• Published 19th Dec 2013
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The Silver Spoons; A Tragic Silver Spoon Story - TheOneAJ

What if The CMC had to hang out with Silver Spoon for a while, and what if Silver Spoon, isn't as mean as she is belived to be?

  • ...

Served on a silver spoon

"That’s it, you got it!” Scootaloo said as Silver Spoon, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, failed to keep balance on their scooters.

It wasn’t anything that Apple Bloom couldn’t handle, but it still hurt to fail. For the past hour, the trio had been taking lessons from Scootaloo on how to ride a scooter, with less than ideal results.

Apple Bloom knew that, while Scootaloo had her personal scooter she rode around anywhere she went, she also had a few backups in her parents shed that she had built herself. When the others said they wanted to get their cutie marks in scooter riding, Scootaloo was all too willing to lend them a scooter in hopes of them all getting scooter riding cutie marks. She didn’t even mind that Silver Spoon had suggested the idea, nor that she was tagging along. In time, she even began to enjoy Silver Spoon’s company.

As time went on, Scootaloo seemed to realize that none of them were going to get their scooter riding cutie marks anytime soon. Sweetie Bell couldn’t ride straight, she just fell over when she even moved, even Silver Spoon, who was making the most progress, was only able to travel in a straight line before she feel over again. Then when they tried to jump in the air as she just did, they would end up on top of the others.

Apple Bloom stomped her hoof on the ground. “I can’t take it anymore. I never thought Ah say it, but bring on the homework!”

“Yeah,” Sweetie Belle said, “you never said it would be this hard Scootaloo!”

“I guess it is.” Scootaloo said as she checked her flank, blank as always. “Otherwise, I would have my cutie mark already.”

Silver Spoon rolled over on her borrowed scooter. “Or, maybe you just need to try harder, and practice more. I’m sure it will show up given time.”

“Yeah,” Sweetie Belle said, “that dose sound like a good idea, Silver Spoon.” Apple Bloom’s eyes narrow, worried about how easily Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were being won over. “Besides, when I get my paper done, Rarity said she would actually let me try her sowing machine.”

“That sounds… wait, what?”

“Well, ever since Scootaloo found out how many of my greatest grandparents made dresses, I figured I’d give it a try too. Maybe I’ll get my cutie mark in fashion!”

“Now, just because your family…”

“And,” Scootaloo said, “instead of scooter riding, I want to follow in my greatest uncles hoof steps. I’m going to be a flyer and competing in the equestrian games cloud hurdles!” She demonstrated by flapping her wings hard. She only got a few feet off the ground before falling back down. “I just need some more practice,” she said as she grabbed her scooter, “and Rainbow Dash.”

Silver Spoon tried to protest, and Apple Bloom just watched on.

“Hey, wait for me!” Sweetie Belle said as she ran off, leaving Apple Bloom alone with her.

“I guess we better take a look at the books we got now.” Apple Bloom opened the table of content, only to make the horrifying discover of how small and crammed in the words were. “You sure got one big family.”

“Tell me about it.” Silver Spoon sighed as she flipped through her book about the Apple family.

Apple Bloom shook her head when noticed how close to the book Silver Spoon was leaning into her book. “You okay?”

“Oh, um…”

“There you are young lady!” An older brown stallion said as he approached the girls. “Your father has been worried sick; you missed you piano, edacities, and dinning lessons.”

“That’s a first.” She said with a sarcastic voice.

“Either way, we were told to bring you home as soon as you were found.”

“Oh well,” Apple Bloom said as she attempted to lift up her heavy book as she began to think of something. While she never been to Silver Spoon’s house before (why would she) she had always assumed Silver Spoon lived in some sort of mansion. Mansions-she assumed- often had libraries on family history on individual family members.

“Hold up, Silver!” Apple Bloom motioned. “Don’t suppose you got a library at your place?”

Silver Spoon tensed up. “Of course we do, dear.” The servant answered.

“Great, then can I come over and read a smaller family history book?”

Silver Spoon looked all over the place “I don’t…” she paused to think of something. “Yeah, that sounds like a great idea!” Apple Bloom worried about her response, but was more relived that she wouldn’t have to carry that book around. “Mr. Rake,” she referred to the pony, “would you please return Ms. Apple Bloom’s book to the golden oaks library, we will be returning home, immediately.”

“Of course, Ms. Silver.” Mr. Rake obeyed as he went to return the book. Apple Bloom later learned that he had to take the next day off for back pain.


“This is your place?” Apple Bloom said as they walked into the front gate. She couldn’t lie to herself, it impressed her.

“Sure is.” Silver Spoon grinned, but dropped it when she remembered that she didn’t want to act like a brat around Apple Bloom. She knew Apple Bloom was still skeptical of her, even if Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell had practically been won over. Wheatear she truly believed it or not herself yet, she truly wanted to be friends with the crusaders, but still had one stubborn crusader to go to reach that goal. “I mean, it’s not all that grand, for instance…”

“Silver Spoon!” She heard a very concerned mother race towards them, an angry look on her face. “Where have you been all day?”

It only just now crossed Apple Bloom’s mind that Silver Spoon hadn’t even told her parents where she was. But most of all, how upset, she presumed her mother was at this. Yeah, she never usually told Applejack where she and the crusaders went at times, but that was never that big a deal as long as it wasn’t somewhere dangerous (then she be grounded).

“Well,” Apple Bloom deiced to defend Silver Spoon, “we were busy on a project, Miss Silver.”

Silver Platter looked down at her. “And who might this be?”

“This is my friend, Apple Bloom.” Apple Bloom was sure she heard Silver Spoon wrong.

“Well then,” her mother nodded as she glanced at Apple Bloom like dirt. “Wipe both of your hooves before heading inside.” She then turned to Silver Spoon, a look of worry and dread in her eyes like she hadn’t slept in a while. “You better go get your homework and studies done, we’ll have a lot to talk about when I get back.”

“Yes, mother.” Silver Spoon said with a nod.

Without another word, Silver Platter headed towards the gate, leaving a very poor heartbroken daughter behind. To Silver Spoon, it didn’t matter where her mother was going, it just wasn’t at home right now. As usually, it left a sad feeling in her heart as she felt relived in the pit of her stomach. She then gave Apple Bloom a sympathetic smile as she apologized for her mother’s actions.

“I’m sorry about that.” Silver Spoon said. “She does means well.”

Apple Bloom could hardly believe it. It was one thing that Silver Spoon had wanted to hang out with her and her friends, or even being called a friend. Now, she was apologizing for somepony’s in her family, her own mother’s, actions. Apple Bloom was starting to wonder if this Silver Spoon had perhaps been replaced by a changeling. If that was true, she hoped the real Silver Spoon never came back.

“So,” she deiced to ask, “are we friends? I mean, no offense, but I always thought you’d be the last pony to call me a friend.”

Silver Spoon lifted her head up and kept it forward. “Well, yeah. I mean, if don’t want me to…”

“No no,” she said as she patted Silver Spoon on the back, “if you want to be friends, then that cool with me.” She wanted to say something nicer, but she still didn’t fully trust her just yet. She was still suspicious and, perhaps a little jealous of her suggesting crusading idea, but until she called her a blank flank again, she was willing give her another chance.

“Like, cool,” Silver Spoon tried to act like it was no big deal, while her heart exploded.

The pair then made their way into the mansion, and immediately Silver Spoon led her way to the family library. Neither of them had never been in the library before, but it looked like Silver Spoon at least knew where it was easy enough. She could read the large sign saying Silver Ink Library, along with the sculpture of him standing between him.

“Who’s this fellow?” She said as she looked at the statue of a gray earth pony with an ink quill cutie mark.

“My greatest uncle, Silver Ink,” Silver Spoon responded as she opened the door as she spoke like a record. “He created a cheap method for making red ink, as well as writing several family history books, including my family.”

It was a small library, probably containing just fewer than 40 books with a few hundred scrolls, but it at least had an individual book and scroll on each past Silver. “You sure have a lot of well-known family members.”

“Yeah," Silver Spoon groaned as she went to pull out a scroll titled; Silver Stone, “tell me about it.” She spoke with a large scroll in her mouth as she placed it down in front of Apple Bloom.

“This will do.” She said as Apple Bloom just stared at the scroll for a bit.

Silver Stone.

Apple Bloom was about to open the book when silver Spoon placed a hoof on the book.

“Allow me, it’s a boring read anyway.”

Fine by Apple Bloom.

“Greatest granddaddy Sliver Stone, was son to an unsuccessful silver prospector named Silver Mine who gave up everything he owned to join the treasure rush when silver and gem’s where discovered in the outskirts of what just the earth pony town of Ponyville. While he never found any large amounts of Silver, shortly after his passing his son, Silver Stone, struck a good size vein of Silver. However, instead of just spending the money he had earned, he invested it in an idea he had. Instead of looking for the silver, he would let the silver come to him. Using the money he made off the silver he found, he invested in replacement tools and other things prospectors needed to search for more silver and gems. Though, when he came up with the idea of turning the silver into eating utensils, later renamed silverware, and sold them to rich customers, in which he made his first million bits. Soon after, he built this mansion, and thus my family is as it is now.”

Silver Spoon closed the book and took a deep breath. “And that’s all you’ll need to know.” She said with a touch of uninterested.

“Wow, that was good story,” Apple Bloom said, “I’ll get an A for sure.”

“Yeah,” Silver Spoon lowered her head.

“I mean it. It looks like you got quite the family.”

“Oh believe me, I’d happily take your family any day.” Silver Spoon began as she trot off to the exit.

The caught Apple Bloom off guard. “Wait, what? Why would you want to do a silly thing like that?”

Silver Spoon just sighed. “You don’t know anything.” However, it wasn’t enough to detour Apple Bloom.

“Come on, Silver,” she nudged her, “tell me.” “Aren’t we friends or something?”

Silver Spoon tensed at that word only one other pony had ever called her. She really didn’t want to tell anypony else about her tragic cutie mark story, it hurt too much for her just to think about it. However, she knew that Apple Bloom was still skeptical about her, and for good reasons. While Apple Bloom hadn’t said anything since the day started, Silver Spoons educate lessons in body langue had truly paid off. She knew that Apple Bloom despised her, and wouldn’t trust her unless she was truly honest with the yellow filly and told her more about herself, her real self.

Taking a deep breath, Silver Spoon told her story. “Alright, you want to know the truth about me? “Yes, everything’s about my life has been served to me on a, well, this,” she pointed to her silver spoon cutie mark. “Anything I want, I can have it. Food, jewelry, cloths, private tutors, anything, and I don’t have to do hard labor for it. Yet, despite all I have, the part that makes it all horrible is that everypony expects me to do anything and everything, all while I’m expected to be some sort of famous pony who does something amazing one day.”

Apple Bloom curled her lips and looked the other way.

“Because I’m a Silver. I have very high expectations to live up too. You heard about my greatest granddaddy’s story, but it doesn’t end there. My dad owns Silver’s and Ink’s, third largest supplier of silverware and red ink in world, largest in equestrian. My mom’s a fashion judge, going up to Canterlot on a regular basis, and then there’s my sister, Octavia…”

“Wait,” Apple Bloom said, “your sisters Octavia? As in, the famous violinist Octavia?”

Silver Spoon rolled her eyes. “Case and point.” Apple Bloom blushed and gave a toothy smile. “Darn sister’s the whole reason I even have this stupid cutie mark in the first place.” Silver Spoon looked at her cutie mark as if it was a scab.

Apple Bloom's eyes widened “Wow, really?” She looked back unto to Silver Spoon, and realized that this wasn’t going to be a happy story. “How she do that?”

Silver Spoon lowered her head. “It’s, kind of a long and tragic story.”

“What?” How could getting a cutie mark be such a bad thing? Wasn’t that supposed to be the greatest moments in a young filly’s life? Yet, as she let herself calm down, she noticed how difficult it was for Silver Spoon to say all of this.

“I mean, you really don’t have to tell me if it’s that bad.”

"No no," Silver Spoon shook her head, "you deserve to know."

Inhaling deeply, she went on. “Alright, I was five, my sister Octavia was in town just after working the Gala, again. Diamond Tiara and I were just in the background as everypony was praising and congratulating her. After a while of just sitting in the back and doing nothing, Diamond Tiara had an idea, or rather, a demand. There weren’t any hayfires on the buffet, so she demanded to have some served to us. Five minutes later, we had our hayfries despite no one else having hayfries. So, I figured I try it as well. It looked like fun, and I enjoyed it. So I asked for a milkshake, and boom, a milkshake.”

Apple Bloom struggled to see how this was supposed to be a tragic story.

“Then I demanded for my parents to give me the same attention Octavia was getting, believing I could have anything I wanted. That was all I really wanted that night, but I never got it. So, I just trotted off to my bedroom while the party was still going, angry and depressed, and nopony stopped me. It might not have been so bad, if I didn’t have to past through so many portraits and pictures you see everywhere. I looked at all those pony’s, how they looked down at me, and I felt like I would never be able to do anything half as great as them, as anyone, my sister, father, mother, grandfather, greatest grandparents, anypony. I felt like a failure in their eyes, so I went into my room, and I felt like, wanting stuff. So I asked for toys, more desserts then I could have ate that night, jewelry,” she tapped her pearl necklace, “and other things. Then, the next thing I knew, I was looking in a mirror when this appeared.” She nodded towards her cutie mark.

“I was excited at first that I finally got my cutie mark, don’t get me wrong. I finally had something to get my parents and everypony attention in my life. I raced downstairs to show my cutie mark off, only to find the party had ended. My sister was long gone, and my parents were already asleep, and all I got for attention was the occasional congratulations from the staff.”

"When I showed it to my parents in the morning, yeah, the smiled and were happy, and where already planning my cuteceaneras, but, after that came and went, things felt even wore for me. I found myself having more extra thing to do, more music and proper mare lessons, more expectations from everyone, and even more grief.”

“The only thing afterwards that ever made me feel good was picking on other fillies, especially ones who didn’t have their cutie marks.” She snuffed a little bit as tear rolled down her eye. “So yeah, that’s why I pick on you guys and fallow Diamond around, because I can never escape my stupid cutie mark. I was told it’s meant to represent me being a Silver, when I know all it really just stands for what a tragic and spoiled brat I am, so there!”

After a moment of stunned silence, Silver Spoon said, “I think were done for the night.” She then turned to walk back inside.

“Hang on!” Apple Bloom held up her hoof. “Now, just because your cutie mark is saying one thing, doesn’t mean you have to follow it or what not.”

“Thanks, Apple Bloom, but cutie marks don’t work that way, you can’t change them." She motioned to her mark of destiny. "They represent who you are, and what mine says is that I’m a brat who picks on fillies to feel better about herself.”

“I’m not saying that,” Apple Bloom said quickly. “I’m just saying, there are a lot of pony’s who don’t always fallow their cutie marks.”

“Like who?”

“Um, well…” Apple Bloom thought on that for a moment. “Oh yeah, Pinkie Pie’s talent is throwing parties, yet she training to be a baker, and I know Sweetie Bell’ sister Rarity likes to makes dresses even though her cutie mark is about finding rare gems.”

“Yeah, so? Those are just things that help with their talents.” Silver Spoon protested.

“Okay,” she thought for another moment, “but I know Fluttershy likes to knit. She even made some of my bows for me. Then there’s my Granny Smith. Granny told me that when she was a filly, she use to make pies, thus how she got her cutie mark. Yet, she didn’t even know zap apple existed until after she got her cutie mark, and yet she’s now known for making the best zap apple jam in the world.”

Silver Spoon didn’t smile. “So, what is that supposed to mean for me?”

“I um, um, not really sure.” Apple Bloom said. “I guess what I’m saying is, be who you want to be, not what your family or cutie mark wants you to be.” Silver Spoon was lost for words, and so was Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom had just brought comfort to her former enemy. She had given her words of encouragement, and Silver Spoon seemed to be taking it in. Apple Bloom let lose an honest smile, the first one she had ever truly given Silver Spoon. It made all old feelings towards Silver Spoon melt away as she stared and smiled not at an enemy, but a close friend.

"Silver Spoon!" There moment of happiness was interrupted by the shout of an older stallion, who revealed himself to be Silverware. It looked like he hasn't slept in a while with his bloodshot eyes, messy hair, and he just looked worn out and tired.

"Have you seen your mother?" He asked before he noticed the yellow filly standing beside his daughter. "Who is this?" He glared at her much like Silver Platter had, even more so which made Apple Bloom feel awfully uncomfortable.

"My name is..."

"Either way,” he was too exhausted to be polite. “You’re going to have to leave. We have some important, family business to discuss when your mother gets home."

"I'll show her out." Silver Spoon said as she pushed Apple Bloom out before anything else could be said. She just couldn’t believe how her parents could act at times. Sometimes, she just wish they would break up or something.


"I'm sorry about that, with both my parents." Silver Spoon said as she kicked some rocks.

“Oh it's no big deal." Apple Bloom lied. While she had no clue what happened, she did feel that it would be wise to obey.

As they walked to the gate, Apple Blooms mind began to form a thought.

She still wasn't 100% sure about Silver Spoon, even after all she had just confessed and opened up about. Even after all that, it still wouldn't have surprised her if Silver Spoon would suddenly turn back to her old nasty ways in an instant. However, if everything Apple Bloom believed was just because of her world, then maybe what Silver Spoon needed was a change?

"Well, I…" Apple Bloom began as she took a deep breath, "how bout, you me and our friends meet up at our clubhouse tomorrow?"

"To finish our reports?"

"Well, yes, but also just to hang out with us. In fact, I think it would be wonderful if you came and helped us with our crusading missions, even after this project is over."

"You mean it?" Silver Spoon smiled before she gazed on her flank. "But, I already have my cutie mark."

"Oh I'm sure that's no big deal.” Apple Bloom said. “It wasn’t like the crusaders had any real rules about recruiting, recruiting Babe Seed made the obvious. “Maybe you can find a second special talent. Something else your good at even if you don’t get the cutie mark to show for it."

"Maybe," Silver Spoon said as she stopped staring at her flank. "I guess it would be better than what I usually do."

"What's that?"

"Like I told you, my family just, expects, a lot of me. One of the great joys of being a Silver."

Apple Bloom rubbed her head for a few moments before she said what she said to Silver Spoon next. It was a deep dark secret she never told nopony before, not Sweetie Bell, not Scootaloo, or even her own sister what she was about to tell silver Spoon. Yet, Silver Spoon had opened up about herself to Apple Bloom, and Apple Bloom knew that she couldn’t let such courage to tell her tragic cutie mark story go unrewarded.

Apple Bloom took a deep sigh before she went on. “Hey, Silver Spoon, you want to know something? You see,” she looked around to make sure nopony was listening, “I don’t want to be an Apple.”

Silver Spoon lifted her head. “Um, come again?”

“Well, I mean, I don’t want to spend my whole life on the farm just harvesting apples. Yeah, I’d help out with the harvest and cider season, and take over making the zap apple jam making when… Anyways, what I really want to do,” she paused and glanced around. “I want to build thing.”

“You mean like a barn?”

Apple Bloom laughed it off. “I suppose a barn, but I mean things like, toys, and tools, and anything else you can think of. I actually use to make a whole bunch of neat little things when I was younger, but then I grew out of it for a while. Guess I got more worried about getting my cutie mark then I was about creating things. Also, I was afraid that if I didn’t get a cutie mark in anything that wasn’t apple related, I’d end up being a huge disappointment to my family, especially my sister. Then, of course, I get obsessed with getting a cutie mark, so I forum a team to try everything to get a cutie mark, in everything except what I loved doing.” She chuckled. “You won’t, tell anypony about this, right?”

“Cross my heart, hope to fly,” Silver Spoon gestured to her heart. “When you tell everypony else is up to you. Although, perhaps the sooner the better?”

Apple Bloom shrugged. “I know. Though if you like, I could bring in one of my toys tomorrow to show you what I can do.”

Silver Spoon nodded. “That would be wonderful, I can’t wait to see it.”

“Silver Spoon!” They heard Silverware call out from the manor.

Silver Spoon gave another apologetic grin. “Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, friend.”

The word itself caught Apple Bloom off guard, but what really got her was how pleased she was to hear Silver Spoon say it. “Friend?”

“Yeah, we are friends now… aren’t we?”

For a moment, Apple Bloom said nothing as she processed the thought. Then after a while, her hesitation turned into a wide smile as her face lite. “Yeah, I guess we are friends now.” She said as she placed a hoof up, which Silver Spoon eagerly bumped back.

To top it off, Silver spoon went in for a hug. To which, Apple Bloom returned without hesitation. “Thank you, for everything.”

Apple Bloom just took a moment to let all of the happy and positive emotions she was feeling right now sink in. She never reached the point of crying, but she felt good, she had let a very deep secret off her chest, and had made a new friend.

“Silver Spoon!” Silverware called out again.

“Well um, goodnight, friend!” Apple Bloom said as she waved her off as they both headed different directions for the night.

All the while, both fillies had a wide bounce in their steps on their walk home.

Author's Note:

After a lot of thought, I decided to go ahead with the original idea of having this chapter alternate between points of view. It worked in the The Brother and the Sister and Universtiy Days (even if they are romance stories, but none-the less, if it didn't work for you, feel free to comment about why it didn't work, or so on. as well as any grammar errors if you would all please. Again, sorry if this isn't EQD worthy, but I've got final to study for, and a sequel (which I promise will be better in every way) to get done. Again, thank you all who have stayed with me this far.