• Published 6th Feb 2014
  • 721 Views, 6 Comments

Total Eclipse - Somedudeatemytaco

After his sister is taken from him by Nightmare Moon, a human teams up with Twilight and friends to help save both Earth and Equestria

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Dreams Can Suck...Even More

For a guy that hasn't a single dream in a long time, you would think he would be joyous to have at least one dream, or even two consecutive dreams in a row. That'd where you'd be wrong. As I found my self literally standing on nothing, total nothingness everywhere, I instantly regretted closing my eyes.

"For a creature of magic, you really lack creativity when haunting people's dreams." I say to the dark void, knowing who would respond.

"I am not the one responsible for this, I just so happened to come in when your mind imagined this."

"Speaking of minds and imaginations, you know what I'm capable of, so why do you step foot, er... hoof in my dream again? In fact, give me one good reason why I shouldn't blast you again in the next ten seconds!"

"Wait! Do you want your sister back?!"

That caught me off guard, "Alright, continue."

"I've noticed that you and the six ponies have been going about, collecting the Elements of Harmony, and I must say, you are making terribly excellent progress."

"Was that supposed to be a compliment?"

"Let me continue, if I may. The point is, the Elements of Harmony is the only way to defeat me, and with you collecting them, I feel threatened. That's why I am here. I want to establish a compromise.

"What makes you think I would make any deal of sorts with you?"

"Simple, you give me the elements, and I'll give you your sister back."

"Or I could keep the elements, let Twilight and everyone else use them on you AND get my sister back."

"But here is what you do not seem to comprehend, you already know for a fact that Equestrian magic is not as effective here."

"Now that didn't stop you now did it?"

"My case is different, I am an alicorn with otherworldly powers."

"Twilight's an alicorn too."

"You are testing my patience human, something I strongly advise you not to do. The point is, I have your sister, and if you do not give me the elements, I will make sure she will suffer in every way imaginable!"


"Or what? I'm here, you're there, you cannot do anything, besides, I have hooves not hands. Just consider my offer, it seems like you do not have a choice now anymore.

With that, Nightmare Moon left, leaving me to wonder, what should I do? Was her threat serious?


It was morning when I awoke, or at least it should have been. I checked my watch to see what time it was: 7:30. But instead of the sun, I was seeing the moon maybe a few more minutes before the stages of sunrise would begin. By all means this was horrible news, Nightmare Moon's plan was getting closer to completion, who knows what would happen if her plan was completed? Seeing as the ponies were still sleeping, and I was dead tired, I decided to head over to a Starbucks I saw on our way here from last night, I needed a caffeine boost if we were going to get through this day.


Heading back, I felt a little better from the coffee. It only took about three sips, since I got the drink with the most caffeine Not wanting to leave the girls empty handed, I decided to get them those cake pop things that Starbucks sold. I'm pretty sure that the register was a little taken back by the fact that a teenager filled with dirt ordered six birthday cake pops!

"There you are Hector, we were starting to get worried!" Applejack said as I came into their view.

"Sorry about that guys, when I woke up I went to get some things, probably should have left a note."

Setting down my coffee, I unzip my backpack, after shuffling through it's contents, (including all the elements we had,) I took out the bags that had the cake pops, "Don't think I left you guys empty-handed!"

"Empty-hooved" Twilight corrected me.

"Whatever! You know what I mean!"

After explaining the basic premise of the cake pop, Fluttershy made a point that I can't believe I forgot about, "Well, it's nice and all that you gave us these, but how are we supposed to hold them?"

I just went total poker face on everyone. Luckily though, I made a realization. I bought six cake pops, but I only counted five ponies, where was Pinkie? I asked the girls, and Rarity said that she was behind me. As I turned around, an, "oh no" came out. I found Pinkie, but she was as still as a statue. Next to her was an empty Starbucks cup

"What's wrong?" Fluttershy asked.

"She drank my drink!"

"What's wrong with that?"

"IT WAS COFFEE! Pure caffeine!"

As soon as I said that, the girls had the same felling I had.

To be honest, I was both terrified and intrigued on how Pinkie would react. If she was already acting like she was full if caffeine, what would happen is she were actually given caffeine? Running to Pinkie Pie, I asked if she was alright, I got nothing from her, so I tried poking her. That's when the show started. Pinkie started vibrating like crazy! She was practically zooming by the trees, like in the old cartoons. Pinkie shouted, “Ooh! This feels great! So much energy! I feel like doing...doing" At mid-sentence Pinkie just stopped, and just like that, she started snoozing! It was just so random, so out of the blue, that I just ended up laughing. After a while, everyone else joined in.


After Pinkie’s episode, we decided to get started on finding the next element. After a couple of minutes, Pinkie was back to being her traditional, well, excited self. Looking at the map we discovered the next target was the element of generosity. And what better way to retrieve it than to win a fashion competition! And the winner gets the element!

“Ah, this is absolutely perfect,” Rarity joyfully said, a smile beaming from her face, “I already have some brilliant ideas for a gown! "

"Well, even though you have some designs already, I don't think that'll work. People here can't see us, and even if they could, it wouldn't be much better." Twilight said pointing to the bottom of a poster. The text said that the competition was males only. Of course there had to be a catch! All six of the girl's heads turned to mine.

"Me!? Nonnononononono! Sorry to disappoint you all, but I'm not a fashonista! If I go on there, I'll have no idea what I'll be doing! I have as much creativity as a rock! We might as well forfeit! "

"Well," Twilight spoke up, " I do have an idea, but I'm afraid that it might be too risky"

"Just try it, anything is better than just sending me in there!"

"Alright fine, but both you and Rarity will have to agree on this, like I said, this is going to be very risky."

"Seeing as this may be our only option," Rarity chimed in, "I agree to partake in this Twilight!"

"Good, but just a fair warning, I've never tried this spell before, so I have no idea what's going to happen!"

"Wait, WHAT!?!?" Rarity and I said in unison.

But it was too late, Twilight had her eyes closed, concentrating, a small light appeared from the tip of her horn, quickly enlarging by the second. After a while, tendrils sprouted from the ball of light, quickly wrapping around both Rarity and I. When we were completely wrapped, a blinding light emerged, and then I lost consciousness.

Author's Note:

MWAHAHAHA! Cliffhangers! Want to know what happens next! Well read the next part and find out! (Although posting the next part immediately after kinda ruins the whole "cliffhanger" element... whatever!