• Published 28th Dec 2013
  • 3,464 Views, 154 Comments

Daring Do and the search for the Winter Pearl - DemonWriterX

A new enemy have left Daring Do towards a new adventure and towards a dreaded old enemy.

  • ...


Daring Do CH 10

Dusk came quickly.

Daring and Ahuizotl were dressed in the finest attire money can buy or at least money that was given to them. Daring was in a tight fitted red gown that was so constricting that she thought she might not be able to stay conscious from the lack of air entering into her lungs. Her grey-scaled mane was up in a tight bun as she wore white diamond earrings. The soft balm of bright red lipstick moved across her lips in slow precision.

She let out a small scowl at the mirror. She looked so different when she gets all fancy. She could only hope that they don't get in the way once their plan comes together. Their plan is to get close to Petite, which will be Daring's job to "woo" him into following her after the party. Ahuizotl will provide the guards with a little bit of a distraction by telling them a half-flank lie that would make them leave their post but, this plan depends on where the pearl might be.

"You look beautiful-"

Daring blinked and looked at Ahuizotl from the mirror, finding his reflection standing behind her. He wore a black suit and tie, his mane was slicked back with gel and tied into a small pony-tail and on his right ear he had on a very familiar golden ring.

"Y-you're wearing the ring-on your ear?" she questioned. He shrugged his shoulder slightly making the ring shake slightly. "Mares wear their rings on their necks...males can too, but I prefer to have it on my ear." he smiles. “Much easier to see while I wear my amulet…”

Daring felt her chest tighten making her put up her hoof touching her own ring. She didn't know why she was feeling so...happy. She jumped slightly hearing a cork pop. She turned to see Ahuizotl holding the bottle of pink champagne in his hoof.

"Care for a drink before we head to the party?"

"Isn't it a bit early to be celebrating?" She chuckled walking up to him as he poured the sparkling drink into two small glasses.

"Eh-why not?" he smirked picking up his own glass, Daring mirrored back his expression as she takes her glass.

"Why not is right." she said. "Cheers-"

"Cheers-" Their glasses let out a small clang and they place their lips on the rim, the drink was cold and the taste sweet. It tasted as if they were drinking fresh pomegranate with a mixture of strawberry and lemonade. Daring smacked her lips on the peculiar sweet-tasting drink. It wasen't bad, in fact she wanted to have another glass. Ahuizotl cheeks puckered suddenly seeing the empty cup down letting out a satisfying sigh.

"This drink is very sour!" he exclaimed.


"Yes, it's very good, like coconut water mixed with many limes."

She let out a snort of laughter. "I guess we taste things a bit different than-come on, before we are late, you remembered the plan right?"

"Of course, what do take me for, a fool?"

She shook her head heading out the door. "Too easy."

The party was very elegant, the tables were dressed in white tablecloths with two chairs for each couple. The room was decorated with crystal chandeliers and the floors were riddled with rose petals. Every couple were dressed in their best, trying to out due the others. Daring scoffed slightly as she saw many mares hold out a small pout with their chins up high as they examined eachother's outfits.
Outlining the walls were glass cases inside them held each artifact that Petite was presenting. This drew Daring's attention as she was immediately drawn to the treasures. She was amazed and a little jealous of Petite's vass collection. She was surprised to have found The Emerald of Hishi, The staff of the magician, Eurio (which was over a ten-hundred years old). The pearl necklace of the Ancient Queen of Arabia, Ethea and The Hooflet of the Gladiator and Athere the ancient spear. The list grew as she walked down the line of cases, growing extremely envious with each artifact she analyzed.

"I can't believe Petite was able to get all of these artifacts..." Daring whispered to Ahuizotl, the irratance of her voice showing. "He even got The Amber Stone of the Great King, Unicornia!" she proclaimed loudly which prompted many harsh shh's from the other guests. She let out a small growl as she continued with a low whisper. "I was looking for that piece for months before I realized somepony else took it! and now I know who...."

"It must have cost him a fortune to get all of these mystical artifacts and-" he let out a loud gasp full of shock, bolting to a glass case three boxes down. She swiftly follows to find Ahuizotl's eyes wide with his face shoved against the glass.

"What? what is it?" Daring asked looking at the artifact.

"The Ahuizoten Amulet!" he exclaimed. It was a thick necklace decorated in gold with a large blue gem with red flakes inside it. It was a large necklace, too large for a regular pony to wear but perfect for someone like Ahuizotl. "This belongs to me!"

"Really?" she said arching a brow. There were many things that Ahuizotl thought that were "his".

"Well....it is in my birth-right but it is mine none less," Daring rolled her eyes. "when there were more species of Ahuizotl, the chiefs would wear this amulet as a sign of power, I thought it was lost forever...and yet, this pony has it!" He let out a irritable snarl. "I must take it back! It's part of my heritage!" he said lowly, all he needed to do was break the glass and run. Daring quickly grabbed his arm pulling him away.

"Later! right now we have more important things to do!" She said through her teeth as she struggled to pull Ahuizotl away from the case. She eyed the many security personnel who were stationed on each corner of the room and spread out on the floor. She did not want to get kicked out or gain any suspicion early.

She reeled back once she found the colt of honor, Petite, who stood right in front of her and Ahuizotl.

“How are you two enjoying the party?” he asked politely in a gruff tone. Daring immediately became tense by how silent he snuck up on them.

“It’s-amazing…” she said, holding a small smile. “Especially the artifacts...did you find them yourself?”

“No.” he admitted sternly. She blinked by his bold honesty. She expected him to lie like many other frauds she meet over her years as an archaeologist. “I’m not much of a hiker or explorer but I do love the history behind the artifacts which is why I hosted this party, to share the many fascinating stories behind each and every item.” he let out a small smile, almost in excitement. “History is fascinating, not every story is the same, it can be anything from discovery and loss, or romance and death.”

“Wow…” Daring breathed. “That’s exactly how I feel.” She smiled widely only to catch herself once Petite let out a chuckle.

“My, a kindred spirit...tell me are you an historian as well?”

She pulled at her collar slightly as he leaned in, almost staring right through her. “Well, in a way... but I do love history.”

“How wonderful, I am sure you will enjoy my new attraction for my mini-museum.”

“New attraction?” Ahuizotl spoke suddenly. Petite let out a small nod at him, he put out his hoof motioning to a server who swiftly came over to them. The same pink champagne was in small champagne glasses. Petite picked up a glass gently taking a small sip before Ahuizotl and Daring took one for themselves as Petite continues.

“Yes, I heard about a rare item which was a source of great power, the story behind it was so unbelievably extraordinary that I had to to have it with the collection.”

Daring and Ahuizotl glance at eachother before placing their empty glasses down on the server pony’s tray. They look back at Petite who was pre-occupied with Neve, who rushed swiftly to him and whispering (which was mixed with a bit of stammering) into his employer’s ear, who listened intently before moving his eyes back towards them.

“You two should find your table, I shall be unveiling it in an hour and dinner will be served as you take your seats. Neve please make sure everypony is….comfortable.” He pressed.

“Y-yes sir..” Neve muttered pulling at collar nervously before turning back to Ahuizotl and Daring who quickly gave him a polite smile.”H-hello again, Sir and Madam...umm I hope you are not too terribly bored.”

“No, we are fine.” Ahuizotl answered dryly finding the stallion's voice annoying. “We both enjoy this soiree...and its notable items.”

“Oh g-good-I’m not one for history, I’m more of a record-keeper and planner...like this party for one, Monsieur Petite likes to keep to himself, hosting a-a party like this must be putting a strain on him...h-he hides it well…”

“That’s interesting-” Daring said her eyes following Petite as he made his way behind the stage. “but he sure must know his history as well as...legends?”

“O-oh yes, he is neck deep in his readings....w-which is one of the r-reasons why he made me his right-hoof colt t-to plan this extravaganza, he wanted to share his new findings to other ponies...s-so u-unlike him, b-but it was nice to see h-him out and about..” Neve suddenly looked at his watch and his eyes went wide. "O-oh dear! The unveiling! I must go, p-please go and take your seats I shall warn the other guests."

He turned swiftly almost tripping over his own hooves as he beelined for the stage, disappearing behind the curtain.

"I suppose we should take our seats, something either preferable vantage point to see the pearl..." Ahuizotl mentions as he looked for the right spot among the many tables.

"There..." Daring motioned with a nod of her head, to the left side of the room. "There are no guards there and it's in the back..."

"Perfect-" Ahuizotl took a step forward. "We should sit and-...and..." He blinked rapidly, seeing the room spin and the colors turn to shade of pink. He suddenly felt a jab in his side snapping his vision back to normal.

"Hey, what's the matter?- you zoned out for a second..."

He rubbed his forehead and looked at Daring with a deadpanned look and muttered.

"Que paso? Eh ay..donde? Que? Mis ojos-"

"Whoa! Whoa-I don't understand- why are you talking like that?" She placed a hoof on his forehead only to retract it back from feeling an intense heat.

"Whoa! Hey!...you're burning up-don't tell me you got a cold?" She said with a small grumble. He pulled away and shook his head.

"I-I'm fine..no I am fine...it is just the room, I got-confused, for a moment." He rubbed at his eyes seeing dots of pink go by.

"You sure?" Daring asked tilting her head.

"Yes, of course." He pushed forward heading quickly to their table. He needs to focus on retrieving the pearl. He cringed seeing the pink dots come back. He shook his head ignoring the unbearable heat that began to fill his chest.
He was not fine.

Author's Note:

Here it is!
sorry for taking so long, but here it is and I hope you enjoy this chapter ^_^