• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 3,300 Views, 70 Comments

The Shadowbolt and the Wonderbolt - WildStallion

A Shadowbolt and a Wonderbolt fall for each other.

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Chapter 12: Court Case Part 1

Chapter 12: Court Case Part 1

Rainbow Dash is laying in a bed in a hotel she went to the day before after she visited Soarin. Though it is morning she didn't feel like going to the courthouse. So her two friends Fleetfoot and Fury decided both of them will go to it and tell her about it later. Though she agreed to it she just lays in the bed bored and still tired and hoping Soarin is going to be okay.


While at the court house in Canterlot many ponies are gathered around and even reporters, photographers and journalists are outside. There are even some of the royal guards outside to keep the crowd under control. While inside is somewhat empty with only a few ponies outside talking to each other. Even further down is two large doors that leads into the room. And on both sides are seats for different ponies to sit. Though in this case the room is divided into two sides. One side thinks Soarin is innocent while the other thinks he's guilty. A small barrister also is in the middle with two tables on each side.

Ace is at one table with Soarin and his assistant Twilight. At the other table is a blue unicorn, whom is a lawyer for the Shadowbolts and the Shadowbolts captain Night Wing is sitting beside him.

Soarin could only gulp at this and feels worried. The Shadowbolts lawyer, whose name is Sneaky Rich, is rumored to be the type that gets things done no matter what. Some say he bribes others to make things easier for the Shadowbolts. Soarin then looks to the front and Celestia walks in and everypony rises including Soarin and when she sits behind the podium everypony sits.

Celestia then clears her throat and says in a angelic voice "Now, let us begin."

The Shadowbolts lawyer Rich then gets up and comes up to her and says "Your majesty, we all know that you are busy. So I promise to make this short. You see Soarin over there is charged with killing an innocent pony and I can assure you that he should be punished."

After he is done Ace then gets up and clears his throat and says "Your majesty, my client may have killed a pony. But Shade, whom is the ponies name is, was reported for sexually assaulted a innocent mare."

"Objection!" Yelled Rich "My client wants to point out that he has no proof about Shade."

Celestia shakes her head "Sorry, but if you have evidence please present them."

"I don't your majesty."

"Then keep your accusations to yourself."

Ace then pauses for a second the continues by saying "Well then just as Rich said, I don't have proof. But neither does he."

Behind him, one of Richs ears twitches at this remark and Twilight is the only one to noticed it. Ace then says "Also Soarins reason for his actions is reasonable. Like say he was defending a mare."

Rich then walks up and replies "Well then who is this mare that he was defending?"

"Sorry, the mare wishes to remain nameless."

"Or maybe she is made up." Said Rich

"Enough! I will not let you two argue like a couple of foals." Exclaimed Celestia

"Yes your majesty."Both of them replied

Afterwards she then nods her head and Ace then says "Well then if you will allow me, I would like to call Fury too the stands."

"Granted." Said Celestia

Ace then turns around and nods his head and a BatPony mare walks up and sits in a chair next to Celestia. After she came up she then sat down and Celestia turns too her and says "Fury, what can you tell us about Shade."

Fury then clears her throat and says "Well, first time I met him he was a fine stallion. Until at one show we did after it I saw him backstage coming onto a mare."

Rich then gets up saying "Well it's no secret that Shade is a bit of a playcolt."

Fury then continues on "Well that's what I thought first. But after a while one mare he came onto refused him and he got mad and hit her."

"Again she has no evidence." Shouted Rich

"Silence!" Yelled Celestia

Rich suddenly sat down fast after hearing her voice and kept silent. She then nodded to Fury while the Shadowbolts captain glares at Fury. She then glares back thinking at him "So what if I'm going too be kicked out. I'm staying by my friend."

"Well, you see I have a coltfriend in the guard and well I asked a favor of him and he found some things that is interesting."

Celestia raises an eyebrow and says "What things?"

"Well," continued Fury "Shade has had an affair with many mares. Some whom are married. He even sexually assaulted some of them and-"

"Stop that Fury!" Yelled her captain "Don't say anything else."

"You sir will sit there and keep quiet!" Shouted Celestia "

Fury then smiled and says "If I recall this isn't the first case where somepony said they were assaulted by him. Though I wasn't there the case was dropped for some reason."

Many whispers could be heard among the crowd and Celestia at first seems calm but only a few ponies could see anger in her eyes.

"And how did you Mister Ace and Fury come by all of this?" She said in an unnerving voice

"Yes your majesty. I would like Detective Shinning Armor to come up and explain it all." Replied Ace

She then nods her head at this. And when a white unicorn comes up towards the stand that Fury left, Night Wing and Rich both are getting nervous and are talking in hushed whispers to themselves. Twilight notices this and decided to cast a spell on her ears and points it towards them.

"This could be trouble! Are you sure you hid everything?" Said Night Wing

"Don't worry. What could that detective find anyways?" Replied Rich

Twilight then rolled her eyes and whispers "You two most definitely faced my brother."

After Shinning sat down he clears his throat and says "Well your majesty, I started on this case nearly three months ago when some suspicious activities were reported about the Shadowbolts. At first they were rumors until one too many cases of theirs were dropped and I took it upon myself to check up on them. Then when I heard about a few rumors that Shade was after Rainbow, well I just had to look into it."

"Hold on, I would like too know where those rumors came from?" Said Night Wing

"Sorry, I can't reveal that. Though let's say when he and Dash were seen in public it's kind of hard to miss how he was acting around her." Said Shinning

Though no pony can see it Twilight could tell the captain and his lawyer seem to know they are in trouble.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait. Real life kept me busy. And this chapter was a bit tough. And it may be a two parter.