• Published 28th Dec 2013
  • 3,464 Views, 154 Comments

Daring Do and the search for the Winter Pearl - DemonWriterX

A new enemy have left Daring Do towards a new adventure and towards a dreaded old enemy.

  • ...


CH 6. Indifference

Daring Do and Ahuizotl waited by the Manehatten train station. They both watched from afar, safe behind the train station's sign, as they watch ponies step up to the rosy red train. They were being greeted by a very large minotaur, who only wore a black tie. Daring Do adjusted her binoculars, zooming in on the minotaur. She noticed that he was checking their papers and invitations. If any pony forgot their marriage certificate or their invitations, they were denied and thrown clear across the station. She and Ahuizotl had the luxury of seeing an example when two young couple forgot their marriage certificate. They didn't put up much of a fight when they were thrown like common garbage. Ahuizotl and Daring adjusted their disguises; Daring wore a red coat and a black beret, while she hid their weapons in her bag, while the tickets and marriage certificate were strapped safely in Ahuizotl’s satchel.

Daring put down her binoculars, seeing enough information from the guests and the guard. She passed the binoculars to Ahuizotl.

“Interesting how they hire some muscles just to greet some ponies,” She said with indifference. Ahuizotl lifted the binoculars up. He hummed in agreement.

“Most of these ponies are aristocrats at best,” Ahuizotl said, eyeing them closely. “Most are young newly weds, and a few have reached their expiration date; it is logical to hire some protection for them but, it might be difficult for us to blend in with this crowd, as you are wearing a bargain brand coat, as I wear a dirty piece of fabric that you found at the lost-and-found.”

“We are running low on funds!” She snapped. “Thanks to you buying these stupid rings, we can’t afford even one hoofkercheif, let alone a fur coat.” She heard him let out a grunt. She turned away from him, looking back at the train. She unconsciously put her hoof up to her neck, feeling the ring underneath her coat. “Just try and act like you're important… and by that I mean just act like you usually do.”

“We might need to resort to stealing, take your pick,” he said, looking over his shoulder. He hid the binoculars back into the satchel.

“No, we’re not stealing from these ponies." Daring said sternly."I’m fine with stealing from the black market but not from these ponies.”

“Do not be so stubborn, you might as well be a mule rather than a pony. We will become an item of suspicion if we do not act like we belong and your attitude is not upheld like that of a lady.”

Daring let out a snort, making Ahuizotl cringe when he heard the mucus. He hated it when she did that, but it proved his point.

“You want to see snooty, I’ll show you snooty! Come on!” She grabbed his arm and began to drag him behind. Ahuizotl narrowly grabbed their bags as they made their way to the guard. The minotaur raised his brow slightly at the sight of the young mare dragging a young stallion as if he was part of the luggage. He put out his hand, stopping them.

“Hold it right there little filly, where are your tickets? Iron Will can’t let you in without the proper paperwork.”

“Oh for the love of-!” Daring started, with the snootiest voice possible. She reached into Ahuizotl’s saddle bag and threw the tickets at the minotaur, slapping them right into his face. The minotaur stumbled to catch the falling tickets. He let out a snort of annoyance and steam escaped from his nostrils. Ahuizotl looked at Daring warily- he did not want her to ruin the only chance they had getting into Maris.

“Now show some respect, little filly,” The minotaur started, his voice becoming assertive. “Iron Will did not take this job to take some bunk from some spoiled heiress- now show me your marriage certificate.” he demanded, crossing his arms. Daring narrowed her eyes at him, almost challenging him. She took out the certificate and gave it to him calmly. He looked it over.

“It says here you got married... yesterday?”

“Yes, is that a problem?!” Daring snapped. Iron Will opened his jaw but did not had the chance to respond when Daring grabbed his tie. She gave the tie a good yank, bringing him down to eye level. “I didn’t come all this way just to meet some muscle-headed idiot, standing, in my way!" She snarled with a low voice. Iron Will gulped. "I didn’t marry this dull stallion for nothing either!” she growled, tilting her head back at Ahuizotl, who furrowed his brow at her. Iron Will let out a nervous chuckle. “Now… Let. Me. Inside.”

“Uh… g-go right ahead Miss! uh, here’s your tickets and certificate, and your room number is 53.” he said quickly, handing the items back to her. Daring snatched the objects from him and entered, flicking her tail with her nose up high for a dramatic effect. Ahuizotl followed closely behind before a hand from Iron Will stopped him.

"Maybe you should rethink about being married to a battle axe, huh amigo?" He whispered. Ahuizotl let out a chuckle.

"I...will keep that in mind, amigo." He walked past him, meeting with Daring Do as they entered in the train cart, who let out a laugh at the corridor.

"Did you see that?" She whispered. "I told ya I can be classy." She winked, giving him a tough nudge in the shoulder.

"Perhaps classy is not the word I would use." He said, rubbing his arm. "Now let's find our room, shall we?"

They both walked through the narrow train carts. They had to stick close to one side of the wall to let other ponies through. One the way to their room, they passed by two aristocratic couples. The mares, were dressed in the fanciest dresses Daring had ever seen. They even had elegant fans with embroidered gem stones. They took one look at Ahuizotl, while their husbands were having a conversation with each other, totally oblivious. Except for Daring Do.
The mares both eyed his physique, letting out a few soft giggles. His brow raised at them, but decided to ignore them as they walked by. Daring looked back on the mares and gave them a glare, making their eyes widen in fear. Daring let out a "humph!", flicking her mane back.

“Vultures…” She said under her breath. She glanced back at Ahuizotl who was looking at her with a small smirk. She reeled back, turning her head away from him.

“What?!” she asked harshly.

“Nothing,” he said swiftly. “Nothing at all, Miss Do…”

They found their room number and slid the door open. Inside, they were amazed by how much effort had gone into it. There was a large queen-sized bed with the best silk fabrics and plush pillows. Along side it was a small coffee table with assortments of the finest fruits and vegetables. They had a large window with red curtains, and sitting on the shelf was a bag of bits in a gift basket.

"Wow, now these are some gifts,” Daring smirked, digging into the basket as if it was Hearth’s Warming Eve. "These snotty ponies know how to live! There's at least a thousand bits in here!" She exclaimed.

"They even have jewelry for you and a leather jacket for me… hmm, perhaps when this is over I should steal from these trains." He said stroking his chin in thought. He could get used to this type of lifestyle.

"Please, you should just stick to the jungle." Daring said, rolling her eyes. They both turn, hearing a knock on their door. Daring quickly cleared her throat, going into character.

"Um… Who is it?" She called as she opened the door. Her eyes quickly widen, seeing a white unicorn stallion. He had piercing, ice-blue eyes and a black mane tied in a ponytail. He wore a dark, blue suit with a white tie, and had a cutie mark of a black compass.

"Bonjour madam," he smiled gently with a thick accent. "I couldn't help but to notice you come in after facing our friend outside."

"O-oh," Daring stuttered. "You, um, saw that?"

"No need to feel embarrassed- I would have reacted the same way from coming so far from my own home."

Ahuizotl narrowed his eyes at him as he came up behind Daring, trying to make himself known to the unicorn, but found his existence completely ignored.

"May I say, madam, that you are a very striking young mare," he smoothly said, taking her hoof into his own. Daring let out a light blush, but pulled away.

"Thank you… I guess." she said, twirling her mane in her hoof.

"If you like… perhaps we could have a drink by the bar hmm? As friends of course; you are married, yes?"

"M-married?" She questioned.

"Yes married, to me," Ahuizotl said with emphasis. He put his arm around her while glaring down the unicorn, imagining the unicorn strung up over a pit of venomous vipers. The unicorn stared at him boredly, uninterested by him. Ahuizotl felt his temple throbbed in anger and took a step towards him. “Me voy a desprenderse,” He growled fiercely. Daring held back a breath but pretended she didn't hear it. She knew it was a threat.

"Ah… what an accent you have there. It seems you and I are alike in ethnic quality." He said calmly and turned back to Daring. "My offer still stands… perhaps I will see you soon?" He smirked and walked away. Ahuizotl watched him go and shut the sliding door in a loud bang. Daring pulled away from his arm, going to the fruit bowl on the table.

"Can you believe that guy? ...What a smooth talker- good thing I’m not the type to fall for those things." Daring chuckled before diving into the bowl of grapes.

"That was Blanco de Bouve." Ahuizotl said. Daring spat out the grapes, making the fruit bounce off the wall.

"What? The jerk who sucker punched me?!" She growled, wiping the juice off her lips.

"And the one who disabled me," Ahuizotl mentioned with irritation in his voice. "He must be on his way to his homeland."

"That means...he has the pearl here!" She said, becoming ecstatic, but it was quickly shut down by Ahuizotl’s disapproving gaze.

"That is a possibility but… it is difficult to assume." He replied.

"Well there's one way to find out." Daring pushed aside the fruit bowl. "I would have to meet him for a drink… and after the week I've been having? I seriously need one."

"Yes, of course... you would accept an offer from a playcolt." She shot him a glare, not enjoying his tone.

"I think you need to stick your muzzle out of my business before I break it." Ahuizotl bit the inside of his cheek.

"He is nothing but a male looking to find an easy mare." He blurted out. She whirled at him.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" She hissed. Ahuizotl stood his ground, turning a blind eye from her. She felt her cheeks puffed up in anger and bewilderment at his words. "You really think I'd fall for a guy like that, just because he called me pretty?” Ahuizotl said nothing and Daring's voice became louder. “I don't think you know me as well as you think, Ahuizotl. Since you would know I don't care what any pony thinks about me. Especially from you!" She spat, her face red with a fury. Ahuizotl's mouth contorted in an angry scowl. "How dare you think that I am some sort of naive little filly!"

"He is the enemy!" He roared in retaliation, their muzzles almost touching.

"So are you!"

He pursed his lips. He could feel ever portion of his body shaking in unrelating frustration. He sputtered in irritation and grabbed his own mane, pulling it down. He desperately wanted to lock her in one of his dungeons, right now if he could! He also wanted to place that Blanco pony in a death trap. He felt his fur standing on end like a feral lion ready to pounce, ready to sink his teeth right into Blanco and shake him like a rag doll.
Daring noticed Ahuizotl eyes dilate in anger and how much he was trying to hold it together. She couldn’t help but recoil in disgust. Why does he care about what she does? She could do whatever she wants. But...She took a deep breath and massaged her temple. She did not want to fight with him; fighting just makes her tired in the end. She took a few deep breaths to become calmer- she really needed a drink.

"We… need to lighten up," she said softly, going up beside him. Ahuizotl looked at her with a frazzled look on his face. She elbowed him slightly.

"Let's go down to the bar… get some hard apple cider."

"What about Blanco? I thought you wanted a drink with him.” She rolled her eyes and shrugged.

"Not my type… I'm an expert archaeologist and treasure hunter who can find temples with a snap of a twig, and you’re a smart guy that could get through dangerous temples and somehow made a tribe of ponies to follow you… I think we can do some snooping around to see if the pearl is here or not." She grinned. "Besides… we might surprise Blanco." She winked.

"I could use a drink." Ahuizotl smirked. "And when night falls, we will look around the train when every pony is asleep."


"We are now leaving the Manehatten station, towards the city of Maris. Please enjoy the ride," said the male conductor over the intercom. Ahuizotl and Daring made their way towards the bar. Inside the train carts were other ponies enjoying their lunch on white clothed booths. Classical music was playing at the end of the room by three orchestra ponies, and the bar was made out of red oak, with every assortment of drinks set on glass shelves.Daring and Ahuizotl sat on the bar stools, seeing no sign of Blanco. The bartender went up to them. He was wearing a grey vest and had a handle bar mustache.

“What will it be, Miss? ...Wine? Red or white?”

“Give me two hard apple ciders on the rocks,” she replied.

“Are you sure?” the bartender questioned as he poured in the two shot glasses. “It is very strong.”

He slid the drinks towards them. Daring drank it down in one gulp, slamming the empty glass down. She let out an exhale of air. The bartender and Ahuizotl blinked in surprise.

“Yeah, I know. Let me have another.” The bartender glanced at Ahuizotl who glanced back at him. Daring tapped her hoof on the counter impatiently. “Come on, pour me another, I can take it.”

Ahuizotl looked at the drink in his hoof. He took one whiff and the smell of apples overwhelmed him. He took a gulp.
He immediately began coughing. The liquid stung his throat and made his eyes watered. He began having a coughing fit as he looked back at Daring who had finished her third shot and was going for a fourth. She let out a sigh, a tint of red appearing over her face as she elbowed the flabbergasted Ahuizotl in his side.

“Come on! Can’t take a little drink? Bartender… pour me another- actually just leave the bottle!” she said, grabbing the bottle like it was some sort of mystic treasure. Ahuizotl had never seen that side of her.

“Are you an… alcoholic?” he asked slowly, his voice hoarse from the horrible drink. The bartender gave him a glass of water, which he took gratefully. Ahuizotl did not want to experience another apple monstrosity. Daring let out a hearty laugh, making the ponies enjoying lunch turn towards her in a cringe.

“Of course not!” She laughed. “This is just my favorite brand; I could drink this whole bottle!... Do you dare me?” she grinned.

“I do not believe that is wise.”

"Do you not drink in your tribe?" She asked.

"I...find such things, trivial, and negative to one's mind and body." He said as she took another drink. She sniffed and nodded.

“You're right… better slow it down… slow, slow, slow.” She pours herself another glass. “Come on alcohol resistance, don’t fail me now.” That made Ahuizotl become nervous.

It wasn't long until she was dancing on the countertop.

“Oh~ ninety-nine bottles on the pyramid, ninety-nine bottles of mango juice! T-take one down, pass it around! Nine… ninety-nine bottles are still on the pyramid!”

Most of the ponies were laughing at the ridiculous sight while some cringed at her unsophisticated ways. Ahuizotl stood at the side, watching the embarrassing sight. Never in his years would he have thought of Daring as a drunk. He had never even drank two glasses of wine, and Daring had finished a whole bottle of her brand.
He regretted not bringing a camera.
The bartender leaned towards Ahuizotl, who was holding back his laughter.

“Maybe you should take her back to your suite to sleep it off before security comes… but feel free to come back- she’s a real laugh.” The bartender chuckled. Ahuizotl nodded accordingly; they couldn’t risk getting thrown off the train like riff-raff. He stepped off from his seat and grabbed Daring from behind, putting her over his shoulder.

“Come along, Miss Do. I think everypony has heard enough of your singing,” he said, heading back to their room calmly.

“Hey, where...are ve goinng?” She smiled, slurring her words slightly. She lifted the bottle up to her lips, then raised her brow when she found it empty.

“Shoot… gone already. Who drank the whole thing?"

"You did. Miss Do."

"It was that dirty cheater Conquista, wasn't it?" Daring muttered. "That's the last time I go out on a date with him. That hog, he’s not one to share." Ahuizotl silently listened as she continued talking to herself. "He owes me money, now that I think about it a-and Indiana! Where is he?” She said smacking Ahuizotl’s back as she looked around the hallway. He bounced her back to make her stop moving around. “That stallion said he was going to get me access to the gambling tables in Las Pegasus!” She placed her head lazily in between his shoulders and let out a sigh. “I really need the money, Indiana…” she groaned. “And no I will not be your date! You old coot!” She shouted at the air, her fist hitting Ahuizotl's shoulder again.She continued talking about ponies he had never heard of until they made it back to the privacy of their room. He threw her on the bed and locked the door. She moved on her side sluggishly, staring at Ahuizotl as she hugged the bottle.

“Who are you?” She muttered. “You look… familiar? Are you, uh… one of Ahuizotl’s goons?”

Ahuizotl let out a small chuckle. If he had known how she acted when drunk, he should have just offered her a drink. It would have made things easier. She would have been easy to capture.

“No, I am Ahuizotl, remember?”

“Ahui?... Why are you here?” She muttered. She felt something fall out of her coat and saw the golden ring attached to her necklace. “Hmmm… what’s this? How pretty.” She took it into her hooves lovingly, staring at her own reflection.
Ahuizotl sat down, letting out a yawn. He would have to stay awake to make sure she didn’t wander off. While it was amusing to see her confused and in a lighter mood, it put their plans for the pearl on hold, until she sobers up.

“I gave you that.” he answered.

“Yeah?... Are we married?” She asked softly. He let out a small grin.

“Yes, we are.”

“Are we on our honeymoon?”

“Of course we are, we are going to Maris.” He let out a soft chuckle. She let out a loud yawn, curling up against a plush pillow, abandoning her empty bottle.

“Hmmm… I always wanted to get married, how nice.” She let out a giggle, letting out a few hiccups while waving her hooves. “I remember, I remember, I liked the ring you gave me. It was a nice gesture engraving my real name into it.”

“Really?... Anything else you would like to say?” he pressed. It may be his last chance to get some real honesty out of her, and he wanted to milk it a little longer. She let out a frown, looking away from him.

“I watch you sleep…” she admitted. He blinked. He had expected something else, like an embarrassing secret. “I don’t know why… I sometimes watch you for an hour or two, before I could go back to sleep.”

He was usually a light sleeper- the act of her watching him should have woken him up.

“I’ve been doing that since the time you took the crown of Aruhabii.” She continued. She had been doing it for five years. How unfortunate and disturbing- where were his guards during this? “Sometimes… I even have nightmares about you.”

“What… types of nightmares?” he asked slowly.

“You know, you kidnapping me, sticking me in one of your stupid dungeons… and gloating, then you leave me, and then… I die.” she whispered. She let out a shudder, remembering a distant memory. He lowered his eyes to the ground. He had dreamed of getting rid of her, but she usually escaped from his dungeons and traps, no matter how flawless they could be. She escaped every time, semi-harmed, but alive. Why would she have these nightmares? She seemed so fearless on the outside.

“But not recently. I’ve been having some really nice dreams,” she smiled, tapping her forehead. “And even though your're annoying-” he frowned. “And arrogant…” he crossed his arms. “And a little slow.” S-slow?!

“You're alright.” she admitted.

Ahuizotl suddenly felt conflicted; from their time together, what did she mean to him? A fearless, intelligent, young mare with the eyes of flawless rubies that could strike his fearless warriors into submission. A mare that could navigate through the thickest of jungles, who could fight against his pets with one wing broken, and escape a collapsing temple with only seconds to spare. She is a worthy opponent, he admitted. He always admired the way she fought- always with a sense of grace and determination, with the power to stay calm during a life and death situation. The way she flicked her mane when she won an argument against him. The way her hips swayed and-

He hit himself, literally smacking his own jaw.

He staggered shaking his head.

No, they are enemies, and this ”partnership” did not change that. They would remain bitter enemies, fighting hoof to fist, forever, if needed. He still had his mission to conquer the land, and she would not deter him, not in the slightest. He stood up, getting a sense of determination and indifference as he went up to her.

“Just remember, Miss Do,” he said darkly. She blinked dumbly at him, seeing his canines. “You shouldn't be so trusting,” he sneered.

She put out her hoof to him and unexpectedly stroked his cheek. He reeled back, his ears becoming unbearably hot. She let out a small laugh from his reaction.

“You're cute when you get all serious,” She giggled. He felt his face grow hot from annoyance and embarrassment as his lips twisted into a scowl. She turned her back to him, her laughter dying and replaced by loud snoring. He rubbed his chest, moving his amulet slightly, as he watched her chest rise and fall, her delicate wings twitching slightly.

He placed his chin on the bedside, let out a sigh, and watched her sleep.


Blanco made his way to the front of the train in his private room, looking behind him to make sure no pony had followed him. Once it was clear, he slid the door open to his dimly lit room, making his way inside and locking the door behind him. He pulled open his coat, taking out a cigar from his pocket. His horn glowed, lighting the bud of the cigar as he placed it in between his lips, taking in the smoke. He blew out, watching the rings float towards a corner, before letting out a satisfying sigh.

“How long do you plan on hiding there?” he asked, finding a familiar griffon waiting patiently for him in the corner. She wore a long black dress. She had a white coat and a black eagle head with bright orange eyes. Her pupils dilated, her lion tail swinging side to side.

“What have you found out?” she asked, getting straight to the point of their conversation. He turned his head towards her.

“Two mares seem to be influenced by me, making them unusable to our employer, one with the last name Maynott and the other Kingsberg. There was one mare that I did not get the name from." He breathed in the cigar, the ember glowing brightly in the room before he blew another puff of smoke.

"But her lover is a jealous colt at best.” He let out a grin. “The way he looked at me, it looked like he had fixed my death. He even said something quite terrifying in his native language.”

“How… unfortunate,” she said slowly, with sarcasm in her voice. “A husband protecting his wife from a mareanizer? How unthinkable.”

“I asked her to have a drink with me,” he continued, “but instead brought her husband along… How annoying.”

“But they are lovely ladies…” he mentioned, tapping the cigar bud and making the ash fall on the tray on his nightstand. “Stole a kiss from the Maynott mare.”

She rolled her eyes at him.

“You are supposed to see if they are pure, not fool around in the baggage area.” she said sternly.

“How do you know of my secret place?” he said playfully, wiggling his eyebrows at her. “You are getting jealous, my Jem.”

“Jemina,” she emphasized, her eyes narrowed. “I am not interested in your antics, but I will get rid of the Maynott couple and Kingsberg before we reach Maris. I will just kick them out for something small.”

Blanco slid his way towards her, leaning on the wall beside her as he stared at her silently. She pressed her back against the wall, letting out a warning growl. He let out a satisfying smirk, breathing in his cigar and blowing out a heart-shaped puff of smoke. He lit his horn, making the smoke cloud glow orange.

“Begone, Blanco.” she growled, bearing her claws. Her wings flapped outward, making the smoke disappear. He let out a snicker and leaned back closer to her.

“To correct, you are in my room, but if you wish to stay, we can at least have a little fun, yes? ....My Jem.” He whispered into her ear. She let out a disgusted scoff, slapping his cigar out of his hoof before stomping out of his room, and shutting the door loudly behind her.

“Well!” he huffed, straightening his suit as he picked up his cigar. “That was foalish.”

Author's Note:

Thank you HoneyGlen for being my editor. ^_^

Sorry for the long wait, but here it is!
Thank you all for reading this far and please comment below or like it.

(Revised on Nov. 3 2018)