• Published 18th Jan 2014
  • 9,959 Views, 817 Comments

Sweetie Belle and the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - AnnonyMouse

Sweetie Belle attends Hogwarts... What can POSSIBLY go wrong?

  • ...

Chapter Twenty Five

Disclaimer: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro. Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling. This is a free fiction, not to be sold or traded for any money, services or goods.

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Sweetie Belle and the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Sweetie Belle sat and stirred away at her oatmeal as she sat at the Gryffindor table. All the Gryffindors were present, talking and/or eating breakfast.

She was deep in thought about that strange dream she had last night. She'd chased after some pink coated, blond maned pony. Other than that, she couldn't remember anything else about it.

The filly was shaken from her thoughts by someone calling out “Mail!”

Blinking and looking around, she saw all the students looking up. She followed their gaze and saw a whole lot of owls flying in through the open windows.

It was certainly a sight to behold, that was for sure.

Hold on...

Was that Owlolicsius?

It couldn't be.

But it was, and he was carrying a package, and flying right for her.

The small owl landed and placed the plain package before her. He looked a little winded, but otherwise fine.

“ Owlolicsius? What are you doing here?”




Sweetie Belle sighed. She'd seen Twilight fall into that trap with the mischievous owl on more than one occasion. “Is that for me?” She looked at the owl's cargo, and saw her name written on it.

It was not Twilight's writing. It was flowing and very elegant.

“Thank you Owlolicsius.” She beamed and accepted the parcel and then paused. “Hold on, how did you get here from Equestria?”

“Who.” Yea, Sweetie Belle was not going to get a straight answer from the ball of feathers.

“...” Sweetie Belle knew better than to fall for that again. Not that she'd admit, but she had once spent over half an hour responding to his 'Who' comments. Twilight had been the one who saved her from another half hour.

She opened the parcel and found, wonder of wonders, a framed photo of Sweetie Belle, her two best friends, her sister and all her friends, as well as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

“Dear Sweetie Belle.

All of us back in Equestria decided to have this frame made for this Photo that was taken last Summer Sun Celebration. We hope it help you remember where you come from, and where you are always welcome to come back too at any time.

Princess Luna of Equestria”

“What's that?” Janna leaned over and took a peak. “A photo?”

Sweetie Belle nodded. “Yes, it's a gift from Princess Luna.” She hugged the gift, feeling better than she had in quite some time.

“It looks nice.” Berty added, taking a look-see at the photo. “Say, Princess Luna is the one who visited us on Halloween, right?”

Sweetie Belle nodded again. “Yes, she is. All the Princess's are the best in my book, though I think Princess Luna is a little more best than the rest, with Princess Twilight being right behind her, almost equal.”

Her friends and housemates looked at one another for a few moments, then they all chimed as one. “Sweetie Belle is best Pony.”

Sweetie Belle blushed a bright pink.

Scorpius had taken some time to get up and ready for breakfast, thanks to that freakish nightmare he'd had last night. He knew the tiny pony had to have had something to do with it, and he was going to find out her secret.

The boy tapped on his wrist, and within minutes, a younger girl stepped around a corner. “What do you want now Scorpius?”

Zwei was not at all pleased with how things had been going of late, but she knew there was little she could do about it.

“I want you to find out anything about that little animal that calls itself Sweetie Belle, her wand, and what magic she knows or is in possession of.” He leaned forward slightly, glaring into the younger girl's eyes. “Do this, and I will consider releasing you, but only if I am pleased with the results.”

“Fine... Like I have any say in the matter.” Zwei turned away and paused, glancing back over her shoulder. “Break this promise, and I will not care about the consequences and WILL go to the Headmistress concerning this.” She then exited the room, leaving a grinning Scorpius behind.

“Oh trust me, if you do that, then it will be the end of your magical life.”

Zwei sighed as she entered the main hall. It only took a few moments to spot Sweetie Belle, seated at the table with the rest of House Gryffindor. She thought back to her 'talk' with Scorpius.

'All I have to do is find out what magic she possesses. Right, like that'll be easy. She's a magical unicorn after all. She created that Cloud Skimmer of hers. She turned into a winged unicorn and turned Phineas into a pony, permanently apparently. She personally knows some of the most powerful magical beings I can imagine. She has her own magic and can use a wand and spells. She owns some magical items as well.' The eleven year old girl frowned a little and headed for the Ravenclaw table, but sat apart from her house mates.

She nibbled at her breakfast, not really even enjoying her food as she continued thinking. 'Just how am I supposed to figure out all her secrets? Sure, she's open and friendly, but I doubt she's shown us everything she can do.'

“Penny for your thoughts my dear?” An unfamiliar voice spoke behind her.

Zwei hadn't even heard any footsteps or sensed anything approaching. She spun around, her spoon still in her mouth and saw a tall, slender man standing there. His clothing looked positively mismatched, down to his socks. His hair was wild and gray. A single fang protruded from his mouth, and most odd were his eyes. The parts that were normally white were yellow, and the iris' were red. His eyebrows were quite prominent and bushy.

“Who... Who are you?”

“Me? I am just a visitor here at Hogwarts. Call me Mr. Tumult.” He grinned down at her. Zwei could see his skin had a strange gray tone to it. “I just saw someone who looked so sad, yet deep in thought. I couldn't just stand by and let someone who looked so troubled be alone.”

“Well, Mr. Tumult, I never asked for any attention from anyone. I don't need anyone's help. Especially a stranger's.” She had an angry tone to her voice, but kept the volume down so as not to attract any attention.

“Come now. I am just here for the day, and you see, I am here to see a certain... somebody. I got the feeling that you know her.” He smiled at Zwei as he fiddled with his horrible tie that looked to have been stitched together with random parts of all the house's ties. “Do you think you could point out Sweetie Belle for me?” He looked around the room, seeming to search for his target. “She should be about your age and similar in height. Maybe with pink and purple hair and lovely green eyes.”

“What do you want with my friend?” Zwei was suspicious now. There was something about this man that set the hair on the back of her neck on end. Oh yea, and the goosebumps were out in full force. Even Scorpius didn't make her this nervous.

“Your friend?” Mr. Tumult chuckled and lowered his face close her hers. “Now why would a 'friend' even consider betraying one they call a friend?”

“Wh...” Zwei choked up. “Who are you? What do you know about me?”

“Oh nothing. Only that I get the vibe that you are about to do something that will hurt not only yourself, but others as well.” He took a seat next to the girl and picked up a sausage and sniffed at it before tossing it back on the plate, a look of distaste on his face for a moment. “Now Zwei Gemini. I am here at the bequest of a friend of Sweetie Belle's. One who has a vested interest in her well being.”

“Are... are you a pony?” Zwei narrowed her eyes.

“Goodness no. I am nothing of the sort. I am, simply, what you see.”

“Someone with the worst fashion sense in the history of anything.”

Mr. Tumult chuckled, the snapped his fingers. There was a brief flash and the pair were suddenly in another room. It looked like a bedroom, with a tall mirror set against one wall. “Do you know where we are now?”

“No.” Zwei looked around, spotting something that told her exactly where she was. “Wait, that's Sweetie Belle's Cloud Skimmer. Is this her room?” Her eyes went wide. “How did you do that? I mean, bring us here? That didn't feel like aparation at all.”

“Ah my dear Zwei. Of course that wasn't... er, whatever you called it.” He walked over to the mirror. “You see, a friend of a friend of a friend told me they saw you were troubled, so I took it upon myself to come and see if I could help. Though I had to promise to be on my absolute best behavior.”

Zwei spun around to glare at Mr. Tumult, but the man she thought would be there wasn't.

Rather, in his place was the strangest creature she had ever seen. In an instant she pulled out a stick of licorice and pointed it at the thing before her. “Wh... what are you... and what happened to my wand?”

“Oh poo. Listen up deary, you're in a bit of a pickle, so I am here to help. Sadly, my powers seem sorely lacking in this world, so we're going to have to go somewhere else where my powers are at their fullest.” The totally mismatched creature snapped a talon and the mirror lit up. “Come along now. You do not want to miss this.”

Before Zwei could refuse, she floated off the floor and was dragged through the mirror...

Sweetie Belle sensed it.

Equestrian magic, but not pony magic. She knew this sensation, and knew it only came from one being in existence.

The filly bolted from the table and galloped at full speed for her room.

And as usual, the castle halls, stairs and doors were not on her side. It took her nearly twenty minutes to make the trip.

But as she arrived in the Gryffindor common room, she didn't slow down and rushed right into her own room.

The mirror was still lit up, and on the other side...

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:


Tumult : noun

BrE /ˈtjuːmʌlt/ ; NAmE /ˈtuːmʌlt/ (formal)
1. a confused situation in which there is usually a lot of noise and excitement, often involving large numbers of people
the tumult of war
A tumult of shouting and screaming came from within the house.
They waited for the tumult to die down.
Soon all was in tumult.
2. a state in which your thoughts or feelings are confused
a troubled mind in tumult
He was shaken by the tumult of his feelings.