• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 5,052 Views, 83 Comments

Mommy? - Alicornian

As Nightmare Moon is defeated Twilight gains an unexpected surprise. A Foal!

  • ...

Chapter 4: Five Months Ago

Chapter 4: Five Months Ago

“Hi Twilight!” Derpy Hooves called out as she approached Twilight who was having Spike help her open up the Library.

“Oh, hello Derpy how you?” Twilight said smiling at yet another of her friends. Actually one of her more brilliant friends, even if she was a bit clumsy at times. It was really her fault for it, it was because of one of her instructors in Flight School that caused the bright minded Pegasus. It was also why her eye was like it was, the instructor was still being pursued for compensation and soon to be giving magical surgery. The Flight School had already giving in to paying for the surgery.

“How’s the baby?” Derpy asked trotting up to her, with a set of heavy mail bags.

“Well it’s behaving. I think it’s finally settling down to the foods I like.” Twilight said looking to her much larger stomach. She was now six month pregnant and was finally under control of mood swings and she didn’t have a much issue with morning sickness then she had.

“That’s good. I remember Dinky being the same way when I was having her.” Derpy said with a happy sigh before she remembered her task. “Oh right!” Derpy nudged her mailbags open and pulled out the mail meant for Twilight, even taking the time to check each letter was to go to the right pony, and handed them over.

“Thank Derpy. Tell Dinky I said hi.” Twilight said using her magic to give the mail to Spike.

“I will. Take care.” Derpy said before trotting off.

“So what we get Spike?” Twilight asked heading to the kitchen for some banana nut muffins.

“Well,” Spike said going over the letters, “you got another invite by Pinkie for a party, you got a set of coupons from the Spa Ponies, and this.”

Twilight came out of the kitchen with her food putting it down only long enough to take the letter. “It’s… it’s the results of the tests!”

Spike eyes widen at this. “So you’ll know who the foal’s other parent is?”

Twilight slowly nodded gulping as she slowly opened the letter. “D-Dear Ms. Sparkle, the results of your test show that the second parent to your young foal is…”


Pinkie sighed as she looked at the letter from the Care Center. She was so looking forward to being a Mommy. They could play dress up, have parties, go for walks, have parties, be a family, and did she forget to mention that they could have parties as well? Yet… “Oh Pinkie, I know you wanted to take care of some foals but… well…” Mrs. Cake said looking the letter to Pinkie and herself over. “Pinkie… Carrot and I have something to tell you.”

Pinkie looked up to her two parental figures and sniffed. “Pinkie… Mrs. Cake and I are going to be parents.” Mr. Cake said gaining a loud gasp and hug from her. “This… this is the best day ever.” Pinkie said crying into their shoulders.


Applejack sighed as she read the letter in her personal cabin. It was just as big as the Crusader’s club house but it was designed to have a wood burning stove inside along with a few other items which made it hers. Sighing she opened the letter and fell over into her pile of bed pillows. “I’m… I’m not it. I’m not the second.” Applejack sighed at this relieved yet… disappointed as well. Thinking it over she… wouldn’t have minded being the other parent, even if it was to another mare’s foal. She liked Twilight as a good friend and she always stood by her friends. It was just how her Granny would have taken the news.

Sure Twilight was attractive but… Applejack sat bolt right in shock. “Where did that come from?” she asked herself. Shaking her head she laid back into her pillows and looked to the letter once again. Did she really want to be the second parent to Twilight’s foal? Thinking it over… no. No she didn’t. Sure she and her Granny would need to have a serious talk about it but… wouldn’t somepony else have been better? Someone like… Rarity or… Rainbow? Gulping she decided that it was best to get back to work. And fast.


Rarity could not believe it, well actually she could. She looked the letter over and sighed. In a way she was disappointed yet in another way she was relieved. She… wasn’t the second parent. She was willing to give her time to help Twilight raise the young foal but… she wasn’t really sure she could handle being a mother. When her little sister Sweetie Belle was born she was more than a hoof full, she was a miniature stampede. Magical surges, uncontrolled magic, the works, and well she was still surprised her parents hadn’t broken down crying the entire time.

She knew there were times she did when she was asked to watch Sweetie Belle when they were making dinner, and along with dinner which was always an odd experience. Still she dearly loved her little sister but… right now she wasn’t ready to be a mother. She placed the letter down and sighed. Putting it back into its envelope she carried up to her room and placed it in her side table drawer and pulled out a picture frame. Sighing she flipped it over in her hooves and smiled at it.

It was the newest picture she had gotten of her hidden crush. It was the latest fashion magazine and the only picture ever published of her. “Oh my love… will you… accept me?” Rarity asked to the picture of her shy crush.


Fluttershy sighed as she read the letter from the Care Center. Though she wanted to be a mother… she wasn’t going to be now. “I’m not the second parent.” She said quietly to herself. Though she had cried over the decision of who she wanted to be her special somepony she had finally made her decision should the letter ever say she wasn’t. Sighing she tried to pull as much courage as she had to finally ask her crush out on a date. She was ready… to ask Rarity out.


Rainbow paced her cloud home, the letter from the Care Center on her bed. Was it filled with good news, bad news, was she it, was she not it, she… she was scared. She was really, really scared. “What do I do, what do I do, what do I do?!” she said finally dropping to the floor and placing her hooves over her head. If it was good news that they found out who was Twilight’s Special Somepony is that would be good right? But what if they didn’t find out who it is and they all have to be tested again? If she was that Special Somepony wouldn’t that mean she’d have to give up trying to be a Wonderbolt? And if she wasn’t than how was she to know if the foal was going to be raised right and not abandoned… like she was. She didn’t want that. She didn’t want anypony to have to go through what she did.

She hadn’t told anyone this but… she was an orphan. Placed into the Cloudsdale Home for Forgotten Foals before she could even remember. Once she could finally read and write she was on her own. No caretaker to watch over her, no caretaker to say it was okay when she had a nightmare, no caretaker to say she was truly loved. Just ponies who wanted to make some bits not caring how bad some of the other foals treated her or even how some of the caretakers even treated her. It wasn’t till she was able to save enough bits to go to Flight School that she actually had it a little better.

She had friends and she had the sky but that was it. When it came to food she had to scrounge all over the place for bits to eat with, when it was time for bed only a single cloud or a night with Fluttershy was enough, when she was picked on only she could handle it… and it was the worse to ever grow up with. Only having a single dream being her only guide, only push, only goal, in her lonely life. It was why she came to Ponyville, to not be alone anymore.

Here she had friends who liked her for being her, here she had a place to put her head down when she was making her home, here she had a way to make a honest living, but there was always something missing for her here. Family. She didn’t have that family she’s always wanted here. A mom. A dad. Maybe even siblings. It was all she ever wanted… and she still couldn’t find them. So… what was she to do now? Sighing she got back up and took the letter gulping.

“Here goes…” she said ripping the envelope open. Gulping she took the letter out and slowly began reading. “Dear Ms. Dash, the results of the test on Ms. Twilight Sparkle show that… you’re one of the two mares to be the second parent to Ms. Sparkle’s young foal!” Rainbow read the letter again and… passed out.


Princess Celestia and her sister Princess Luna looked to the two letters before then nervously. For months they had been waiting for this news. For months each had to walk on thin ice around each other or begin a bout of tears for the stress of being not only co-regents but also possible mates to somepony very special in their lives, Twilight Sparkle. “You… you go first sister.” Luna said nervously.

“I-I insist it be you Luna… I’m… too scared to open mine.” Celestia confessed equally nervous.

“Then…. On three?” Luna offered gulping.

“On… on three.” Celestia said raising the letters with her sister before them.

“O-one.” Luna said gulping.

“T-two.” Celestia said beginning to perspire.

“Three!” both said at the same time opening their letters at the same time.

Both opened their eyes to look at the news. Celestia sighed at what she saw. She wasn’t her dear Twilight’s mate. Looking up to tell her sister the good news she soon noticed her sister completely still. “Lulu?” Celestia asked using her childhood nickname for her. She slowly trotted around her sister to look at the letter and gasped. “Dear Princess Luna of Equestria, if is my solemn duty to inform you that due to the test results of one Twilight Sparkle, Faithful Student to Princess Celestia of Equestria, your sister, have confirmed that you and one other are the Second parents to Ms. Twilight Sparkle’s foal. We wish you congratulations and hope that you and your now growing family well.” The letter read shockingly.

“I’m… I’m…” Luna started to say slowly gaining tears. Celestia slowly nuzzled her sister’s cheek to calm her before she turned to her sister hugging her and with a pleased voice spoke, “I’m her special somepony Tia. I and one other are the foal’s parents.”

Though this shocked her greatly Celestia sighed and pulled her sister away from her smiling gently. “You like her don’t you?” Luna nodded at this blushing.

“She freed me from Nightmare Moon, she was the only pony in Ponyville to not be afraid of me and even helped me understand why I was scaring everyone when no one else did. She's… so kind, she wanted to be my friend even after all the trouble I had caused. I… Yes. I really like her sister. Please, please don’t be upset by this.” Luna confessed crying happily.

“I can never be upset with you Lulu. And I’m pleased you’re willing to accept this so willingly. It shows you truly thought this out.” Celestia said nuzzling her sister once again.

“But Tia, who’s the other parent?” Luna asked confused.

Celestia looked the letter over and blinked. “It, does not say. Looks like you will have to travel to Ponyville and find out yourself. However… I think it’s best we inform Twilight of your arrival first before you leave.” Luna nodded to this pulling a scroll, ink, and quill to herself to begin a hasty letter.


Twilight watched patiently outside her door for the arrival of the two in her letters. The first letter was from the Care Center which stated that Rainbow Dash and Princess Luna was the foal’s other parents. Three parents… her foal would have three parents, one of which was a Princess. A Princess of Equestria and sister to her beloved teacher Princess Celestia. Was it even… right for her to have two other mates? Looking back inside to the Book of Equestrian Laws Vol. 1,000 she remembered a piece in it stating something about Herds. She was only able to give it a glance since the letter stating that Princess Luna was on her way after gaining the news prevented her from reading it all. Right after she had sent a letter to her friend Rainbow Dash stating that she wanted to see her and to talk. Sighing she searched the skies for the tail tale signs of the two, Luna’s Chariot and Rainbow’s rainbow streak in the sky.

Not seeing them she sighed and began her slow trot back inside when she began hearing wings flapping and a set of chariot wheel’s spinning. Looking out she smiled as she spotted a black chariot slowly coming in to land before her home and even further out a rainbow streak flying her way. The Chariot set down first as Rainbow Dash had to fly around the Library before landing. “Thank you my guards. You may go now, I will be fine here on my own.” Luna said to her guard who looked at her reluctantly but nodded once they had spotted Rainbow and Twilight.

“Yes ma’am.” Both guards said before taking off back towards the castle.

“Um, hi Twi.” Rainbow said setting down.

“Hi Rainbow, Luna, um… mind coming inside?” Twilight said looking down a bit.

“Yes, please.” Luna said smiling.

“Um, yeah sure.” Rainbow said behind her.

Twilight led her two… friends inside. “Um Spike mind getting us some drinks please?”

Spike looked up from his current gem work, this time a Lunar Sapphire, and nodded. “Sure Twilight. Um what should I get?”

“Tea for me if you would please dear Spike.” Luna said smiling.

“Um, Apple Juice?” Rainbow asked nervously.

“Sure, and I’ll get you some too Twilight.” Spike said going to get the drinks.

“He’s quite helpful.” Luna said watching the small dragon.

“Yes, after he found out he’s been very helpful. I think he’s excited to be an uncle.” Twilight said watching Spike go not looking the two in the eyes. Sighing, she finally got started. “So… you got the news?” Twilight asked cautiously.

“Yes, Twilight and… are you alright with this?” Luna asked a bit concerned.

“What about you?” Twilight asked worried. “Won’t this affect all of Equestria? And what about Princess Celestia? Won’t she… won’t she be angry?” Rainbow gulped at that.

“No Twilight. We already talked it over and she is only worried about how you are about this. I… I’m actually happy I’m one of the second parents.” Luna confessed blushing.

“What, but… You mean…” Twilight said shocked.

“Twilight, I am unsure how I and my fellow parent had made you a mother but know that no matter what I’m going to be there for you and… and our foal.” Luna said blushing more.

“T-thank you.” Twilight said smiling.

“I-I got the news too.” Rainbow said nervously.

“Rainbow?” Twilight asked worried.

“I’m… really the second parent right? The other one?” Rainbow asked worried.

Twilight went up to her friend and looked her in the eyes. “Rainbow, are you okay?” Rainbow nodded then shook her head then just broke down crying grabbing onto her friend for support. “Rainbow…” Twilight said holding her friend. Luna came over and held Rainbow as well as she cried. She was not expecting her fellow parent to become so upset about all of this. She was so happy to be Twilight’s mate that… she over looked that she wasn’t the only other parent Twilight’s foal would have.

“Rainbow what is wrong?” Luna asked worried for her co-parent.

Sniffling she looked to the two. “It’s just…” Rainbow looked down and sighed. “It’s just that… I don’t know how to be a parent.”

Twilight sighed at this. “Rainbow if this is all that’s worrying you, I don’t know how to be a parent either but… that won’t stop me from doing my best.”

Rainbow looked down at this. “I… Twilight I…” Rainbow sighed as she looked the Princess and her friend over. “I have to confess something to you. Both of you. But… not now. You have an appointment right?” Twilight wanted to press for more what she meant by confession till Luna stepped forward.

“Very well Rainbow. Whenever you are ready we’ll be here for you.” Rainbow looked to Luna at this and smiled.


“Well it looks like you’re doing much better than you where Ms. Sparkle.” Dr. First-aid said smiling.

“That’s good.” Twilight said sipping some grape juice.

“Let’s see here,” Dr. First-aid looking Twilight’s file over, “you’ve already contacted the others good, and you’re about six months into you’re pregnancy. That’s good and means we might actually be able to tell you what you’re foal might be.”

Twilight blinked at this and gulped down a large sip of juice. “Can… can the other be here for it?”

The Doctor nodded at this. “Only the other parents though. I’m sorry but the room we do this in isn’t that big.”

Twilight nodded at this and sighed. “Alright.”

The doctor nodded at this and looked to his schedule book. “I can set you up for a sonogram spell the first of next month at ten in the morning, is this fine?”

Twilight thought on this. “Can we call the others in and see if their free for it?”

Dr. First-aid nodded and went to the door. “If you would step inside please?” Princess Luna and Rainbow slowly trotted inside and sat beside Twilight.

“Is she alright Doctor?” Luna asked nuzzling Twilight.

“Oh she’s quite well Princess. Why you’re here is to confirm when you can all be here for a sonogram spell. I’m open for the first of next month at ten in the morning. Is this fine for you?” the doctor asked looking the three over.

“I believe I can be free for that. What say you Rainbow?” Luna replied looking to her.

Rainbow looked at the doctor for a moment and sighed. “Um, yeah. Yeah it’s fine.”

The doctor nodded and lead the small group out. “Alright then, I’ll see you then.” The girls nodded at this till Rainbow stopped and looked to the doctor again. She then looked to the girls. “Hey Twi, Luna, I’ll catch up okay?” The two looked to Rainbow then nodded.

“Alright Rainbow. Um Luna can we eat at the castle. I’d… like to see Princess Celestia if that’s okay.” Twilight said then asked.

“Certainly. I’ll contact my sister and have her send for my Chariot. We’ll wait for you Rainbow.” Luna said gently.

“Um, thanks.” Rainbow replied giving a nervous smile. Once the two left the entrance of the Care Center Rainbow turned to Dr. First-aid. “Um, can we talk doc?”

The Doctor nodded at this and guided her back into the room then closed the door. “I’m guessing this is about the test results?”

Rainbow sighed and nodded at this. “That and one other thing.”

The Doctor sat down at this and pulled out Twilight and Rainbow’s file. “I see. Well let’s start at the easiest. The test results right?” Dr. First-aid asked looking at her.

“Um, yeah sure.” Rainbow said nervously.

“Ms. Dash, for the past few months we’ve been running every kind of test we could on Ms. Sparkle’s samples and after a grand total of six months we’ve found that you and Princess Luna are the second parents. From what we can tell Princess Luna was the catalyst, the stimulus, or medium for your DNA’s to create the foal. Now this could result in any combination of foals. We’ve only seen this in Earth Pony and Pegasus parentage. Often they request the help of a Unicorn to help in the creation of a foal. This sometimes results in any one of the three average pony types however…” Dr. First-aid said gaining a gulp from Rainbow.

“However?” she asked worried.

With a sigh Dr. First-aid looked to Rainbow seriously. “However this can also result in mixed results. Earth Ponies with unusually power inner magic, Unicorns with affinities for the sky or wind magic, and Pegasus that are born with an small nub for a horn that grants them bouts of uncontrolled magic from time to time. These are the positives though.” Rainbow gulped at this. “There… are negative results as well.” Dr. First-aid confessed.

“Negative Results?” Rainbow asked.

“We’ve only had a few cases like this but I’ve been helping them every step of the way. The first is a Winged Earth Pony. Sadly though they look like a Pegasus they don’t have the natural magic Pegasus do that allow them flight or cloud walking. We’ve treated this with blood and magic injections as well as give them special bit of clothing that allows them to live normal Pegasus lives. The second is Unicorns with no magic at all. They’re mainly Earth Ponies with no magic at all. This is very rare and there are only two cases of this in our medical history books. They’ve been treated for this with magic injections as well and have done quite well. The last is very rare but does happen.” Dr. First-aid explained.

“What’s that?” Rainbow asked worried. “Pegasus-Unicorns or Horned Pegasus.” Dr. First-aid replied sighing.

“Horned Pegasus?” Rainbow asked confused.

“Yes,” Dr. First-aid replied looking to her, “this often results in a, ahem, false Alicorn. They have the wings and horn like a Alicorn but sadly they either don’t have the Pegasus natural magic, the natural magic of a unicorn, or are sadly a bit of the lean side do to them not having enough Earth Pony magic in them. It’s rare but there have been some cases of this in the past.”

Rainbow’s eyes widened at this in fear. “Is… is there a way to treat that?”

Dr. First-aid smiled kindly and nodded at this. “Yes. The same treatment as the others. Magic and Blood injections. This has helped them greatly. Also to make sure those that wish for a foal doesn’t end in this result of needed these injections we often treat the parent far before the birth to be sure they have a happy and healthy foal. That’s what we’ve done for now with Ms. Sparkle. Food, drink, and medication is given to them for this.”

Rainbow just looked to the doctor angrily. “So you already knew?!”

Dr. First-aid shook his head. “No but we do know the symptoms. There is a chance we may have been wrong we won’t know till the sonogram.” Rainbow sighed at this. “Don’t worry Ms. Rainbow. This is why I took this case as well as why I love my job. I want all families, big or small, to have happy and healthy foals.” Dr. First-aid replied placing a hoof on her shoulder kindly.

“Thanks. Um, can we move onto the other stuff?” Rainbow asked smiling.

“Of course. What can I do for you?” Dr. First-aid asked.

“Well… you see… I’m. I’m wishing to know who my parents are. You see I was orphaned as a foal and…” Rainbow slowly confessed till Dr. First-aid held up a hoof.

“I understand. If you like I can run some tests and see what I can do.” Rainbow sighed and nodded smiling.


After Rainbow was finished with her talk with the doctor the three plus Spike left for Canterlot and visited with Princess Celestia who amazingly offered them any aid they needed, even going so far as give Twilight a place to stay in the castle if she felt the need to. They talked and ate the night away even going to the point they needed to stay in Luna’s room for the night. Soon they would see what the foal was as well as figure out how to get this new family together.

To be continued

Author's Note:

-Yawns- Well there's Ch. 4 everypony. Been working since yesterday of last year till today of this year. Well I'll get the other chapters up as soon as I can but for now I'm getting some shut eye. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYPONY!