• Published 2nd Mar 2014
  • 10,365 Views, 204 Comments

My Little Pony; Kaiju rumble - Snow ghost pony

Twilight nearly dies due to her so called friends betrayal. So when she gets saved by the spirits of the three most powerfull Kaiju, what does she do?

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Chapter 2

The staff at Canterlot Medical had seen a lot in their time, but the sight of the princess barreling toward them with a pony on her back and shouting for the doctors was one they never thought they would see. Celestia skidded to a halt in front of them, heaving and lowering her wings for them to see the pony that needed treatment. To their immense surprise, it was Twilight Sparkle, the Slayer of the Nightmare and Conquerer of Discord.

"Get the medic out here, now! I want her treated and given a full magic infusion, right now!" Celestia thundered. The staff had started running to there stations by the time she opened her mouth, but once the words magic infusion registered, they stopped and stared in shock. Magic infusion was not to be taken lightly, as even the most powerful unicorns had succumbed to death because of their bodies rejecting the magic. At the very least, only one in 200 ever retained the ability to use magic, and even then there magic was cut in half at most. Whatever happened had to have been serious! They jolted out of their stupor when the princesses hoof struck the ground with enough force to crack the tile.

Celestia handed over her unconscious student, hoping against hope that the doctors would be able to drive out whatever corruption that had taken hold in her student. She attempted to follow the doctors to the operating room, only the be stopped by one of the nurses that came out. ''I'm sorry, your highness, but only doctors past this point. Safety reasons." Celestia opened her mouth to object, but closed it again when she remembered the others that were waiting for her outside, so she sighed and nodded her acknowledgement. She turned and walked out the door, straight into the barrage of questions that both Twilights friends and family had. "My little ponies, please, I can't answer your questions if I can't understand them."

The others calmed down a bit, then rainbow asked the question that they where all thinking. "Princess, is Twilight gonna be ok?"

Celestia took a look at all the ponies that were gather around her, inwardly cringing at the hopeful looks that came from them. She chose her next words carefully, or she could cause more damage than before. She wanted to tell them that Twilight would be okay, oh how she wanted to, but she couldn't know until she was out of the OR. "I-I don't know," she finally sighed. "Whatever she used to do that pulse is completely unknown to me, but seemed to share many characteristics with dark magic."

Everypony gasped in horror. Twilight using dark magic was something none of them wanted to hear in the same sentence.

meanwhile in the operating room

The doctor that was leading the diagnostic was reporting progress. "We are at 13% diagnostic, but other than exhaustion, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with- wait a second! What is that!" The nurses had picked up a peculiar energy signature that was centered around Twilights heart, but it was around two times hotter than the average pony internal body temperature. It started to gain power as it spread to other areas of her body. They were about to try to get a sample when two things happened, 1-their machines exploded, and 2- Twilights body started glowing.

Twilight's body started shifting, her horn flattening against her head and turning trident shaped (SpaceGodzilla horn), as her hair started spiking up, along with the fur on her back growing both longer and shaggier. Her height tripled, putting her at half a head taller than Big Mac, and twice as muscular, her hooves turning an ivory color. Her coat turned grey as her mane and back fur turned a off-white color, and her teeth turned into shark-like teeth. Her tail became a few inches longer as it turned white like her mane and spiked up even more than her mane. Finally, her eyes snapped open as they turned a brilliant orange-red and burned with both unnatural fury and the very fires of hell.

Twilight slowly turned her head from side to side as she took in her surroundings. White walls, broken hospital machinery, canisters containing pure white magic, and terrified doctors and nurses met her angry red gaze. She rolled herself off the bed, her hooves hitting the floor with a heavy thud, and drew herself up to her full height. She then turned her gaze onto the canisters as she walked towards them, licking her lips at the thought of gaining the sustenance. Twilight stopped at the canisters, drew her hoof back, and punched straight through the metal.

She stood on her hind legs and plunged her muzzle into the container, her mane starting to glow as she did so. The magic was drawn to her mouth as she inhaled as deep as she could, going down her gullet and leaving behind the taste of vanilla ice cream as she did. She repeated the process twice more, one for each canister, before she felt the impact of something hitting her neck. Twilights head whipped around to see the fool who dared to attack her, eyes burning and glowing bright crimson. Her line of site settled on a doctor who was holding the remains of a heart monitor, shaking as he realized that all he had done was draw attention to himself.

Twilight just stared at him, wondering what to do. He obviously couldn't hurt her, and he wasn't somepony she was mad at. She sat there for a few seconds before deciding to just knock all of them out. She gathered her power for less than a second, and then let loose a pulse. All the medics in the room where down for the count, so Twilight turned around, facing the wall that separated her, from outside. Twilight took a breath, her power gathering in her throat as she did so, then released, blowing a hole in the wall and giving her a way out. She wasted no time in jumping out and disappearing into the crowd.

Twilight started smiling. She looked so different now that she could cut loose without anyone bothering her for at least a few hours. 'Lets go clubbing!' she thought as she walked to the Dragons Hoard. She smirked as she walked in, finally free to do what she wanted, and free from the nagging that would've most likely followed her operation. 'I hope the others like the present I left them' Twilight thought with a smirk as she walked up to the bar, ready to finally cut loose after all these years. 'This is gonna be a good night.