• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 14,956 Views, 565 Comments

The Betrayed - Thadius0

Chrysalis has dealt with beligerent changelings the same way time and again: exile. Funny how all her little problems come back to bite her now.

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Chapter the Fifteenth - Ask not what your empire can do for you...

"Abel, are you okay?"
Abel mentally took stock. Physically, yes. Mentally? I must be too far away. I can't hear the Hive Mind as anything but a whisper anymore. Distance may not break the bond, but it certainly strains it... I feel drained, too. What did that shade do to me?
And then Abel took note of the fact that the scenery around him was something other than eternal tundra. "Where am I?"
Abel looked to Pinkie's voice and agreed with her exclamation. "Oh. So. Crystal Empire. Got it."
The changeling king got to his hooves and wobbled a bit. "Ouch. Must've taken more outta me than I thought."
Twilight looked at Abel with concern. "Are you sure you'll be fine?"
Abel nodded. "I'm still not really used to being so...tall. Plus that shade packed a punch. I...yeah. Formshifting's just been declared a luxury for me."
Twilight nodded and looked back at the empire in the distance. "C'mon girls, we should go see Cadence."
She is more concerned about passing her mentor's trials than your condition. Is that the mark of a good friend?
"Gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous!"
Abel sighed and rolled his eyes. Rarity hadn't stopped gushing ever since they'd gotten into town proper.
"This! And that! And those! There are no words!"
Applejack clearly had had enough for one lifetime. "Focus, Rarity. We're here to help Twilight. Not admire the scenery."
Rainbow Dash wasn't impressed. "Eh, I don't see what the big deal is. Just looks like another old castle to me."
Abel had seen the wink she gave him, though, and smirked before hiding it. "Yeah, I can recall at least five other castles that were more impressive than this, and they were made of rocks."
Rarity seemed to snap. "Another old castle? Have you two lost your minds?! Look at the magnificent-"
And Abel and Dash couldn't hold it in any longer. "Oh, the look on your face! I wish I had a camera!"
Turning to Applejack, the three engaged in a few hoofbumps and proceeded inside the castle.
"What was that about five other castles?"
Abel sighed. "Not now Twi. Horrible evil shade?"
Twilight sighed. "Why do you have to be this way about your past world?"
Abel growled slightly. "Past world. It wasn't nice."
Fortunately at that point, the small herd of ponies had reached the throne room, where Cadence was situated. The first thing to run through Abel's mind was For an Alicorn, her magic feels awfully drained.
And then Twilight and Cadence did their traditional greeting.
All other thoughts were replaced with D'aaaaaaw.
"One of these days we need to get together when the fate of Equestria isn't hanging in the balance."
"To be fair," Abel interjected, "You're not responsible for your own wedding being crashed like that."
Cadence turned to Abel and her eyes widened. "My word, you've grown up."
Abel sighed. "Not willingly. And if you're about to ask why I'm not disguised, I need to conserve my strength for the trip back. Sombra did a number on me. Like he seems to be doing to you."
Twilight looked at her old foalsitter a little more intently then. "Are you okay?"
Shining interjected then. "Cadance has been able to use her magic to spread love and light. That seems to be what is protecting it. But she hasn't slept, barely eats. I can help her, but only for so long. Alicorns are in a whole other class by themselves, after all."
Cadence took a few deep breaths. "It's alright Shining Armor, I'm fine."
Shining Armor merely shook his head. "She's not fine. She can't go on like this forever, and if her magic were to fade... Well, you saw what's out there waiting for that to happen. "
Twilight nodded. "That's why we're here."
Applejack pitched in with a simple, "Why we're all here."
The others merely made sounds of agreement. Abel spoke up then. "So...do you have a plan? Please tell me you have a plan."
Shining shook his head. "With Cadance putting all her strength into keeping her spell going, and me trying to keep an eye on signs of trouble in the arctic, we haven't been able to gather much information from the Crystal Ponies."
Rarity couldn't help but laugh. "Crystal Ponies?! Hahaha, there are Crystal Ponies?!"
It was a few moments before she composed herself. "Um, ahem. Please continue."
"We have to believe one of them knows how we can protect the Empire without having to use Cadance's magic."
The ponies thought for a moment, and Abel sent out tendrils into the city. No emotions. Nothing. If there are ponies there...I don't want to imagine the pain they've gone through to not be able to feel anymore...
Twilight suddenly spoke up. "A research paper!"
"Huh?" was the general consensus to her interjection. But the unicorn plowed on.
"That must be part of my test – to gather information from the Crystal Ponies and deliver it to you! This is gonna be great! I love research papers!"
Rainbow Dash clearly had never been one for studying. "Yeah, who doesn't?"
Pinkie decided to take the question seriously. "Oh-oh-oh! Lemme guess! Is it Spike? Nono, Fluttershy! Rarity?"
The siblings shared a look at the pink mare's antics, before Twilight spoke up to reassure her brother. "Don't worry, big brother. I am really good at this sort of thing."
She treats it like an assignment. That mare knows nothing of pain or suffering. Not like you do.
Not a one of them feels anything. Whatever Sombra did to them, he did it well.
Abel'd given up on questioning any of them after the second one produced the same results as the first. A reply of "Sorry, I don't remember anything. I don't want to remember."
There's latent magic there. Buried. Hidden. I couldn't get at it without feeding on them, though...
Rainbow Dash zoomed overhead, pulled a U-turn, and landed in front of Abel. "Hey tall stuff, AJ heard about a library, so Twi's dragging us over there. She figures there might be a book there we can use."
Abel nodded. "Lead the way, Dash."
As he turned to follow, though, he convulsed for a moment and let out a cry. Arrrgh! Something in my chest! What...was that?!
Dash turned around, a worried look on her face. "Whoa. What's wrong?"
Abel took a deep breath, and then another. "I...I think...Ow. Sombra did something to me. I'm gonna need time to figure out what. Just...point the way. I'll catch up."
Dash shook her head. "Uh-uh. If you're not feeling good, and that jerk cloud is the cause, then you need to get to Twilight."
Dash looked at the holes in Abel's legs quizzically. "Those're to make you weigh less for when you want to fly, right?"
Abel nodded with a look of confusion on his face. "Yes. I don't think I weigh much more than any other pon-"
He never got to finish that word, because Dash had scooped him up in her hooves and was on her way to the library. They entered to find Twilight throwing up her hooves at the librarian. "Fine, we'll find it ourse- oh, Dash, Abel. Do I...want to know?"
Abel groused and made sure all his legs were steady once Dash had put him on the ground again. "Dash is being overprotective because of a little spasm. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about."
Dash rolled her eyes. "Yeah, and when you bring tall, dark, and smoky into the mix, I'm sure it is. Twilight, could you hit him with a spell, see what's wrong?"
Abel shot a glare at the pegasus and sighed. "Fine. If it'll shut you up, then Twi, do it."
Twilight's horn lit up, and Abel was bathed in the glow from her horn. "Huh. Okay, one moment." The light intensified, and Abel felt a modicum of his strength return. "You had a bit of dark magic clinging to you. You should be fine now." Twilight smiled at them. "Ready to help us find a book?"
They heal you so they can use you. They keep you around because you are of use. That is the only reason, and you know it.
Abel had wandered back to the very back of the library. For some reason, I feel...drawn he-WHAT THE BUCK?!
Sitting under a display case were two examples of changeling chitin. On the right was the armor plates from a typical black changeling.
Whereas on the left was the armor from a white changeling.
The case had a small plaque on it.
Recovered from the northern mines, believed to be at least a thousand years old...one creature, two colors. No live specimens found yet, expedition still ongoing...So. That old rumor was at least partially true.
There was a Hive up here. And they did stay behind, even in the face of the oncoming cold.
I'm pretty sure they couldn't have survived this long, though.
Abel looked around the nearby books, hoping at least one of them would have information about the display. Sadly, after a few hours of searching, he saw nothing.
It was only when he heard a strange horn sound that Abel realized he'd been gone from the girls for a while. Wandering out of the library, he saw Twilight giving a speech about the Crystal Faire.
It was the ponies reaction to the mention of the Crystal Heart that interested Abel, though.
Their latent magic! It's-!
And with a flash, the ponies coats were no longer as muted as they had been.
Way to go, Twi! They're feeling again!
He did notice Rainbow Dash running off, and suddenly realized that something could very well be amiss. The librarian trotted by, and Abel noticed her coat had been restored. "Pardon me, miss, what did you say to that pegasus that got her all riled up?"
"Oh, only that I was surprised that they'd found the Crystal Heart. Sombra said he'd hidden it away where we'd never find it, after all, and I do hope it is still strong after all these years."
Abel blinked. "Huh. She gets here in one day, organizes a Faire, and finds an ancient relic to help protect an entire empire. That's Twilight Sparkle for you."
She forgot you as soon as you were out of sight. She doesn't actually care about you. None of them do.
And that was when he saw the shield come down. Twisting his head around, Abel caught sight of Sombra on the horizon.
The very sight of the cloud gave Abel a headache.
What happened next concerned him, though.
As Sombra moved in, the shield slowly came up again. Sombra saw this, and rushed to break in.
The shield, however, was faster, but only just. It caught Sombra's horn on the way in, and sliced it clean off.
If any part of him remains inside-!
Running to the horizon, Abel came across the same clearing he and the girls had entered the empire in, only there was a new addition.
The sliced-off tip of Sombra's horn.
Just looking at it gave Abel a migraine.
And then it dissolved into a pool of green and purple magic, then reformed into a dark crystal.
None of them noticed. None of them care! They sit behind while you put yourself on the line!
Abel shook his head and put a hoof to the crystal. "Not on my watch."
Well...crud. That's...actually, that's exactly what I expected. Dark magics. We've never dealt with this. And they're under his command...which means...
Abel looked back to the empire. "The empire is under attack. I have to warn them."
Abel had just arrived at the balcony where Shining and Cadence were seated. Oh man Cadence, you do NOT look or feel up to snuff.
Shining took notice, naturally. "What is it, Abel?"
Abel panted a few times. "Lemme...catch my...breath here."
After a few seconds, Abel stood up straight. "Sombra's got a presence on this side of the barrier. A dark crystal, born of his sheared-off horn from his latest attempt. I don't know how to deal with such magic, so by now..."
The ponies looked off to the horizon. Sure enough, they could see a small collection of dark crystals. But they were growing, reaching out to others to corrupt them.
"Can't you just drain whatever is powering them?"
Abel shook his head. "Just looking at it gives me a headache. Trying to take it in? I can't predict that ending well at all."
Abel looked to Cadence then and noticed her horn still glowing. "Wait. Didn't Twilight find the Crystal Heart? Why are you still-"
Shining shook his head. "Twily made a replica, not knowing there was a page missing in the tome. She wasn't aware there was a relic. But she's working on it. I have faith in my sister."
She leaves behind her magic-sensing bloodhound while searching for a powerful magic relic. She must have no confidence in you at all.
Abel looked back at the horizon. "Anything I can do?"
Shining nodded. "Monitor the crystals and the faire. I think her friends are already on that, but you never know. More hooves might be a good thing."
Abel had managed to get to the base of one of the staircases before the headaches became too much.
You are ageless. You will be alone in the end. Why do you bother with friends?
You have knowledge. You have power. Why do you not take a throne worthy of yourself?
They will never look past your exterior. You are alone in this world.
Abel lay there, clutching his head in his hooves. "Shut up. Go away. You're wrong."
They will leave you.
They will always see you as a monster.
Why do you pretend? Why do you continue to wear that mask?
"No. I have friends. They care about me."
Not even your own kind love you.
Everyone will use you until you break.
Unless you stand up for yourself.
"It's...not like that...anymore..."
The wave of love from the crystal heart washed over the empire, banishing all of Sombra's influence.
Except for the sliver hidden inside of Abel.
Abel stood up and walked, shakily, out from beneath the palace. His wings extended from his back, and the changeling king was breathing deeply.
Give in and you will become a king to more than your pathetic exiles. You would be someone of worth. You would be loved, for all time!
...girls...forgive me...
Abel's chitin dulled to grey, and his wings turned from red to black. His eyes started to resemble Sombra's, and what passed for a mane and tail blackened as well. Twilight had come down and noticed Abel's color change and asked, in a trembling voice, "Abel, ar-are you okay?"
The transformed king turned his head to Twilight Sparkle and growled at her. "There is...no Abel...only...CAIN!"

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