• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 3,300 Views, 70 Comments

The Shadowbolt and the Wonderbolt - WildStallion

A Shadowbolt and a Wonderbolt fall for each other.

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Chapter 14: Court Case Part 3

Chapter 14: Court Case Part 3

Later in the afternoon the case resumes with everypony coming back in including Shining and Twilight arriving after every other pony arrives. Twilight old be seen with what seems too be a bunch of files in her magic. Ace looks at her and she then sat beside him and whispered into his ears. And what she said too him made his eyes go wide and before he could say anything she then winks at him and whispers to him "Good luck. You'll know what to do."

Now this caused Ace too get nervous but also gain some confidence in him. He then straightens his red tie and takes a quick peek at the other table and sees Rich and the captain seem to be in a hushed discussion. Ace then gathers his papers and thinks "Well time to get to work and show everypony what justice can do when it works hard."

Celestia then enters and sits in her seat and says "Let us get this done. The offense can go first."

Rich then gets up and stands in front of Celestia saying "Your majesty, we all know you are busy so I'll keep this brief and short. As I was trying to explain before, my client wishes that we punish Soarin too the fullest extent of the law for his murderous actions against Shade whom was an honest citizen and yes I agree some of his actions were questionable. But I would like too point out he acted like any celebrity."

He then bow his head and Celestia then looks at Ace and says "Do you have anything to say defense?"

"Yes your majesty." He then walks up too her with the files and says "Well just like the offense said, Shade maybe was an honest pony. But at some point I got to thinking, what if Shade participated in actions so bad and looked down upon not even his team knows about it."

Celestia then raises an eyebrow and says "What do you mean defense?"

"Well I'm just saying what if Shade sexually assaulted other mares?"

Suddenly hushed whispers can be heard in the crowd and Rich stands up and says "Objection! This is just something they are making up!"

Ace then points a hoof at him and says "And I object too your objection because I have proof about certain things. Like Shades medical records and something that was interesting. Like a pattern of sorts."

Ace then pulls out a group of papers and hoofs them to Celestia saying "See here? Shade was diagnosed with a sort of mental disability. Something that only appears when he was younger but yet never in his Shadowbolt record. You could say it's the type of disability of a pony that seems to developed of a pony whom was sexually assaulted themselves when they were younger."

More hushed whispers can be heard until Celestia got them to quiet down and say "So Shade was abused when he was younger?"

"Yes your majesty. And thanks to detective Shining Armor, he found out it was his mother whom did the assault and from what I learned, his father actually left them which caused his mother too do this. So as you can see he had this condition and it might've took all his will power to control himself. Until he sees a mare with something that is familiar to his mother. Like visit color, mane color, eye color and anything else."

Rich again stands up and says "That's nice and all. But that doesn't prove anything."

"It proves a lot because Shade has a daughter. A daughter of another mare he raped ten years ago!"

"And where is this young filly?" Said Celestia

"I would rather not say. But we did get her DNA and when a friend of Shining took a look at it it's a match too a part of Shades DNA."

Now Night Wing can be seen sweating and even Rich is shaking in his hooves. And when Ace gives Celestia the DN A a evidence she is shocked and says "So, you are saying that whomever this other mare that Shade was about too rape recently may have been assaulted also like this mare ten years ago?"

"Yes. And this mare is the marefriend of my client whom could've defended her unlike the mare from ten years ago. Whom had no pony to protect her." Ace then takes a deep breath and continues saying "And in accordance to a certain law if evidence were too appear saying that if pony were to say kill or harm another pony in self defense then all charges would be dropped."

Celestia then puts a hoof to her chin and thinks for a bit and says "In light of this recent evidence seems like the guilty party is none other then Shade and Soarin is innocent. And a full investigation should take place into the Shaowbolts too see if they knees of this of not."

Night then nervously gets up and says "But we have nothing to hide!"

"Then you have nothing to fear. If you are innocent then you are. If not then me and Luna must take drastic action."

She then slams the gavel down and says "Case closed."

Cheering then could be heard and Soarin then breathes a sigh of relief. Ace then sat on the floor and Twilight came up to him and wraps a hoof around him and says "Well now, you won your first case."

"You mean 'We' won our first case."

Both of them then laughed at this and hit up and heads on out. Rich and Night can be seen in a heated discussion outside. And Shining is also seen talking to Fancy Pants. Soarin, Fleetfoot and Fury then walk out of the building smiling and laughing.

"Well that was interesting." Said Fleetfoot

"Yep. Twilight and Ace are good." Replied Soarin

Fury then taps on his shoulder and says "Well I know of a certain mare that would be glad too hear about this." She then nudges his shoulder and winks at him causing his eyes to suddenly get a look of rememberence and he then flew off.

"How much you want to bet those two are going to make out when he arrives?" Said Fleetfoot

"Hmmm, I think they are going to talk first, head off somewhere then make out." Replied Fury

Both of them then laugh and Fury says "So want to hang out?"

"Sure. There us this one place I know we can go too where we can grab us a couple of stallions and have fun."

Both of them then laugh again and walk off.

Author's Note:

Well, this is almost done. Just a couple more chapters left. And no, before anyone assumes anything Fleetfoot and Fury are just friends. Nothing more. Just thought I should clear that up.