• Published 14th Jan 2014
  • 1,451 Views, 26 Comments

When Harmony Dies. - Unoriginal

Twilight is immortal, her friends are not, and there comes a time when she has to say goodbye.

  • ...

The Honest Farmer

Clouds floated gently over Sweet Apple Acres, leaving small shadows on the motionless ground beneath them.

A certain red stallion sat by a tree, there was nothing special about this tree, it was almost identical to the other hundreds of trees in the farm.

Raising a hoof, he thrust it against the tree, before holding out the same hoof to catch a perfectly smooth, red apple.

Looking at the apple, he began to well up in tears, holding them back as best as he could.

Because Applejack wouldn't have wanted him to cry, she would have told him to quit moping around, and get back to work.

Right after giving him a loving hug, reserved for only the closest family and friends.

Big Mac sniffed, and wiped a lone tear out of his eye.

'Thanks Applejack, take care now.' He sniffed, before he pulled himself up, and made his way back to the farmhouse, leaving the tree behind him in the past.


A loud thud, echoed through the orchards of Sweet Apple Acres, followed by the rumbling as several apples fell into the numerous baskets scattered around the tree.

Applejack wiped the sweat from her forehead with a hoof, casually flicking it away.

It was an exceptionally hot day, Celestia had outdone herself today.

'Hooboy, Celestia!' Applejack said, looking up at the blazing sun above her head in awe. 'You sure 'ave given me a challenge today with this 'ere heat!'

Walking to the next tree, she looked up at the sun again.

'Y'know Celestia, if you are gonna go and scorch the earth. Could ya at least send something to make my life a bit easier?'

Rising her hind legs in the air, she positioned herself, before letting them fling at the tree.

A crack echoed out throughout the trees. Followed by an ear-piercing scream.

Then silence.


Applejack opened her eyes slowly.

Everything was white, spare for the odd colour here and there.

Applejack could hear voices, muffled, but definitely voices.

Raising her head so slightly, she let out a small groan. Almost immediately she felt a hoof being pressed to her head, and pushing her back down onto the pillow.

'No, sleep.' She heard it say. It was a quiet voice, one of a friend, but who?

'Uhnng, h..hello? hello?' Applejack muttered, not even sure if it was loud enough for anypony in the room to hear her.

She slowly raised a hoof in the air, and began to weakly wave it about, desperate to catch somepony's attention.

Nopony came to her.

'Where is everypony? ah could have sworn they were here a minute ago.' she thought quietly.

As her vision began to clear, Applejack began to recognise the surroundings.

As far as she could tell, she appeared to be in a hospital, recognisable by the pure white walls, and the curtain hanging loosely next to her bed.

The curtains by the window flowed gently, placing a cool, relaxing feeling on Applejack's face, leaving her to smile as she closed her eyes again.


Something was prodding Applejack in the stomach.

And it was beginning to feel more painful by the second.

'What in tarnation is that?' She thought aloud as she stared into the empty space where the prodding object should be.

'Shoo, get out of here, now!' She shouted as she swiped at the said area.

The pain stopped in her stomach.

And started in her hind legs.

But this time, it wasn't a simple prodding, it began to feel like someone was trying to crush her legs with something exceptionally heavy.

Applejack panicked, and tried to pull herself up. Only to find that she couldn't move from her current spot.

She was stuck.

Applejack kept on trying though, being the pony she was. She began frantically trying to pull herself from this spot, leaning in all directions, and applying as much force as possible.

And then she began to tilt.

Slowly at first, but it became increasingly faster. Until she hit the ground. Then everything went still for a few seconds.

Before the pain kicked in.

Applejack screamed in pain, her legs felt like they were being pulled from her very body, and being crushed by boulders at the same time.

Applejack began to tear up. Water began to flow from her eyes, and it started to drip onto the floor beneath her, causing the smallest of puddles to occur.

Looking down, she saw something she thought she would never see again.

The yellow coated pegasus smiled at her from the puddle, in the most heartwarming way possible. Before whispering three words in a near inaudible tone.

'Wake up Applejack.'


Applejack woke with a start, with tears streaming down her face.

She had tipped the bed she was on over, and was now currently lying on her back, on the cold floor.

Her legs were still in a great amount of pain, seeing as they had come loose of the rope holding them up, and were now laying, motionless on the floor.

She could hear hoofsteps, echoing down the corridor, as she lay here.

The pain intensified. she was holding back another scream.

Twilight, followed by Rainbow Dash, burst into the room. Shocked expressions came across their faces as they saw what had happened here.

'Applejack, oh my goodness! what happened here?!' Twilight spluttered, as she raced over to Applejack's side.

Applejack merely groaned in response.

'Applejack...are you ok?' came the scared voice of her close pegasus friend.

Applejack was now in so much pain, he vision was beginning to fade. She looked over to her duo of friends, and now the group of hospital staff, that had gathered behind them.

'Not...here..please...farm...' Applejack muttered.

'Princess Twilight, what does she mean by that?' came the soft voice of Nurse Redheart.

Applejack began to close her eyes, groaning softly as she did so.

Twilight's face paled.

'Oh no, no no NO!' She screamed as she watched her friend close her eyes.


Twilight's mind clicked. 'Of course! the farm! quick! We need to get her there. NOW!'

Without skipping a heartbeat, Dash scooped up Applejack in her front hooves, and soared, full speed out the window. Twilight followed par, by disappearing in a flash, immediately teleporting to the Apple's farm.

It was but a mere few seconds, before she saw a familiar rainbow blur shoot towards her.

As they got closer, Twilight noticed the pain in both the mare's eyes, and it became obvious of such, as Rainbow Dash basically collapsed in agony and exhaustion when they reached the farm.

Twilight picked up Applejack in her magic, and carried her over to the nearest tree, laying her down there.

Applejack opened her eyes as much as possible, barely gaining sight of her two dear friends, sitting by her side, even in her final moments.

'Thank you, for everything.'

And then she was gone, freed from her pain, and released into the heavens where her other friends awaited her.

Twilight just couldn't take it anymore, and broke down in a waterfall of tears, collapsing in a heap on the ground.

Rainbow Dash hung her head, as she walked over to her now deceased friend.

She leant over, and gave her a small kiss on the forehead, before bowing her head again.

'Goodbye cowgirl, I will never forget you.'

Author's Note:

Sorry for the MASSIVE delay, I had things to do and stuff.

Hopefully my writing will be up to par, haven't done it in a while.

Comments ( 10 )

Twilight is not immortal.


I like to think that Alicorns are immortal, and can only die, or lose their immortality if they chose so.

I cried...:fluttercry:


Well its up to fandom to guess

I think that Twilight is not immortal since Meghan said she isn't then again she is alicorn thus immortality she must have.


Yeh, I guess people have different views on it, but then again, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


Yep :eeyup:

But I have a feeling that Twilight will die together with her friend. Because Meghan said that she won't outlive her friend.....The key word is outlive

Ah, my feels. You've tugged them all the way out. Beautifully written as always. Just one little thing.

A crack echoed out throughout the trees.

Saying "out throughout" seems a bit redundant.

Finally, after months. :pinkiehappy:

why did I read this? it makes me remember when my Grandmother died...:raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry:

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