• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 5,052 Views, 83 Comments

Mommy? - Alicornian

As Nightmare Moon is defeated Twilight gains an unexpected surprise. A Foal!

  • ...

Chapter 5: The foal is what?

Author's Note:

Disclaimer: I do not own the Mother Mare, she is owned by Lauren Faust. Only thing I do own is the order of words. In short I do not own Queen Faust. -Bows- Enjoy.

Chapter 5: The foal is what?

“Well here we are.” Rainbow said once they all arrived at the Care Center. Rainbow, Twilight, Spike, Princess Luna, and Princess Celestia all stood before the doors and smiled.

“Yeah… ready to say hello you?” Twilight said to her swollen stomach smiling.

“I see you’re enjoying being a mother Twilight.” Celestia said smiling. Twilight blushed at this as they trotted inside.

“Twilight what will we name it once we find out what it is?” Luna asked as they walked in.

“I… I don’t know. I’ve gone through many foal name books and I’m still not sure what to name it.” Twilight replied worried.

“I believe that, but you got us now Twi, and we’d help you no matter what!” Rainbow said happily.

“Wow you really cheered up from last time Rainbow.” Twilight said smiling.

“Yeah well… I wasn’t going to let you two just raise this foal alone.” Rainbow said lowering her head.

“You truly are the Spirit of Loyalty Rainbow.” Luna said kindly.

“That she is sister.” Celestia said gaining a slight blush from Rainbow.

“Hello girls, Princesses. If you’d follow me please.” Dr. First-aid said smiling. The girls nodded and followed the doctor to the sonogram spell room. “This is Nurse Blue Heart, she’ll be performing the spell for us today.” Dr. First-aid introducing a pure white mare with a blue heart as her Cutie Mark.

“If you would lay on your side please.” The nurse instructed as she prepped the spell.


Nightmare woke to a place filled with stars. “Where… where am I?” she asked looking around.

“In the land of Gods my half-daughter.” A voice said behind her. Quickly turning around she soon spotted a beautiful light goldish gray Alicorn mare with moderate arctic blue eyes and moderate amaranth mane. On her flank was an Inkwell and Quill.

Nightmare instantly bowed to the Alicorn knowing exactly who this was. “Q-queen Faust.”

Queen Faust, the Mother Mare, smiled down at Nightmare. “Raise my half-daughter, you have no need to bow to me, however a hug would be nice.” Nightmare gasped at this but complied crying silent tears. “There, there, my foal. Though you are only half of my daughter Luna you are still my foal. I have heard your cry my foal and have saved you, in a way.” Queen Faust said nuzzling her half-daughter.

“What… what do you mean?” Nightmare asked looking at her.

“My dear Nightmare. Thanks to the evil that filled you, you had become more spirit than Pony. You and Luna were so separate that the Elements had no choice but to separate you from her but since you were not a Pony like Luna…” Queen Faust said not finishing.

“I… I could not exist. You… you mean I’m…” Nightmare said crying more.

“No, no, my foal.” Queen Faust said wiping her tears away with a gentle feather. “You are not dead, only in need of a new life which I’ve granted. You’ve now gained a new chance at life with a proper family who will love you and raise you well.”

“I… I do not understand.” Nightmare said confused.

“Nightmare. My foal. When fighting the Elements you had cast a spell I had taught Luna so when she could find a mate she could have a foal of her own.” Queen Faust explained leading her further into the stars.

“So am I to be her foal?” Nightmare asked following.

“No. You’ll be the foal to somepony very special.” Queen Faust replied smiling before they came to a set of colored stars. “Do you see these stars my foal?” she said pointing to them with a hoof.

Nightmare nodded as she noted the color of each star. Blue, Orange, Red, Dark Purple, Pink, and Light Purple. “They look familiar.”

Queen Faust nodded to this. “These are the stars connected to the Elements of Harmony.” Nightmare’s eyes widened at this as she looked to the six stars. “These Stars my daughter can only be seen here in the Land of the Gods. The one in the middle, the Light Purple one is the one I’ve selected to be your new mother.” Queen Faust said walking further into the stars causing Nightmare to quickly follow.

“Wait, are you saying I must be the foal to that… that…”

Queen Faust nodded at this nodding. “Powerful Spirit of Magic.” Nightmare just stopped where she was causing Queen Faust to look to her. “Are you displeased by this?”

“Of course I’m displeased by this! She is why I’m here! It is ponies like her that pushed me to place Celestia in the sun and blanket Equestria in permanent darkness! She wanted to rid of my beautiful Night! What if the moment I’m born Celestia sends me back to the moon! Is that your wish?!” Nightmare yelled.

“No my foal. This is not my wish as forever night is not yours.” Queen Faust said sitting in front of her.

“It is so! Not one pony cared for Luna and I’s beautiful night. They cared not for the work we put into creating the night sky!” Nightmare yelled back greatly upset.

“Really? Hmm.” Queen Faust brought a hoof to her chin and looked Nightmare over. “How about this? I will grant you the ability to be a spirit on Equestria so you can see how the ponies there feel about you and Luna’s night sky. If you can prove to me that the ponies of Equestria don’t love the night then I will place your spirit into a more appropriate family. You will have till the time of your birth to prove this to me. Do we have a deal?”

Nightmare looked her queen, her true mother, in her eyes before nodding. “Very well, I accept.” Queen Faust nodded to this using her magic to grant Nightmare a set of Royal Regalia similar to Princess Luna’s but in pure white with the symbol of its crest being that of the sun and moon together.

“This Regalia will allow those with Soul Sight to see you as a visitor by my authority. They will not attack you and if you ask will aid you in your quest however you cannot ask them to aid you in harming others. Also you can only travel away from The Spirit of Magic when she sleeps or when it is nightfall. Once she wakes or when the sun rises you will return here to rest yourself and also report your findings to me. Till then.” Queen Faust advised before kissing her on the cheek. “Be well, my lovely Moon.” Nightmare blinked at this till she faded and found herself in a medical room.


“I can’t believe she’s asleep.” Rainbow said looking to Twilight as the Nurse began casting the Sonogram Spell.

“She did have a long night Rainbow.” Luna said nuzzling Twilight’s sleeping head.

“Whenever you’re ready.” Dr. First-aid said to the nurse. In mere moments the group soon saw into Twilight’s womb and saw a small foal growing.

“That’s… our foal?” Rainbow asked as both Luna and Rainbow had never seen a sonogram spell before.

“Yes. From what I can see it’s quite healthy. Let’s see.” Dr. First-aid said going up to Twilight’s stomach. “Here’s the head, the body, its tail, looks like there’s a horn here on the head and… wings here as well.” Dr. First-aid said pointing out the foal’s tiny body parts.

“Wait, does that mean…” Rainbow asked worried.

“Won’t know till I can get another nurse to use an identification spell.” Dr. First-aid said going to the door.

“I know the spell Doctor. If you like I could cast it.” Princess Celestia said proudly.

“By all means Princess. We’d be honored.” Dr. First-aid said stepping to the side. Princess Celestia gently laid her horn over Twilight’s stomach and allowed a faint glow to form over her till she gasped.

“What is it sister?” Luna asked worried.

“Well… first off it’s a she. You’re having a little filly.” Celestia said gaining a set of smiles from Rainbow and Luna.

“I’m guessing there’s more Princess?” Dr. First-aid asked.

“Well… yes. In all of history this has happened only once and that was with our own mother.” Celestia said gaining a gasp from Luna and soon a wide smile.

“We’re having an Alicorn Filly?!” Luna said happily.

“What?!” Rainbow asked looking to the tiny foal.

“Yes Rainbow. It’s not very common but once in a while a powerful unicorn will give birth to one if her mate is a Pegasus of equal power. Now Rainbow you can create at will a Sonic Rain-Boom, while Twilight is the most powerful unicorn I’ve seen in all of Canterlot and Ponyville. Add into this my own sister who has power over the moon and it’s night sky then the possibility of an Alicorn being born grows greatly.” Celestia explained with a loving smile toward Twilight.

“Would you all like a picture of the foal before the spell ends?” Dr. First-aid said smiling.

“Yes, if you please.” Celestia said smiling.


Nightmare was shocked at what she was seeing. Inside the mare that had sent her, the mare in the moon, to the Land of the Gods was… her. An Alicorn foal that has not been born since her own mother’s birth. She had to admit though… she looked quite cute. Shaking her head she looked to the sleeping mare that was to be her possible mother. She looked so… peaceful. Sighing she began to search the room for any signs of her beloved Night when she saw Luna and Celestia. Gulping she tried hard to keep out of their Soul Sight and see how they felt about this news. To her amazement Luna was excited, Celestia was looking at the sleeping mare and her foal like self and say the same look Queen Faust had when she was looking at her. That of a Proud Mother. It was the Pegasus that nearly caused her to laugh. The look on her face was of absolute shock.

“So… what will you name her?” Celestia asked her sister Luna.

“Well now that we know it’s a filly it will make things a bit easier won’t it Rainbow?” Luna replied smiling to her co-parent.

“Um, yeah. Yeah it will. Um, no offense Princess but… you sure it’s an Alicorn.” Rainbow asked.

Celestia giggled at this. “Quite sure Rainbow Dash. She’ll be the first Alicorn born in some time and… I’d be very pleased to have her as my niece. If you’d allow me to be.” Celestia replied turning to her and her sister only spotting Nightmare and her regalia.

“Knowing Twi, she’d love that.” Rainbow said smiling.

“Yes sister I would like that as well.” Luna said smiling till her eyes widened a bit. Nightmare gulped at this, she was discovered… but would that mean… it was soon she found herself fading from Equestria and back to the Land of the Gods.

“Mm, that was a good nap.” Twilight said waking up.

“Did you sleep well?” Celestia said gently.

“Yeah. How’s the foal?” Twilight asked yawning.

“Well… we found out it’s a filly. And well…” Rainbow started smiling nervously.

“And what? What is it going to be?” Twilight asked curious.

“It’s going to be an Alicorn, Twilight.” Celestia said smiling not wishing to worry her.

“A-an Alicorn?” Twilight asked shocked. Celestia nodded to her and explained how her mother came about. “Oh wow.” Twilight said amazed.

“Yes well.” Dr. First-aid interrupted hoofing over a set of folders to everyone. “These folders hold the picture of the foal along with information on caring for the little one. Everything from here on to birth will be in there. I’ve also added a few things to your prescription Ms. Sparkle now that we know what kind of foal you’ll be having as well as a regimen for keeping yourself and your foal healthy. I want you to come in again in two months to double check on your progress then afterward we’ll move it to every other week till she’s ready to greet the world.” Everyone looked the folder over and agreed. “Alright then. If there is nothing else I’d like a moment to speak with Ms. Dash before you all go.” Dr. First-aid said leading everyone out.

“Rainbow?” Twilight asked worried.

“It’s alright Twi, I won’t be long.” Rainbow said smiling.

“You sure?” Luna asked also worried.

“Y-yeah. Go on I’ll be there soon.” Rainbow said smiling at all of them.

“Rainbow will tell us what is happening when she is ready.” Celestia said gaining a silent thank you from Rainbow.

“Well… alright but don’t keep us in the dark for long okay?” Twilight said nuzzling her. This caused Rainbow to blush to the point she matched the red streak in her mane.

“Y-yeah. Sure.” Rainbow said before closing the door. “So um… what’s up?”

Dr. First-aid sat down and smiled at her. “She’ll be fine Ms. Dash, the Princess has far more experience detecting another Alicorn than we do but this isn’t why I needed to speak with you.” Rainbow sat in front of him and nodded letting him know to go ahead. “Well,” Dr. First-aid said pulling out her file, “we’ve gone over your files and traced your medical history as best we could but it seems we’ve hit a snag. Seems the Orphanage you said you were raised in didn’t have the best track record on keeping files. However we were able to find some files that link what you said to a few cases a few adoptive parents had reported in the past medically. The Local Guards are already shutting the place down and making sure the foals there get proper homes and medical attention. Though this is a snag we have other options to look to.” Rainbow nodded to this relieved that the place was finally getting shut down. “First is your history, we’ve tracked it to Cloudsdale and are having the local guards checking the area for any clues that may lead to your family. Normally this gives us very little results and a lot of false leads and knowing you personally Ms. Dash you don’t want that.” Dr. First-aid said sighing.

“So… what do we do?” Rainbow asked curious.

“Well what we can do is check on your DNA samples and see if we’ve gotten any leads there, which is what I have here.” He said indicating the file before him.

“Well?” Rainbow asked on the edge of her seat.

Dr. First-aid opened the file and looked it over. “From what I can see you have a very distinct genetic code making this search a bit tougher than normal.” He then put it down and showed Rainbow what he was talking about.

“So… you won’t be able to find them?” Rainbow asked sadly.

“I did not say that Ms. Dash. I said it would make the search tougher. This also makes finding your family much easier as this kind of code only shows up in certain ponies.” Dr. First-aid said tapping the file. “Your DNA tests have shown that not only do you have Pegasus genetics you also have Unicorn and Earth Pony genetics. Meaning your family must be from a mixed line. Also there seems to be a strong genetic string of Pegasus genetics in your family so this helps narrow our search even more.”

Rainbow gulped at this and then looked to the doctor. “M-meaning?”

Dr. First-aid gave her a kind smile. “If things go well Ms. Dash we should be able to find your family sometime after Winter Wrap-up. Now understand this normally takes up to about two to three years to find a ponies family but with all of this. We’ve cut the search down greatly so, I’ll be sure to keep you informed.”

Rainbow sighed and smiled at this. “Thanks Doc. You don’t know how much this means to me.”

Dr. First-aid put a hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder as he led her out the door. “I do Ms. Dash, and you’re welcome.”


Normally seeing Rarity was not an issue. There was their usual Spa dates, their luncheons, their tea times, but this… this was different. This was to meet Rarity to say three little words that would change their lives forever: I love you. Those three words made all the difference for today’s meeting. She… She loved Rarity. She fully, truly, whole heartedly did love her but… how was she to tell her? Oh was she one of the shyest ponies in Equestria to tell their dearest friend that… they wanted more. Sighing Fluttershy finally placed her head into her hooves before her only confidant, her beloved white bunny Angel.

The little white bunny wasn’t too thrilled about this but Fluttershy was Fluttershy and Angel did respect her… when he wanted or needed to. This was one of those needed to moments. “Oh Angle, what do I do? I-I want to tell her b-but I-I-I’m not sure if I can.” She said to her little bunny. Angel Bunny huffed at this but mimed that it wasn’t that hard and she should just go tell her. “Oh but… I-I-I’m not ready.” Fluttershy replied gaining a face paw from the bunny. For months he had known exactly how his caretaker and the white one acted around each other and did not want this to go on. Hopping over to the letter from the Care Center he lifted and pointed to it then out the door. “I-I know Angle, she… she must have found out too but… I-I…” Angel had enough and went to his food bowl. “Oh Angle are you, eep!” Fluttershy said before a carrot got tossed to her head.

The last time Angel had done this was during the Dragon Incident when she was just noticing the scary black cloud of smoke drifting over Ponyville. It meant that he was either serious or that she had just stated the obvious. Since he wasn’t hungry Fluttershy took this as the later, she had said something that was obvious. Thinking back to what she had said she soon gasped. “Oh, oh my, Rarity must not have read the letter yet and must be so nervous she needs to go to the spa.” Quickly taking to a hover she shot out of her bedroom with such speeds it caused Angel Bunny a moment to figure out she had just left when a knock finally came to the door.


Rarity sighed as she kept staring at her art easel a pristine sheet of drawing paper before her blank. From the moment she had gotten up to this moment she had been trying to get inspiration to come to her yet… it remained blank. She had been thinking of everything to inspire her newest line of dresses but… nothing. Nothing she thought about could break the proverbial artist’s block. A past comment she might have heard, the sunset she saw last night, a cloud formation the Pegasus had made last Best Fliers Competition, a soft pink mane hiding a pair of deep blue eyes and lovely yellow coat with an even more enchanting smile- Wait, what, no! No, no, no. Rarity shook her head clear yet again. It was the tenth time she had done this and sighed looking to her calendar wondering how long it was till their next spa date and when she’d be able to see her, dare she think it? Yes, yes she dared, her sexy Fluttershy.

Rarity, fashonista, and trend setter, desperately looked at her calendar, seeking the next day circled in pink and written in purple, their day, and sighed deeply. The next meeting was thirteen days away, far too long of a wait. She needed to go see Fluttershy but to do would be… wrong right? It wasn’t their spa date but… sighing she looked over the room for inspiration yet again till her eyes fell upon the letter she had taken out and looked at yet again, the letter from the Care Center. Thinking she tapped her chin and gasped.

Oh, how she, of all ponies, have forgotten such an important thing?! She wasn’t the only one to have gotten one of… these… letters… “Oh sweet Celestia, what have I done?!” she said to herself grabbing the letter to look at the date. She had gotten it yesterday and she had not once thought to see Fluttershy about this. Knowing her dear shy Pegasus she must still be paralyzed in her home from having received the thing. Worried she glanced at the clock. She had been staring at her drawing board for five hours and was currently noon.

Nodding to herself she decided it was best to go visit the source of her many distractions, Fluttershy. After putting the sign up stating she was out looking for inspiration and locking up she began her long walk to Fluttershy’s cottage. Sure it was a long walk but it was the walk to her friend's cottage that caused her to take a much needed breather and calm her nerves. Taking a moment to smooth out her mane, she arrived at the cottage door and knocked soon receiving a hesitant, yet angelic, voice "Hello?" Rarity smiled at this, Fluttershy wasn’t on the floor frozen like she usually was when something scared her. "Fluttershy, it's me darling, may I come in?" She waited and soon saw the front door open a crack.


Fluttershy was to every animal in her care’s amazement, a literally flurry! From room to room Fluttershy literally flew in and out putting down food, checking over them, checking her mane, asking the bird choir to help her check her wings WHILE on the fly… it was a literal Fluttershy wind storm. And what was the reason for this so called storm? A horrifying thought that Rarity was having a break down over the Care Center letter crossing over her mind constantly. Not many ponies had ever seen one of Rarity’s breakdowns before but Fluttershy had more than once. There was one time Pinkie had to take over for the Cakes due to a last minute order in Canterlot. Apparently one of their wedding cakes had been destroyed by a very angry and overly jealous ex-mare-friend. How this was done nopony would have known until it had landed right on top of Rarity, causing her to fall into a Pinkie Pie style baking horror of events.

As the cake fell on poor Rarity she fell into the large bowl of eggs, which caused her to slip into the large mixer filled with cupcake batter, which the bowl fell out of rolling into the table breaking it and somehow launched the four open jugs of milk over her with landed onto an old table which collapsed and sent sticks of butter flying all over the place, ending with one hitting the supply cabinet opening it up allowing another to hit the spare bottle of vanilla extract causing it to sadly dump right into poor Rarity’s mane. She was, as she herself would say, a complete and utter disaster! Luckily Fluttershy was there to take instant control knowing how Rarity would react and soon. Carefully going over Fluttershy tweaked her dearest friend's ear and one of her many crushes causing her to freeze.

Taking a breath she soon turned in the direction of Pinkie and closing her eyes she went over the mentally memorized emergency list and began talking gently yet very quickly while also maintained her composure and not pass out from her own shock of a cake appearing out of no-where. "Pinkie, Rarity is currently covered almost completely in cake, eggs, cupcake batter, milk, butter, and vanilla extract. Could you please get the following for her?"

"Okay!" a perfectly chipper Pinkie said complete unfazed.

“Um well, thank you. Um just to warn you once I put Rarity back to normal she’ll be a tiny bit upset. You might want to get her some tissues, a towel, and her emergency comb, mark two…” She looked Rarity over and soon shook her head. “Um, no, could you make it number twenty-two please?" Pinkie quickly nodded and in a flash left and returned with exactly what Fluttershy had requested.

Looking everything over she nodded and gently lifted a wing to gage the room’s air currents and moisture. After doing so she soon turned to her friend Twilight. “Twilight could you please ask Aloe if she has an opening for now-ish if you would pretty please?" Twilight nodded and in a flash left the room. She soon looked to Rainbow, “Rainbow could you be kind and maybe make sure the ground is puddle free, if that isn’t any trouble?” Rainbow saluted and took off out of the shop. She finally turned to Applejack sighing. “Um Applejack, could you make her some of your apple tarts please, Rarity really likes them when she upset and that be nice for her to cheer up to from her um… ‘Inconsolable, completely ruined-forever, and really, really, really upset-self’ up? Pretty please?"

Applejack blinked at this but soon nodded and got to work. Sighing, she was glad to have gotten things under control to the point she wasn’t willing to pass out she waited till everyone was done before checking everything over one last time and nodded completely satisfied with the preparations. “Um, is everypony ready?” She asked carefully gaining a nod from everyone. “Um, okay, I’m, uh, going to put Rarity back to normal so um, everypony be ready, so um…” At this Fluttershy gently tweaked her dearest friend’s ear once again and was soon greeted by Rarity collapsing into a heavily wailing pile of very upset pony.

It had taken all of them to carefully get Rarity to the point she could be taken to the Spa and given an emergency treatment. All the girls had asked about what had happened but Fluttershy just responded that, “Rarity needs some time alone.” Though she didn’t wish to leave her alone she knew it was for the best especially after such an episode.

Fluttershy was just about ready to leave when a knock came to the door. Hesitantly she called out, “H-hello?”

Amazingly she was answered by the most beautiful voice she had ever heard, Rarity’s. "Fluttershy, it's me darling, may I come in?”

Fluttershy smiled at this. Rarity was fine. Yet she soon realized that Rarity was right outside her door and began panicking. She wasn’t expecting her today and she was sure she had the dates right on her calendar. Going over to the door she cracked the door open and spoke. "Oh, hello Rarity, it's nice to see you. I wasn't expecting you today, or anypony for that matter. I don't have the dates mixed up did I? I didn’t miss our spa day did I? Oh, I'm so sorry!"

Rarity shook her head sighing with a smile. "Darling, our visit is still thirteen days away. I’m more worried about you." It was then she pulled out the Care Center letter and Fluttershy gulped.

“A-are you…” Fluttershy asked gaining a sigh from Rarity.

“No darling I’m not, and I’m sorry I took so long to come to see you after gaining this. I know how you feel about unexpected surprises.”

Fluttershy looked relieved at this, although still a bit guilty. "Oh thank goodness, I was worried I had forgotten. I… I know just how much these visits mean to you." Fluttershy then hid behind her mane to hide her growing blush.

"You... do?" Rarity asked a bit hesitantly. She nodded a smile ghosting across her lips. "Oh yes, they mean a lot to me too." Rarity’s voice soon took on what sounded a bit like… repressed emotions. But… why, what was she hiding? "Oh Fluttershy, I didn't dare hope-" Rarity started but soon stopped the moment Fluttershy placed a hoof over her friend's lips.

She… she didn’t want to hear it just yet. Though she was very grateful for the concern and she really did love their time together which made her happy she… just wish she could build up the confidence to tell her why. "It's all right, I… know how stressed you get running the Boutique. I don't mind in the least helping you relax. The truth is… I-I enjoy them too. S-sometimes Angel Bunny… gets a little demanding and a nice soak is just right to take my mind off of things." Things like beautiful white unicorns with curly dark purple mane and a beautiful three diamond cutie mark she added silently to herself.

Her friend pulled away and laughed suddenly, the manic-sounding laugh of somepony desperate to pretend they had just gotten a joke. To Fluttershy it sounded like she really needs to relax. "Stress, yes of course! Stress all the time dear!" Sighing silently to herself she decided to help her friend and crush relax. She soon got up and made way to the kitchen. "I'll make us some tea."

As Rarity watched her lovely yellow Pegasus get up to make tea, trying not to be too obvious that she was doing so, she sighed herself and looked around the room. Everything looked nice and clean but… looking closely she could see very thin lines of pink on the floor going from room to room. Poor dear, Rarity though looking to the floor, the letter must have really stressed her out if she already loosing hairs from her tail. It was then Fluttershy came back after the pot whistled that the water was boiled and her favorite infusion was added to the steaming tea pot.

It was strawberry tea which had a very lovely smell that could calm even a raging manticore according to her beautiful yellow Pegasus. She sat down the tea set and carefully poured two cups, holding each one steady with a hoof and pouring with her mouth. Rarity was still marveled but the somewhat simple task, not that it was the first time she had seen her do this. She knew just how skillful one needed to be first hoof to perform such a task without any magic at all. It was just so very elegant, even if it was a mundane thing now a days.

After the tea was poured both ponies sat in relative silence and contemplation, simply and surreptitiously delighted to be in each-others company for the time. After the first cup was done with Fluttershy finally felt courageous enough to finally ask the question she had no answer for. "So, not that I mind you calling, you’re always welcome to come see me, but, um, if not the spa, what brings you to visit, if you don’t mind me asking that is."

The fashonista sat in silence for a moment longer. "I-I am having a bit of a creative block, truth be told as… well darling, I just spent hours staring at a blank easel with absolutely nothing to show for it. Not a thing. So I decided a nice break would be nice and so… I-I pulled out the Care Center letter and I can't quite say what's come over me but I thought… Fluttershy, darling, I thought you may have been frozen like you where that one time with the dragon. I came as quickly as I could to… check on you. Oh how I could have forgotten that I was not the only pony there that night we were informed of poor Twilight’s dilemma. I-I must apologize to you Fluttershy. I should have been here sooner."

Fluttershy gulped at this and soon poured herself another cup of tea and gave it a much needed sip before she nodded with understanding. "Thank you Rarity."

Rarity smiled at this and soon looked to the table they where sitting and soon spotted the Care Center letter addressed to Fluttershy. Gulping she soon spoke. “D-darling did you… read your letter?”

Fluttershy put her tea cup down and sighed. “Yes.”

Rarity became increasingly worried at this. “D-did it say…” She couldn’t finish. If the letter said it was her beautiful Fluttershy she… she’d be crushed.

With a sigh Fluttershy finally answered. “N-no, I-I’m not it either.” Rarity sighed in silent relief till she soon noticed Fluttershy giving off tiny sniffles. Concerned Rarity quickly put her tea cup down and hugged her as she silently cried. The two just stayed like this for some time, neither of them seeming to mind the silence. Rarity was actually quite shocked to find she did not mind it herself. It was a rare thing to find in either of their lives. For Rarity it was customers, small talk, and her dear little sister Sweetie. For Fluttershy it was her many animals and clients with animals along with the small talk at times. It just felt like being with her lovely Pegasus just... calmed her with her presence alone. She always felt that things would work out in the end and that no problem was too great when she was around her.

Finally the silence was done as her Fluttershy pulled away from her with a tiny sniff. “T-thank you Rarity, I-I don’t know what came over me.” She confessed.

Rarity just smiled gently knowing. “You wanted to be her foal’s other parent didn’t you?” Rarity asked gently. This caused Fluttershy to hide a bit behind her mane but she nodded. “Darling there is no need to be ashamed of it. I too thought of being the foal’s other parent but… being with Sweetie Belle has already tempered that choice. No, I will be there for her as the friend I am and support her when needed.” Rarity said putting a gentle hoof on her beloved’s shoulder.

“Y-yes, I-I think I should do that too.” Fluttershy said smiling a little.

It was then both spoke at the same time. "I need to-" The words came out of both their mouths in perfect synchronicity causing them to look at each other, gulping, each realizing the other had something to say, neither one of them sure what that something might be. It was then Fluttershy found her voice and spoke first: "I-I can wait. Y-you had s-something to t-tell me?"

Rarity gulped out of nervousness and took a slow sip of her tea to calm her nerves before she spoke. “F-fluttershy, darling, w-we’ve known each other for some time and well… Fluttershy I… I…”

Fluttershy gulped as she waited patiently for Rarity to finish but… never did. “Rarity I… I have something I… I really, really, really need to tell you.” Rarity nodded at this trying to pull up the courage to speak and finally said it at the same time as Fluttershy.


The moment both heard this they froze thinking back over what they had each said. Rarity ran the line over three times before her train of thought became utterly derailed as her vision was filled of yellow and pink, and she felt her lips meeting with those of another. Fluttershy was pressed close to her, kissing her, with her gentle forelegs draped around her neck. It was moment later Fluttershy pulled back smiling and leaning her head against Rarity’s chest smiling and said, “Finally.”


“Alright so… we’re come down to five names.” Twilight said looking at the list of filly names Spike had put up for her. Each of them, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Rainbow Dash, and herself came up with some very impressive names, as well as Spike’s own set of names which sadly made him hungry for gems. On the list was the names and who had given them. From the top was Twilight Dawn mentioned by Princess Celestia, under that was Dusk Nightfall by Princess Luna, after that was Aurora Dash mentioned by Twilight, then there was Aura Spectrum and lastly was Diamond Sparkle mentioned by Spike. Each were very good names but… made the choice of name very hard.

“Well… maybe we can try making the list smaller?” Luna suggested on Twilight’s right side.

“That would work.” Twilight said looking the list over.

“No offense Princess Luna but… Dusk sounds like a stallion’s name to me.” Rainbow said gently on Twilight’s left side.

“Hmm, maybe your right,” Luna said tapping her chin with her hoof, “yet I still like the name of Nightfall.”

Rainbow thought about her own name she had given and nodded. “I like Nightfall as well and well… you can take my name off the list. It doesn’t sound right.”

Twilight looked to the name and sighed. “Spike take the… Spectrum out and keep the Aura. Maybe, Aura Nightfall as a name?”

Celestia watched as Spike added the new name and took a sip of her tea. “It does sound like a name a foal could have but… maybe for some other foal?”

This made the others blush at this. “Tia!” Luna said in a half scold.

“A sister can hope no?” Celestia said giggling. Luna just sighed. The idea of another foal did have merit though.

“So now we have, Twilight Dawn, Aurora Dash, Aura Nightfall, and Diamond Sparkle.” Twilight said looking the list over. “Sorry Princess but… I don’t want anyone getting confused with my name and the foal’s both being Twilight.” Celestia sighed at this but nodded. “However I like the Dawn, maybe… for later…” Twilight said blushing more.

Luna soon cleared her throat. “Um, yes, moving on, we now have Aurora Dash, Aura Nightfall, and Diamond Sparkle.” The girls all nodded at this along with Spike as he marked Dawn for later. It was soon all the thinking was interrupted by a long yawn from Twilight. “Tired?” Luna asked smiling.

“Just a little Luna,” Twilight replied before yawning again, “okay maybe I am.”

Rainbow nodded to this and helped her up. “Come on Twi, let’s get you to bed, we can think more on this later.”

Twilight was about to argue more to this but soon yawned again and nodded. “Okay…”

Rainbow smiled at this. “Come on sleepy head.” Carefully Rainbow and Spike led Twilight up to the bedroom they were going to be sharing for a while or until plans could be made.

Both princesses smiled at this and listened for the sound of a door closing before they finally spoke. “Sister you felt her as well didn’t you?” Luna said right off in worry.

“I didn’t just sense her Luna I saw her, and she was in mother’s regalia!” Celestia said with even more worry.

“But… but that would mean…” Luna said getting up quickly and pacing.

“We checked Lulu, we covered the whole Everfree Castle, collected all the bits of armor, and… and…” Celestia said trying her best to take a sip of tea.

“And now she’s back in in that hospital room!” Luna said still pacing. “B-but why would she be in Mother’s Regalia. Mother would never put that on anyone unless… Tia you don’t think…” Luna said turning to her.

“No, mother was far too powerful for that. There… may be another reason.” Celestia said finally calmed enough to look to her sister in shocked realization.

“What reason Tia?” Luna asked trotting up to her.

“I… I think mother might have sent her…for redemption but under her protection and control.” Celestia said looking into her cup of now ice cold tea.

Luna’s jaw dropped at this. “You… you can’t be serious!”

“She is not Luna.” A voice said from behind them.

Both jumped and looked behind them to see the smiling face of… “M-mother?” both asked shocked.

“Hello girls. I’ve missed you.” Queen Faust said in her spirit form.

“Momma!” Luna said soon followed by Celestia hugging onto the now solidified Queen.

“Shh, it’s alright girls. I’m here, I’m always here.” Queen Faust said hugging them her voice still sounding like a distant echo.

“Why… why are you here? We thought…” Celestia said pulling away from her mother.

“I could sense both of your distress, about Nightmare. Yes Luna I know. I may be with the other gods now but I still watch over all of you." Queen Faust said looking to them. Luna looked down at this till Queen Faust raised her head to look her in the eye. “I am not angry Luna, just a little disappointed. And Celestia please stop blaming yourself for her banishment. You did everything in your power to save her and that was all you could do. Yet this is not why I am here.”

Both Luna and Celestia looked to each other at this. “Y-you’re not?” Luna asked nervously. Queen Faust smiled sweetly as she soon gestured for someone to come out from behind her. Holding her head low trotted out Nightmare Moon in Queen Faust’s Regalia. “YOU,” Luna yelled lunging at her as Celestia held her back, “I HAD THOUGHT I HAD BEEN RID OF YOU, YOU MONSTER! I THOUGHT THE ELEMENTS HAD SENT YOU TO THE GATES OF TARTARUS BY NOW AND YOU’D BE FACING JUDGEMENT BY THE DEATH GOD HIMSELF!”

Queen Faust soon stepped between them frowning. “Luna Equestria! I know I’ve raised you better than this! You are lucky I had casted a sleep and silence spell on the mares and dragon upstairs before you started using the Canterlot Royal Voice!” Luna soon gulped at this and stood down. “Also I would expect better from you for speaking to your half-sister as you had just done.” Queen Faust said causing both princesses to gasp.

“Half-sister?” both asked at the same time.

“Yes. Even though she is formed from the anger you held with-in you Luna she is also born form the same element that hold your moon and stars. Darkness and as you both know, Light cannot and must not exist without Darkness. In her end she called for me and I had saved her from Tartarus’ grip and brought her to the realm I am in now. I’ve given her a deal she has already accepted.” Queen Faust explain as Nightmare looked to the three foal names they were going over now.

“What deal mother, and you cannot trust her, she wishes for…” Celestia said before Queen Faust finished for her.

“Eternal Darkness, yes I know. Allow me to explain. Thanks to the evil that filled Nightmare’s heart, she had become more spirit than Pony. She and Luna were so separate that the Elements had no choice but to separate her from you Luna but since she was not a Pony like you Luna…” Queen Faust said letting Luna finish for her.

“She… She could not exist. You… you mean she’s really…” Luna said scared.

“No, no, my foal,” Queen Faust said holding her gently. “She is not dead, only in need of a new life which I’ve granted. She’s now gained a new chance at life with a proper family who will love her and raise her well.”

Both Luna and Celstia looked to each other once again confused. “Mother, we… we do not understand. What do you mean a new life?”

“Celestia, when fighting the Elements Nightmare had cast a spell I had taught Luna so when she could find a mate she could have a foal of her own.” Queen Faust explained looking over the library.

“So you’re going to make her a foal?” Luna asked not following.

“No. She already is. She’ll be the foal to somepony very special.” Queen Faust replied smiling before stopping her glace at the door to Twilight’s room. “I’ve already selected someone to be her new mother.” Queen Faust said smiling.

“Who have you…” Celestia started to ask before she gasped causing Luna to freak.

“Wait, are you saying she’s to be the foal to…” Queen Faust nodded at this.

“The Powerful Spirit of Magic, yes; are you also displeased by this?”

“Of course I’m displeased by this!” Luna said angrily. “She is the reason I spent over a thousand years alone on the moon. She is the reason I had attacked my own sister and sent her into her own sun. She is the reason the ponies in Canterlot believed I was a monster and some still believe I still am!”

Queen Faust sighed at this and looked to Nightmare who looked to all of them with her head down. "Maybe I should explain how she feels about this as well. You see Nightmare believes that it is ponies like the Spirit of Magic that pushed her to place Celestia in the sun and blanket Equestria in permanent darkness. She believed that she was defending her beautiful Night! She also fears that the moment she is born that you Celestia will send her back to the moon. This is not my wish.” Queen Faust said going to Nightmare and nuzzled her head up lovingly.

“It’s not?” Luna asked confused.

“No my dear Luna, this is not my wish as forever night was never hers.” Queen Faust said sitting in front of her.

“Are you sure Mother?” Celestia asked worried.

“Yes. In the past she believed that not one pony cared for Luna and Nightmare’s beautiful night. That nopony cared not for the work both of you put into creating the night sky.” Queen Faust said gaining a scoff from both Luna and Nightmare.

“Mother no offene but you cannot be serious.” Luna said looking to Nightmare.

“Really Luna? How so?” Queen Faust said hoping Nightmare was listening.

“The ponies of the past, yes, did not play or worked during the night but it did allow ponies to have pleasant dreams and restful nights so they could continue on the next day. Also as I read in the history books many ponies even began using my night sky to travel and even began watching the night sky for warnings and other suck things such as when to plant the right crops, when prepare for bad weather, and much, much more. It took time but ponies all over began to love the night. Also she has no say on my night sky. It belong to me and me alone.” Luna explained hotly.

“Hmm,” Queen Faust brought a hoof to her chin and looked both Nightmare and Luna over, “Luna, tell me if you removed the darkness from the sky would ponies be able to see your stars?”

Luna blinked at this question but soon shook her head. “No because there wouldn’t be… any… way… to...” Luna soon stopped understanding her mother’s point.

“Luna you need the Darkness to make your night sky and Nightmare needs your Moon and Stars to help balance out her darkness. Both of you equally share the night sky.” Queen Faust said smiling. “But we are straying from the subject at hoof. I’ve granted Nightmare the ability to be a spirit on Equestria so she can see how the ponies here feel about the night sky you both worked hard on. If she can prove to me that the ponies of Equestria don’t love the night then I will place her spirit into a more appropriate family. I’ve given her till the time of birth to prove this to me and accepted. I’ve also granted her Regalia that will allow those with Soul Sight to see her as a visitor by my authority and nothing more. Neither of you will attack her also if asked I hope you both will aid her in her quest, however she cannot ask them to aid in harming others. She can only travel away from The Spirit of Magic when she sleeps or when it is nightfall. Once The Spirit of Magic wakes or when the sun rises she will return to me to rest and also report her findings to me. Now, I do wih I could stay longer but I must return to the Realm of the Gods. Remember girls I will always be watching over you. And be good you two.” She said looking to Luna and Nightmare before waving and fading away.

Both princesses sighed at this and soon looked to Nightmare who was once again looking to the Foal names on the chalk board. “So… this is what she wishes to name me?” Nightmare asked tilting her head. “Who came up with Aura Spectrum?”

Luna scoffed at this and went over to her. “This is not your concern, Foal.”

Celestia soon came up to Luna. “Luna.”

Luna scoffed and turned away from her. “That name was Rainbow Dash’s idea but it was altered to Aura Nightfall. Luna came up with Nightfall.” Celestia explained gaining a shocked look from Luna.

“Tia, how could you!” Luna asked angered.

“Luna you heard mother.” Celestia replied looking to her “We’re to help her when asked. She asked and I helped. You do not wish to displease mother now do you?”

Luna opened her mouth to reply but sighed. “No Tia. Very well I will help her but only if I wish to help her.”

Celestia nodded to this. “I believe that is good enough. Now Nightmare how may I assist you this first night?”

Nightmare raised an eyebrow at this but paid it no mind. “As mother stated I would like to see proof that ponies enjoy the night and that this will be a family I would like to be a part of. So far I do not believe so since Luna will be one of my mothers and she already dislikes me.”

Celestia frowned at this. “True but give Luna time. The two of you do have a bad history if you do not recall.”

Nightmare nods at this. “Yes. Well I have seen the names and though all are… fine, I am unsure if I could even stand being called them as I grow. Also I do not even know how I will look other than what I’ve seen in the hospital room.”

Celestia nodded to this looking to the names. “We will come to your name in time. Sadly the sonogram spell cannot show colors at this time. However later on in you’re foaling we could possibly see your colorations and choose then.”

Nightmare’s eyes widened at this. “Magic has advanced that far?”

“Far more than you think Nightmare. Now, as for your request of proof… I know of a place that we can go for this proof.” Celestia said smiling. Nightmare gulped at this worried.


Applejack just paced in the barn as she thought over what she was going to talk to her Granny about. “O-okay, no need ta worry non. I-it’s just Granny. S-she’ll hear you out. S-she’s not that mean. N-no, she wouldn’t even think o-of tossing me out. B-Big Mac would step in a-and Apple Bloom would too. Right?” she said to herself finally stopping as she thought this all over.

“Granny I… I got to tell you something real important. Just hear me out now. I… I like mares.” Thought Applejack said pulling out the open Care Center letter and showing it to Thought Granny Smith.

“You a filly-fooler girl?! I know I raised you better than this! I ain’t having no fooler in this house. Go on you, git!” Thought Granny yelled as she looked the letter over.

“B-but Granny!” Thought Applejack said before Thought Big Mac stepped in front of her.

“Mac what you think you doing! Get away from that there fooler!” Thought Granny Smith ordered.

“N…Nope.” Thought Big Mac said staring her down.

“Why you tossing Applejack out Granny, don’t ya love her?” Thought Apple Bloom said to Thought Granny from under Thought Big Mac’s legs.

“Girl that ain’t no sister of yours. That’s a fillyfoller and if you know anybetter you’d both be getting over here right now.” Thought Granny said sternly.

“No! Applejack didn’t do anything wrong!” Thought Apple Bloom yelled causing Thought Granny to grab her chest and fall over.

“Granny!” Thought Applejack yelled going over to her with Thought Big Mac who placed a hoof next to Thought Granny’s neck and shook his head.


The thought kept going through her head in an echo. Dead, dead, dead… she soon shook her head with tears running down her eyes. She… she didn’t want that. She loved Granny Smith and she never want to see her hurt or even worse. She… she… “Child, why are you out here so late?”

Applejack froze at the voice. “J-just thinking alone Granny.” Applejack half lied.

“Child you know full well I can tell when you’re upset about something.” Granny Smith said going over to a hay bale sitting down and tapping it with a knurled old hoof. “Come on now, have a seat and tell old granny what’s on your mind.” Applejack didn’t want to but… well no one argued with Granny Smith and won. She went over and sat down on the bale sighing. “Come now child. What’s wrong?” Granny said smiling. Gulping Applejack reached under her hat and pulled out the Care Center letter and gently and carefully hoofed it over to her. Granny pulled her glasses out and slowly read the letter inside. “That friend of yours is going to have a foal. Well tell her I said congratulations. Is this why you’re so upset, that you’re not the foal’s Ma as well?” Granny said pointing to the letter.

Applejack didn’t respond. She just stared at the ground till she felt a gentle old hoof raise her chin up and bring her eyes to eye level with her Granny. “What's the matter child?” Applejack just stared deep into those wise old eyes of the mare before her. Eyes which had watched her, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom from the time they were all little. Eyes she couldn't bear to see look at her with scorn, hate, and distaste. Applejack had tried to plan everything out – to tell Granny Smith everything that happened calmly and plainly to the point where Granny wouldn't be able to find any fault in Applejack’s choice of mate. She wanted that but in her heart Applejack was an honest mare, and when push came to shove, Applejack could only do little more than be absolutely honest with herself, she cried.

“Graaaaaaannyyyyy!” she wailed, tears gushing out her eyes causing her to drop to her belly on the hay bale causing Granny Smith to gently scoot over and embrace her in a loving hug.

“Aw you hush now,” Granny said gently, “you hush and you tell your old Granny Smith just what's troubling you.” After a few sniffled Applejack looked up the age old mare and cried more.

“I-I have something to t-tell you.” Applejack sobbed out, “but if I do, y-you're gonna disown meeeee.” This shocked the old mare.

“Oh Celly,” Granny Smith said, rolling her eyes, “you're a fooler, ain'tcha?” Applejack tried her best not to scream in frustration, but it only came out as another, slightly louder wail. At this Granny didn’t push her away but held her tighter. “Now, now,” Granny said, “I always kinda suspected as much, and between you and your shy brother I almost gave up on having any great-grand-kids a long time ago. I know all about them adoption places.” It was at this Applejack looked up at her.

“W-what,” Applejack gasped out, “you, w-wanted great-grand-kids Granny?”

Granny Smith patted her hoof and smiled. “Well, sure, but I won't get terribly fussed about it. I.... oh!” Granny Smith drew back a little so she could look Applejack in the eye smiling holding up the letter. “So that's what it was. You're not a fooler– you're pregnant.”

Applejack shook her head with a sigh. “I'm not pregnant Granny and… I’m not sure what I am,” she said, her crying gradually dissolving into a perpetual sniffling. “Listen, I'm going to tell you what happened and… and it's really complicated, so you need to promise to listen real carefully, okay?”

Granny Smith smiled at this and nodded. “Of course,” Granny said. “I'm sorry thought, I got a little ahead of myself. Tell me what happened.”

Applejack took a deep breath and began to tell the story of how they had been called to the Care Center and how they had all been told that one of them could be the other foal’s Ma and that they all would be informed of the results and that those where the results and how she felt after reading them and how her interests turned towards her friends. All the while Granny Smith listened quietly, not making so much as a peep until Applejack had finished. “...And that's what happened,” she concluded, looking up hesitantly to gauge her family matriarch’s reaction.

“So basically...” Granny Smith said, stroking her chin, “thanks to this this letter you became upset because you wanted to become a mother?” Applejack laid down on her Granny’s front legs and leaned into her chest sighing.

“Er... yep.” Applejack replied with a sniffle. “That's it in a nutshell.”

There was soon silence for a long moment till Granny Smith finally spoke up. “Well shoot! That ain't much of a problem at all!” the old mare said, chuckling.

“It...It ain't?” Applejack asked, eyes widening in surprise.

“Nope,” Granny said, shaking her head, “however I should warn ya, it's tough work raising a foal on your own, you'll need financial support and an extra set of hooves if you want an easy time of it.”

Applejack just couldn’t believe it. All this was going pretty well, a little too well. “Granny,” she said softly.

“Hmm?” Granny Smith replied looking down at her.

“This... wasn't how I expected this to go at all.”

Granny Smith gave a chuckle before she spoke. “Well I wouldn't have expected this to happen either, but you know the old family saying, ‘when life gives you lemons, you sell 'em and buy apples’.”

This gain a smile from Applejack but she soon turned serious. “No, I mean, your reaction,” Applejack fully clarified. “What happened to all the times you'd threatened to disown me?”

Granny Smith sighed at this. “Oh Celly!” she said with a light laugh, “So that's why you were so doggoned nervous. I'm sorry for troubling you child,” Granny said, frowning, “I was just trying to scare you straight was all. Make sure you didn't go off and make some darn fool decision lightly like your Ma and Pa did.”

“I see...” Applejack said, tears beginning to well up in her eyes once more as she pulled her Granny into a hug. “I'm sorry for doubting you Granny, I love you.”

Granny Smith smiled at this. “I love you too, Applejack,” the old mare answered, squeezing her granddaughter tightly in her hooves. “Just you remember Applejack love don't know no boundaries.” Granny replied with a grin.

“No offense Granny but ponies of your generation ain't supposed to think that way, between this,” she said pointing to the letter, “and the whole 'not disowning me' thing, I'd swear that you ain't really the same lady that raised me.”

Granny Smith pulled back at this. “I told you,” Granny replied, turning a little cross. “I was being all tough on you and your brother and sister because I didn't want you to end up raising a foal all by yourself.”

Applejack looked her right in the eye after this. “But you were so serious Granny,” Applejack protested worriedly, “was it really necessary to go that far?”

At this Granny Smith sighed and returned to hugging her granddaughter. “It was for me Applejack,” she said, looking Applejack straight in the eye with a sad look on her face. “There ain't no need for any of my children, or grandchildren, or even great grandchildren if I get them to go through what I did after your Grandpa left us.” Granny's words hit Applejack like a train, as she could do nothing but stare at her granny in pure shock. The two remained silent for what seemed like an eternity till Applejack just sighed and nuzzled her. “Applejack, even if you ain't her foal’s other Ma, that filly’s a nice catch.” Granny said with a smile, “she's a good friend to have around, I can see that.”

Applejack sighed and smiled at this. “Yeah, she is.”

Granny Smith nodded at this till she spoke again. “Now about your issue of liking other mares…” Applejack just groaned at this knowing it was going to be a long night.


Nightmare’s jaw hung slack at the sight before her. Ponies of every kind was out and about having dinner, going out on dates, or as she was seeing now, partying out in the streets to something called Dub Step by a pony by the name of DJ-Pon3. This… this wasn’t possible. “Celestia what is going on? I thought you brought me here to prove to me that ponies love Luna and I’s night.” Nightmare said next to her in shock.

“Oh but I am Nightmare,” Celestia said in a low voice so only Nightmare could hear and pointed out a group of ponies with a light nod of her head, “there are some families and lovers spending this lovely night out in the open, there’s DJ-Pon3, a DJ or musician of our time, doing what she loves most and only at night. Entertain ponies with her music and look at all the ponies dancing and socializing under the stars. How can you say that no pony loves you or Luna’s work?” Nightmare just… stared. She couldn’t believe what Celestia was telling her. This happened EVERY night?

“Would you like to see more proof?” Celestia asked gently smiling.

“Y-yes, show me more before you bring the dawn.” Nightmare said looking around carefully. With a nod Celestia led her into the sky and towards Canterlot. For a pair of Alicorns a flight like this was nothing, especially when one was a spirit. As they flew Nightmare took note to many ponies camping out, or doing nightly work, some even just enjoying the sight of the stars. In an hour Nightmare and Celestia landed before a large domed building with a large telescope out of it. “What is this you’ve brought me to?” Nightmare asked amazed.

“This is called an observatory. It allows ponies to search the sky each night and enjoy what they see and even use what they see to help those still relying on the old ways to plant crops.” Celestia explained allowing Nightmare to ghost trot into the observatory to see more of it. Inside she saw ponies making notes of star positions and speaking of different constellations being out and how some even looked brighter from time to time. One even mentioned how he loved how the Northern Star, the very first star ever placed in the night sky, looked tonight. It was the very first star fashioned by Luna, which was not easy. Specially crafted diamonds had to be fashioned and enchanted with a glow spell while being inserted into a solid ball of silver which was specially mined by Earth ponies, smelted by Unicorns, and specially crafted by Pegasus hooves, to a glossy finish.

Slowly ghost walking out of the observatory she looked to Celestia in not only shock but tears. “Nightmare is there something wrong?” Celestia asked concerned.

“They… they praised the North Star. They… said it was beautiful.” Nightmare replied crying.

Celestia went over and gently hugged the spirit of darkness. “It is Nightmare. You and Luna’s best work and they are right. It is quite beautiful to look to.” Nightmare only cried as she began reliezing after a thousand years, ponies didn’t just like Luna and her night sky… they loved it.


Luna paced as she waited for her sister and their… guest. To help that… that… mare! Luna growled to herself and eeped as a flash of light nearly blinded her as Celestia and Nightmare returned. “I do apologize for that you two but it was the only way I can travel quickly.” Celestia said gently guiding Nightmare to a couch.

“Tia why are you still… is… is she crying?” Luna said shocked at what she was now hearing.

“Yes. Give her time Lulu as she would like to say something very important to you.” Celestia said smoothing Nightmare’s ethereal mane. Luna just sat and watched as Nightmare cried for a full hour before she came to the point of mere sniffles.

“I think she’s ready to talk Tia.” Luna said gently.

Celestia nodded as she moved to Nightmare’s side for support. “Take your time Nightmare.”

Nightmare nodded before she looked to Luna. “Luna… Luna there are no words I can express to say how sorry I am to have caused our… no… your banishment to the moon. Tonight… tonight I was proven wrong and… have seen the truth.” Nightmare said lowering her head. “Tonight… I heard the greatest praise I have ever heard. The Northern Star, the first star… ponies. Ponies love the Northern Star! They love it! They love our work, our night sky! They play and frolic in not just day but the night as well! Lovers go to spend special nights with one another, family got to dine and spend time with each other under our night sky, they even just lay on the grass to look up at our beautiful stars! I… I…” Nightmare couldn’t say anymore as she soon broke into tears once again. Tears… of joy. Luna was shocked at of this. She already knew all of this but… for Nightmare it was like waking from a dream for the first time. It was till she finally heard over and over again, “I’m sorry Luna, I’m so, so, sorry.”

Luna finally trotted up the spirit of darkness… and hugged her. “I-I forgive you Nightmare. I, no, we were blinded by our jealousy. Please. No more tears.”

Nightmare looked up to Luna and hugged her again. “Thank you… Luna. Thank you… sister.” Luna just kept her hug at this till Celestia coughed and allowed to two to pull away from each other.

“So… is there anything else you wish help with Nightmare?” Celestia asked.

“Please Tia. Allow me to help her now.” Luna said stepping forward.

“Are you sure Lulu?” Celestia asked gently.

“Yes. Though we may have our differences I do feel she has… begun to have a change of heart. And this is fine with me.” Luna said giving a small smile to Nightmare who returned it with a small smile in return.

“Very well, if you do not mine I wish to gain some rest before the sun it to be lifted, good night you two.” Celestia said before laying down on the laid out pallet to sleep. Once Celestia was asleep Luna guided Nightmare out onto the library’s Terrence and looked out to the village.

“So, sister, could you tell me of my… possible mother?” Nightmare asked sitting next to her.

“I can only tell you so much.” Luna replied sighing.

“Please, anything will do.” Nightmare said leaning into her ‘sister’.

With a sigh she gave Nightmare a small smile and a light nuzzle before she spoke. “Your possible mother’s name is Twilight Sparkle. She is the one who… leads the Elements.”

Nightmare nodded to this. “She is the Element of Magic, correct? She is… powerful.”

Luna nodded to this as she brought her hooves up to the railing and placed her head on them. “That and far more.” She said with nothing but love.

“You like her?” Nightmare asked looking to Luna.

“Neigh, Moon?” She said in a way to show she wanted permission to call her this which she gained a smiled nod at. “I do not like her Moon, I love her. She and Rainbow, she and I are your other possible parents.”

Nightmare thought on this and nodded. “Tell me about them, please sister?”

Luna sighed at this but smiled. “Where do I start?”

Nightmare smiled back and nuzzled her ‘sister’ and possible other mother. “Where ever you wish.” Luna nodded at this and began with what she knew of Rainbow Dash the Element of Loyalty. From time to time Nightmare would ask for some other detail that she was curious about or wanted to know more of. For the whole night the two talked and though they would argue from time to time they did make up and kept going to the point they were now enjoying their time together.

“You’re kidding; the pink one is that hyper?” Nightmare asked laughing.

“Yes,” Luna said smiling, “During the Grand Galloping Gala she had tried to get everyone to do the Pony Pokey. She even requested the song personally to sing to. Tia said I should have been there to see it.” Both soon broke into such a heartfelt laughter they didn’t hear Celestia come through the Terrence doors and onto the Terrence.

“I’m glad you’re getting along now.” Celestia said gaining a shocked look towards her.

“Tia we didn’t hear.” Nightmare said fondly.

“Tia?” Celestia asked confused.

“You do not like me calling you this?” Nightmare asked worried.

“No, no, I’m just surprise that you’re now wishing to call me this now.” Celestia said kindly.

“Oh.” Nightmare said blushing enough to make her dark coat look purple.

“Also I’m surprised it only took you one night to begin acting as family.” Celestia added looking to Luna.

“Yes well it seems Moon and I are more similar than we thought Tia.” Luna said gesturing to Nightmare.

“Oh, how so Lulu? Also Moon?” Celestia asked curious.

“My new nickname Tia,” Nightmare said smiling, “at least for now.” Celestia nodded at this and looked to Luna.

“Well Tia, we both have a love for trickery, the night sky of course, and is seems she also likes the same kind of Music I do now.” Luna replied smiling.

“She… does?” Celestia asked in shock.

“Yes, I find this, DJ-PON3, to be very good and her music enticing. This… Dub Step is much different than the music of our age but unlike Beethooven it has this… excitement that just makes me feel… alive.” Nightmare explained smiling.

“Well I am glad you like her music and that you are both getting along. Yet it saddens me now to inform you that…” Celestia said sighing.

“You must raise the sun. It is fine Tia, we can talk more tonight and I have some things to speak to Mother about. Maybe tomorrow you can tell me more about my possible family?” Nightmare asked smiling.

“Of course, till tonight Moon.” Celestia said happily.

“Till tonight, oh yes, I like the three names given and I hope to one day see Rainbow perform a Sonic Rainboom. For years I thought it was a myth and would very much love to see one.” Nightmare said smiling.

“You will one day Moon. Good morning to you.” Celestia said nuzziling her ‘sister’.

“Good morning sister. Till tonight.” Nightmare said as she faded from sight as the sun rose.

“So Lulu, is she truly changing?” Celestia asked smiling.

“She is Tia, slowly but surely.” Luna said smiling fondly at her sister’s sun.

“I’m glad to hear it.” Celestia said as the sun slowly rose upon a new day.

To be continued