• Published 19th Dec 2013
  • 2,561 Views, 51 Comments

The Silver Spoons; A Tragic Silver Spoon Story - TheOneAJ

What if The CMC had to hang out with Silver Spoon for a while, and what if Silver Spoon, isn't as mean as she is belived to be?

  • ...

The Silver Spoons

"Wow that is… something." Scootaloo confessed after Apple Bloom filled her friends in on everything they hadn’t overheard.

“I know,” Apple Bloom frowned, "and now I feel awful ‘bout how I treated her.” All of them were feeling bad for Silver Spoon, each of them having their own type of guilt.

Scootaloo felt that even if she couldn't fly at the moment, she still had a chance that her wings could grow in one day while Silver Spoon’s dyslexia would probably never go away. Sweetie Belle, on the other hoof was thinking about how Silver Spoon got her cutie mark and how she was felt glad that she didn’t have hers yet. If she got her cutie mark while being jealous of Rarity, she just might have died of shame.

However, none were more distressed than Apple Bloom. While her parents were dead, at least they didn’t get unmarried. Applejack would always talk about how much they loved her, and each other, and every moment they were together. It made her feel sick that there would actually be a pair of parents who would put their daughter though everything Silver Spoon was going through. She was almost willing to let Silver Spoon call her a blank flank just to feel better.

“So, what do we do now?” Scootaloo asked as they looked over towards Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara. While Diamond Tiara ran off to get their ball, Silver Spoon had lowered her head as if she was very tired. When Diamond Tiara came back, she resumed her fake posture as she glared at the crusaders when she noticed them. They quickly looked away, and when they glanced over, they saw that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had walked to the other end of the playground.

“Should we talk to her?”

“I don’t think so.” Apple Bloom said with Cheerilee’s words fresh in her mind. “I think for now we should just…”

“There you are, Scootaloo.” They heard a pony say as a rainbow trail landed right in front of them.

“Sweetie Belle?” They heard another pony shout out.

“They’re over here, Rarity!” The blue rainbow mane pegasus Rainbow Dash shouted as a white unicorn came into view.

"Oh, Sweetie Belle, darling,” a white violet mane unicorn said as she galloped over to her sister, “are you okay?” Rarity asked with a reassuring grin.

“Yeah.” Sweetie Bell answered as she lowered her ears, the shame of last night still lingered.

“Darling, I’ve come to say I’m sorry I yelled at you last night. I would have earlier, but I was afraid you would still be upset with me."

"Me too." Rainbow nodded as she walked up to Scootaloo. "You alright, squirt? I didn't mean to make you upset, but I just want to know you’re okay."

It made the pair glad their idols weren’t mad, but it didn’t make them feel any less shameful about not being able to live up to their expectations.

"I'm sorry," Scootaloo winced, "I'll work much harder to fly."

"And I'll pay to fix your sowing machines." Sweetie Belle spoke with her head down. "I'll work really hard, and then I’ll get better at sowing and..."

"That's awfully nice of you, darling." Rarity said holding her hoof up. "But that's not why I'm here. I just wanted to make sure you are okay."

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash said placing a hoof on Scootaloo. "Like Rarity said, I would have followed after you ran off, but I didn't want to upset you after what I said."

"And I shouldn't have yelled at you." Rarity assured happy to see her sister again, very shameful of how she acted as she didn’t want a repeat of the first time she nearly lost her sister.

"But I broke your machines," Sweetie Bell said with guilt, "and I couldn't live up to yours or our greatest grandmother’s expectation."

"Neither could I." Scootaloo said with a year. "I mean, what if I could never be a cloud hurdler, or fly like everyone in my family, or like you, Rainbow Dash?"

"Hey," Rainbow said as she gave Scootaloo a noggie. "Look, kid, when I said you should just stick to your scooter, I didn't mean you should give up trying to fly. I meant to say that I think you would be an even more awesome scooter rider. I was only suggesting you should spend some more time on that rather than on flying because well, you’re awesome that way."

Scootaloo fought back tears. “Do… do you really mean that.”

“Hey, I may have flown out here even if it wasn’t true, but I wouldn’t be saying it unless I really meant it.”

Scootaloo stood their nervously for a bit, really not wanting to look a wimp by crying. “You... you mean, you would still think I’m cool? And you’ll keep me under your wing even if I can’t live up to yours or my families or yours greatness?”

“You don’t need to, because you are already great, and I’m proud to hang out and train a filly as awesome as you.”

It was just too much for Scootaloo, she then jumped up and buried herself into Rainbow Dash’s mane. Rainbow Dash then wrapped her own hoof around her to return the embraces.

As that was going on, Sweetie Belle looked nervously up at her sister as Rarity just gave her a warm smile.

"So, are you not upset about what I did either?"

"Oh I am furious about that," Sweetie Belle lowered her ears, "but, I'm not disappointed in you." Rarity then placed a hoof on her sister.

"But I," Sweetie Belle sniffed, "but I want to be like you."

"Now, sweetie," Rarity said, “be honest, what is it you really want to do? What is your real dream?"

"What do you mean," Sweetie Belle insisted, "I want to sow and make dresses like you and our greatest grandma."

"Sweetie Belle," Rarity said firm but soft, "be honest with me."

"But I am."

"Sweetie Belle."

"I do."

"Do you really?"

“I do, all I want to do is sow, make dresses…”

“Sweetie Belle, come now, be honest with me. No matter what it is I won't laugh, or be disappointed in you."

Sweetie Belle looked up to her sister nervously. "Do you promise?"

"Cross my heart, hope to fly… no,” Rarity corrected herself, a regular Pinkie promise wouldn’t do it. “Hope to die, stick a cu… sowing needle in my eye. Does that sound more reassuring, Sweetie Belle?"

Sweetie Bell just sighed. "Okay, I, I... I want to sing!" She said as she lowered her head, sure Rarity would think it was a silly idea. No one in her family ever had a singing career before, so how could she?

Instead, Sweetie Belle was pulled in a warm embrace by Rarity. "Oh that is wonderful!"

Rarity's joy threw Sweetie Belle off. "But, what if I'm not good or..."

“Sweetie, do you know why our parents named you Sweetie, Belle?” The filly shook her head. “After you were born, instead of crying like most foals would when you needed something, you would let out this adorable little squeal that would melt any heart nearby. To us, it sounded like a sweet little bell, so, they named you as such." She then patted her sister on her head.

"So, you really think I should give singing a try?" Sweetie said with a hopeful look in her eye.

"I do, but it's what you want to do that really matters, not what anypony else thinks. But I'll be proud of you regardless."

"Are, are you sure mom and dad will too?"

"I know it."

"And our uncles and aunts?"

"Every single one of them."

"How about our grandparents?"

“I can assure you they'll be most delighted."

"Even our great and greatest grandparents?"

"Yes, Sweetie Belle." Rarity said getting a little tired.

"What about our third cousins twice remov..."

"Sweetie Belle!" Rarity began to raise her voice, only to lower it and chuckle. "Oh, just get over here!" She offered her sister a warm smile and a promise of a hug.

"Oh thank you, Rarity." Sweetie Belle cried as she dug her head into her sister chest as the pair resumed their hug.

Meanwhile, Apple Bloom just stood there, analyzing the whole exchange. She hung on everything that was said, and every emotion that was passed. She always feared that Applejack and her family would be ashamed of her if she didn't get an apple related cutie mark. She would have never told them before, but now, seeing how these sisters were acting, she knew she could tell her own sister the truth. She was still scared about what would happen, but now Apple Bloom knew she could do it.

Despite this revelation, Apple Bloom immediately flashed her thoughts back to Silver Spoon. Perhaps that was her biggest problem, no one was proud of her for what she did. Heck, Apple Bloom was willing to bet Silver Spoon wanted to do something her parents wouldn’t have approved of, but held back because for that reason. While Apple Bloom was scared of what her family would say if she didn’t get an apple cutie mark, she was sure in her heart even before she had the never to tell them that they would still lover her. While Silver Spoon probably could have never felt safe even if she wanted to, because of her family’s ridiculous expectations for her. Maybe what Silver Spoon needed was support from a pony she cared about, and could be comfortable with. If her parents weren’t going to, perhaps she could.

Apple Bloom eye’s widened as she began to form an idea. "Hey, Sweetie Bell, do you still know how to make those crusader capes?"

"Oh no!" Rarity said staring down at Apple Bloom. "You are not getting any more of my gold silk."

“That's good," Apple Bloom said, "because I don't need it to be gold. I just need it to be done before school gets out." She then glanced toward Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo. "Come on, girls, we have work to do!"

They just shrugged as they fallowed Apple Bloom towards the gate when Rainbow Dash and Rarity blocked their path.

"Whoa whoa whoa, where do you girls think you’re going?" Rainbow Dash asked as the school bell rang.

"You ladies are marching back to your classroom right now."

"But," Apple Bloom pulled puppy dog eyes, "we need to help a friend who really needs our help. Her parents are getting unmarried, and we need to let her know that were here for her. We'll only ditch for one day."

"Please!" Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo joined in.

Rainbow Dash and Rarity gave each other a look as they tried to fight the pleading eyes. When Apple Bloom said unmarried parents, they realized that she was probably talking about the Silvers, and Silver Spoon. They knew she was in their class, and they were aware that Silver Spoon was a bully, but they could tell that these girls were sincere.

"Oh," Rarity sighed, knowing Applejack would be furious if she let her little sister ditch. Then again, 'oh heck with it.' Rarity shrugged knowing how important a good friend could be in times of need. "Fine, said she stepped aside, “but don't do this again."

Rainbow Dash stepped aside. "Well, for the loyalty of a friend..."

"Oh thank you." The girls cheered as they raced towards Scootaloo's scooter as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell jumped into the wagon. “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS FRIEND- friend… friend something...FOR SILVER SPOON, YAY!” They all cheered.

"Where to?" Scootaloo said as she placed her helmet on her head.

"The club house." Apple Bloom said.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at her, puzzled. "I thought we were going to make Silver Spoon a crusaders cape?"

"We are, but I’ve gotta make else something first."


When the crusaders didn't come back from recess, Silver Spoon immediately felt a ping of guilt. It didn’t take long for everypony to assume that she had run Apple Bloom off or something, and was not a pony you didn’t mess with. While no one said anything out loud, Diamond Tiara was more than happy to whisper to Silver Spoon in class.

"I guess those blank flanks are finally too ashamed to show up for class, like, right, Silver Spoon? Silver Spoon?"

"I'm not in the mood, Diamond." Silver Spoon confessed as she lay her head on her desk. Without Apple Bloom in the room to be mad at, she didn't have the strength to care anymore.

"Oh come now, don't be such a foal." In Diamond Tiara’s defense, she was actually trying to cheer Silver Spoon up. They had been friends forever, each of them able to comfort each other when the other felt bullying wasn’t enough to de-stress them. However, the years of naturally being mean made even her kindness sound rotten. "I mean, a divorce sucks at first, but now you get to have two Hearths Warming days, and two visits from Santa."

It didn't cheer Silver Spoon up. "Diamond..."

"I know, how about after school we egg Dinky's place? Then we can call her mom a retard and get some ice-cream? After all, now that your parents are breaking up, they'll be too busy fighting over who's going to punish you instead of actually punishing you."

Silver Spoons eyes narrowed, and she once again had somepony to be mad at. Even though she had let off a lot of steam at Apple Bloom, she still had a lot of angry bottled up.

"BE QUIET!" She screamed the loudest anypony had ever shouted in a classroom.

All eyes turned to her as every mouth remained silent, even Ms. Cheerilee was lost for words.

Before anypony could say or do anything, Silver Spoon grabbed her saddle bag and bolted for the door. She didn’t care what anypony thought about her anymore, she just had to get away.


"Gah!" Silver Spoon screamed as she was finally able to let out a groan on the empty streets of Ponyville. She would have gone straight home to her punch book, but didn't because she knew that would be the first place Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom would look for her. Also, she didn't want to face her parents at the moment either.

She just ran for what felt like hours until she found a secluded corner of Ponyville to breakdown and cry. It had just been too much for her, how Apple Bloom had caused her parents to break up, but how she felt bad for hurting her, how now her parents wanted her to choose who she was going to live with, and now she wasn't even sure if she had Diamond Tiara on her side anymore.

"Stupid App.. .Apple Bloom! W-why did she have to make my parents mad?" Deep down thou, she knew that it was really all her own fault. Everypony, her parents, Ms. Cheerilee, even Diamond Tiara, tried to convince her that it wasn't her fault. She knew better. She knew it was a lie. She knew that her parents where breaking up because she was a disappointment to them. They were getting divorced so only one of them had to stand the sight of her at a time.

After a while of crying and blaming herself Silver Spoon finally calmed down enough to just feel depressed as she pounders just how foalish she just sounded. She knew it wasn't Apple Bloom's, or even that much her own faults this was happening. She was supposed to be a smart girl, she should have seen the signs, she should have done something, anything...

"Like what?" She said out loud. What could she have done different? Practice more/ Study more? Not be a failure.

Out of nowhere, she felt like taking a walk. It certainly seemed better than crying like a foal in a dark ally. She wasn't sure where she was going, only that she didn't want to sit still any longer.

As she walked, she thought more about how she could have prevented this divorce from happening. Maybe if she had just spent more practicing the piano, or maybe if she had gotten better grades or... or what? What could she have honestly done or said differently to keep her parents together? Also, her mind rebelled; did she really want to try to live up to their expectations? What did she want out of life? Did she really want to be the pony everypony wanted her to be; a rich sophisticated snob who did something big? She knew what she really wanted, but she knew she would never be able to do it.

Even after walking for what felt like an hour, no one said a word to her. She half expected everypony in town was just giving her space or didn't care when she heard a pair of buzzing wings and three voices as she tried to cross a bridge.

"Silver Spoon!" Apple Bloom and the crusaders shouted as they caught Silver Spoon on the bridge.

"What do you blank flanks want?" She huffed at them, not wanting to see or face them. She wasn't as mad, but she was too emotional to risk making Apple Bloom or anypony else upset.

At first, Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell wanted to back off, but Apple Bloom held up a hoof as se advanced forward. "For one, to say sorry." Silver Spoon rolled her eyes as she to walk off the bridge. "I'm sorry that y'all's parents are getting unmarried, that your, lexic, and well, for attacking you. I didn't realize all that you were going through."

Silver Spoon stopped dead in her tracks and started hard at Apple Bloom, not sure if she should feel angry or what. "How did you hear about that?"

"Um, I figured it out all on my own." A lie, but Apple Bloom didn't want to get Cheerilee in trouble.

"So what," Silver Spoon tried to sound upset, "now you’re going to make fun of me now to get even?" She looked at them and just lowered her head. “Go ahead, give me your worst.”

"Never!" Apple Bloom said putting her hoof down. Although she did feel a ting of guilt knowing she would have if she knew all about this last week she stood firm.

"We came to make sure you’re okay." Said Scootaloo.

"And to give you this," Sweetie Belle said as she took out a cape with the cutie mark crusader symbol on it. What made it stand out though, was that instead of the usually gold silk lining theirs had, this one’s silk was made of silver. To Silver Spoon, it was the best looking crusader cape they had ever made.

“Sweetie Belle,” she said quite touched, “did you make this?”

“Nope, Apple Bloom did.” She mentions to the yellow earth pony as she just kicked a rock. “I’ve decided to give up on sowing; maybe instead I can get a cutie mark elsewhere, like singing perhaps.”

Silver Spoon looked up impressed. “You’re going to take my suggestion then?”

“Well, Rarity’s too, but you were right. I do love singing.”

“And I love scooter riding more than the idea of flying.” Scootaloo confess as well as she gave her fateful scooter a pat. “Good old reliable. I could never fly, but as long as I can ride I’ll be in good shape.”

"Yeah," Apple Bloom finally nodded with a warm smile, "and we'd be happy if you joined us in our quest to get those cutie marks."

"But what about your toy, I'm really sorry I..."

"It’s no biggie." Apple Bloom pulled an even better made bird then the one before it. “I can always make more whenever I want, and that old one was just a prototype.”

Silver Spoon looked at the marvels toy dumbfounded. "How did you..?"

"Oh this is nothing, I have lots more at the clubhouse, you want to come over and see them?" She said holding the silver cape in her hands.

Silver Spoon smile, and was about to take it when she glanced at Apple Blooms flank, and then back at her own. "I can't."

Apple Bloom gave her a stern look. "Silver!"

"That's just it, you can all be who you want to be, while I'm stuck with the mark of a spoiled brat who has to live up to impossible expectations."

"And we were making good progress." Scootaloo muttered as Sweetie Belle gave re a jab in her wing. "Ow!"

"Well," Apple Bloom said, "if you could change your cutie mark and be somepony else, who would you want to be?"

"Apple Bloom-"

"How about, if you tell me, I'll pinkie promise I'll tell my family about my creations tonight." She gave her little bird a tap as it began to wobble, “and not wanting an apple cutie mark.” Silver Spoon remained silent as Apple Bloom walked up closer to her friend. “I’m sorry about all that happened, but… I still want to be your friend. You’re not what your cutie mark says, if you ask me.”

Silver Spoon glanced at her pitiful cutie mark, chuckled, but then sighed, and then confessed. "Well, I, I…” she never told anypony this before, certainly not her parents but, if her so called friends didn’t laugh, then maybe she would give it a chance. “I've always wanted to be, a teacher."

"A teacher?” Apple Bloom and the girls titled their heads.

“I knew you would think it was stupid.” She was about to turn away and walk off the bridge.

“Why would we think that?” Apple Bloom said s she stood in her path.

“Then I guess you didn’t hear Ms. Cheerilee.” Silver Spoon said putting her hoof down. “I’m dyslexic, and that means I can’t read. A teacher has to read papers, so I can’t be a teacher. And don’t tell me I can just overcome it, because I can’t.” She glanced towards Scootaloo. “I can’t just, grow my brain one day and read like magic, I’m going to be stuck with this- this handicap forever.”

The girls were quite for a moment’s silver Spoon began to tear up, but only for a moment. Thinking quickly, Apple Bloom found the right words to say. “Well, if you can’t read, how can you get all those A’s?” Before silver Spoon could answer, Apple Bloom did so. “Don’t give me a, your daddy pays for it or a, you have extra time, Silver Spoon. It all comes down to you just having to work harder to read, you’re A’s are proof that you can read. So if you can get those A’s with the right effort, so why can’t you be a teacher with the right effort?”

“Also,” Sweetie Bell suggested, “you don’t have to be a classroom teacher, and I’ve heard there are plenty of things that pony are in need of teaching.”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo pointed out, “there are couches who teach sports, dance teachers who teach dance, I bet there are even teachers who teach how to get cutie marks.”

While Scootaloo meant it as a joke, Apple Bloom took it to heart. “Yeah, why, you could be a cutie mark teacher, teaching little fillies what their cutie marks can be.”

Silver Spoon wiped a tear. “You think so?”

“You got us to admit what we want out cutie marks to be, even though we don’t seem to have them yet.” Apple Bloom looked at her bare flank. “But, you can just help us get them.” She held out the silver cape. “What do you say, friend?”

Silver Spoon no longer felt angry but, happy, and without having to tease somepony. Maybe there was another way. As she reached out her hoof, a loud voice made her realize that changing her ways wasn’t going to come that easy.

“Silver Spoon!?” All four heads towards the other side of the bridge as pink filly with a pink with a diamond tiara, looking disgusted at the scene on the bridge.

“What are you doing here with these losers?"

After school let out, Diamond Tiara immediately went off to find Silver Spoon, right after she said some mean words to Featherweight. She was then going to go straight to her place in hope to cheer her up but going shopping and by calling some blank flanks, well blank flanks. Before she reach the mansion thou, she saw Silver Spoon on that bridge with Apple Bloom and friends as Silver Spoon was about to accept a crusaders cape.

"Just what do you think you’re doing?" Diamond Tiara asked again looking shocked and disgusted at what she saw.

Silver Spoon put her hoof down as she turned around, and began to walk towards Diamond Tiara. As Silver Spoon got up to Diamond Tiara, the tiara wearing let out a sigh and an evil laugh.

"You had me like, worried there that you were going to join those blank flanks lame..."

"Those lame blank flanks are my friends." Silver Spoon said with no hesitation right to Diamond Tiara’s face.

"What?!" Diamond Tiara screamed as the crusaders on the bridge let out a wide smile. “Now look, just because your parents spilt, doesn’t mean you have to lose your head and pick them over me."

"I'm not." Silver Spoon said as she walked back towards the center of the bridge, took the cape, and placed in on her back, all while wearing the widest smile she ever held.

"You better take that off, or I’ll... I'll tell you parents!" Diamond Tiara said a little tongue tied. "They'll be like so disappointed in you."

"You know," Silver Spoon said proudly, "I don't care, I mean, I still want them to be proud of me, but I want to do what I want to do to make them proud of me, not what I think they expect of me to do. And I'm not choosing you over these friends," the crusaders smiled at their new friend, "I want you to be our friend too." Their smiles quickly vanished.

"What?" Apple Bloom said.

"What?" Diamond Tiara said just as horrified.

Silver Spoon addressed Apple Bloom and the other crusaders first. "I don't want to hurt pony anymore, I want to help ponies, and be their friend." Apple Bloom looked at Diamond Tiara, but then back to Silver Spoon as she just nodded her head. “And, I don’t want to hurt this one, if she wants to change and be our friend, we should let her, just like you did for me.”

"Your right." Apple Bloom sighed. "What kind of ponies would we be?"

"If Diamond Tiara wants to be a crusader," Sweetie Belle said, "so be it."

"Guess a fourth pony in the wagon will make my wings strong." Scootaloo let in as they all have an approving smile. “She can join.”

Silver Spoon then turned to Diamond Tiara, only to see the filly walk away. Thinking quickly, Silver Spoon took off her new cape and Rae toward her.

"Diamond, wait!" As Diamond Tiara turned around one last time Silver Spoon held out the cape to her friend. "Please, we don't have to be bitter pony's just because of what our do ad expect of us. I know you can be good so please, Diamond Tiara, would you join me on helping them on their crusade?"

For a moment, it looked like Diamond Tiara was going to take the cape in fact, she even reached for it a held it, until she threw it in the ground.

"Have fun with your foal friends." She said as walked off the bridge trying to look like she had won some big battle.

Disappointed, but not sad, Silver Spoon put her cap back on as she made her way towards the center of the bridge with her friends.

"I'm-" Silver Spoon began.

Apple Bloom just gave her a pat and a reassuring smile. "Hey, we didn't give up on you, and if you want, we won’t give up on her if you want her to be our friend as well."

"Thanks girls." Silver Spoon whipped a tear away. "So, let’s go get you those cutie marks!"

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle cheered, "in singing!"

"Scooter riding!"

"And creating things!" Apple Bloom said the loudest as they stepped off the bridge.

Silver Spoon was going to say something else as well, until she noticed her three friend’s flanks glow.

"I don't think that will be necessary." She said as her friends noticed the glow on their flanks as well.

Looking upon their once bare flanks, the crusaders cheered as Scootaloo saw her scooter, Sweetie Bell a bell with a music notes around it, and Apple Bloom with a chisel and hammer on their flanks.

"OUR CUTTIE MARKS!" They all cheered as they explode in a riot of cheers and hugs as Silver Spoon went to join them.

"Oh congratulations!" Silver Spoon sang alone as they all began to bounced around and hug each other.

"We couldn't have done it without you." Apple Bloom pointed out.

"Oh," Silver Spoon blushed, "you would have eventually."

"Maybe, but it would have taken is longer to admit what we wanted to you. You taught us that, even if no pony in our family likes what we do with our lives, we should still do it because we want to anyways. You know what, Silver Spoon; you may just make a great teacher after all."

"Silver Spoon whipped a tear from her eyes as she gave Apple Bloom a hug. “Oh that means so much.” She smiled. “From now on, I’m not going to be some spoiled brat. I’m going to be a nice pony who help’s ponies."

"Whoa!" Apple Bloom screamed as she reeled back.

"What's wrong?" Silver Spoon asked concerned.

"Your flank!" Sweetie Bell said as she noticed the glow beneath her cape.

Lifting her cape, Silver Spoon was blinded by a bright light as she took a moment to realize what was going on. When she could see again she saw not one, but three silver spoons on her flank with smiley faced on them.

"Ahh!" Silver Spoon said in a wave of confusion but some joy as she jumped into the air and landed on her stomach.

"Her cutie mark has changed! How’s that possible?" Scootaloo said a little horrified.

While it was a huge shock to all of them, Apple Bloom remained levelheaded. "Hey, it doesn’t matter how it happened," although she had her theories and fears, "what dose matters, is that we're all still friends, and no matter what happens now, we'll stay best friends forever, got it?" She then placed out her hoof.

At first Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo looked towards each other, but in the end placed their hoofs in. “Got it!”

"Come on Silver Spoon." Apple Bloom encouraged as the stunned filly got up. She had no idea what was going to happen now, how she would explain her new cutie mark to everypony, what it even meant, how she was going to decide which parent she was going to live with a deal with it, how to get Diamond Tiara back on her side, or anything. Yet as she looked upon her crusading friends, their new cutie marks still glowing, she was able to put those fears aside and just enjoy the moment as she got up and placed her hoof in.

"Crusaders forever?"

"Cutie mark crusaders forever." They correct as all four of them, in their loudest cheer ever shouted, "CUTTIR MARK CRUSADERS FOREVER, YAY!"

Author's Note:

well, with the twist out of the way, I can now start focusing on my finals and sending out my rough drafts of the sequel. If anyone wants to be one of my editors for the upcoming story, feel free to message me below, and as always, tell me what you think, and don't be hesitant to let me have it.
Thank you all again. Even if you didn't like this story for whatever reason, I promise to make up for it in the sequel.