• Published 28th Dec 2013
  • 3,464 Views, 154 Comments

Daring Do and the search for the Winter Pearl - DemonWriterX

A new enemy have left Daring Do towards a new adventure and towards a dreaded old enemy.

  • ...


Daring Do and the search of the Winter Pearl

Chapter 4


Daring Do peered out from the bushes. She and Ahuizotl stood at the edge of the forest, staring into a small village full of shifty ponies. Most of them concealed their faces with colored hoods; some had tattoos plastered across their bodies, and others carried swords and knives strapped to their sides. Daring Do pulled her head back from the leaves and faced Ahuizotl.

“Those are some 'average-joes' in there.” She said. Ahuizotl shrugged.

“Please… they all fear me here.”

“Not when you’re a pony, they’re not.”

“Hmm that… would prove problematic. I can’t change into my true form and walk in with you; they’ll surely recognize us. And these types of ponies would sell us out for a bag of apples and a loaf of bread to our enemies.” He said, crossing his arms. "It would be something I would do as well. We cannot expect any less from them." He glanced back at Daring. "They will surely notice you."

“Lucky for us, I know how to disguise myself.” She said with a smug smirk as she took off her hat. "Hold this for me, will ya?" She placed her hat on top of Ahuizotl's head when she pushed passed him. Ahuizotl's nostril flared and immediately removed it, slamming it to the ground. Daring walked along the forest edge, hiding behind the thick brush. She was watching the vendor stands, looking for something suitable to wear. A golden necklace caught her eye, it had small rods arranged in a row, probably stolen. She took out her whip and once the vendor had his back turned she swung her whip and snatched the necklace. She caught it in her hoof and put it on. She moved on and found a clothing stand, It was filled with expensive silk and egyptian cotton. She grabbed the first dress she saw with her whip and avoided getting caught. It was a red victorian style dress, with a v-neck collar, puffy veil short sleeves and crinkled bottom that covered her cutie mark and with black embroidered jewels across the chest. There was one word that came across Daring Do’s mind:


Daring Do let out a groan, knowing that she would be pushing her luck if she tried to grab another dress. She reluctantly put it on and placed her whip and vest underneath the dress. With a quick brush of her hair and some forest sap, she curled her mane; letting it fall to the side of her head. She made her way back to Ahuizotl, who now had a dagger in his mouth, as he kept watch over the village.

“Where did you get that?” She whispered, her eyes darting back to the village. He turned towards the sound of her voice and noticed her choice of disguise. He almost swallowed the dagger in shock. His eyebrows shot up and his eyes slowly moved up and down as he examined her wardrobe. Up... and down.... Up... and d-

“Stop. It!” She growled, her face turning red with embarrassment. “It was all I could get, okay?”

He went to put the dagger into his saddlebag, and missed a few times; his eyes still on her (or more specifically: her body). She stomped her hoof, making him look up at her. “Hey! My eyes are up here! Stop looking at me!” She placed her front legs close together, trying to cover herself. She felt that his eyes were on her for too long. “And where in the hay did you got that dagger?”

“I stole it….” he started, but shook his head and turned away from her. “I got it when you were gone... You are going to attract more attention!” he suddenly snapped, “We are suppose to blend in, not stick out!” he said pointing at her dress.

“Please, drama queen. I’m sure nopony will notice."

Cheers and whistles rang throughout the village as every male caught sight of Daring Do. She tried to ignore their constant cat-calls as they called her from the side of the street as she and Ahuizotl walked down through the dirt path in the middle of the street.

Ahuizotl stood behind her, his eye twitching in irritation. He didn’t like so many eyes on Daring. Before he could catch up to her he noticed a chestnut stallion stroll up to Daring; blocking her path. He had a eye patch over his right eye with tribal tattoos around his neck. The stallion was sporting a grin as he looks over at Daring.

“Well, Hello~beautiful~” he starts, Daring Do’s eye twitched, she was tempted to punch that stupid grin off his face. She flicks her mane back calmly.

“Well aren’t you… cute?” She strained, with a southern belle accent. She was pretty convincing when she used one of her many accents. It worked before and it never fails. Ahuizotl glared down the stallion, who didn’t seem to have noticed him or was actively ignoring him. The stallion suddenly put his arm around Daring’s shoulder bringing her close to him.

“Cute I am, doll-face. Why don’t you and I spend some quality time together at my stand?” He began to lead her away from the path. Before she could break his forearm, the stallion was quickly slammed against the wooden frame of another vendor’s stand by Ahuizotl. Her eyes widened when she saw a flash of metal from his dagger. Ahuizotl held the deadly blade up to the stallion’s throat. The stallion quickly turned white in fear from Ahuizotl’s eyes. Everypony around them suddenly went silent wondering what might ensue. None of them didn't want to intervene. It was every pony for themselves.

“If you ever touch her again, I will slice up your body and feed your rotting corpse to the vultures! but not before I cut out your only good eye and chew it between my teeth!” He said with a menacing growl, almost like a lion.

Daring Do blinked in shock and felt a chill run down her spine. She had never heard him spit out threats like that and never in that voice. The villagers that had crowded around the stand slowly began to back away; fearful that they too would be on the receiving end of the stallion’s wrath. Ahuizotl pressed the blade closer against the stallion’s adams apple; he gulped, cold sweat running down his face.

“O-okay, o-okay!” he cried. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’ll leave h-her alone!” Ahuizotl removed the blade but instead of letting the stallion walk away, he picked the stallion off the stand and threw him over his shoulder, making him fly over the crowd into a fruit stand behind him, making it collapse on top of the pony. He was breathing heavily in a feuling rage. Daring had seen Ahuizotl get angry before, but he was in a fury. He teeth grinded against each other seeing the crowd’s eyes on him. He stomped his hooves at them in irritation, and pointed the dagger at them.

“What are you all gawking at!” Everypony turned their eyes away instantly, making Ahuizotl put away his dagger, grumbling profanities under his breath as he walked up to Daring, taking her hoof into his in a harsh pull.

“Come on!” he growled, as they began to walk down the dirt path.

“Hey! Would you calm down, you're hurting my arm!” she demanded. When he ignored her she yanked her sore arm from his. She scanned the road up ahead and found an alleyway, she forcefully pulled him into it.

“What the hay is your problem!?” She shouted, throwing him in the middle of the alleyway, like common trash. “Don’t you ever you ever grab me like that! Ever! I’m not a bag of luggage that you could pull around! And what happened back there!? I was going to handle that guy myself until you went all psycho!”

“You should be thanking me!” He retorted. “You seemed to be enjoying all of the attention!”

“Enjoying? Are you serious? Why would I be enjoying--”

“Then why did you pick that dress?!”

“Because it was the only thing I could get, okay!”

“I am sure there are others you would have gotten!”

“Well I didn’t!” she sighed in frustration. “What’s wrong with you?” she asked; rubbing her reddening arm.

He held his breath for a moment before exhaling slowly, calming himself down. He sat down rubbing the sides of his head. He had gotten carried away. But the way those males had been acting and how that stallion treated Daring… what was he supposed to do? They sent him over the edge. He let out a shaky sigh as he put his hooves on his pulsing head; he had drawn more attention to them because of his outbreak. He was the one who made the mistake… not her. He looked up at her; she was facing the entrance of the ally rubbing her bruised arm. He let out a sigh and faced her.

“I- I am sorry,” he said. Daring Do turned around; surprised by his apology. “I overreacted, and I… I shouldn't have grabbed you so forcefully.” His voice lowered to a whisper as he looked at ground.

Daring bit her lower lip and sat down, “Its… okay?” she said slowly, scratching her mane awkwardly, “Still… that stallion did deserved it, I think eating his eye was a bit over excessive”.

Ahuizotl chuckled softly, “Did you see the look on his face?”

Daring let out a laugh, “Hysterical! Did you notice the crowd? You scared them pretty good.” She said, giving him a nudge in the shoulder.

They both began to chuckle. She looked up at him, this was the first time she has heard him laugh; actually laughing, not his insane maniacal laugh, but a normal genuine laugh. She stood up, and flicked her mane back. “Come on, the quicker we find Caballeron, the quicker I can get out of this stupid dress.”

Ahuizotl cleared his throat, and looked down the alleyway.

“We are fairly close to where he is at.” he began, “If I am correct, he should be around this corner.”

Ahuizotl took the lead as they walked down the maze of alleyways. After taking a left and walking for a few minutes they came to an abrupt end. A wire fence separated the alley in half, boxes and other debris sat on either side of the fence. Daring thought that they had reached a dead end but before she could ask Ahuizotl strolled down the alley and turned to face one of the red bricked buildings. Daring Do caught up to him and saw that he was standing in front of a metal plated door with no handle and a sliding peep hole. Ahuizotl put out his hoof and knocked three times, making the metal door rumble. The peep hole suddenly opens to reveal a set of green eyes.

Sí?!” the pony began in a harsh voice. ”What is it? What do you want?” he demands.

“Caballeron?” Ahuizotl asked, with a brow raised.

“Sí, it is me! Who are you? and who is-!” his eyes widened noticing a beautiful mare beside the blue stallion. His eyes lower slightly.

“Well hello there…” Caballeron said suavely. Daring Do silently gagged but covered it with her hoof. She would have to play along for now. She batted her eyes at him letting out a girlish giggle that she can mustered out towards him. Ahuizotl rolled his eyes and bit the inside of his cheek. Caballeron shut the peep hole.

“Just a moment!” he called. She and Ahuizotl heard a set of crashes and furniture being moved. They both exchanged looks as they heard Caballeron inside.

“Wake up you idiots! We have a guest! Get this place cleaned up!

No, no not under the rug!

You! Get the drinks! Hurry up!”

“This ought to be fun” Daring groaned, she pulled at the fabric of her dress. “I am definitely going to tear off this dress and burn it”

“I’ll be happy to tear off that dress” Ahuizotl replied with a frown. Daring whirls to him her mouth agape. He looks back at her noticing her expression, he blinked letting the thought process in his mind. His face suddenly turned red. “I-I do not mean that!” he sharply whispered. Daring looked back to the door.

“Stallions…” she said under her breath, “No control.”

Before Ahuizotl could respond, the door opens revealing Caballeron. He motioned Daring Do to enter.

“Please, make yourself at home” he smiles politely. Daring let out a smile walking past him.

“Why...such a gentlemen” she said in her southern belle accent, she flicks her tail at his muzzle making him sneeze. Ahuizotl quickly followed behind, they entered a large red room, the windows were covered with black curtains and the only source of light was candles and a string of swing light bulbs on the ceiling. Inside the room, there was expensive art on the wall as well as artifacts. In the middle of the room was a golden tassel rug with Indian style of art, on top of it was a table, with red pillows as seats. The room smelled like cheap cigar smoke and sweat. Daring and Ahuizotl turned to hear the door closed. They both see Caballeron’s hench ponies come out of the shadows appearing behind Caballeron, who walked up to Daring taking her hoof.

“A pleasure to have you in my humble home, Miss?.....” he starts bowing his head slightly.

“Maybelle…” Daring replied. “Just...Maybelle” Caballeron let out a throaty chuckle and tried to kiss the top of her hoof. Daring pulled away quickly grabbing Ahuizotl’s arm. “And! this is my sweet boo...umm, Quinn, my bodyguard!...can't be to careful around these dangerous parts” she said, Ahuizotl eyes widened slightly but was silent. Caballeron let out a frown.

“Ah...I see, very good...now what is that you are here for?" He asks sitting down from across the table. Daring and Ahuizotl sat down in front of him, one of the hench ponies, who was wearing sunglasses brought over to them a pitcher of water and glass cups. He pours the cool water into their cups serving to the trio before taking his place behind his boss, sitting down beside the other two hench ponies.

"We are here to acquire some tickets to a party in Maris for the Petite Museum" Daring replied sweetly. "We wanted to steal some priceless art, but they only gave the tickets to rich and married ponies!" she cries, putting her hooves over her chest in a dramatic pose. Caballeron elbow one of his hench ponies wearing a fedora, making him take out a red hoofkerchief from his pocket and placing it into his boss's hoof. Caballeron gave Daring the hoofkerchief that she used to dry her crocodile tears unknown to Caballeron who thought they were real. Ahuizotl couldn’t believe how dense Caballeron really was. "I know, since you are so popular, Mr. Caballeron, that you might have some tickets?"

"You are in luck, a couple came a couple of weeks ago to trade with me the tickets in exchange for a cheap necklace" He said, he sends the hench pony wearing sunglasses into another room after a few minutes he came back placing the two white tickets into Caballeron hoof. Daring let out a smile reaching out for them.

"Oh how wonderful, I'll just take these and-!"

"Not so fast, my dear." Caballeron said pulling away the tickets.Daring pulls back her hoof, clenching it slightly. "There is the matter of the fee."

“Yes...the fee.” Daring said, sucking in air. “How much?” She knew she and Ahuizotl did not have enough bits if its Caballeron asking for a price.

“Well….” he pressed his lips together in thought. “I was thinking one thousand bits for each ticket, but since its for a beautiful mare such as yourself, I have a proposa.l”

“What type of proposal?"

"Well, there are two tickets and you need a companion to come with you, what if you and I got to Maris?" He smiles, he picks up his glass of water taking a drink. Daring let out a small laugh. like that was going to happen.

"You're too kind, Mr. Caballeron…" she starts.

"Please, Doctor Caballeron." he emphasise, before taking another drink.

"But I am taking my dear husband, Quinn" she said taking Ahuizotl's arm. He pulled away instinctively turning to her.

"I am not your husband!" He shouts, Daring swiftly kicked him making him jump his leg hitting the table making it bounce. He shoots a glare at her, rubbing his sore leg to see her eyes lower silently saying to him with her eyes "You were suppose to play along!" Ahuizotl realized his mistake but it was too late to take it back. Caballeron brow raised becoming suspicious. Daring notice his hench ponies going for their weapons, wooden short staffs strapped to their sides. She had to think of something. She let out a cry pulling away from Ahuizotl as if struck, putting the hoofkerchief to her eyes.

"How can you say that? I thought you loved me! After all we have been through together, you have the audacity to say that you are not my husband?!.... and to think that I am now pregnant with your foal!"

Caballeron spit out a spray of water to the side before coughing abruptly. The hench-ponies looked at each other in surprise not sure what to do with this situation. When they were distracted amongst themselves, Daring Do winks at Ahuizotl, who nods. He slams his hoof on the table making the glasses fall on their sides, spilling the water.

"You know that it’s not my foal!" Ahuizotl shouted.

"How dare you!" Daring shouts back, she swings her hoof hitting Caballeron in the face making him fall to the side, causing the tickets to slide across the room. Daring let out a smirk hiding it behind her hoof. "Oh my! How clumsy of me" She was quickly by his side lifting him up to his hooves, he clutched at his swollen cheek and spits out blood.

"Oh Doctor! I am so sorry, I was trying to hit my ungrateful husband….are you all right?" She looks over to Ahuizotl giving him a nod. Ahuizotl stood up.

"You cry over me one moment and now you are with another colt!" He goes up to Caballeron, Daring moves away from him as Ahuizotl grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him up to his face. "You have some nerve!"

The hench ponies stood on their hooves taking out their weapons to pull away Ahuizotl from him. Ahuizotl pushes Caballeron back making him crash into them, making them all fall to the ground. Daring picked up the tickets from the end of the room putting it safety under her dress. Caballeron jumps to his hooves, pointing at her.

"Stop her! She has the tickets!"

The hench ponies each grabbed a staff and ran towards Daring Do. The chestnut stallion reached her first and swung his staff at her head. Daring Do ducked with just enough time to spare; her mane fluttered in the wind created by the staff. It continued on its path, flying over her head, and sailed directly into the face of the pony next to her assailant. The other pony stumbled back. Taking advantage of his disoriented state she bucked him square in the face. His sunglasses shattered; sprinkling the floor with black glass. The white stallion shook his head; droplets of blood and shards of glass splattered onto the floor. Jerking his head he threw his glasses aside; letting out a snort he scraped his hoof across the floor and lowered his head. Daring Do blew a stray strand of hair from her face, pawed the ground, and charged at the white stallion. She, however, hadn’t counted on her dress getting in the way, and three steps later found herself cursing as she felt her leg catch on the hem of the dress. She crashed onto the floor; looking up she saw the stallion grin at her misfortune. He reared up and prepared to deliver a blow to her head. She tensed and closed her eyes; bracing herself for his hooves to crack down on her skull.

She opened an eye to see Ahuizotl tackle the stallion. Ahuizotl’s head slammed into the white pony's forehead, a loud thwack was heard as their heads collided, which was followed by a loud bang as they crashed into a side table. Ahuizotl picked himself up from the unconscious stallion, and stumbled away from the broken furniture, his eyes were spinning and his forehead was bleeding. He had barely just finished straightening his eyes when the chestnut pony struck again. Daring Do was caught off guard and yelped as his staff hit her sore arm.

Quick to counter, she reared up and kicked down and hit the high end of the stick. The lower end of the staff seesawed into the chestnut pony's face, causing him to drop it. Now free from the restraint of her dress she jumped, unfurled her wings through the cloth, and flapped. Her hooves made contact with his face and took him all the way to the ground. The chestnut pony slid across the room and slammed into the white stallion who was just waking up. Daring Do turned around and saw Caballeron reaching for the tickets,

“Ahu- Quinn! Get the tick-” she was cut off when the gray henchpony tackled her. Ahuizotl heard her and made a dash for the tickets while she struggled with the gray stallion. Caballeron saw Ahuizotl coming for the tickets and retreated back behind the couch. Ahuizotl grinned smugly at his cowardice and picked up the tickets, tucking them away in his saddlebag. Once he was sure they were safely secure he turned to see if his help was needed.

The gray stallion pinned Daring Do to the ground, but before he could deliver a blow, Daring Do kicked him in the stomach; sending him halfway across the room. He landed on his side, but he was up again within seconds. Daring Do picked herself up and took a step back, taking the corner of the rug in her hoof. She faced the last hench pony who had picked up the staff of one his friends in his mouth. She let out a smile and waved. The stallion, charged full speed towards her. Daring Do calmly stood her ground, and then, as he was closing the final distance between them, threw the rug over his face and took to the air.

[He tripped and slammed into the wall behind her. Completely entangled in the rug, and unable to see where he was going, he continued to swing his staff around blindly.

“Whoa!” Daring Do exclaimed as she dodged his stray staff. After thinking for a moment she motions to Ahuizotl. Once she has his attention she points to the bumbling stallion, the rug, and then the wall. A quick nod from Ahuizotl was all she needed.

The gray stallion blinked as the rug was ripped from his head; his eyes adjusting to the (not brightly) lit room. He looked up to see the mare, with a growl he went to swing his staff at her, but stopped when she snickered and pointed to her left. He turned his head to his right only to be rammed by the stallion accompanying her. He flew into the wall and slid to floor in a crumpled heap. With all of his hench ponies unconscious, Caballeron quickly ran out of the room and escaped out the back door.

Daring Do and Ahuizotl opened the metal door and bolted down the alley way.

"That was a good act you have done" Ahuizotl said, turning a corner of the alley, Daring galloped behind him.

"Yeah, I can't believe how easy it was to get him off guard" She replies. They both ran out into the marketplace to find a crowd of twenty hench ponies carrying wooden staffs in their hooves and mouths. They skid to a stop finding Caballeron in front of the small army. He points his hoof at them.

"There they are! Get them!" he roars, making the army advance upon them.

"Oh feathers!" Daring yelled. She jumped into the air with her hoof extended; hitting a stallion in the face causing him to collide into three ponies as they all crash into a fruit stand making oranges and apples fall into the crowd. Daring began bucking the fruits into her attackers in a barrage. Ahuizotl took out his dagger as two ponies ran towards him ready to strike him down with their staffs. He swung his dagger in a upward motion and sliced through the wood. Pieces of wood went flying everywhere. The two ponies looked at one another, their staffs whittled down to a nub, then to Ahuizotl in utter disbelief. Ahuizotl let out a grin as he delivered a swift uppercut to both ponies; cracking their teeth and making them tumble backwards. He looked up to see that ten ponies had circled Daring Do. Acting quickly he ran towards the small mob of ponies, aimed for the center and jumped; landing neatly next to Daring Do.

"Do-- you have-- your whip?" he asked, between breaths. Daring Do yanked it out from under her dress and let it unfurl to it’s full length. The end snapped up with a loud crack. The encircling ponies backed up a few steps to avoid the sting of the whip.

"Never leave home without it." she grinned, looking at him out of the corner of her eye, but still paying attention to the enclosing army, "What do got planned?"

"Quickly, tie this to the end!" he handed her his dagger and she quickly tied the end of her whip to the handle; creating a makeshift, but deadly, "mace". She puts the handle of the whip in her mouth.

"Better duck" she mumbled. Ahuizotl goes down to the ground and puts his hooves over his head. The ten ponies ran towards them making Daring swing her whip in a circular motion. The blade grazes across the ponies scalps, taking off the top of their manes. Daring flicks her whip down and saw the ponies all frozen in place seeing how close the blade came at them, they all drop their weapons in panic and ran, leaving Caballeron alone to face Ahuizotl and Daring, she puts the handle of the whip in her hoof and smiles innocently.

"Would you like a haircut too, doll-face?" she said with her southern accent. Caballeron let out a yell of fright and took off running away from them.


Daring Do and Ahuizotl ran deep in the rainforest, making sure that no pony followed them. The sun was setting and the forest turned dark, they walked back to where they found the waterfall. They sat down at the bank in front of the water, breathing a sigh of relif. Daring took out the pair of tickets showing them to Ahuizotl.

"Looks like we don't have to worry buying a train ticket anymore" Ahuizotl took the tickets reading it over.

"Hmm, a train is provided for us, how fortunate….it says it leaves in three days at Manehatten"

"Yup" she sighs, falling on her back at the moist earth, she stares up at the twilight sky seeing a few stars beyond the tall trees, the sound of the waterfall could lull her to sleep with its cascading waters. Ahuizotl fell on his back beside her, staring up at the sky as they both watched the moon being risen. "You know…" she began softly. "This is why I love the rainforest so much, so I can see this" she smiles.

"You can see the same thing anywhere else" he mentions bluntly. "It's the same sky" She shoots him a sideway glance.

"Thanks for that, Captain Sunshine." She sneered.

"I perfer the sun than the night, the night is too cold" He takes off his amulet, turning back to his true form. He let out a yawn, his canine teeth shining in the moonlight as he stretched his arms out. Daring lifts her head up turning to him.

"It's not that cold." she replies. Ahuizotl rubbed his hands on his arms.

"To you, but to me, it is too cold" he argues.

"You are such a foal, I really hope we get that pearl because I don’t think I can stand your whining" she let out a snicker at her own joke, only to have a gallon of water splash on her, drenching her dress. She sits up in a shout finding Ahuizotl laughing loudly at his own prank as he held a large banana left in his hand-tail.

"You jerk! Now I’m freezing!" she shouts angrily. She puts her hoof out to try to punch him but the water on her dress restricted her as she felt the fabric began to tighten. Ahuizotl rolled on his side clutching his stomach as he watched as Daring tried to punch him only to come up half-way. "Stop laughing! It's shrinking!

She pulled at her dress, but found it impossible to take off herself. She elbowed Ahuizotl in his shoulder making him stop laughing.

"Come on! I can't take it off, I need your help!" she said, he put his hand under his chin, leaning on his elbow facing her.

"Now who is whining?" he grins.

"That's not funny, besides you said you be "happy to tear off this dress" she said slyly. He sits up with a blush across his face.

"I told you that I did not mean it, in that way!"

"I know, I know! Just help me take this off" she said brushing him off with her hoof as she turns her back towards him. He let out a snort.

"Fine!...where is the dagger?"

"Are you crazy?! You want to stab me!? Just rip it!"

"I need the dagger!"

"No! You don't need it!"

"¡Yes I do!, what else do you expect me to use?! My teeth?!” He put his hands on the collar of the dress and pulled back harshly. Daring Do gagged. She pulls away from him clutching her throat.

“Not like that!” she shouts before letting out a cough. He threw his hands up.

Por favor!” he exclaimed, “Do you want me to help or not!”

Author's Note:

This was a long chapter
Thank you all for reading this far, please leave your reviews
also thanks for Leapingriver for being my editor throughout this whole story. ^_^
especially with the fight scenes.

11/25/2018 edited