• Member Since 24th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen May 28th

The Conflicted Writer


*Warning: This has a wimpy pony in diapers being told it's okay to be in diapers. If you don't like that, I ask you read this anyway, and tell me if it's tolerable.

Caramel is often described as being on the wimpy side. Not terribly strong, he constantly gets himself stuck in situations where he needs saving, usually by one of his employers, specifically the strong, powerful Big Macintosh.

Today was particularly bad, as his secret lifestyle of foal play snuk into his daily life when he forgot to take his precious pacifier out, and runs back to hide in his little world. One pony follows after him, though, and likes the little pony he finds there.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 29 )

Anyone will say its out of character 100%..... Fine with me :rainbowwild: because its random.

Pssssssst, the world is not consistent and is random. So yay.

Another fine piece of work from you my friend. You are probably one of the greatest padded pony authors on this site. You just have that natural charm that makes your stories feel all the more life like. :heart:

I'm not going to drown it in 'What The Fucks' of 'Disgusting', but I will say that this isn't right.
Once Big Mac went into the room and found out Caramel's secret, I thought that he was going to be fired. What are Big mac's and Caramel's relationship? Are they brothers, becouse if they were, than that would explain why he didn't run away disgusted by the notion of a stallion wearing a diaper, but it doesn't explain why he insisted on taking time out of his day and making Caramel think that he was supposed to be a foal. And honestly, that was the weirdest part. It is not what people expect from the big guy, and why was he convincing Caramel to be a foal? It's one thing to say it's okay, but it is another thing entirely to make him think that it is okay. The thought of Caramel being Bic Mac's competition came to mind, but it was clearly shown that Caramel wasn't competition. What are his motives?

I like it. Random + carmelmac= wtfdijr (what the fudge did i just read) +omg soo cute!

3696929 Big Mac is a very deep and thoughtful character. He can see the hidden depths in Caramel and knows that the stallion is trying too hard to be something he's not.

3697002 I saw that, but you took it a bit too far with the hugging that lasted about three quarters of the entire story. If he was thoughtful than he would help Caramel realize that he was a good stallion, maybe compare him to some of the other workers. Maybe they could barely buck an apple tree, something, anything to get his mind off of his fetish.And it hurt to go through the entire story watching Big mac force Caramel to become nothing more than a burden. Caramel doesn't want that, no one wants to be a burden.

3697017 He pointed out what uses Caramel had. He was just trying to get Caramel to realize he didn't need to compare his own self worth to Big Mac's. And if being a foal was the only way to make him realize that then it was what he had to do.

Still, you want to make your reader uncomfortable, not down right disgusted.
Again, I don't want to offend anyone who has this kind of fetish, but people don't take that kind of thing likely.
Big mac would have been more stern, telling Caramel why it was wrong in a gentle but strong tone. He would take command of the situation yes, but not in the way you portrayed.
And I was actually thinking about him doing that before he hugged him. The story was great up until the moment Big mac hugged Caramel.
Let me explain, Caramel and Big mac aren't brothers. Big mac was raised in such a way that strength and pride in your work are the right things. Seeing Caramel like he was should have given him at least a moment's pause before he made his action. He would sit Caramel down and tell him why this is wrong.

I liked this. Big Mac handled it very maturely. One of my favorite things about this was that it wasn't just something fetishy, but more of a psychological desire.

What was that,

What was what,

As the diaper was laid flat while he carefully slipped his tail through the tailhole as he sat down on the padding and covered himself with rash cream and sweet-smelling foal powder, Caramel felt like none of those things.

This sentence feels like one huge run on sentence. I suggest breaking it up.

Overall, I liked it, save for the gay parts. That's just a personal preference, as I'm still iffy on reading such things, although it didn't stop me from finishing reading. Definitely a cute story! And to be honest, I would have fav'd this if not for the aforementioned part. But with that being said, this story is quality material, so it gets a like and it gets you a follow, in the hopes that more diaper fics of the same level of quality will come soon. And as for Big Mac, while some may see that he acted "out of character," how do we really know his character when he know so little about his personality? I loved seeing a softer side of him that the show doesn't really talk about, and I think you portrayed it well.

Thank you for pointing those out. >_<

And, hey, who said it was gay? I never wrote it with the intention of them being lovers. They're father and foal. :raritywink:

3697932 It just came off as such, especially since you didn't include words like "daddy" or other similar things.

For example, if you had had Caramel ask, "Can I call you Daddy?" or something similar, you would have made sure that others would not have thought the wrong thing. So with that being said, and realizing that this is not a gay shipping story, have a fav. :twilightblush:

3697932 And if you want a good editor for future diaper fics, just ask; I'd be more than happy to lend a hand.

... I have the overwhelming urge to go cuddle a plushie after reading this. I feel so warm and fuzzy! :heart:

The story was a piece of "Don't care, just enjoying myself" fluff that he posted here because he figured other people in the fetish group would like it. With some tweaking it could certainly make a boatload more sense, but that would have defeated the one-and-done motive behind this.

I do think he should have said as much in the story description alongside the disclaimer, though. It would certainly have avoided some of the confusion.

Very nice story, I really love. :raritystarry: I will read to my girlfriend at the hospital I'm sure she is as adorable as it me. :pinkiehappy: 1 green thumb and more favorites
Continue story you have lots of talent and 1 fan :twilightblush:

mmmm dem daawwwwss......

Not gonna lie, this was adorable :pinkiesad2:

You know, Caramel always did strike me as kind of a softie. This would explain a lot.

Another fine piece of work, my friend.
The contrast of Big Macintosh and Caramel... Well. I'll try to be brief and professional here, if y'all don't mind. :twilightsmile:

First of all, as it was mentioned before me, Big Mac is an incorporation of 'work hard and be proud with that' principle. Indeed, all we know of him is that he's a laconic one, hard-working and extremely reliable. But, as much as it is, everything in the world needs to be balanced with its opposition.
Such is Caramel: not the best of stallions, soft, even wimpy a bit, trying to take after his role model, and when he fails to do so, he runs for protection into his own world - the foalhood, well, adult foalhood. So, it is only natural that somehow BM would comfort him - the principle of opposites attracting.
The idea is pretty much the same - as in both 'Feelings' and 'Always Save The Document'. These are a 'foal' and a 'caretaker' roles, much the same. Only the circumstances are different somewhat, and of course, the characters. But - feels great, as usual.
Only that it's not provoked any urges to cuddle to something, only to place a review. I'm such a Mr. Dryasdust. Sorry. :ajsleepy:

Thumbs up, of course.

WHAT THE FUQ.... Any way good story

is it wrong that i actually teared up over the adorableness of this? if it is, i don't wanna be right :yay:

ALL OF MY HUGS!!! :heart:

Good story and being true to yourself is good then saying it not you. I had the same problem with it but I learned that you have to be yourself no matter what somepony says.

3696929 Eh. It's just a fetish. People like what they like.

I don't like adult foal stories and I dislike Caramel/Big Mac shipping. This story made me like them both. Bravo.

This story hits so close to home for me that it is absolutely astounding.

My 'disability' has me always coming off to others as 'weak', 'lesser', and all sorts of things I really don't like as, golly, I want to be seen as an equal and not as a someone who is around to humor a 'hiring requirement'.

Unfortunately my luck has been very terrible and, like caramel in this story, I find peace in my situation when I can be a 'foal' on my own terms. I wish not to be put down by others. If people can't see me for more than my total blindness than they will never know the real me. I also will never be 'the real me' until I can find where I belong that I can give my talents in a way that helps others.

The exchange between big Mac and caramel reminds me of a deep desire I have. I really and truly want to be held in a warm embrace, shushed, and patted on my padding and rubbed upon my back. I want to feel 'safe' without having to constantly push back all the darkness that figuratively swarms around me due to having to battle with society to be seen as more than a helpless blind guy.

Caramel doesn't want to be seen as weak. However the way you got Big Mac to talk with him made me realize something I need to better ingrain into myself. This being how I am a 'foal' and how it is what makes me feel 'happy' and 'in control' in a world that would constantly make me seem like less of an adult male.

I grew up in Small Town USA and, as you'd guess, my limited vision provided me more teasing and taunts than anyone should go through. I also know, as Caramel noted in the beginning, how there were 'triggers' that brought him to this point.

Only recently have I invested in a pacifier / soother. They really and truly work! They also keep you from 'stress-grinding' your teeth when under stress. :)

Something I'd like to experience is being swaddled and left to rest with the sounds of one of those Fisher Price Bubbly Seahorses. The bubbles and classical music mix is very soothing and, for me, having a pacifier keeps me from ever feeling I need to say anything. Being swaddled, held close, or in the embrace of someone also helps me to feel 'safe'.

So, I compliment you on this work as it is definitely one that I can relate with. :)

I really did enjoy this. ❤️ I think that Big Macintosh’s dad would be proud of the kind and caring stallion that Big Mac has grown to be. And I actually really took to heart what he said about how there are different ways of being strong. Thank you for writing this wonderful story. :)

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