• Published 6th Feb 2014
  • 721 Views, 6 Comments

Total Eclipse - Somedudeatemytaco

After his sister is taken from him by Nightmare Moon, a human teams up with Twilight and friends to help save both Earth and Equestria

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Total Eclipse

You know that black stuff from Spider-Man, the symbiote? Well that’s exactly what the Nightmare Force felt like, except I didn’t have any control, I couldn’t struggle, and I quickly found myself losing the battle, eventually, I was consumed.


Twilight was confounded, how could this be? If Princess Luna wasn't Nightmare Moon, then where was she? Twilight would have thought about I more, but they had more pressing issues on their hooves. The Nightmare Forces took over Hector!

When the transformation was complete, he had an entirely new wardrobe, if anything, it made Hector look more regal. He had a cape that had an ever changing pattern of stars, like Nightmare Moon’s mane. He had armor on, the outlines glowing with a blue tint, and Nightmare Moon’s cutie mark adorned on his chest. And on top of his head, a black crown with dark blue gems placed in a neat line around the crown.

"I know this is a rather inappropriate time, but I must say that outfit is simply marvelous! And the crown, those gems!" Rarity whispered to Twilight.

“Ah, much better ,although the two legs we’re going to have to get used to.”

“Well, that’s one thing, but how about my name!”

That was Hector, somehow, he was fighting back!

“Silence you fool!”

“Well, since technically we’re one you’re just calling yourself an idiot!.”

“Ugh, we’ll deal with him later. But the human does make an interesting point, what shall we name ourselves?”

“Please, anything but Nightmare Hector! It's just plain stupid!”

It was funny how Hector was fighting back, he was angering the Nightmare Forces, Twilight had to admit, but Hector’s victory was short lived, for the Nightmare Forces said, “Well we hope you were all enjoying that, since that won’t happen again! As of now, Hector is now gone, and in his place is Total Eclipse!”


Total Eclipse sighed, “Alright...now Hector is gone forever!”

Twilight looked to see if Hector’s sister Mia was alright, she was, but she looked terrified. Twilight tried to comfort her by saying, “Don’t worry Mia, we’ll get your brother back, I promise!” That seemed to assert Mia, if only a little.

“You might want to hold back on that promise Twilight Sparkle, can you guarantee her you will succeed? Because we can say this, we know how to keep Hector trapped here, and we’re about to seal his fate!”

Before Twilight or anypony else had time to react, Total Eclipse raised his arm, and Mia came to him. Using his other hand, Total Eclipse suspended in the air Twilight and her friends. Twilight was learning to hate this spell.

“The secret is you little darling,” Total Eclipse said, rubbing her face with his finger, “When we destroy you, all of Hector’s hope will diminish, making him ours forever!”

“You can’t have him! Hector's gonna keep on fighting you until he wins!” The girl rebutted.

“Oh, we have another feisty one! I bet you got that from your brother! Brave words, but empty of purpose. Now, onwards to your destruction! Do you know what the best part of this will be? We’re going to make you hurt, and your brother, what can he do but watch in horror!”

Total Eclipse was about to strike Mia, however, he stopped short, from the looks of it, even he looked surprised.

“Hmm…it seems like even now it seems as if your brother is still resisting, but it is still futile, all he’s doing is prolonging your suffering.”

Twilight couldn't believe it! “Come on Hector! Keep on fighting back!”


“So, you had the whole thing staged, from the very beginning?” I was face to face with Total Eclipse, the entity that stole that body.

"It wasn't until you searched for the first element that my influence shaped your adventures. You might not realize, but everything you did was according to our plan.”

When he said that, six pillars of smoke appeared beside Total Eclipse, Out of those six pillars came out Guy, Ms. Austerus, Neques, a judge from the fashion show, Crassa, and the amazing Ludere, this time, wearing a magician’s hat. They all gave me the same glare. A glare that said, "you idiot, how could you have fallen for this!"

“Since there were no monsters that we could find to challenge you, we decided to use the real monsters that roam this world… humans. Based on your dreams, we formed the worst people we could create. We must give credit to you Hector, we couldn't have done this without you.” The six creations of Nightmare Moon dissolve once more, leaving only the two of us.

"So what, you think that just because you imprisoned me, I won’t fight back? Let me tell you something, for every day you keep me here, I will fight! Even if it takes me a hundred years! I promise that you won’t win!"

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep Hector.”

A cloud formed in my black void of a prison, and what I saw truly terrified me.

Total Chaos, about to strike my sister.


It was me, my hands, my body, my decision.

“No! Please! Don’t do this to her, she is only a little girl!”

“Exactly, your biggest fear has come to light, you are afraid of hurting the ones you hold dear to your heart. Don’t worry, as soon as we’re done with your little sister, the rest of your family is next!”

Fine then, I tried diplomacy, let’s try brute force instead.

I tackled Total Eclipse to the ground and roared, “No! I won’t let you do this!”

Total Eclipse lust laughed and coolly replied, “Why even bother, you know as well as we do that in the end all light dies in the eternal darkness!.”

At that moment, I felt another presence, it wasn't hostile, it wanted to help me. I recognized it, it was Luna, and already she had helped me so much, because now I realized something

I was dreaming.


Hector was putting a mighty good fight, but Applejack wasn't sure how much longer he could last. Slowly, Total Eclipse’s hands were getting closer to Mia, Applejack knew that the inevitable was coming, no matter how much she hoped, there was nothing that would save that poor girl. Applejack got chills when she thought of Applebloom, she can only imagine all the suffering that Hector was goin' through. Now that she thought of that, if she closely looked at Total Eclipse’s face, Applejack could see a tear rolling down on his face and she would bet Sweet Apple Acres that it wasn't coming from the Nightmare Forces.

Right when it seemed that Hector was going to lose his fight, Applejack closed her eyes, awaiting the inevitable. But instead, there was a voice:

“Enough, I will not let my past mistakes hurt anyone else! No more!”

Applejack quickly opened her eyes to find…Princess Luna? But how was she here? Wasn’t she supposed to be Nightmare Moon?

“What in tarnation is goin' on?!” Applejack questioned out loud.

Princess Luna calmly responded, “Patience Applejack, all your questions will be answered soon, now, give me the child Total Eclipse!”

“As you wish, Princess.” With that, Total Eclipse let go of Mia, she ran to Princess Luna. The princess asked, “Are you alright child?”

“Yes, I’m okay”

“We must admit, we are surprised to see you here, even more so because you still retain your full form. But it is of no importance to us. We have as much energy as we need to defeat you.”

“Well than, let us see if what you say is true!”
With that, Total Eclipse and Princess Luna flew up, breaking the ceiling, you've gotta admit, that took a lot of power! Suddenly, the suspension spell wore off, making Applejack fall, again.


Since I was dreaming, I could do anything, maybe even defeat Total Eclipse. Right now, I just want a weapon, anything to get this sucker down. Pop! Out comes a sword in my hand. I was hoping for something a little less medieval, but I guessed it would suffice.

“Do you honestly think that you can defeat us, when we are thousands of years old, what possible advantage do you think you can have with us.” With that, Total Eclipse drew out a sword of his own, as we clash blades, I say, “You’re in my dream.”


As Luna flew into the sky, she heard Total Eclipse taunt, “Face it Luna, you've battled me twice, what do you think will change the outcome of this battle?”

Luna replied, “Simple, I'm not alone this time.” With that she began her assault.


In case you’re not getting it, both Luna and I battled Total Eclipse, mentally and physically, what we said was pretty similar.

“Go ahead, try to destroy us, no matter what you do, we shall always rise again.”

“That may be true, but now is of the matter! You’ve taken over me, made me regret my mistakes, but none of that anymore! I’ve learned from my mistakes, and I won’t let them hurt anyone else anymore!”

“Have you no fear? Do you not remember the torments we put you through?”

“Of course I do, you’ve separated me from my family for far too long, and posses (possessed in Luna’s case) my body. I’m going to give you your punishment! You’ve attempted to ruin everything that I hold dear, and I will not let you do this to anypony else! ”

“As valiant as you want to be, I still dominate you in one area, I know what you fear!”

“Yes, but with my friends and family, I am fearless, and that is your grave mistake. I honestly believe that if you fought me just by myself, I’m pretty sure that you would win, but my family is here you’ve put it all on the line, so now I don’t have to win, I need to win.”

As we finish, I disarm Total Eclipse and slice him in the chest, at the same time, Luna’s blast connected to Total Eclipse, and sent him hurtling to the ground. Using the royal Canterlot accent, Luna shouted, “Use the elements!”

Twilight and her friends get the message clearly. As the blast from the Elements of Harmony reached Total Eclipse, he took one last look at the moon, savoring the last seconds of it. Then, it was done.
The eclipse was over.

Author's Note:

So now you finally find out why It's called Total Eclipse! Told through multiple perspectives, this was the hardest chapter to write. Hopefully it paid off through your enjoyment! Also on a side note, while I was writing the fight scene, I was listening to this, total made more epic in my opinion!