• Published 18th Jan 2014
  • 9,959 Views, 817 Comments

Sweetie Belle and the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - AnnonyMouse

Sweetie Belle attends Hogwarts... What can POSSIBLY go wrong?

  • ...

Chapter Nine

Disclaimer: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro. Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling. This is a free fiction, not to be sold or traded for any money, services or goods.

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Sweetie Belle and the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

“It is true then, there is a Unicorn attending Hogwarts as a student.” A stalky, short figure wearing a hooded cloak looked at the taller, slimmer cloaked figure.

“Aye, a young one at that, and my sources say she can not only talk, but is able to use magic.”

They were located in a smoky pub, location unknown. It was one of those dark, seedy places where not overly nice people tended to frequent.

The shorter ones grin could be seen from beneath his hood, a single gold tooth amid his crooked yellowing teeth shining in the dim light. “This is just what we need. Tell your contact at the school to keep in touch. For now, there is no way we can reach her at this time, but she will be ours.”

“Too right.” The taller figure, a female by her voice, nodded. “And then, nothing will stop us.”

They clinked their mugs together and drank deeply.

Sweetie Belle awoke early the next day after the Ponyville trip. She felt well rested and was raring to go.

After washing up in a washbasin, she tended to her grooming. Thankfully, her mane and tail were nowhere near as time consuming to groom as her sister's.

As she opened the door to the Griffindor commons room, she saw a few other of her house members already up. Janna and a couple boys she recognized, but hadn't gotten to get to know yet.

“Good morning Sweetie Belle.” Janna beamed. “Where were you yesterday? We looked all over for you.”

“Oh, I was with Headmistress McGonnagal all day.” Sweetie Belle replied as she adjusted her robed with a flicker of her magic. It has been a week now, but she was still not fully used to them.

Janna blinked. “That's odd. I heard nobody could find her either.”

The little Unicorn cringed a little. “Um, she was helping me with something important concerning one of my classes. She asked me not to talk about it.”

The plump girl nodded. “Well, I guess that's not to be unexpected. You're not from this world after all, so you would need some extra help with learning about our ways of magic and stuff.”

Sweetie Belle nodded. Janna wasn't too far off. “Um, I'm heading to the main hall for breakfast before classes. Do you want to join me?”

Marry shook her head. “No, I need to finish this report for Astronomy.” She tapped the book she was using as her reference. “You already did it, didn't you?”

“Yea, I finished it already.” Sweetie Belle blushed.

“May I borrow it? I really don't do well with this stuff.”

This time, the filly shook her head. “Sorry, but if I let you copy mine, you're not really learning.”

The two boys both nodded at that, even though they were not taking part in the conversation.

Janna noticed that and sighed. “Yea, you're right. How'd you get it done so fast anyways?”

Sweetie Belle smiled. “Princess Twilight would take me and my two best friends out at night sometimes and teach us astonomy. Sure, your sky is totally different than ours, but I learned enough to be able to spot constellations.”

“Having a Princess teach you?” One of the boys looked up from his reading. “Wow, you're lucky. Twilight, is she like the Princess of the Night or something like that?”

Sweetie Belle shook her head. “No, that's Princess Luna. Princess Twilight is the Princess of... um... Princess of...” She paused. What exactly was Twilight the princess of? “You know? I don't know what she's the Princess of. Princess Celestia controls the sun, Princess Luna controls the moon. Princess Cadance protects the Crystal Empire with her husband, who's also Princess Twilight's big brother.”

The three human children looked at each other before the one boy who hadn't spoken yet asked a question. “If you don't know, does she know?”

Again Sweetie Belle didn't know the answer to that. “To be honest, I haven't the slightest idea. I can ask her when I write a letter to home.”

“Who cares about that.” The first boy leaned over the arm of his chair. “Sweetie Belle has a Princess as a teacher. Talk about wicked.”

“Oh, goodness no. Princess Twilight is kind and patient and generous with her time. She's not wicked at all.”

Three humans children looked at each other, then burst out laughing.

The lone filly walked along toward her first class of the day, now having learned a few words and their uses, as well as having a belly full of fried eggs and hayshbrowns.

“Sweetie Belle!” A familiar voice called out, and the filly found herself squeaking as she was scooped into a pair of familiar arms. “Where were you yesterday?”

“Z-Zwei?” Sweetie Belle looked a little startled, but then smiled. “Good morning Zwei.” She spotted Deuce trudging along, yawning wide enough for Sweetie Belle to easily fit a hoof in his mouth, not that she would. “Good morning Deuce.”

“Mumble mumble...” Deuce replied.

“Don't mind my brother. He was up late last night working on his Astrology report. I already got mine done.” Zwei giggled and hugged the filly before setting her down to walk on her own. “So? Where were you? We wanted to hang out with you yesterday.”

“I was with Headmistress McGonnagal all day. She was helping me with something for one of my classes. She asked me not to talk about it though.” Sweetie Belle didn't want to make anyone jealous with any of the special treatment she'd been getting.

“Hey, don't worry about it.” Deuce managed to finally speak clearly. “Just consider yourself lucky you got the Headmistress herself to help you.”

“She's a really nice po-person.” Sweetie Belle nearly slipped up and called Minerva a pony. Sure, she made a rather nice Earth Pony, but she was more used to seeing her as a human, and hoped she wouldn't be seeing her too often as a cat.

“Well, here we are. Magical History.” Zwei sighed. “The most boring class of them all.”

“I think it's fascinating.” The little filly beamed cutely. “Though the fact that it's taught by a ghost is a little spooky.”

In the background, unseen by the trio, a Slitherin boy scowled. Phineas Malphoy, like his father, had a deep dislike of anything Griffindor, and he really disliked this sickeningly sucrose little beast of burden that had absolutely no right attending a civilized school such as Hogwarts.

He'd already been embarrassed once by her, and he was planning his revenge. It would take time, that was for certain, but revenge would be his, oh yes indeed.

History, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions and Transfiguration. It was a long, full day of learning, of which Sweetie Belle was loving every moment of it. She was happy that she shared all her classes with Deuce and his sister Zwei. They would have been less enjoyable without them.

And now with the day done, she had an appointment with two of her teachers. She made the trip all the way to the seventh floor and to the charms classroom where she found Prof. Flitwick waiting for her.

“Ah Sweetie Belle, I am so glad you could make it. I've already received word that you got the feathers.” Flitwick looked positively excited to be able to help the Unicorn with her research.

“Yes, I have plenty so we don't have to worry about making mistakes.” Sweetie belle said as she entered and looked around. “Where's Madam Hooch? I thought she was going to help us.”

A chuckle came from behind Sweetie Belle, which caused her to squeak and jump, spinning in midair, her tiny cloven hooves flailing before she landed on her rump and looked up.

“Madam Hooch, you startled me.” She puffed out her cheeks and glared cutely up at the tall human.

Again she chuckled. Madam Hooch knelt down and looked the filly in the eye. “Yes Sweetie Belle, I am going to help you. Prof. Flitwick may be the premier charms expert at school, but I am the best at school when it comes to making flying brooms.”

“I hope we can make this little project work before Sweetie Belle's next class. Now, there is a lot to consider when enchanting any form of object.” Flitwick started. “And this will be particularly challenging because it will be combining two totally different forms of magic.”

Sweetie Belle approached the slightly taller teacher and set down her saddlebag and started pulling out plenty of feathers.

Blue, as she had expected, but surprisingly, also yellow, purple, and even more surprisingly, a few small orange ones.

A tear formed in the corner of her eye as she realized that not only Rainbow Dash, but also Fluttershy, Princess Twilight and even Scootaloo had donated feathers for this project.

“My, that is certainly a good supply.” Ms. Humphry said as she picked up a most beautiful blue feather. “And so colorful.”

“All my friends donated feathers.” Sweetie Belle couldn't have been prouder to call those three Pegasai friends. “I can't wait to show them my flying board when it's done.”

“If we can do it.” Flitwick countered. “But that will be the most fun part, finding a way to make it work.”

Sweetie Belle and Madam Hooch both nodded and got to work.

After only an hour of studying how the feathers reacted to Flitwick and Humphrey's magic, they came to a startling conclusion.

Equestrian Pegasai feathers exploded under virtually any spell cast by the pair.

“Well, we seem to be in a bit of a tight spot here.” Flitwick looked up at an equally soot covered Madam Hooch. “Have you any ideas?”

Sighing before answering, the tall, white haired lady shook her head. “Even a simple levitation charm made them explode, which makes no sense whatsoever.”

Sweetie Belle had, till now, been sitting back and watching, and for the most part, feeling totally bored, and very disappointed. “This isn't fair. I want to find some way to make this work.” She looked over the half dozen scorch marks on the table top. “It's not fair that a spell like Wingardium Leviosa maked them ex... plode?” She had used her wand, gripped in her magic to cast the spell without even thinking about it, and to everyone's amazement, the feather levitated. “What the hay?”

The pair of teachers stared in shock. “Hold on a second there.” Madam Hooch leaned closer and looked at the floating feather. “Why didn't that feather explode like normal?”

Flitwick clapped his hands in delight. “I think I know the reason why. Sweetie Belle, while using our magic, has her wand wrapped in her own magic. Perhaps that is the key, though I wish to test a theory.” He held out his own wand. “Sweetie Belle, please try my wand and levitate that feather.”

Sweetie Belle looked at the small, orange feather, and then the wand. She set said feather down and stowed her wand away in her mane. How it even fit or stayed in there was very much an unknown to either teacher.

She accepted the wand and made a repeat of the spell, with explosive results.

“Oh come on!” The tiny pony exclaimed.

“I thought so. It seems your wand is the key.” Flitwick clapped his hands once again in delight. “Madam Hooch, it would seem that Sweetie Belle here is going to be getting some special lessons as she is the only one who can use magic on the feathers.”

“Isn't that well beyond the capabilities of a first year?” She asked the shorter teacher.

“Perhaps, perhaps not. It is not that the basic spells she will be needing to cast are terribly difficult, it's just the large number of them that need to be cast. Well, some are pretty tricky, but we will be here to help you every step of the way.”

“Um, how many spells?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Oh, at least five spells per feather, and another thirty on the board itself.”

Sweetie gulped. “So, I'll be doing all the spellcasting on everything? How many feathers will be needed to make the board fly properly?”

Madam Hooch fielded this one. “Oh, I think, perhaps, no less than fifteen. The more we can fit in without them touching, the faster and more maneuverable the board will be.”

“That's a lot of spells...” Sweetie Belle gulped. “So, what do we do first?”

“First, now that we know what to do, is to teach and guide you in casting these spells.”

“I understand Madam Hooch.” Sweetie Belle took on a look of determination. She WOULD make this board, no doubt.

For the rest of the week, Sweetie Belle spent her free time with her two teachers, weaving the spells into the feathers. She had even sent a letter home to Applebloom to lend her a hand with making the board itself.

Why? Because Applebloom was pretty good with stuff like that, after all.

It was on Friday when Sweetie Belle entered the classroom with Professor Flitwick and Madam Hooch that she saw the board had arrived.

Well, three layers of the board, and with three small fins that looked like wooden carved pegasai wings that were extended for flight.

“It already arrived?” Sweetie Belle asked as she looked it over, as well as an unrolled scroll on the table showing how it should all be put back together.

“Yes, it arrived this morning.” Flitwick nodded sagely. “Or rather, it was on my desk when I came in this morning. I have no idea how it got in here, or who delivered it.”

Sweetie Belle giggled. She had an idea of the who, but not the how. Then again, she knew she was not the only one who could open the portal between worlds. “This is wonderful.” She looked at the board, and noted that it was hoof carved from the core of an ancient apple tree. The slight 'rainbow' traces through the wood made her think it had to have been from a Zap Apple tree, which made sense seeing that it was a magical tree.

“We have all the feathers enchanted, all twenty of them. Now, we need to enchant the board parts.” Flitwick winked at the only student he'd ever had who was smaller than himself. “You have been studying and practicing the spells, have you not?”

Sweetie Belle nodded and pulled out some small wooden disks. She held a hoof over one and spoke. “Up.”

The small disk easily floated up and connected to her hoof, and amazingly, it didn't slide off.

“The Gripping spell was tricky.” Sweetie Belle blushed a little. “But I found one in the book Princess Twilight gave me, to aid in picking things up with one's hooves. I applied it to the wood disks and with the permanency spell, the spell didn't wear off after a few minutes.”

“Wonderful.” Madam Hooch beamed. “How many other spells from your book have you used?” She picked up a disk to examine it and wondered at how it almost weighed nothing, not that they weighed much to begin with.

Sweetie Belle pulled out her book and showed the bookmarked pages. “The Featherlight spell, the gripping spell, and a scuff proof spell.”

“Along with all the little spells, charms and enchantments we taught you.” Flitwick was extremely excited. “Come, let's get to work on the board's spells.”

Sweetie Belle nodded and got to work. Thirty spells in a row would take at least an hour, and would take a lot out of her, but she knew she could do it.

The spells had all been cast, and the feathers fitted inside it as the three layers were assembled, and the three small stabilizers attached.

There were thin 'vents' along the length of the board, as well as in the stabilizers so that air could reach the feathers for the magic to work at its best.

It was about twice as long as Sweetie Belle, and a little wider than she was. Standing or even laying on it was not a problem, thankfully.

The wood had been lacquered white with pink swirly patterns on it. It was very pretty, sleek and looked like it might be very fast. Sweetie Belle hoped she'd never have to test just how fast it might be able to go, but at least she was glad she could now take part in the flying lessons.

Sweetie Belle was currently standing on it, making small, slow circles around the room above desk level.

“This is so amazing.” She beamed so brightly. “I have to try to make one for Scootaloo and Applebloom.”

Flitwick chuckled as Sweetie Belle took to the impromptu flying lesson from Madam Hooch. “Yes, but the wood that board is made out of is a magical wood, from your own world no less. I do not think there is any tree in this world that can be used to make such a wonderful device.”

Sweetie Belle frowned a little at that and lowered the board low enough she could easily hop off. “I don't know, maybe normal wood can be used. I mean, I did make those little disks float, even if they can't hold any weight at all.”

Seriously, she had tested it. Even one of Scootaloo's smallest donated feathers would make the disks drop to the floor and unable to lift when commanded.

Madam Hooch sat down next to Sweetie Belle. “Perhaps it is this Zap Apple wood that strengthens the magic that makes all this work. I mean, I can sense a good strong magical charge that's naturally in the wood itself.”

“I touched a Zap Apple tree once and I got zapped.” Sweetie Belle explained, blushing. “But the jam made from them is the best in all of Equestria.”

Flitwick licked his lips. “Now that, I'd like to try sometime.”

Sweetie Belle nodded and made a mental note to ask Rarity if they had any left when she saw her next.

Madam Hooch scooped the board up under an arm and stood up. “I will hold onto this till tomorrow's lesson. After that, you may keep the board in your room, just like all the other students can keep any broom they own. School supplied ones will still be stored in the broom closet.”

Sweetie Belle nodded. “I understand Madam Hooch, and thank you. Thank you both.” She stifled a yawn and blushed. “Wow, I'm drained, and hungry.”

“Go on then.” Flitwick flicked his wand and opened the door. “Hurry along and get yourself some late supper, then off too bed with you.”

“Yes, you want to be well rested for tomorrow morning's lessons.” Madam Hooch added.

Sweetie Belle nodded and gathered up her supplies, but then paused. She gave both teachers one feather of each color, then said “Thank you both for everything. I'll be off now.” With that, she cantered out the room.

“She is such a delight.” Flitwick smiled.

Madam Hooch nodded, and looked at the board. “She certainly is, and it took me weeks to just get the basics for making brooms right. She managed it in but a few short days. I don't think I have ever met such a talented young witch. She's going to go far, I can tell.”

Location, a dark, dank ally between two old buildings.

“How goes the plan?” A tall cloaked figure asked her shorter, stalky companion.

“It goes well so far. In one week, according to our contact in the school, there will be a class trip to Hogsmeade. That is when we will make our move.” The shorter man grinned. “A talking, magic using Unicorn. The buyer I found said that they will pay us double our own weight combined in gold galleons when we deliver it to them.”

The taller woman giggled with glee. “We're going to be so rich. Now, let's get everything prepared.”

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

I apologize for how loooooong it took me to update. I'm letting you know that I am not dropping this story. I have things planned for it, things that will test my skills as an author, my creativity, and my endurance.

Seriously, thank you for your patience.