• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 5,051 Views, 83 Comments

Mommy? - Alicornian

As Nightmare Moon is defeated Twilight gains an unexpected surprise. A Foal!

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Chapter 1: Eight Months ago

Chapter 1: Eight Months ago

Our story starts about eight months ago during the Baking incident. Who am I you ask? Well… you’ll find out later. It all started with just that incident. Nurse Redheart and the Doctors on hoof had had stomach issues before with a bad pastry before but never this bad! It was near an epidemic and they needed help magical help. They needed Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic to help them with this. Once she arrived and the situation was explained Twilight instantly got to work but… a bit slower than normal and was done fully by the use of magic nothing else.

“You alright Twilight?” Nurse Redheart asked worried.

“I’m fine Nurse Redheart; I just haven’t been able to keep anything done for a while.” Twilight responded.

Nurse Redheart’s eyes widened at this. “Come with me.” She heard Twilight sigh behind her and led her to Dr. First-aid’s medical office. He was a good doctor and the children loved him. He was also the only maternity doctor the Care Center had on staff at the time.

“Really I’m fine, I just have some stomach flu or something, and it’ll pass.” Twilight said before being given a thermometer.

“Hold that under your tongue please.” Redheart said as she pulled out a fresh file. They didn’t have Twilight’s medical history yet so they would need the file for a bit. After a fill minute the thermometer came out and checked. “Hmm, your temp is normal. When did the stomach issues start?”

Twilight sighed. “I can’t hide it anymore can I?”

Nurse Redheart turned her head and looked to Spike. “Please leave, I’ll take care of her.” Spike wanted to argue but nodded and went outside, he knew girl talk when he saw it. “Well?”

Twilight looked down. “Three months ago, after our fight with Nightmare Moon.”

Nurse Redheart marked it in the new file. “Can you describe the symptoms for me?”

Twilight sighed and nodded. “Throwing up, weird cravings, I’m sometimes a bit crossed with Spike, and my Magic has gotten a bit well… stronger lately.”

Nurse Redheart blinked at her. “Excuse me but could you repeat the last one for me?”

Twilight sighed. “My magic has gotten stronger lately.”

Redheart nodded at this and sighed. She was afraid of this. “Twilight, stay here while I speak with the doctor. Also…” She handed over a small medical cup to her. “I believe you know what to do.” Twilight gulped as the nurse left the room. Sighing she looked to find Dr. First-aid on his way. “Doctor, we need to talk a bit before you head in.”


Twilight sighed as she awaited the doctor and wondered… just what was wrong with her. She’d never been this sick before nor had she ever had such weird cravings. It was so… different and frightening to her. Soon her attention was brought up to see Dr. First-aid trot into the room. “Twilight Sparkle correct?” She nodded. “I’m Dr. First-aid. You may have heard of me.”

Twilight’s jaw drop before saying in shock, “But you’re a foal doctor! I’m not… I can’t be I wasn’t with anyone!”

Dr. First-aid held up a hoof. “Easy now Miss Sparkle, yes I’m a maternity doctor but still a doctor none the less. Now before we begin I need to run a quick test then we’ll talk.” Twilight shivered and slowly nodded. After a bit of magic from the Unicorn Doctor he soon turned to Twilight and sat down with a sigh.

“Miss Sparkle, the symptoms you gave us are very similar to that of a pregnant mare and as much as I would rather be telling you happily that you’re a mother… I feel there is more to this than we both know so… please let us help you.”

Twilight looked down to the bed she was on and nearly cried. She was never with a Stallion or another Unicorn mare. “I’m… I… alright doctor.” She said in a small voice.

“It’s okay Miss Sparkle. Now I’m going to try and figure out what is going on and if you can try and fill in the blanks, alright?” Twilight nodded sadly. “Your three months pregnant. Somehow you were impregnated without knowing it and at a very fast rate normally the foal wouldn’t be at the point it is now unless it was conceived through magic alone. This can be done in many ways but the most common was not used at all as you already told me. You started having morning sickness the very night you became pregnant yes?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, it was right after our fight with Nightmare Moon. I felt sick and threw-up right after going to bed. I thought it might have been from been from eating too much at the return party.”

The doctor nodded at this. “What exactly did you eat there if you’re able to tell me?”

Twilight nodded slowly. “Pinkie Pie’s cupcakes, Applejack’s apple pies, tarts, crisps, chips…”

The doctor blinked at the amount of apple based items Twilight had eaten that night. “So you’ve been craving apples and apple based treats?”

Twilight nodded and her stomach soon agreed growling. “Ah he, he, um, can I have something to eat please?” The doctor nodded and asked one of the nurses to get an apple for her. “Now, it wasn’t till that night you became sick?” Twilight nodded. “Hmm, I’m guessing you must have gotten pregnant before or during the party. Who where you with that night we may need to do a small test to see who the other parent is.” Twilight sighed and named everyone she could remember being with that night. From Pinkie Pie all the way to Celestia and Luna. “I’m not sure about the Princesses Miss Sparkle but if they were with you they would need to be present for the tests as well.” Twilight nodded and just laid herself down. This was far too much for her to handle at the moment. She was a mother, an unmarried mother, and someone, her friends, her sister and sister, could be the secondary parent, it was just too much. “Go ahead and rest Ms. Sparkle. You’ve had a long day and a lot put on you. We’ll contact everyone you listed and run the test while you sleep. Don’t worry, it’s a very simple procedure and you won’t feel a thing.” Twilight nodded as she slowly tried to get some much needed rest.


The next morning Dr. First-aid came into Twilight’s room with the results and a very perplexed look. “Something wrong doctor?” Twilight asked as she looked at him.

“Well yes and no. We got the test results back and well… it’s a bit on the confusing side.” The doctor responded.

“How so?” Twilight asked tilting her head.

“Well… the test came back a positive on the secondary parent. Now don’t get upset but the secondary parent is a mare.”

Twilight instantly turned red. “But… but…”

Dr. First-aid raised a hoof gently to explain. “Now Ms. Sparkle I must inform you that this form of parentage is quite normal and does happen from time to time. Now what do you know from your medical classes revolving around mating?”

Twilight blushed at this. “Um well…”

Dr. First-aid listened as Twilight explained the classes lessons through frowned a bit at the end. “They never teach this in school. I may need to send a few dozen requests to Princess Celestia about such classes. Now I’m going to inform you about mating with Mares. Also I’m going to give you some pamphlets on parenting. Now, normally Mares need to be with a Stallion to produce a foal however there are other options for a mare who have no interest in Stallions. The first is for Earth Ponies, it’s called artificial impregnation. Basically we place a fertilized egg inside the accepting mother and leave it there. Now the same can be done for Pegasus Ponies as well but there is another way for them as well. We have a potion that allows a Pegasus to gain a foal with their preferred mate by placing one of their wing feathers into the potion and allow the mother to drink the potion. With-in twenty-four hours the mother will become pregnant and like the other we leave it at that. Now, before I go on I’d like to inform you that these two methods were not used on you Ms. Sparkle. Not at all.” Twilight nodded at this gulping. “The last method is for Unicorns like yourself Ms. Sparkle can become pregnant through one of multiple spells. One of the most common is horn insertion. It’s like a mare and stallion but done with the horn. Now again this method was not used on you however one of the other magical methods could have been used. They haven’t been used in many years so a bit of research will need to be done. Now that this is out of the way I’ll well get to the confusing results.” Twilight leaned a bit forward in anticipation… and worry. “It’s not a mare that got you pregnant Ms. Sparkle, its Mares.”

Twilight gasped at this. “But, how?! That cant’ be possible!”

Dr. First-aid nodded. “I agree but we did the test three times with a fourth on my request. It was the same each time. Your friends and amazingly one of the Princesses are the secondary parents of your foal.”

Twilight looked down worried. “Which… which princess doctor?” Dr. First-aid sighed and handed over the clipboard with the results resulting in Twilight giving a deep gasp of shock!

To Be Continued