• Published 2nd Mar 2014
  • 10,365 Views, 204 Comments

My Little Pony; Kaiju rumble - Snow ghost pony

Twilight nearly dies due to her so called friends betrayal. So when she gets saved by the spirits of the three most powerfull Kaiju, what does she do?

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Chapter 1

They had failed. Chrysalis had won. Her maniacal laughter echoed throughout the hall as the elements of harmony, the princesses, and the rest of the crowd stared horrified at the spot where Twilight Sparkle had been standing proud just moments before, now impaled and dying as the spear kept her from moving as her lifeblood ran out onto the ground. "Fools! See what happens when you rely on foals to save the day!? Hahahahahaha!" Chrysalis's words sent the entire room into a panic, all of the wedding guests practically teleporting out the door in an effort to save their own skins, while Twilights friends and family rushed do the dying unicorns side.

"Twilight! Twilight! Wake up! This isn't funny!" The cries, no, pleads, for Twilight to be alright were drowned out in the unicorns ears as she started to close her eyes. She had failed, she had tried to warn them, and now she was dying because they refused to listen. She was paying the price for the selfishness of the ones she had called friends. She had always been truthful to them, and they repaid her by stabbing her in the back because they wanted to wear a frilly dress.

"You are just giving up?" the voice rang out in the darkness of her failing brain. Her eyes snapped open, not to the crumbling walls of a castle under siege, but to her mindscape, slowly darkening as she slipped further into the void. Her attention was drawn to the shadows in from of her, as three pairs of eyes opened and gleamed in the darkness.

"I don't think she is worthy to wield our power." a different voice than before rang out, it's hissing quality rousing her ire as she was reminded of the one who had impaled her and enslaved her brother.

"Ahhh, I believe you made her angry" came another voice, this one holding so much malice that she unconsciously shuddered.

Twilight was rapidly growing annoyed at talking to shadows, so she expressed it as loud as she could. "I've talk to too many shadows lately, was stuck in underground for who knows how long, got walked out on by the same ponies I thought I could trust and was just impaled! I'm most likely dying right now and it sounded like you wanted something, so either get your plots out here and tell me, or I just finish dying and you have to wait even longer to make your deal!"

The shadows were quiet for a second, then dark chuckling boomed out through the mental landscape. "You have much courage, small one, talking to us like that. Very well, we shall show ourselves."

The shadows retreated, and the owners of the voices were revealed. The unicorn's eyes widened and she took several steps back, for what was revealed made her aware of how easily she could be wiped out. The three titans before her made even the mighty Ursa Major look tiny. The first resembled Spike in form, it was navy blue/purple with massive crystals on each shoulder, crystalline spikes that looked like crystal leaves running down it's back to the end of a crystal tipped tail. It stood on two bulky legs, each as big around as an Ursa, both of which were attached to a almost barrel shaped body, along with two slightly less brawny arms. It's head looked like a blunted dragons head and on its forehead sat a horn in the shape of a trident, enhancing it's already ferocious appearance.

The next nor could only be described as a monstrosity straight from the depths of Tartarus. It was a bright, blood red with massive needle like teeth. The rest of its body could only be described as gargoylesque in appearance, as it was far stouter than the other one. The most striking things that stood out were the chest part that looked like a flower, and the face. The face was something that even the dreaded Nightmare Moon would run screaming in terror from. It's single horn, soulless yellow eyes, the frills, and the teeth were all etched into the dying mares darkest thoughts, ensuring that she would have nightmares about it for the rest of her life.

The final one also resembled Spike, but the resemblance was far easier to tell for this one. (Godzilla; Final Wars appearance) It was bipedal, with dark grey skin held numerous scars and pits in it, testaments to its many past battles and victories and proof that this thing was strong and tough. Three rows of off-white spikes with a grey center ran down its back, all of them resembling flames that had been frozen into a uniform shape. It's arms were a bit slimmer than the other two, as was its entire body, but Twilight had no doubt that it was the strongest in the room, as both of the others seemed to regard it with a combination of fear, respect, and almost reverent regard. It's head was like a mix of mammal and reptile, with bright orange-red eyes that held a storm of sadness, pain, loneliness, wisdom, and most of all, power. The sheer ferocious power that was held within those eyes was enough to make Twilight almost bow in respect, and all of its attention was focused on her. And it scared her.

"W-w-what are you?" Twilight stammered out, trying and failing to keep herself from shaking in fear of these beings. The grey one shook its head.

"There is no time for that now. We have a deal that you may be interested in."

Twilight perked up at that, her curiosity piqued. A deal? What kind of deal could they possibly have?

"Yes, a deal. In exchange for our power and saving your life, you must take up the mantle of the Kaiju." The grey one stared at her waiting for the answer.

"Huh? Kaiju? What are those?" Twilight asked, unable to help herself. She cursed at the wasted time as even the giants started to fade out of view.

"No time. Do you accept?." It's eyes bored into hers, still waiting for its answer.

Twilight didn't need to be told twice. She looked back at the Titan, her mind already made up. Then she spoke the two words that would send fate and destiny spiraling out of control, ripping them to shreds in the wake of deviation.

"I accept."

The giant seemed to smile, then turned serious again. "Very well, take our power and use it well. But be warned, it is easy to lose yourself with it, and loose sight of what you hold dear. Do not loose yourself to rage. You must make the choice. Monster, or protector?"

Outside of Twilights mindscape, the other had been glued to the floor or in pods, while Twilights body had been moved to the wall in some sort of mockery of a prized specimen in some scientist's bug collection. All of them were mourning the loss of Twilight, some for different reasons than others. Chrysalis was at the window laughing as all the ponies in Canterlot were rounded up and glued in place with the goo that all changelings seemed to be able to secrete, making the guard useless as they were overwhelmed by the numbers and wits of the creatures. As such, no pony noticed when Twilight twitched, then started moving.

Twilight slowly regained consciousness, almost thinking it was a dream if not for the sickly green spear that was stuck in her chest. She then felt the power that had been promised flowing through her veins, but then felt the fury that had taken root fill her with even more. She gave a growl, causing all eyes to be on her as she flexed and shattered all the spears in her chest as her anger rose and rose.

The queen was horrified. The pony that she had personally killed, back from the dead? She screeched as she tossed another spear at the mare, this time making it big enough to reduce her torso to ash and make sure that she didn't come back again. The spear flew at top speed straight towards the pony, who didn't even make a attempt to dodge. It struck home, much to Everyponies horror, but that quickly turned to bewilderment and astonishment. The spear only sunk a few inches in, causing the pony it was trying to impale to look at it with a bored look. The queen went from cocky to fearful as the pony turned her burning gaze onto her, glaring at her with bright red orange eyes. Twilight let a terrifying grin spread slowly across her face, before she spoke the two words that sealed the Changeling queens fate. "My turn."

Twilight let all her pent up rage and power explode out of her, making sure that the raw magic was harmless to ponies. The castle walls crumbled as it was leveled, along with half of the city, but not before turning every changeling in a three mile radius into dust or causing enough damage to have them die slow, painful, agonizing deaths. And at the center of it all, stood Twilight Sparkle, heaving as all the events of the past two days caught up with her and caused her to collapse in the center of the crater she had made, asleep and dreaming peacefully.