• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 14,956 Views, 565 Comments

The Betrayed - Thadius0

Chrysalis has dealt with beligerent changelings the same way time and again: exile. Funny how all her little problems come back to bite her now.

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Chapter the Fourth - Train rides and revelations

Abel sighed briefly. “Still, though, changing back will hurt...unless...”
Twilight took note as Abel's eyes landed on her and shifted slightly. True, the princesses had pardoned him for all the things he...well, admittedly, he hadn't done any of them besides be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Still, Chrysalis had done nothing good for Changelings as a whole by attempting to take over. So a slight bit of suspicion on her part would be forgivable, right?
“Twilight, could you hit me with a minor, full-body, near-depleted illusion?”
Twilight was flummoxed for a moment. She had been expecting any number of requests, but a favor wasn't one of them. Her eyes narrowed as she recalled that Abel fed on magic itself. “Why?”
“I want to see how a unicorn does it, so that maybe I can attempt something similar. I'm pretty good at mixing unicorn and changeling magic styles. And before you ask, later; I'll have all the time to show you once we're home in Ponyville.”
Twilight nodded once before hitting Abel with an illusion spell designed to turn him pink all over. Abel's colors flashed that way for a few seconds, and he held a hoof up to his chin. “Hmm, interesting. Yes, I think I can do this.”
A crimson aura coated Abel's horn, and then another layered on top of it. “Okay...that...should do...oh this will sound so cheesy, and none of you will get it...”
Abel took a few more deep breaths, and prepared to unleash his chimeric spell. “CHANGE...FORM!”
A red flash lit up the room for a moment, before the albino changeling disappeared. In his place sat the gray unicorn with a crimson mane that Twilight knew as Balanced Books. After a few seconds, Abel's eyes faded from his changeling ones into the blue of Books', and the cutie mark of an open ledger appeared on his flank. The eyes focused on his horn for a moment, and it lit up with the signature red aura. Abe - Books nodded once, satisfied, and turned to the room as a whole.
“This isn't a true change, it's more of a hybrid of unicorn and changeling illusion spells. It'll be good enough to last me until I get home and get some painkiller into my system, I haven't had any for a week. Normally I have a sip each morning...Oh yeah, sidetracked. It'll last as long as nobody thinks to poke me for a while, tactile illusions take a lot to maintain, and I didn't want to use up that much power in making a temporary guise in lieu of my more permanent one.”
The ponies in the room nodded, and Twilight and Shining moved to the door, motioning between them to indicate that Books should fall in line. Abel nodded, stood up, and made his way to the space before turning back to the princesses. “Remind me to introduce you to chess one day, it'll allow you to pass coded messages way easier. Plus its a fun strategy game, and you two should really try it against each other. Though if the kingdom falls into ruin because you two keep trying to outmatch each other instead of focusing on your duties, you don't get to blame me.”
And with that, the unlikely trio left two flabbergasted princesses.
“So, Abel, how many monsters have you killed by draining their magic?”
Books sighed. “Okay, first, we're in public, Shining, so call me Books. Second, I never take enough to kill. Enough to incapacitate, enough to leave them dizzy...like if they had spent all night drinking some of the Apple family's special cider.”
Twilight laughed. “Are you sure they wouldn't prefer to wake up dead, then? I remember one night that I tried some, it gave me a massive headache the next day. I could barely focus my magic until it went away.”
Books laughed. “Oy, I recall that day. You nearly brained me when I came in to check out a book on flight.”
Twilight blanched, and Books continued. “You were all, 'WHY does a UNICORN need a book on FLYING at THIS HOUR!' and I was all 'Twilight, it's noon-thirty!'”
And despite himself, Shining laughed as Twilight blushed a little at the story. Shining turned to Books and nodded a bit. “Okay, so why did you need a book on flight?”
Books shrugged, and a buzzing noise was heard as he used his changeling wings under the illusion. “Can't really blame me, can you? I didn't get to fly much while in Ponyville, and sifting through the Archive hurts. Plus, some of my Hive wanted to know how to mimic Pegasus flight better. I'd say it worked, seeing as how Cloudsdale has a few of mine and a few exiled ones in wonderful positions.”
Twilight saw the sense behind the story, while Shining frowned. “Which positions?”
Books glared at him for a moment before deciding to respond in as vague a manner as possible. “Let's just say that there's a reason Dash hasn't had to file a complaint with the weather factory and leave it at that. In fact, those changelings work together so well, I'm surprised they weren't the ones to come get me. Highly coordinated, they are.”
Shining seemed shocked. A changeling, using his subordinates to do good for the realm? Next to Nightmare Moon and Discord returning, this was...well, okay, it wasn't near the top of the list of unbelievable things to happen in his life, but it was up there.
Twilight decided to fill the silence with another question. “So, what about the changelings that lived in Canterlot?”
Books shrugged again. “Once the shield came down, they ran. Heck, most of them were ready to long before I arrived on the train and passed through the shield, I just confirmed what it was supposed to do for them. They had packed up in paranoia, and all the ones not a part of my Hive fled at the first chance they got. My Hive wanted to stick around, but I wouldn't risk them for anything. Besides which, they were hardly in the best spot to help. Assuming they can sneak back under cover of night, the exiled ones and mine will be back soon enough, and it'll be business as normal. They'll probably help out around the city with rebuilding efforts in an attempt to gain some extra gratitude and friendship from you all.”
“I'll want to see the safe house they use once they're back,” Shining interjected.
There was a moment where nobody said anything, and they all just walked in silence. Twilight glanced over at Books, noticing that he was looking ahead, not focusing on anything. He's probably in communication with the Hive, she realized, and then thought of something else. He also said he wouldn't give them up for anything...
A few minutes passed, before Books spoke up. “Okay, Guard-Captain, we have a deal for you, no negotiation, take-it-or-leave-it, and you most certainly won't like all of it.”
Shining said nothing, though Twilight noticed his jaw clench.
“Rule one, you will not expose them.”
There was a sharp intake of breath from Shining.
“Rule two, you will make no moves on the safe house, ever, in any way, shape, or form. As far as others are concerned, it's just a normal house that we'll be inspecting one day for any structural damage from the attack.”
Shining's jaw was firmly set now.
“And the final rule is that they will return, under cover of night, in two days time, from the west side. You will arrange for patrols to be light, not gone, but light, so that they can all sneak past and into the safe house. Take it or leave it. Do all of that, and I can show you the safe house, show you what goes on in there. It'll make a handy thing to know if you need to get a message to me quickly. And if you think of trying anything while we're there, need I remind you, Celestia and Luna pardoned me and mine. Considering I'm going to be a loyal regent to them, I think that outranks prince.”
And now the silence was uncomfortable as the three of them made their way to the castle gates. If Twilight knew her brother, he'd be wrestling with all sorts of emotions and confusion regarding the deal. She wasn't sure if he'd take it, but Twilight knew that if she were proffered such a deal, she'd probably take it, no questions asked.
Finally the three made their way outside the castle, and Twilight and Books turned around to look at Shining, whose face was finally calm. “I will...think about the deal, Books. I suppose you'll have your answer in two days, either way. I just hope that whatever choice I make is the right one.”
Books nodded and looked at Shining with a little scrutiny. “Funny, I was about to say the same thing. Just keep in mind, I could have done nothing, I could have fled, but instead I stuck around. Prove that you're willing to trust us, and we'll be willing to trust you in turn. A little, anyways.”
“A little?”
Books laughed. “They get their paranoia from being exiled and me, what did you think would happen?”
The three laughed softly as Books and Twilight walked away, heading for the train depot.
Books had been looking out the window of the train for only five minutes, watching the scenery go by, when he was interrupted. Suspicion, fear, hostility, anger, and a big heaping of paranoia. At least Twi's willing to trust, and thank whatever deities there are for Pinkie being Pinkie...
Sure enough, the door to his compartment opened, and the six entered, all of them staring at him. Pinkie and Twilight at least looked calm, whereas Fluttershy was attempting to hide in the back. Rainbow Dash and AppleJack were near the front and looked furious, and Rarity was shocked.
Books looked at them, then looked back out the window. “Really, Twi? I can't have this train ride and explain things from the comfort of my own home? I mean, don't get me wrong, if she hadn't told you four, I would've called you all over one day and done it then. Oh, and I release you from your promise in regards to the ponies in this room, Pinkie.”
AJ, Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy looked confused, while Pinkie sighed, and Twilight looked sheepish. Books didn't even need to turn around to tell what the situation was. “Really, Twi? You didn't tell them that Pinkie knew? Next thing you know, you'll be forgetting Spike. Oh wait!”
A short bark of laughter came from Pinkie before Twilight stuffed a hoof in her mouth. “He's asleep, AaaaaBooks. Should I call you Books?”
“While I'd prefer it, it seems like everyone in the room knows, so I think we can stop pretending. Abel's fine.”
“Can it, you imposter! What did you do-” Dash started, flying up in front of Abel. Abel took the initiative and finished her question for her.
“With the real Balanced Books?” The rest of the ponies looked stunned that he knew the question before it'd even been asked, but Dash just nodded. “Never was one. Made up the identity to blend in three years ago. Almost everything regarding my past was a fantastic lie, but my interactions with you lot, the whole 'being a sarcastic, meticulous planner, with an eye for detail, and capable of adapting for when something goes wrong,' that was all me. Funny how well I shone through, even through the disguise.”
“Funny. Yeah, that's exactly what ah call it when an imposter manages to live in Ponyville fer three years. Why'd yah even come to Ponyville, anyways?”
Abel raised one of his hooves to his chin and mock-pondered the answer to AJ's question. “My word, you're right. I could have gone back to that living Tartarus that is the Everfree, the place that I had been living for twenty years! Why would I ever want to not fight for my life and live a nice, peaceful one in Ponyville?”
Pinkie giggled, she found sarcasm remarkably funny once she'd gotten a better understanding of it. “You're laying it on a little thick there, Abel. I don't think they're ready for that much sarcasm.”
Abel shrugged. “Yeah, well, being insensitive about what I am and ignoring that they really already know a lot about who I am brings out the worst in me real fast. Do any of you have a legitimate question that probably won't earn you a sarcastic response?”
While the others were still a little shocked, Twilight had managed to think of a question quickly enough. “Could you tell us about last week, from your perspective? I want to know how you knew, and what you did while we were off trying to get the Elements that got Chrysalis so mad.”
Abel grinned. “You're not wrong that I did something, but I really didn't have to do much of anything. My very existence makes her angry, remember. But what I did was a doozy, I'll tell you that much.”
“Oooh, a doozy, that sounds like a good story!”
Abel laughed. “Well let's see...I remember not feeling too suspicious until we hit the shield on the way in...”
Abel sighed and relaxed his head, looking out at the scenery. It'd be nicer if I could actually go out and walk, but that'd take waaaay too long. I'm getting stir-crazy in here! I wish some-
And then the wall of pink approaching caught his eye. His curiosity piqued, Abel reached out and 'felt' the shield with his magic. Protection from threats, reveals threats, shows things for what they really a- oh shit. Oh no no no NO!
Abel braced himself as best he could, sucking in all ambient magical energy and holding on to his transformation. If that thing can tear off my disguise, then I'll be busted for sure! I'd better hope I can weaken it and ride it out!
And then the train went through the shield. As his room went through it, Abel noticed the shield deform slightly, and noticed that while his disguise flickered, it didn't fade, and the pain from holding on to it was less than he'd expected. Ow...sonuva...
Abel took a few deep breaths and decided to try to contact the Hive members in Canterlot. -Canterlot! It is I, Abel! Come in, all Canterlot changelings!-
It took a moment, but the all-responsing-at-the-same-time thing they'd decided to do never ceased to unnerve him. -Yes, Prince? What is it?-
Abel groaned and decided to inform them anyways. -As I'm sure you've all noticed, there's a shield around the city, why, I don't know.-
-The princesses got word of an imminent threat, the Guard-Captain was tasked with protecting the city.- One of them pitched in.
Abel nodded. -In any case, DO NOT TOUCH IT. Do not go THROUGH it. It is meant to reveal threats as well as protect against them, and will show you for what you really are. Elevate the alert status to Orange, get all non-Hive members ready for evac as well. Should anything happen, I want all of you away from ground zero ASAP. I only JUST managed to get past it, and that was thanks to my skills and tenacity. Should nothing happen, then we'll ju-
“Bookie! We're here!”
Abel was shaken from his Hive communication by Pinkie sticking her head in and informing him that the train had stopped. Abel shook his head a few times and looked at Pinkie with only a hint of a glare. “I have warned you about that, Pinkie.”
Pinkie tilted her head in confusion. “What did you need to tell them, Bookie?”
Abel sighed and began walking off the train. “It was about the shield we just went through, I'm not pleased with it or what it means at all, Pinkie. Somepony thinks the city is under enough threat to warrant a shield that removes disguises.”
Pinkie let out a low whistle as she followed. “Yeah, I wouldn't want to be one right now. They're probably all jumpy bugs, huh?”
Abel chuckled. “You say that like they weren't already. Part of it's my doing, I'll admit, but the rest came from being exiled. I can hardly be blamed for nurturing their paranoia today, it looks like it might pay off!”
Pinkie laughed. “What's that you always tell me? It's not being paranoid if they are out to get you?”
Abel laughed with her before gathering himself. “To be fair, I usually say that when you pop out of nowhere to say hello and nearly give me a heart attack.”
Pinkie shrugged before responding. “So anyway, Twilight noticed you were missing once we got inside and told me to come get you and ooo there they are now!”
Abel noticed and gave Twilight a wave. “Sorry, was busy thinking. So many things in this head of mine, it's a wonder it's not as filthy as your library. At least that has a little dragon to help keep it clean.”
Twilight let out a low chuckle before pointing at a nearby unicorn stallion. “Balanced Books, this is Shining Armor, my BBBFF. And also the Captain of the Royal Guard.”
Abel nodded towards the unicorn, noticing the faint traces of changeling magic on him. “So, you're the one responsible for that shield? Fine piece of work, though it gave me a fierce scare on the way in.” One day? Probably no more...
Shining nodded. “And you're the one that's managed to help keep everything Twilight isn't responsible for in order. And you're, what, an accountant?”
Abel chuckled. “Yeah, Balanced Books, though my mark isn't technically about just keeping money in line. I can see, instantly, when things are wrong, and how best to put it together. Numbers are just easier, try it with a dress of Rarity's sometime, all while she's saying 'Oh, that doesn't look anything like what I had pictured, darling' in your ear.” -Canterlot, has anyone been feeding on the Guard-Captain that we know of?-
Rarity blushed a bit. “I did say I would trust your judgment, but I do occasionally like to know what you're doing.”
Abel nodded towards Rarity. “Anyways, I heard something about some sort of wedding coming up?”
At this, Shining Armor brightened up a bit. “Ah, yes, between me and-”
“Announcing Princess Mi Amore Candenza!”
Just as the Hive responded with a -No, Prince-, Abel felt weak in his knees. For coming through the archway was no pink alicorn of love.
It was none other than the tyrant Queen Chrysalis.
“So wait, you knew right away?”
Abel nodded to Twilight. “She has her own...presence that other changelings can sense. She did unite all the old Hive Minds under her, and has a connection to her Hive Mind that none can say they match. Oh, there are things that changelings can do to hide themselves from other changelings, but she wasn't doing any of them. And the way I reacted probably keyed her in to my nature, or a bit of it anyways, even though I like to try to hide as much about me as possible.”
It was Fluttershy who spoke up next. “B-But if you knew, t-t-then why didn't you...”
“Tell anyone, anyone at all?” A chorus of nods from everyone but Pinkie. “Simple. Exposing her would have exposed me as well, and at that time I was still hopeful that me and mine could get out of the way without needing to do that. Of course, I immediately told the Canterlot changelings to get ready to leave, instantly, should the shield ever come down, because Chrysalis is more of a threat to them than the Princesses' suspicions. Also, if she replaced Cadence...”
“Then the real Cadence was around somewhere, and you hoped to find her and put yourself in a nice light for everypony else to see that you weren't the enemy?”
Abel shook his head. “Partial credit, Twi. I noticed how you reacted right off as well. If you were half the studious mare I knew you could be, you'd find a way to expose Chrysalis, at least, that's what I was thinking at the time. And if you were so set on exposing her, then she'd try to do away with you. And since Chrysalis had begun feeding off your brother no longer than a day ago, then she had only taken her place recently. I can also sort of sense how old a disguise is, though past a month gets hazy. The two times were nearly identical. Meaning she'd replaced Cadence only a day or so ago...”
Twilight nodded, catching on to the train of thought. “And so the real Cadence had to be somewhere nearby. Partially because she wouldn't be able to leave because of the shield, but also because, knowing her, she'd want to gloat about her victory to the one captive audience she had. Yet she couldn't be seen leaving, so she had to have her near...”
Abel finally nodded. “But you will recall my warning that I hissed into your ear once she turned around, right?”
Twi rubbed the back of her head with a hoof. “Yeah, 'I don't think we should be alone with her. I don't think anypony should, but especially us. She scares me.' I sorta messed that one up, huh?”
Abel shook his head. “You did pretty well, all things considered. I don't believe anyone but Pinkie knows about what she did when she cornered me...”
Abel sighed, looking around the room he'd been assigned. Because we can't have stallions and mares sleeping in the same room, the scandal! Let's also completely ignore the fact that I'm their friend and wouldn't even so much as touch them as that would imply disrespect of the highest degree. Along with the fact that I'm absolutely swamped in paperwork. Chryssy's just doing this to keep me busy, keep me-
Abel's eyes widened as his train of thought coincided with the sounds of hooves in the hallway and that presence filling his mind. Stuck...in...here...!
“Well hello there, exile. Never thought I'd see the day when one would just ride into Canterlot through that shield with the mares that silly stallion invited.”
Abel slowly turned to look at Chrysalis in Cadence's skin, feeling unnerved that just here was the being that was the cause of half his paranoia.
“Okay, let's get one thing straight, Your Highness,” Abel spat, filling those two words with as much venom as he could. “I managed to get through because I saw it coming and I was in another train car. It's what I call a little bit of luck, and I seemed to have a near-inexhaustible supply. Then again, considering that I met you here, I'd say it ran out a while ago.”
The faux Cadence laughed. “Oh, I wouldn't say that. After all, I could always...reconnect you.”
Abel waved a hoof in her direction. “More bad luck. I've been an exile for a while now, what makes you think I want you in my life? I've actually built one and I get friendship from the townsfolk on a regular basis. Keeps me fed and healthy. Plus, do that, and who's to say I wouldn't scream all the time you were doing it, due to how painful the procedure is?”
Chrysalis frowned, furrowing her brow in concentration. “But it is a painless proce- oh.” And here her brow flattened, while her eyebrows raised. “Oh you are a crafty one. You would expose me to prevent coming back into the fold?”
Able shrugged. “Hey, all I have to do is scream and I guarantee a few of my friends will run in, looking to find the threat and remove it. And if it turns out to be you...”
The sentence trailed off there, promising everything between the two parties. Finally, Chrysalis spoke.
“This only makes me want your skills even more, you know. Clearly you planned for this day.”
Abel turned back to his mountain of work. “Not planned for this day, planned for days like this day, in almost every conceivable variation. This is one of the worst, I'll admit, but there are at least three happy endings in which you get exposed and I get off in such a way that I can continue to live my life for a while. Plus, I know you failed to account for one factor.”
Chrysalis frowned a bit, pursing her lips, trying to come up with something she'd missed. Anything. Anything at all to avoid asking the exile in front of her. It took a few moments, but she admitted defeat with a simple “What?”
“Twilight Sparkle, the purple unicorn. She's the student of Celestia, and she's very good at what she does. Currently, what she's doing is looking for a way to unmask you, though she doesn't know it yet. She just knows there's something off about you, seeing as how you're imitating none of her favorite foalsitter's mannerisms.”
Chrysalis sucked in a huge breath of air. “This plan will not be undone by the work of one silly unicorn.” She looked over Abel, still sitting at his desk, doing as much work as he could. “Perhaps we can make an arrangement?”
As Abel said nothing, he internally seethed. That she would think that I would betray them so easily! His anger flared, but his being a changeling helped, as Chrysalis picked up on none of it. She merely continued. “If you can...convince that unicorn to drop her investigation, then I will reward you with whatever you want.”
And now you want to buy me. Not having any of this anymore. “Perhaps you didn't hear me. That is Twilight Sparkle, student of Celestia, also known as the sun diarch? Nothing gets past her if she can help it. I bring up dropping the topic when I've already told her nopony should be alone with you, it'll only make her think I've been gotten to, too. Quite simply, my dear sweet tyrant, one of us is going home after being exposed. Maybe both.”
There was silence in the room as the two changelings tried to outmaneuver the other in this battle of words. “You could attempt to imitate her...”
Abel laughed, a short, barking laugh. “Okay, first of all. Yes, I could, I've been her friend for two years. But secondly, that's the thing, isn't it? With these lasting relationships and lives us exiles try to build. I do that, I betray her trust and the trust of those other mares I rode in with, and that's not something I could live with. I think the guilt would kill me. Third, while I could be anypony, I much prefer to be a stallion, thankyouverymuch. And fourth, Celestia, along with all those other mares, would notice so much as one tiny slip-up. Believe me. They're bosom friends. Not doing it. Not even considering doing it. And with that, I think you've run out of tactics, your highness. Now if you'll leave me be, I have work to do.”
Chrysalis cast a final look at the pile and the disguised changeling in front of her. “Indeed, you do. Perhaps not enough work. After all, everything must be perfect for this wedding, and who's to say that all of it is, even though you've signed off on it? I might need to make some changes and run them by you again...”
Abel swung a hoof out behind him. “There's the door, your majesty, I'd offer to escort you to it, but I'd be tempted to kick your flank on the way out. And make good on your threat, and I'll practice my fire magic on every form that 'mysteriously' finds its way into this pile. The sooner we leave each other alone, the happier I'll be.”
“She seriously tried to buy your loyalty to her? Did she have no real idea who you were?”
Abel laughed. “I don't think she did! Otherwise she'd smear me all over the room! Oh, she would have been exposed instantly then. I'm not sure if that would have been worth dying for, though.”
The other mares looked confused as Twilight, Abel, and Pinkie mock-pondered the ramifications of an exposed Chrysalis at that point in the proceedings. Finally, Dash spoke up. “Why is Chrysalis trying to buy Abel's loyalty such a bad idea on her part?”
Able let the illusion drop for a moment, shocking the other mares, both with its sudden disappearance, and the fact that he was an albino changeling. “Albinos are sorta seen as throwbacks. We don't eat the same, we don't think the same. The few things that are the same are that we can fly, use magic, and can become anypony. In fact, albinos are so hated, I was run out of the Hive on my first day alive. I disconnected from the Hive Mind shortly thereafter. If she seriously thought she could have bought my loyalty, then it means the few spells I tend to keep up that disguises all of my nature, even to other changelings, was working overtime to fool her.”
Twilight nodded. “So, after that scene I made...”
Abel nodded at her. “I tracked her spellwork, it was more unicorn than most, easy enough. I found it going to the caverns beneath the city, looked for an old map, which took a while, and found an entrance to the caverns near the gardens. It was only a matter of minutes before I stumbled across you and Cadence by the drained flower fillies. Nice way of handling that, by the way.”
Twilight chuckled a bit. “And then you led me and Cadence back to the altar, and told me and the girls...”
“Girls, go get your elements. We'll need them.”
Celestia lay on the ground, groaning. Twilight spoke up first. “But they're in a vault that only the Princess can open!”
Abel would have smacked her upside the head if not for the fact that he was concentrating right now. -Ponyville, to my basement! I need the stored magic there channeled to me through the Hive Mind!- Shaking his head, Abel responded simply with, “There is more than one Princess, you know. Get Luna, get to the vault, and get back. I'll stick around.”
As the rest of the girls left, Pinkie turned around, her hair noticeably less bouncy. “What will you do, Bookie?”
Abel merely flared his horn crimson and smiled. “I'm gonna give good ol' Chryssy here the royal treatment.”
Pinkie nodded, satisfied that Abel had a plan. As the door closed, Abel started laughing manically. This confused Cadence and Chrysalis, to say the least. “Why are you laughing, Books?”
Abel stopped for a moment and stared at Cadence. “Because now I know how it felt to be her a minute ago. In a few minutes, I'm going to be the most dangerous thing in this room.”
As Chrysalis began charging her horn, Abel's eyes focused on it and he tutted. “Can't be having that out of you, it'd set me back immensely! Have a curse of my own design, Chryssy!”
And with that, Abel shot a sphere of crimson magic at the changeling queen while muttering the word Oroborus to himself. The sphere impacted Chrysalis' horn, wrapped around it, flashed a few times, and vanished, leaving the other conscious ponies in the room wondering what the purpose of that spell was. Before either could speak up, Abel intervened.
“Can't be having any spells out of you while I charge mine, it'd disrupt my concentration, and I'm going to need as much of it as possible for this spell. So I put a curse on your horn, well, I call it a curse. Multi-layered spell that feeds of your energy doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, you know!”
As Chrysalis screamed and tried to blast the spell off, Abel only chuckled. “It won't be that easy, dear! The first layer of the spell feeds on your energy to keep itself alive. The second layer breaks apart any spells you cast into its component magic, and the third layer siphons off any excess and sends it to me to use instead! It took me a while to work out how to meld them all properly, but with practice, it became the go-to spell for dominating magic competitions!”
The changeling queen glared at the upstart that sat before her. “You're not getting out of this, you know. Not as you are.”
Cadence looked confused while Abel merely sighed. “That is a probability, sadly. The best plan is that the girls succeed and I get to cast my next spell on you.”
Cadence interjected at this point. “And...if they fail? If the changelings prove to be too much?”
Abel blinked once and turned to her. “Well, if they've been hurt at all, then Chryssy here just forfeit her life.” -Canterlot, evac, now! No arguing! Get out of here! The black queen has shown herself! The shield has fallen, this is your best chance! Might be your only chance!-
“How can you talk about killing her so casually? I mean, yes, she's a terribly evil being, but we have punishments that aren't death...”
Abel sighed as the confirmations rolled in. “Because I don't care who or what you are. If you hurt my friends, then the gates of Tarturus would not be protection enough from me. I will hunt you down, find you, and end you.”
Chrysalis seemed amused while Cadence blanched a bit. “You really hold them dear, don't you?”
Abel grinned while the power from the five Ponyville changelings started pouring in. He'd shown them how to properly handle his food source a while ago, and only recently had they learned how to transfer it via the Hive Mind. “Ma'am, I hold them more dear than my own life. I hope every day that I never have to choose...but I think, today, I might have to. I only hope that, in the end, I or somepony else can look back and say that this was the right choice.”
Cadence nodded. “So, if they fail, and she hasn't harmed them, but merely captured them?”
Abel looked over at Chrysalis while he began framing the complex curse in his mind. “Then, knowing her, she'll bring them here to gloat...And that's when we go to the backup plan.” Abel looked back at Cadence and grinned. “You know, I like you. You're one of the few to ask if I have a backup plan. Everypony else just assumes that things fall my way.”
Cadence returned the grin. “Why thank you. And what is the backup plan?”
Abel lost his grin and looked over at Shining Armor. “You. But if it comes to that, then I accept my fate.”
“And then of course, you girls came in, I freed you from your bonds, and just as Cadence got it into her head that in order to break the hold of the queen, giving Shining a bit more love would be the best idea, my spell had finished charging.”
“What did that fancy spell do anyway, partner?”
Abel looked over at the city on the mountainside that was retreating into the distance. “Well, in essence...I knew Chrysalis would be evicted from the city by the end of the day, one way or another. So I built my spell around that concept. In plain language, I think it went like this...”
Abel cleared his throat and spoke in a moderately deeper voice. “Should you ever leave Canterlot, you and all your Hive and those connected to your Hive Mind shall be banished from this city forevermore.
Abel shrugged as the rest looked on in shock. “It's more like a Geas, she and hers literally cannot break the letter of what I have spoken of. It's bound to her life and her Hive Mind.”
Rarity managed to sputter out a somewhat coherent sentence. “B-b-but that's high-level unicorn magic, making such things! H-h-how on earth did you manage to do it?!”
Abel looked at Twilight for a moment, inclining his head to her other friends. She shook her head, and Abel facehooved. “Really. Did you tell them anything besides, 'Hey girls, guess what, Balanced Books is really a changeling and in the next car over'? Sheeeeesh...”
Twilight chuckled and looked away, while Pinkie nodded her head. “That's almost exactly how it went, Abel! So how did you do it, curse the mean ol' queen?”
Abel thought for a moment before deciding to roll with it. “Okay, so Chryssy has her Hive Mind, which is how she can be so powerful. She can shift around which changelings are fed, or if she needs power, she can just draw it from them. I, being an exiled changeling, am not subservient to her...but I found the spell to make Hive Minds.”
Abel looked back at the girls before saying this next bit. “And when the changelings of Ponyville insisted that I be the one to cast it, that put me in a similar position.”
Overriding the gasps, Abel plowed on. “The old Hives before Chryssy had concepts that they founded their Hive Minds on, most commonly Unity. Chryssy founded and united all the Hive Minds under her, under the concept of Dominion. Not so with me.”
“Well then, what's yer concept, partner?”
Abel grinned at the girls. “When I spoke of my Hive Mind, holding all the right meanings in mind, filling myself with stored power...I spoke of the aspects of Friendship, along with Harmony, that we may live among ponies.”
The girls were stunned for a second, before Dash spoke up. “Us?”
Abel nodded. “You all were my inspiration. And changelings can live on any positive emotion, and friendship is just another kind of caring. These concepts infused my Hive Mind, which slowly changed the changelings themselves. They've been doing really well about the whole 'living with ponies' thing, all of them have original identities. Sometimes they start thinking along normal changeling lines, but I'm there to sort them out. Oh, but that's not the best part.”
“Well then, darling, what is?”
Abel looked out the window, deciding that catching their reflection in the glass would be good enough. “Well, when I told Luna that the spell has a threshold, a point at which I'll start becoming a proper king to my hive, Celestia sorta overheard, and insisted that I do it. And swear loyalty to her, in exchange for protection from Chryssy.”
Five dropped jaws. Priceless. He wished he had a camera. Pinkie recovered first this time. “Does that mean you're a prince? Prince Abel?”
Abel sighed. “Technically, you're not far off the mark, Pinkster. Though that's also the name for the transition period.”

Author's Note:

Sheesh, just keeps getting longer, doesn't it?
And we're not even back at Ponyville yet.
How much exposition can I shove on this train?!
(Answer: Too much)

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