• Published 14th Jan 2014
  • 1,450 Views, 26 Comments

When Harmony Dies. - Unoriginal

Twilight is immortal, her friends are not, and there comes a time when she has to say goodbye.

  • ...

The Laughing Partymare

The wind blew gently across the town, sending small chills down the back's of anypony who happened to be aimlessly wondering around Ponyville.

Not that anyone was.

Ponyville had been plunged into a depression of sort. Any happiness that had once existed in the town a few hours ago, had completely vanished by this time.

For the one pony who brought life, light and laughter to the town, had finally decided that she could party no more, and had spent her last few hours, on her bed, within the top floor of Sugarcube corner, before finally releasing her mind and soul from her still, pink body.


- A few hours earlier -

Pinkie sat outside Sugarcube corner, observing the activity that passed her; a taxi hurtling past with a distressed customer, Several stalls, selling edible produce of all kind, from cherries to carrots. And the continual groups of ponies that walked back and forth in front of her.

She always enjoyed sitting in this one spot, watching all of the other ponies go about their day, having fun and laughing, some waving to her as they trotted past, of course, Pinkie would give a friendly returning wave.

Pinkie sighed quietly to herself, as she flashed past happy memories through her mind, to such an extent that she didn't notice a certain lavender alicorn approach her.

'Hello? Equestria to Pinkie.' Twilight stated, a worrying face beginning to develop, wondering why she hadn't answered yet.

At this point Pinkie decided to snap out of whatever thought she was in, as she had noticed her name being called in a louder, and more worrisome tone.

'Oh hey, Twilight' Pinkie replied 'What's up.'

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief.

'Oh you're ok, that's brilliant, I was scared for you Pinkie.'

Pinkie put on a puzzled look, confused as to why Twilight was so worried.

'What do you mean Twilight? I'm just sitting here, as I have been doing so all my life. Why are you worrying about me?'

'W..What do you mean Pinkie? You haven't moved in over 3 hours, I was really worried about you, I thought something had happened to you!'

This surprised Pinkie. Granted she liked to sit and watch the world go by, but she never sat here for that long. More so the fact that it hadn't felt like that long at all, it felt like 3 hours had passed in a matter of minutes.

Maybe something was wrong, maybe all Pinkie wanted to do was to replace the ever-growing depression that had surrounded her since the passing of two of her closest friends. Maybe she wanted to watch the generations of ponies that came through the town every day, that made her feel happy, to know that, even if she was going to pass away today, or the next, or the next, and so on, that she knew that this town would continue to flourish, and it's inhabitants too would pass away into the unknown, and their foals would do the same, and their foals the same. And that everypony would continue to live their lives as happy as they could make them.

The fact that Pinkie knew that everypony was happy, made herself feel a warm glow within her, and that glow made her put on a smile. A smile that she would keep until the day that her body could take no more of her crazy antics, her consistent pranks, her undoubting love for all things sweet. The day that her body wanted to go to sleep, and sleep forevermore.

Pinkie gave a sad smile to herself, and walked back inside Sugarcube Corner.


Pinkie sat in her room, gazing out the window, across the horizon of Equestria, and admiring it in all of its beauty.

The beautiful mixture of colours as the sun began to melt into the ground, sending out a beautiful display of colours, ranging from light orange, to deep violet, all being sent out in different directions. She noticed Canterlot in the distance, its golden and white exterior buildings, showing off the entire known world, that it was the capital of this land, with its royal name, and it's beautiful blue waterfalls cascading down the side of the mountain that Canterlot was built into.

Pinkie looked down and saw the last of the salesponies packing up their produce for the day, occasionally serving their final customer who had a mad rush to the stalls, bits out in the open to show them that they had the bits to buy, and, naturally, the vendor would kindly oblige to them, because at the end of the day, money is what they were after.

Pinkie kept smiling to herself, until she felt a sharp pain across her right foreleg, causing her to suddenly drop to the floor. Wincing she managed to lift it off the ground to get a better look at it.

It seemed to be normal, no colour changes or anything, not even a cut or a bruise. which must have meant something worse.

The injury was internal. Or so she thought to herself, as a worse case scenario, it was possibly just something quick that had happened, something that wasn't going to bother her again.

She continued down that thought path, until another sharp pain hit her, this time in her lower neck.

Pinkie managed to push herself up, with great effort, and gradually began to walk towards the door.

Reaching it she began to knock at it as best as she could with her left foreleg, which was feeling a lot better than her right.

'H...H..Help me....anypony?' Pinkie managed to get out with her neck feeling like it was on fire right now.

No answer.

'H..Help!' Pinkie spluttered, with a bit more force now, and with a harder knock on the door.

The door suddenly swung open, revealing a cream coloured pegasus with a slice of cake for a cutie mark.

'Oh my Celestia, Pinkie! what happened are you alright' Asked a concerned Pound Cake.

'Pound....' Pinkie whispered 'Get Twilight...now'

'O..oh ok Pinkie, no problem, I'll get them right now, don't you go anywhere' replied Pound cake, before dashing off.

'uuugh, hurry...'


Pinkie lay in her bed, with the remainder of her closest friends gathered around her.

'It's ok Pinkie' Rainbow Dash managed to say between her crying 'You will be ok. In fact, after this we can go out pranking again, how about that, we will have such a good time, and we can both laugh about it afterwards, it will be so much fun.' and with that she burst into tears again.

Twilight began casting numerous spells over Pinkie's body, all the while holding back the inevitable flood of tears.

'Well?' Pinkie began 'Is it bad? Should I be worried?'

Twilight backed away slowly and motioned to Applejack and Spike to follow her out of the room. As they left, Twilight leant back in and looked at Rainbow Dash.

'I..I'm sorry Rainbow, We should let her best friend be with her in her final moments.'

And with that she left the room.

Rainbow Dash, with tears in her eyes, looked back over Pinkie's dying body.

'It's ok Dashie, It will be all right, I will get to see Rarity and Fluttershy again, we will all be happy together, and nothing can change that.'

Rainbow couldn't help herself but to suddenly envelope Pinkie in a hug, crying into her already wet fur.

'I'm sorry Pinkie, I should have spent more time with you, I should have kept you happier.' Rainbow began 'It's just...well...In fact, No! I can't let you go! You can't leave me! I will save you! I...'

'Shhhh' interrupted Pinkie 'It's ok, it will allllll be ok' she mumbled to herself.

'It will all be ok'

And with one final look she looked dead into Dash's eyes, and smiled.

'Have fun, while I'm gone Dashie. Don't be too sad.'

And then she was gone.

Her mind and soul completely empty now, and nothing but a small pink body lay on a bed of similar colour.

Dash looked outside, tears pouring down her cyan face, staring into Luna's brilliant night.

'Well' Dash began 'At least she died with a smile on her happy, little, face.'