• Published 18th Jan 2014
  • 9,959 Views, 817 Comments

Sweetie Belle and the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - AnnonyMouse

Sweetie Belle attends Hogwarts... What can POSSIBLY go wrong?

  • ...

Chapter Eighteen

Disclaimer: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro. Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling. This is a free fiction, not to be sold or traded for any money, services or goods.

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Sweetie Belle and the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Phineas Malfoy, the youngest son of Draco and Astoria and 'baby brother' to Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy.

Phineas hated that his brother was only two years older, but had proven to be such a genius in magic that he'd graduated from Hogwarts just last year at the age of thirteen. Sure, despite having graduated, he'd still have to come back in later years to take certain tests and to learn such things as aparating because of age restrictions, but the older boy couldn't care less.

The younger Malfoy was often teased and bullied by his brother, and more often than he liked, the butt of his jokes. Some honestly funny, some bordering on malicious and cruel.

And now he was a tiny and totally adorable, fluffy pony with amazing little wings that could let him fly faster and with greater agility than even the best flying broom. But it was not his awesome wings that his brother was focusing his attention on.

“Would you like some hay?” Scorpius waved a handful of grass and shoved it in Phineas' face.

Said younger brother let out a growl that an angry wolf would have been proud of, a sound he'd never been able to make before in his life. “Scorpius, stop it.”

Scorpius hadn't been expecting an equine creature to create such a sound and pulled his hand back. He knew well enough that quite a few small and harmless looking creatures could actually be really dangerous, and right now his brother was an unknown.

“You know what Bro, I think I like you like this. You should be able to get a girl's attention now.” He laughed at his younger sibling's expense.

There was not really anything he could do to his brother that the older boy couldn't counter.

Or was there?

“I don't need to take this from you. I am out of here.” Phineas spread his wings and tried to fly off, but Scorpius grabbed his tail and pulled him back down, after nearly being lifted clean off the ground by the surprisingly strong little wings.

“You're not going anywhere little brother. Mother and Father are discussing the situation with the Headmistress right now. Hmm, maybe I can cast a spell and change you back to your normal self. I think you'd look cute with a tail and those little wings.” A cruel grin crossed Scorpius' lips as his face darkened.

“As if a moral kid like you can undo something that an immortal goddess did to me.” Phineas frowned, then pondered why he'd just called Sweetie Belle an immortal goddess. She was once again her little unicorn self.

Now only if she could have blasted Scorpius as well, that would have totally made this situation so much better.

Speaking of Sweetie Belle, Phineas spotted her emerging from the Headmistress's office, her head hanging and she looked a little sad for some reason. “Sweetie Belle! Over here.”

The filly looked up and around, and looked a little shocked to see Phineas. “Oh, um, hello Phineas.” She approached and looked up at the colt's older brother.

Scorpius couldn't help but tease his brother. “Oh, got yourself a girlfriend I see? She suits you.”

The Unicorn looked up at the human. “Sorry, and who are you?” She blushed a little, but ignored his comment.

“Me? I'm the boy wizard genius, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, and Phineas' big brother.” He tried to look as arrogant and proud as possible.

Sweetie Belle looked at the colt, who almost had a pleading look on his face, like he was asking for help. The filly caught on almost right away. “Oh, so nobody important. Gotcha. Say Phin, wanna go get something to eat? I heard the kitchen staff made us a special cheese cake.”

Phineas, this he had to admit, while initially sceptical about pony food, had taken quite a liking to it.

Ok, maybe not alfalfa, but oddly fresh hay was quite tasty, and the smell of meat very unpleasant. He found thinking about chowing down on a steak or burger oddly disgusting.

Oh yes, and cheese cake, something he'd seen Sweetie Belle enjoying often, the smell was heavenly and right now his mouth was salivating at the idea he might get the chance to enjoy some for once. “Sure, anything to get out of here.”

“You're not going anywhere Brother.” Scorpius looked dead serious as he blocked their path.

Sweetie Belle looked up at the boy. “I'm sorry, I invited Phin, not you.” Her horn lit up, wrapping around the colt and herself, and she employed a spell she'd learned while an Alicorn.

With a flash of green light, the pair of ponies vanished before a VERY shocked looking Scorpius. “What the WHAT? Aparation from a first year? Why wasn't it blocked? Seriously? What the fricking WHAT?”

Had he known that the pair had only 'winked' around the corner, which sadly was the furthest that Sweetie Belle could teleport with a passanger, he would have had to laugh.

Sweetie Belle staggered, smoking slightly from the exertion of the spell.

Phineas was also somewhat dazed, but the pair quickly recovered and made their escape to the great hall. Cheesecake was awaiting them.

“How can you aparate while you're so young? And I thought that the school was protected from teleporting spells.” Phineas asked Sweetie Belle, honestly curious and not feeling like being a jerk toward her for once.

“Well, the principals of aparating and winking are two completely different things. Aparating transports you at a high speed from one location to another, while winking literally make you no longer exist at your original location and exist at your new one.”

“Winking?” Phineas raised an eyebrow. “That sounds... cute.”

Sweetie Belle giggled. “Well, there's also Teleportation. That's also completely different from Winking. Teleportaion opens a portal from one location to another which can be used as a two way means of transportation.” Sweetie Belle spoke in an 'official tone' as she recited what she'd learned from all her books on the matter.

“Also, only Unicorns can initiate a Wink.” She smiled at the colt. “So, do you think we could try to be friends? There's no reason for us to dislike each other.”

Phineas snorted. “Really? You turned me into a pony. I mean, a typical transmogrification spell is easy to undo, but whatever you did to me, even the school's barrier couldn't undo it. And by my figuring, this spell should have already run out and I should be myself again.”

“Come on Phin, being a pony isn't bad. I've seen you flying around and you look really happy.” Sweetie Belle smiled.

The boy turned colt winced at the sheer adorableness of the filly. “And why are you calling me Phin?”

“Phin makes you sound more friendly than Phineas.”

“Phin... Alright, fine. You can call me Phin.” He blushed a little. He'd never had a non-insulting nickname before.

“Although Phin isn't a very pony sounding name.” Sweetie Belle tapped her hoof too her chin.

“Sweetie Belle, no. Phin is good enough. I don't want to have some silly name like Feather Duster or something like that.” He grunted as he pressed on toward the cheesecake.

The filly giggled and trotted along beside the colt who could be a new friend.

Phin flopped flat onto his back and rubbed his belly. “Oh wow. That cheesecake was the best. Are you serious when you say that cakes and other such goodies are actually a normal part of pony diet? Till now I've been sticking to mostly salads, hay fries and hay burgers. Good grief, why do I like hay?”

Sweetie Belle giggled. It was such a cute sound. Phineas had to wonder why he had been such a jerk to her before when she'd never done anything back to him.

“Silly, we're ponies. Think of it like this. Baked good are to ponies as meat is to humans. Do you understand now?”

“Huh, that oddly makes sense.” Phineas sat back up and looked at his empty plate. “But I've also seen you eating omelets and fried eggs for breakfast on occasion. How do you explain that?”

“Oh, that's simple. Eggs are used in making baked goods, along with milk. It's not unusual for ponies to enjoy milk, ice cream, cheese, eggs and foods like that. Heck, as a Pegasus pony, I wouldn't be surprised if you've been craving fish.”

“Why would I crave... actually now that you mention it, I have been craving it.” Phineas looked confused. “But I thought ponies didn't eat meat.”

“I think I've explained this already, but seeing as you actually are a Pegasus right now, I'll tell you what I learned from school and Scootaloo. The original Pegasus nation, known as Vaporia, has always existed over the Antelertic Ocean. As such, Pegasi evolved to be able to eat whatever was available. Kelp and other seaweeds, fish, birds. To the north, the nearest land was the Amanezon, a really scary jungle, so there wasn't a lot of room to grow fields of hay or orchards of fruit. As such, the jungle proviced fruit, nuts and more, but with how large Vaporia is, many of the Pegasi have never actually seen solid land.”

“Hold on a moment.” Phineas looked good and confused. “What do the Pegasi do? Are they flying all the time? Do they use hot air balloons or some other means of staying in the sky? Or do they live on boats?”

Sweetie Belle blinked, then remembered that Phineas was human, and not actually a cute pegasus colt. “Oh right. Um, Pegasi can walk on clouds, and control the weather, move clouds, and even shape them. I enjoy watching Rainbow Dash and the rest of the weather team working on the weather, especially when making warm sunny days.” She beamed a smile.

“Hold on a sec. Walk on clouds? Control the weather? That's impossible. The amount of magic required to pull off something like that even on a small scale or for a short while, I can't even figure out how many witches or wizards would be needed.”

“Um, it's just the norm for Pegasi. Like how I can levitate things with my magic with as much difficulty as a simple thought. Ok, sure, I'm limited to maybe fifteen or twenty pounds, and anything beyond that requires increased concentration. Earth Ponies, now they're amazing. Strong, fast, tough. But they're so much more than that. They can do things with plants and rocks that most Unicorns and Pegasi could never be able to do.”

“Ok, so, if I were to fly up into the sky, I could land on a cloud and walk around. I could even shape it if I wanted?”

Sweetie Belle nodded.

“Huh. I gotta test this out...” He then hung his head. “I'm sorry I broke your board thing.”

Sweetie Belle's smile didn't fade. “I was able to fix it. I still had plenty of Pegasi feathers left over from when I first made it.”

“Oh, that's good to hear.” Phineas felt oddly relieved. Normally he couldn't have cared less for Sweetie Belle. “So, wanna see if I really can walk on clouds?”

“You betcha.”

Scorpius FINALLY caught up to his brother and that annoying little pony, only to be blown away as he watched the pair fly off from the courtyard. Phineas under the power of his own wings, and the Unicorn making use of a rather ingenious board object that let her stand and move freely.

“Oh come on... seriously? Fine. Accio Dragon Bolt.” He cast his spell and waited for less than a minute. Then his custom made flying broom arrived. He jumped on and took off in the direction the pair of ponies had gone.

Phineas hadn't actually flown up this high before, and was a little nervous at first.

But the sight that he beheld was amazing as he actually landed on a cloud for the first time and didn't fall through like he'd been expecting.

“I never thought I'd admit this, but ponies are amazing.” The colt smiled over at Sweetie Belle, and gasped in shock as he watched her hop off her board and land on the cloud. “S-Sweetie Belle? You never said Unicorns can walk on clouds too. I kinda feel cheated.”

Sweetie Belle wobbled a little, not used to the soft springiness and odd texture of the clouds. “I used a spell that lets others walk on clouds. You don't need that spell. I can't move or shape clouds, but you can.”

Curious now, Phineas lifted a chunk of the cloud with his hoof, something that should have been nearly impossible to do without the use of spells. “This is weird. So I can do all this stuff naturally, right?”

Sweetie Belle nodded. “I sometimes wished I was a Pegasus before I learned how to use my magic. Now I wouldn't give it up for anything.”

“Heh. Yea, well, I can use my wand to cast spells, and I have these amazing Pegasus powers.” He chuckled. “Okay, normal Pegasus abilities, but still, here on Earth, such things are amazing, even in the wizarding world.”

The filly could only nod. She opened her mouth to speak, but gasped and looked past her new friend. “Scorpius?”

Spinning around, Phineas saw his brother, sitting on his broom. “Oh come on Scorpius. Why can't you just leave me alone.”

“No can do little Brother. I'm taking you back so we can get you turned back to your real self. Seeing you like this, as a filthy little barnyard animal is an affront to EVERYTHING the Malfoy family stands for.” He pulled out his wand, ready to cast a spell.

However, Scorpius had been expecting his brother to run or try to cast a spell. Instead, this is what he got.

“How DARE you.” Sweetie Belle stomped up to the much larger boy and glared into his eyes. “Phin may have been a jerk in the past, but he's a good person. It doesn't matter if he's human or pony at the moment. I am happy to call him a friend.”

Phineas stood next to Sweetie Belle. “Why don't you just go back and wait for Mother and Father to conclude their meeting with Headmistress Mcgonnagal.”

Scorpius recovered quickly. “Sorry, didn't catch that over the braying of your little donkey friend.” He scoffed.

Phineas saw red and was about to attack when Sweetie Belle burst out into giggles.

“What?” Scorpius looked confused. “Why are you laughing? STOP LAUGHING!”

Sweetie Belle wiped a tear from her eyes. “Sorry, but I've never brayed before. I've whinnied though.” She let out a soft little whinny to demonstrate. “You need to learn the differences between the types of ponies there are, as well as horses, zebras, donkeys, hippogriffs and all that. It would make you look less uneducated.”

“Un-uneducated?” Oh, while Scorpius had been annoyed before, he was actually angry now. “I'll have you know, you stupid little animal, that I have already graduated from Hogwarts.”

Sweetie Belle didn't look offended, rather, she frowned a little. “You mean you spent all your time studying and made no time to make friends? Why would you do that? Learning how to make friends is an important life skill. Just as Princess Twilight Sparkle told me; Friendship is Magic.”

Phineas blinked. “Friendship is magic...” It was odd. When he'd been mean and spiteful of the pony, his life here at school had not been all that pleasant. Since he'd become a pony, in the same hoofshoes so to speak, he'd stopped acting like a jerk all the time, and had actually found that some of his fellow student body were actually better people than he'd given them credit for.

Heck, Frey and he had actually started talking... along with her taking a liking to carrying him around like he was a plushie of some sort.

Scorpius glared harder than before and pointed his wand at the pair. “I'm going to curse you both so bad.” A flash from his wand struck the pair, sending their world into darkness. “Let's see how you enjoy your time as a pony now, Little Brother.” He then flew off, leaving the heavily dazed pair standing there on the cloud.

The little Unicorn was the first to shake off the daze. “What was that? Sweetie Belle? Are you... o..kay?” Her hoof came to 'her' mouth, and 'her' eyes had gone wide.

"Oh ponyfeathers..."

Phineas was no longer a Pegasus colt...

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

And the new antagonist has appeared. Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy. What a big meany, picking on his little brother like that.

Body Swap magic? And just when Phineas was getting used to being a Pegasus colt, now he's going to have to deal with being a bundle of pure, concentrated cute.

Oh yea, and he's now a little filly...