• Published 15th Jan 2014
  • 5,963 Views, 62 Comments

When "Happy" Never Comes - Pastel Pony

Dear Diamond Tiara, You should know I haven't been happy for a long time...

  • ...

Love, Silver Spoon

Diamond Tiara stared silently at the shattered pieces of her sparkling silver namesake. She gently ran a hoof over the broken bits of her tiara. A gift, given to her by her Grandmare just before she died, her most treasured possession…gone. Broken by her own hoof in a moment of all-consuming rage and pain.

She sniffled quietly, reveling in her self pity. With a yelp of pain, she quickly removed her hoof as one of the sharp pieces poked her skin.

What a fool she was, destroying her own tiara. She’d just…thrown it against the wall like a little filly. Perhaps her mother could fix it…?

The door creaked open, she glanced up, blinking past the tears, to see her mother gently peeking her head though the doorway. The mare’s gaze flickered over the broken headpiece, but she did not mention it. Instead, she levitated out a package to her daughter.

“Golden Platter stopped by.” Silence.

“She found this in…Silver’s room. It’s addressed to you…she’s assuming she would have wanted you to have it.”

Diamond Tiara nodded mutely and reached out for the package. Her mother ducked her head out of the room, the door creaking shut behind her. The filly gently ran her hooves over the little brown box. Attached to the top was a note, the paper the light silver of her friend’s stationary. She carefully unfolded the piece of paper and began to read.

Dear Diamond Tiara,

You should know I haven’t been happy for a long time. Then again, I suppose that’s pretty clear, given that if you are in fact reading this, then I have succeeded with what I intend to do.

First off, I feel I should apologize to you. You’re no doubt feeling angry and hurt and abandoned, and please just know that I never wanted you to feel this way.

But I have to start thinking about myself for once. I’m just...so…tired. I can’t do it anymore. I can’t be the happy little school-filly, the pretty rich girl, or any of it anymore. I can’t be Silver Spoon. I think…this is what’s best for me.

This…it’s my only choice, I believe that this might be the best thing to bring me something like happiness.

As I said… I haven’t been happy for a while, longer than I can remember, in fact.

I used to think I was happy…in my life, as your friend. When we made fun of those other three, the cutie-mark crusaders, it kept out the hurt that occasionally broke its way through my pretend. Given all we had been raised to believe, it was easy place them below me when they had no cutie marks.

But then they found their special talents. Now one’s a singer, another a stunt performer, the last a home designer. Maybe those things don’t seem important in the high-society life we were raised for, but it’s what makes them happy. Does it matter then?…if we had our cutie marks before them? They found their talent in things that they love, they’re happy.

Oh Tiara, we pretended to be so much better than them. In truth, they are so much more than you or I will ever be. Tiara…I don’t even know what my special talent is anymore. It seems like my cutie mark was always there. My life was chosen out to be that of a wealthy, but miserable pony. I have no special talent. I can’t remember when it was, or what I was doing when I earned my cutie mark. I’m trapped as Silver Spoon, heir to several million and a life full of “What Could Have Been”…

I’m not special…

And I’m not happy. This, at least, will be the act that brings me the closest to happiness….I’m setting myself free.

I want you to have something of mine. It’s very special to me, reminds me of a better time. It might be just as important to me as that tiara is to you.

It’s in the box. Go on, open it-

Diamond Tiara tossed aside the note and pulled the lid of the little box. Sitting inside was a faded, old doll. She carefully pulled it out and felt tears prick her eyes. It was the doll she had made Silver Spoon for her 5th birthday, during a phase when Tiara had been convinced her destiny was to sew.

It had her pale pink coat, with Silver’s light grey mane, made from yarn. With little purple buttons for eyes, and a silvery heart for a cutie mark. Silver had named it Miss Muffy.

Grabbing the doll, she turned back to the note quickly.

Do you remember her, Tiara? Do you remember back when we were young and innocent? You were convinced your special talent was going to be in sewing…and you made me this, as a sign of our friendship on my birthday.

Of all the things I have received over the years, all the expensive presents and treats…This is my favorite gift, because it came from the heart.

Take care of her for me Tiara. Please?

I guess that’s it then. The time is closing in on me. I can’t wait.

I’m going to be free.

Please, forgive me Diamond Tiara…

And…maybe it’s too late for me to be happy, but maybe, just maybe, you can still be happy. Happy enough for the both of us.


Silver Spoon

Diamond Tiara released the note, watching it float to the ground. Gently, she scooped up Miss Muffy and hugged her tightly to her chest. Leaning against the wall, she held the doll close and sniffled as tears began to drift down her cheeks. Each word from the letter pounded through her head, accompanied by the images etched in her brain of the little grey filly...asleep in her bed, never to wake. At last, Diamond Tiara released her pain, and she cried until she had no tears left.

“Oh, Spoon.” she whispered.

Comments ( 62 )

So I'm guessing Silver Spoon commited suicide right? Well no matter what sort of trouble she was in suicide wasn't the answer. But it's so sad, to think that she saw no other way out of her misery. :fluttercry:

:fluttercry:Dammit Spoon!


Poor Diamond and Silver.

Wow, why do most stories have one character committing suicide?

Anyway, the story was not too bad. I sort of sympathize with Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara. Which actually isn't done that often in stories. Most stories I've read have Silver Spoon or Diamond Tiara being very bland bullies. And I'm guilty of that as well. It was actually nice to see that they have feelings and emotions and they go through things that other characters would go through. You actually made them relatable and I did like that.

The beginning was great. I thought there was a lot of emotion in the first scene with Diamond Tiara. And it was written well enough, that you wanted to see more. It captured your interest almost instantly and I really enjoyed that.

The letter was pretty deep for the character. I liked how Silver Spoon realized that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were just a special as they were, even if they did get their cutie marks first. I'm still not quite sure why Silver Spoon would commit suicide, but that's just my opinion. I know that she doesn't feel like she's happy, but it still doesn't make much sense to me.

The story was not bad. There were some things that I enjoyed. But it was very depressing and having it be a little kid, just makes it even more so. I know that in real life, it happens, but... I don't know. It just didn't sit right with me. Again, not a bad story. Thank you for letting me read it and I hope to see more from you in the future. Take care. :pinkiehappy:

"Y-you were my happiness."

Suicides always do more harm than most realize to those close to them. Even those they don't even know. Now, one of the only ponies Diamond has ever let into her heart and ever considered a true friend, who couldn't open up to Diamond about her unhappiness. To tell Diamond of all those dark thoughts and regrets, thoughts of emptiness.

Now. . . life will never be the same in Ponyville for Diamond, or even the CMC. To have something in a land praised for its loving and accepting ways, to have to deal with the death of a filly who took her own life because she could not find happiness in such a world.

Pfft, now Diamond has to go on a journey to kick flank in tartarus to bring her friend back. Let's just hope they can escape without looking back!


She committed suicide because she built her entire life, her entire identity, around her Cutie Mark, and how she was better than the CMC. But then the CMC got their Cutie Marks and actually DID something with their lives. Silver Spoon realizes that she doesn't even know what her Cutie Mark is supposed to mean anymore. I mean, it's even in her name! "Born with a silver spoon in her mouth". Destined to always have riches and power simply handed to her, just because she was "lucky" enough to be born to a wealthy family. What sort of life is that?!

"But then they found their special talents. Now one’s a singer, another a stunt performer, the last a home designer. Maybe those things don’t seem important in the high-society life we were raised for, but it’s what makes them happy. Does it matter then?…if we had our cutie marks before them? They found their talent in things that they love, they’re happy.

Oh Tiara, we pretended to be so much better than them. In truth, they are so much more than you or I will ever be. Tiara…I don’t even know what my special talent is anymore. It seems like my cutie mark was always there. My life was chosen out to be that of a wealthy, but miserable pony. I have no special talent. I can’t remember when it was, or what I was doing when I earned my cutie mark. I’m trapped as Silver Spoon, heir to several million and a life full of “What Could Have Been”…

3793533 I understand that, but it just still didn't sit right with me. That's a pretty permanent solation to a temporary problem. And it's still a little kid, so that was difficult for me too. I'm not saying that the story was bad in anyway. I just thought it was a little depressing. :pinkiehappy:

A little bit. No, that's not me being sarcastic; it's a bit sad and a lot foolish, the combination of which forms a rather dense layer of depression.

I'm actually wondering why I read this; there are very few tragedies I enjoy in the first place :/

3794813 I totally agree. It is a sad story and its a sad situation. I know that life doesn't always have a happy ending and I probably shouldn't be as harsh on this as I am, but its just... I don't know.

I'm not normally a tragedy reader either, but I always try to give things a chance. :pinkiehappy:

I'm beginning to see more stories based on Silver Spoon, or Diamond Tiara, very sad, but very lovely piece, thank you for posting.

1000 words, only 1000 miserable words was all you need to made me cry. :fluttercry:
OH GOD! I just... I need a second...

*Lying on my bed and think for a moment*

Oh, my... this story is just too... too... I don't know how to describe it. It went straight to my feelings. It was sad, beautiful and I feel empathy for Spoon. This reminds me when I was in a similar state two years ago. :fluttershyouch:



Mate, you managed to make me sad about Silver Spoon. SILVER SPOON.

This is... just... take this like and know you've pretty much succeeded at the impossible.

Jeez, really dark story man.

But I like it :pinkiecrazy:

You deserve a like!

Tragedy + Sad? 1k words.

This makes me laugh.


If you're just going to blindly insult my story without giving an actual reason as to why,
Then get off my page :ajbemused:

for how shallow her character has pretty much always been, Silverspoon's the one with the most depth

like, fave

Manly tears shall be shed for Silver.:fluttercry:

Good sad story.:pinkiesad2:

Very nice story, and actually pretty sad.

No tears nor anything, but I loved the story in general. :pinkiesad2:

I'd never thought I'd feel sorry for Silver Spoon but your story did it. Your story explains a lot I like it.

Ahh. I love these tales of tragedy! Though, unfortunately, they always leave me hollowed and asking: what happens next?

What is this!?Why is there water on my face D:.

Don't you think you should write some sort of prequel? Please~:fluttershysad:

I'm surprised that Silver Spoon didn't reach out to Diamond Tiara, or if she did and failed, that it wasn't mentioned or implied. I don't know much about suicide, so I can hardly say I'm on expert on writing reasonably realistic stories where a suicide has taken place, but one would think that Silver Spoon would reach out to Diamond Tiara of all people/ponies for help. A reasonable cry of help, besides the one left on her suicide note. If Silver Spoon felt she couldn't reach out to even Diamond Tiara, it might be a good idea to have her explain why she couldn't, or why it didn't work.

Oh Celestia... poor Silver Spoon.
But being unhappy is not the reason to end your life! You have family and friends who love you, and being without you will make them depressed and sad! It's a circle! So just keep strong, and tell people/ponies your problems, get some help!

Sorry, it just makes me sad to think anybody/pony would end their life.

~Weeping Angel

The chills, man. The chills down my spine!

Bravo, good sir. All it took was a little over a thousand words to receive a favorite from me.

Very nicely done. I'm not usually fond of suicide stories, but this was a nice little sad you've got here, and a wonderful analysis of Silver Spoon. Another one for the favorites list. :pinkiesmile:

That should be the sequel.

i feel like i just got hit by the feels train.

Wow...:rainbowderp:that was a deep story.:fluttershysad:I'm..sniff..going to add this...sniff...to my favourites:fluttercry: thanks for the story...sniff.:applecry:

I know how that feels, Silver.

now im sad...:fluttercry:

3798461 What the crap is wrong with you? Someone/pony killing themselves because they are so unhappy makes you laugh!? You are a strange, mentally insane person!

1) This is a story. Its contents are fictitious and my level of emotional attachment is mine to decide. I can laugh at unexisting characters' misery all I want.

2) I was referring to the tags and how inappropriate they are. Mostly because sad and tragedy are mutually exclusive in nature, but also because a tragedy can't be written in only 1k words. That and also the fact that 1k words aren't enough to create deep pathos with the reader to make it really sad, but then we'd fall on answer one all over again.

Please, tell me more about your notions of mental illnesses. I'd love to laugh some more.

Excellently written and very sad. :fluttercry:

4097635 What? Not enough argumentation? Only simple thumbs down?

Then again, t'is exactly what I expected.


Ok, so silver comited sucide and dimond is sorrowful, the past of a better time is back and now all is but once lost happness and inocencss. Loss of what you ARE and the end of what you are

I find this story really sad. :applecry:
It is terrible that teasing and degrading others was the only thing that kept Silver Spoon happy, or perhaps more accurately distracted from her own unhappiness. With her last pillar of emotional support was taken away, she had no where else to run and began to crumble from within. I used to have some things I used to rely on for happiness and recent events have taken those away (I wasn't a bully :derpytongue2:). I still understand that have other things to live for, but what was my immediate source of support vanished and I felt very alone. This forced me to face my problems and reach out for help as they couldn't be ignored anymore. I never seriously considered suicide, but the thought still did come up from time to time. For my personal reasons, I really sympathize with the characters and can understand Silver Spoon's feelings pretty well. When you are unhappy for a long time, sometimes you just want to take the quickest way out.

I am totally biased, and I am throwing a like and a favorite your way. :raritywink:

And now for a quick pick-me-up:

With little over 1k Words, you not only threw me in front of the Feels train, you then hit me with a Feels truck, and washed me into a Feels river.
Well Played. Well played.

Me (Reading the beginning): Is this...?

First off, I feel I should apologize to you. You’re no doubt feeling angry and hurt and abandoned, and please just know that I never wanted you to feel this way.

But I have to start thinking about myself for once. I’m just...so…tired. I can’t do it anymore. I can’t be the happy little school-filly, the pretty rich girl, or any of it anymore. I can’t be Silver Spoon. I think…this is what’s best for me.

This…it’s my only choice, I believe that this might be the best thing to bring me something like happiness.

Me (continuing): What...? You better not be writing a story about a filly committing suicide.

I used to think I was happy…in my life, as your friend. When we made fun of those other three, the cutie-mark crusaders, it kept out the hurt that occasionally broke its way through my pretend. Given all we had been raised to believe, it was easy place them below me when they had no cutie marks.

But then they found their special talents. Now one’s a singer, another a stunt performer, the last a home designer. Maybe those things don’t seem important in the high-society life we were raised for, but it’s what makes them happy. Does it matter then?…if we had our cutie marks before them? They found their talent in things that they love, they’re happy.

Oh Tiara, we pretended to be so much better than them. In truth, they are so much more than you or I will ever be. Tiara…I don’t even know what my special talent is anymore. It seems like my cutie mark was always there. My life was chosen out to be that of a wealthy, but miserable pony. I have no special talent. I can’t remember when it was, or what I was doing when I earned my cutie mark. I’m trapped as Silver Spoon, heir to several million and a life full of “What Could Have Been”…

Me (Frowning): No. *Shakes head* Uh-uh.

I’m not special…

And I’m not happy. This, at least, will be the act that brings me the closest to happiness….I’m setting myself free.

I want you to have something of mine. It’s very special to me, reminds me of a better time. It might be just as important to me as that tiara is to you.

It’s in the box. Go on, open it-

Me (Trying not to cry): How....cuutteee...

Do you remember her, Tiara? Do you remember back when we were young and innocent? You were convinced your special talent was going to be in sewing…and you made me this, as a sign of our friendship on my birthday.

Of all the things I have received over the years, all the expensive presents and treats…This is my favorite gift, because it came from the heart.

Take care of her for me Tiara. Please?

I guess that’s it then. The time is closing in on me. I can’t wait.

I’m going to be free.

Please, forgive me Diamond Tiara…

Me (As the story is drawing to a close): Hmmphh.

And…maybe it’s too late for me to be happy, but maybe, just maybe, you can still be happy. Happy enough for the both of us.


Silver Spoon

Diamond Tiara released the note, watching it float to the ground. Gently, she scooped up Miss Muffy and hugged her tightly to her chest. Leaning against the wall, she held the doll close and sniffled as tears began to drift down her cheeks. Each word from the letter pounded through her head, accompanied by the images etched in her brain of the little grey filly...asleep in her bed, never to wake. At last, Diamond Tiara released her pain, and she cried until she had no tears left.

“Oh, Spoon.” she whispered.

You, get the hell out of *sniffle* my life! You've ruined meee.... you've ruined meeeeeeeee.... :raritydespair:

This hit me rather hard. I've actually read a letter like this. My best friend growing up ended his own life shortly after our graduation. So this... this felt personal. :fluttercry:

So sad.:fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::applecry::applecry::applecry:

To me death is not that bad really, I mean I already lost my brother in a accident that took his life and plunged mine into a state of acute depression that still lingers on me like those black clouds on cartoon and such.

You see, how I see death is actually a nice thing (unless you can't recover from depression), when someone, ANYONE dies that you loved, cared, respected, cherished etc. in your life then their really not dead.

You see, even if their eyes are open they can't SEE, even if their heart has blood they can't FEEL, even if their ears allow for noise to enter they can't HEAR.

Not because they don't want to or they can't, it's because they've given YOU that privilege, you were their friend and still are. And now it's your turn to see and feel the world instead of them.
And so we carry their love and their hatred, so beware of your actions my friends/enemies. . . for nothing can be more cruel than a memory

This story is 100% Diamond Cutters Approved!

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