• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 3,300 Views, 70 Comments

The Shadowbolt and the Wonderbolt - WildStallion

A Shadowbolt and a Wonderbolt fall for each other.

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Chapter 6: Together

Chapter 6: Together

Soarin is flying around over a field outside of Ponyville trying to find Dash in a little game she suggested that same morning after both if them woke up in each other hooves. He was about to go off when something catches his eye. Shen he looked over in that direction he ended up scratching his chin.

"Could've sworn one of these clouds moved."

He then flies over to the cloud that he thought moved. When he gets closer he then started to hear giggling and he then smiled and raised his hooves over the cloud and slammed down on the cloud which caused a loud yelp to come from it and a cyan blur came out and gloated in midair.

"Well Soarin. It only took you almost an hour to find me."

"I'm just good Dash." He replied

Dash then laughs and says "Well then race you to that hill." She then pointed towards a hill in the distance and Soarin then nods his head and smiles at this. Both of them then flew off at high speeds towards it.

When they are flying Soarin can't help but think the past three days both him and Dash spent together. Sometimes they raced, played pranks on some ponies, some days they just laid together on a hill just to relax. And every night they slept in the same bed in the hotel just holding each other.

Soarin is ahead of Dash until she came up beside him and winked at him and pulled on ahead of him and he can't help but smile at how good she is. He then lands and sees Dash sitting on the hill with a big smile and saying "Well I beat you again."

"Come on I did best you once." He said walking up to her

"That was one time. And my wings were aching." She said with a humph

Soarin smiles and jumps at her to tackle her which it caught her by surprise and both if them ended up rolling down the hill together. When they reached the bottom Soarin finds himself under Dash with her hooves on his shoulders and she's smiling frown at him. "Pinned you again Soarin."

"I'll get you soon."

"That's what you said the last time." She replied

Soarin can't help but laugh and say "Well, it has been what? So long since you pinned me like this?"

"If I remember you were flying so fast and ending up tackling me and somehow I ended up on top of you." She said with a slight blush

"Yea. Flight Academy was so long ago." He said moving a hoof along her front leg

Dash then lays on him saying "Yea, wish we could live like that again. Those were good times."

Soarin then starts to pet her mane and wraps his other hoof around her and puts his head on her shoulder. "Hey Soarin, when did you started to have feelings for me?"

"Sometime at the ceremony four years ago."

Dash then picks up her head and looks at him with a surprised look "Really, well I started to like you sometime after that."

Soarin then gets a surprised look and says "Huh well then I didn't take you as a romantic type Dash."

Dash then playfully hits his shoulders and says "Well I can be. But don't expect it all the time." She was about to lay on him until she then gets a worried look which causes Soarin to get worried. "Dash, what's the matter?"

"Well today us our last day together and tomorrow we have to go back to our jobs and I'm just worried we may never see each other again. And I'm a bit worried what our teammates might think when they find out about us."

Soarin then sits up with Dash on his lap and lifts up her head and looks into her eyes saying "Don't worry. If you must know we can set up our vacation data on the same day and we meet up near," Soarin looks out of the corner of his eyes and sees a lake "that lake which isn't to far from Ponyville. And I'm sure our teams won't get suspicious about anything."

Dash then smiles at what he said and did something Soarin was completely caught off guard: She kissed him on the lips and hugged him which made them fall backwards.

After they kissed for a minute Dash then pulls back she then says "Well Soarin, when's your next day off?"

Soarin thinks for a minute and replies "Two weeks from now. I have a two day break."

Dash then smiles "Well that's good to hear." She then stops and thinks and says finally "Think our friends Fleetfoot and Night Fury can be trusted? I'm just saying we need somepony to cover us."

"I'm sure those two will help us."

Dash then leans in again and kisses him again and at first it was just the two of them kissing until they start to roll in the grass and started to make out.


After three hours Soarin and Dash went towards the train station to say their goodbyes.

"So Dash, see you in two weeks?" Asked Soarin

"Yea, I'll try. And one way we can keep in touch is through the fan mail. Mine will be Rain and you be Gust." Suggested Dash

"Sounds like a plan Dash."

Both of them then giggled and kissed each other on the lips again. Dash then moved her saddles around and went off towards the train station and Soarin watches her go with a smile on his face. Though he is sadden it had to end so soon, but he then thinks

"I'll be waiting Dash. Just two long weeks got us."