• Published 14th Jan 2014
  • 1,450 Views, 26 Comments

When Harmony Dies. - Unoriginal

Twilight is immortal, her friends are not, and there comes a time when she has to say goodbye.

  • ...

The Kind Caretaker

Fluttershy was the kind of pony that everyone loved.
That everyone could talk to, and be comfortable around.
She was a very special pony, and one that everyone needed in their lives


Fluttershy lay on her sofa within her cottage, sleeping peacefully, blissfully unaware of the world around her.
She was so happy at that moment in time, she was dreaming about herself flying through the clouds, up, up, and even further up, until she stopped, and looked down, and panicked, realising how high she was, and how being this high up was so scary. She began to tear up for a few seconds before she heard a familiar voice behind her.

'Now now Fluttershy, there is absolutely no need to be scared'

Fluttershy quickly turned around, only to face the friendly, if not strange face, of Discord.

'Oh Discord, sorry' Fluttershy replied with a relieved sigh 'you startled me for a second there.'

'Well, dear Fluttershy, I am dreadfully sorry for that, but I thought I might pop in and see how you are doing, as a good friend does for his own.'

'Oh well that's nice.' She replied before pausing, 'Wait how are you in my dream, I thought that Luna could only access dreams?'

'Oh well, about that' Discord said with a heavy sigh 'I was talking to Luna earlier you see, but she wasn't planning on looking into your dream tonight, because well, you aren't dreaming.'

Fluttershy paused, before hearing another familiar voice from above, a much softer one this time.

'Hello dear, fancy seeing you here.'

Fluttershy froze, and her heart skipped a beat, she had known that voice all too well, but there was one fact she couldn't put to terms.

Rarity wasn't alive anymore, and if she wasn't dreaming...
Oh dear.

'By the look on your face, I think that you have just realised what has happened' Discord began, 'but with all the powers I have, I can only do this once, and I hope you make the most of it whilst you can.'

And as he finished the sentence, a small glow began to emerge within the space between his 'hands'. And after a few seconds, he thrust the glow of energy towards Fluttershy's chest and looked her in the eyes, and slowly muttered.

'Have fun. Don't be too long now.'

And then everything went white.


Fluttershy awoke to a view of a certain lavender alicorn standing over her with a bright light being emitted from her horn.

'Twilight, look! she's awake!' Cried a certain rainbow pegasus, who seemed to have tears within her eyes.

At once the alicorn's horn powered down, and Twilight slumped to the ground, exhausted.

Fluttershy coughed lightly, her head felt incredibly light. 'Uhhhh, Twilight? Rainbow?, what's happening, where am I' she said as she took in her surroundings.

'Fluttershy...' Twilight began as she pushed herself off the floor. 'You weren't alive...'

The realisation suddenly hit Fluttershy, as what Discord had said was true, that she wasn't dreaming.
But it was the last line he said that had really made her think.

'Don't be too long now'

Fluttershy looked down at her chest, and with an abundance, of tears welling up behind her eyes, she began to cry.

All of a sudden she felt a pair of hooves wrap around her neck. Looking up she saw Rainbow Dash hugging her, tears dripping from her chin down onto the floor, creating a small puddle.

Fluttershy hugged her back, creating a small emotional connection between the two pegasi for what must have been a few minutes before Rainbow let go and stood back next to Twilight.

Fluttershy looked up at them, and said something that none of them expected.

'I need to go for a walk'

Twilight was in no mood to argue, but she simply had to state her point
'Fluttershy, you are sick enough as it is, you mustn't.'

Ignoring her as politely as she could, Fluttershy, ever so slowly stood up, and walked towards Twilight before embracing her in a very sudden and very emotional hug. Before letting go looking her in the eyes, and saying.

'If I am going to die soon, then let me rest alongside nature, as I have done so throughout my entire life.'
and with that, she walked out the door and into the open.

The first thing that Fluttershy noticed was how sweet the air smelt, as if it was inviting her to find its source within the woods.

And thats exactly what she did, she walked right into the woods, and began her final walk.

Fluttershy began to take in all the details of the woods as she walked. The golden leaves hanging on to the trees, as if they never wanted to let go, The cheerful birds chirping in the trees, the cool wind blowing its way through Fluttershy's mane, and sending a small shiver down her spine. But she wasn't going to stop.
She heard and felt the crunching of fallen leaves beneath her hooves. and stopped and took a deep breath, noticing that the air still had a sweet scent to it, maybe she would find it's source, maybe she wouldn't, she didn't mind, all she cared about now was her walk through the forest.

She took a few more steps, before feeling a sharp pain through her right foreleg, and falling to the ground, laying there, as peacefully as when she was in the cottage.


It was 2 hours later when they found her, lying motionless on a pile of broken leaves, with a small sweet smile on her face.
Twilight had been the first to break down into tears before they left her, as they thought it was right, after all, she had wanted to be with nature until the end.

Twilight had returned about 20 minutes later to say a final goodbye, alone, as she was too sad to go anywhere else.
As she arrived at the familiar scene, she noticed something, a large lanky being, leaning over Fluttershy, muttering a few simple words, before picking her up.

Twilight was about to impose, when Discord turned around and faced Twilight. With tears in his eyes, he muttered to her

'I guess it's her time now.' before disappearing in front of her.
What remained was a small patch of leaves that was slightly lower than the rest, where Fluttershy had previously lay. And as Twilight leaned over to examine it, she noticed one thing, before, breaking down into tears again.

Within the patch, crawled a small butterfly, with a pink body, and yellow wings, that observed its surroundings for a few seconds, before flying off into the woods, to carry on the spirit of her dear friend Fluttershy.