• Published 2nd Mar 2014
  • 10,367 Views, 204 Comments

My Little Pony; Kaiju rumble - Snow ghost pony

Twilight nearly dies due to her so called friends betrayal. So when she gets saved by the spirits of the three most powerfull Kaiju, what does she do?

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Chapter 3

Cadence and the others looked around the room horrified at the destruction. Wires dangled down from the ceiling, melted metal and shattered glass littered the floor, and several doctors and nurses were thrown up against the wall, all unconscious. The rest of the room was open to the elements, as it looked like the entire wall had been melted and blown apart.

"What the buck happened here?" Was Rainbow Dashes oh so eloquent response, voiceing what all of them were thinking. Celestia rushed over to the doctors, quickly casting a scanning spell on them. She sighed in relief as he scan reviled that they were only unconscious, then casted another spell to wake them up. The first one to wake up stirred slowly, her eyes almost not opening. Celestia leaned down to poke her, then the nurses eyes shot open with a scream.


Celestia jumped at the declaration, almost believing that they were talking about her, but immediately dismissed the thought, as the obviously traumatized ponies quickly grabbed onto her while shivering as if they had just encountered Tartarus himself. The subtle prods and inquiries of the princess had no effect on them, as they just kept shaking in their horseshoes. Cadence, ever the comforter, quickly cast a couple of calming spells on the poor doctors. They calmed down enough to answer the questions that princess Celestia was asking them. After the Q&A session, they quickly met back with the others.

"Princess," Rarity asked, "what do you think about this?"

Princess Celestia was busy digesting the information that they had just gained. Her faithful student had become some sort of monster pony, and was apparently capable of doing even greater damage than before.

"We must find Twilight, before she hurts anypony else." Celestia declared.

"Auntie, I know you mean well, but wouldn't the best course of action right now be to let Twilight cool down and talk to her when she's calmer?" Cadence asked. Celestia ignored Cadence and began giving instructions to the others to find Twilight by looking in the places she would most likely be. Seeing that she was being ignored, Cadence slipped out, and headed to the nightlife district as she had a gut feeling that Twilight wouldn't want to be found, so she would avoid the normal spots.
Twilight was having the time of her life! For once, she could let loose! Not worry about opinions! And simply relax with nothing looming over her head. No test, no disasters, and most of all, no-one telling her what she had to do.

"Another, please!" she called to the bartender.

"Coming right up!" was followed by a fresh cider. Twilight grabbed the cider and chugged it down, relishing in the sweet appley flavor. She was tapping her hoof to the beat that the DJ was spinning, about to get down and head to the dance floor when she heard a soft, almost disbelieving "Twilight?"

Twilight stiffened, and slowly turned around. No one should know about her yet, the doctors shouldn't have woken up for hours. She nearly dropped her half-full mug of cider when she saw just who had discovered her.

"Cadence?" Her old foalsitter was staring at her with a mix of curiosity, worry, and a little bit of fear. Twilight carefully slid off the chair and walked over to Cadence, keeping an ear out for the others incase this was a trap. When she got over to Cadence, Twilight threw her forelegs around her old foalsitter, elated to see her after the bad day she had been having.

"Cadence! How are ya doing? And how did ya find me?" Twilight shot off questions as questions as fast as a bullet, not giving Cadence a chance to respond to the rapid-fire questions coming from the younger pony's mouth.

"Twilight, at least let me answer one of the questions." Cadence laughed, interrupting Twilights rapid-fire questioning. She was glad that Twilight hadn't attacked her on sight, but why hadn't she gone to her friends?

"Cadence." Said alicorn looked u to see Twilight giving her an odd mixture of deadpan and angry expressions. "You really need to fix that mumbling what your thinking problem. It's gonna get you in trouble one day. As for attacking you, your not one of the ones I'm angry at."

Twilight turned back to her cider, her good mood ruined by the mumbled question. So that's what Cadence was here for, she was here to find her and either take her back or stall until the others got here. She didn't blame Cadence, after all she most likely only knew their version of events, but this was making her very angry.

"Cadence, it was nice talking to you again, but I gotta go." Twilight said, getting up and heading to the door. ignoring her old foalsitters pleas for her to wait. She was contemplating the best way out of Canterlot undetected when she was blindsided by two different blurs, one blue and one orange, and was sent to her knees.

She shook the spots out of her vision and glared at the offenders, but when she got a good look, her rage shot through the roof. Sitting right in front of her, were two of the ponies that betrayed her, and that she had secretly nursed a soft spot for, Applejack and Rainbow dash.

Author's Note:

sorry for taking so long. real life got in the way, and constantly lost inspiration. That's why i'm turning this into a collab, to reduce the time needed for updates and so you guys can write how you think the encounters would go. my stipulation are going to be posted on a blog post, so look out for that. and if you email me your chater or however you decide to get it to me, be sure to put your name in the chapter at the beginning or the end, I will not use chapters that don't have the authors name in it

Comments ( 78 )

5982769 chapter is out, sorry if it seems rushed, wanted to get it out before I lost my inspiration again.

"Twilight, at least let me answer one of the questions." Cadence laughed, interrupting Twilights rapid-fire questioning. She was glad that Twilight hadn't attacked her on sight, but why hadn't she gone to her friends?

"Cadence." Said alicorn looked u to see Twilight giving her an odd mixture of deadpan and angry expressions. "You really need to fix that mumbling what your thinking problem. It's gonna get you in trouble one day. As for attacking you, your not one of the ones I'm angry at."

Twilight turned back to her cider, her good mood ruined by the mumbled question.

What question?

5995450 "why hadn't she gone back to her friends?" Was he question.

5995450 sorry bout that. Probably need an editor on this story.

were is a fight? and when is chapter four going to been?

5995646 chapter four is going to have the fight. Sorry but now have part time job at grandmothers day care center and piles of schoolwork. Don't have as much time as I thought to write. Hat the reason for turning this into Collab.

5736533 ready to Collab. be sure to put name in. Don't want to plagerise.

5995683 can I help in anyway?

5995708 send ideas, outlines, started chapters (with your name put in), anything that you think might help.

so how is chapter 4 coming long?

6022509 almost done with planning. Could still use help on it. Pm ideas, outlines, pretty much anything you think might help. I would even take previews on how you think he chapter might/should go.

6022792 I already got you idea in Collab remember?

6022907 yeah and I'm working on it now, but need more for further down the road.

6022792 can I'm see the previews please?

6022907 too late tonight. Midnight here and about to go to bed. Will try to have it done by weekend, no promises though.

6023248 when will you be done with chapter 4?

Isn't this just like faith and doubt

6036322 that's where I got the idea, don't worry, after the fight, it will be completely different, and more like the Godzilla movies

please update this soon

when will you going to update?

6046177 sorry, wisdom teeth got removed and have been loopy these past couple days. Actually have access 2 a computer, so will be working on that preview.

6047642 when is I see the preview?

6047660 right now I am working on lunch, then I still have to Finish schoolwork. Will try to work on some tonight.

6047894 is tonight are you going to let me see the preview?

are you going to let me see a preview?

6102896 ah, context errors. The bane of any writer. Nearly undetectable because they aren't necessarily wrong. Thnx 4 the heads up

are you done making chapter 4?

in chapter 1 Twilight used Godzilla's Nuclear Pulse and in chapter 2 she use Godzilla's signature weapon the dreaded Atomic Breath so in the battle is she going to use any of destroyha's or space godzilla's moves

her monster form is it 4 legged or 2

are you going to put chapter 4 on here now?

i have been thinking you could do a version of "let it go" or have her sing "animal i have become" or "monster"

6284368 hmm, soon as I get free time I'll consider it.

so are you going to make a chapter 4 yet?

6296714 having breakfast, but do have what I want to write in mind

6304152 what do you mean your stuck?

6304157 combination of writers block, life, and just plain not having the motivation. I have the entire thing in my head, but when I try to put it down, I just lose it. I start typing down half-a**ed crack, things that will totally ruin the story. im stuck in a rut. the lone wanderer story was a spur of the moment fic of convenience, and while I have inspiration because I have the fallout game, but its not my main fic.

6304263 ok so when are you going to has chapter 4 ready?

6304269 don't know. remember when I said I was turning it into collab? I think I might have t turn the entire story into one, just to keep myself from burning out.

6304364 don't you remember are last collab we has make?

6304768 I do, but im burning myself out trying to make an acceptable story. I just cant get the ideas into story form, except when I don't have access to a computer. by the time I do, ive lost the idea.

6304816 just try to remember when you are done.

so when is chapter 4 be ready?

are you going to put up chapter 4?

this is a grate story I look forward to more please tell this is going to be more

please put up chapter 4

6500069 I'm finishing up the last few projects of my online courses. Have ten days to finish 2 200 point projects and a 150 point project, not to mention final exams. Will be focusing entirely on them for the next week and a half. Sorry.

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