.

“Come on,” Scootaloo nudged as she pushed the girl out the door. “I want my cutie mark now!”

So they scooted out as Apple Bloom struggled to carry her book to the wagon as Silver Spoon put some more encouragement to Sweetie Belle.

“I really do mean it, I know a thing or two about music, and hey, your name is Sweetie, Bell after all. Maybe you should at least try to get your cutie mark in singing. I can’t hurt anyways, right?” She suggested.

“Well,” Sweetie Belle rubbed the back of her head, “aren’t we going to try to get our cutie marks in scooter ridding today?” She asked as an excuse. “Besides, wouldn’t I have already gotten it if it was my special talent?”

“Maybe it just takes time,” Silver Spoon shrugged as she looked at her own cutie mark, “and it’s better than getting it too soon.”

She was so excited, that she didn’t notice, Apple Bloom nasty glare from under her enormous book on her family history.

Author's Note:

Probably not my best chapter revision, so please forgive somewhat and point out any and all grammar errors you spot. I got finals to get ready for, so I decided just to put this, and the chapter where Apple Bloom learns about how Silver Spoon got her cutie mark. See you all again sometime before Monday night, I hope.