• Published 6th Feb 2014
  • 721 Views, 6 Comments

Total Eclipse - Somedudeatemytaco

After his sister is taken from him by Nightmare Moon, a human teams up with Twilight and friends to help save both Earth and Equestria

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I Become Absoulutly Fabulous

"Ugh," I say as I find myself on the ground, ,"wha happened?”

"Is everypony alright?" I hear Twilight call out but very faintly though.

I tried to get up, but I could only manage to get on my knees, I hear Rarity respond first, "I'm fine darling, just a little unbalanced that's all." Strange, Rarity sounded, well different. I say, "I'm fine too Twilight." And then I realize, I sound different. Turning myself to face Rarity, I instead am greeted by the last person I expected to see.

That person was myself!

Then I realized, I could only stand to my knees because that was my height. The reason why my voice was different was because it wasn't mine. The cold hard truth hit me: I was Rarity and Rarity was me! Apparently Rarity realized this about the same time I did, because both of us screamed at the same time.

"Twilight! WHAT DID YOU DO!!" Rarity shouted. Now I realized why her voice sounded different since she was in my body, she had my voice, but she still kept her accent, so therefore if I spoke, I would have Rarity's voice, but not her accent. To test this out, I said, "Yes, what exactly is going on here!" Turns out I was right! The whole thing was just flat out weird! At least I now knew what I would sound like in a British accent!

"Well I told you guys that this is risky, but the important thing is that the both of you are alright." Twilight informed.

"Wait so let me get this straight," Applejack said.

"Rarity is in Hector's body," Fluttershy filled in.

"And Hector is in Rarity's!" Pinkie finished.

Rainbow Dash bursted out laughing. Now's not the best time Rainbow, I thought to myself.

"I have to agree, your behaving rather rudely Rainbow Dash." Rarity said.

"Wait, how did you know that?"

"Know what darling?"

"What I just thought!"

"Why its simple, you did say it aloud."

"No I didn't."

"Oh no," Twilight said, looking rather concerned, "this can't be good. Apparently the spell didn't work exactly as planned. My guess is that you two share the same conscious, making you two able to read each others thoughts!"

Well that can't be good. I thought to myself,

Can he really hear what I think? Rarity thought

Yes, yes I can Rarity

The look on Rarity's face was priceless

"Your right Twilight, lets just be grateful that this was the worst that came out of this." I said

"Easy for you to say," Rarity said in frustration, "you're not the one who can't stand on her own two feet!"

Rainbow Dash chimed in, "well you're going to have learn fast, it says here that registration ends in an hour!

That poster has been giving us nothing but trouble!

Tell me about it darling!

This is going to be a looong day!


Normally, it wouldn't have taken us too long to reach the registration area, but due to the fact that Rarity was in my body, it took a while for her to become accustomed to walking on two legs. While on the way there, Rarity and I laid out some ground rules, "Okay, from this moment on, you are a dude, got it? That means no calling people "darling", no random emotional outbursts and if you can, try to loose the accent, it just sounds weird."

"I'll try my best!" Rarity said, attempting to use a masculine tone

It took all I had to not laugh.

Oh please, I know you're enjoying this! Anyways, my only rule is to PLEASE WATCH THE MANE!!!

As you wish


Rarity was having pretty bad day, for starters, she wasn't even herself anymore! As if that wasn't bad enough, she had to learn how to move on two legs only! But worst of all, her beautiful mane was gone!

Alright Rarity, left foot first, she heard Hector say in her head; oh and there was also the fact that him and Rarity shared the same consciousness.

I think I already know what to do by now Hector, its not like I haven't done this before!

You haven't


As Rarity stumbled across the city, she noticed several humans staring at her, she was grateful that this wasn't actually her they were staring at, in fact, it was , Hector, but.. ugh, this was starting to become very complicated, Rarity thought to herself.

Ain't that the truth, I have to see myself tripping every five seconds!

Quiet you.


After what seemed like an eternity, they all finally made it to the registration!

Okay, just go up to the guy and say exactly what we rehearsed Rarity.

Please darling, you are making it seem as if I cannot do anything by myself!

As Rarity strode to the "guy," she couldn't believe that Hector had such little faith in her! Well, she'd show him!

Hearing Hector think, Well, I'm waiting, nearly surprised her! She was going to have to get used to that.

Suddenly, thoughts were interrupted when the man said, "Excuse me sir, may I help you?" It was too late, Rarity let out a small "Eeep!" before coming up with, "Oh, everything's fine darling, I'm just here to sign up for the fashion competition! " Smiling as best as she could to the man, she knew that she basically threw out every rule that Hector had given her, this was going to be a lot more harder than expected.

"Umm...sure thing, I just need your name."

"It's Rar-"


"I mean Hector! Yes! Totally a manly name!"

Don't be surprised when you come back if your mane gets slightly messy!



This was going to be a tad more complex than Rarity hoped. Oh, who was she kidding, this was near impossible! For instance, she didn't have any magic to help her, instead, she had, "hands" something she did NOT ask for. Making a dress was a very delicate process, fashion is more than just tossing fabrics around, mind you, it is an art! The worst of it all is that she only had an HOUR! But she must win! For her friends, the element, in the name of fashion and fabulosity!

Yeah, yeah, now are you going to make something or what?

Maybe I would if I had some practice first! I can't even sketch my ideas out because I can't hold the pencil right!

We can't have everything we want in life Rarity!


With or without practice, Rarity had to win this, for her friends, for the element, in the name of fashion, Rarity would prevail! A little while into the competition however, she found less and less motivation. At this point, Rarity decided to look at her surroundings. On one hand, her competition were, as the judges said, "widely renowned", but most importantly, they were all making things better than her! Rarity didn't even Know what she was making, but tried to reflect on all the positive things. For starters, there were only about ten other competitors, so that took some stress off her mind. As the hour ended, Rarity had a bad feeling about how this was going to turn out

Hey, you made a toga! A loooong time ago, this was a fashion statement!

Yes dear, that's the point, a long time ago.

Seeing everypony else's clothing just made Rarity more assured if her defeat, all of them had detailed and intricate designs, all she had was white fabric tossed around everywhere!

As the contestants gave their speeches about their creations, everyone was eyeing Rarity and her toga. She knew she was going to be the laughingstock of the whole competition, but she wouldn't let them humiliate her. If she was going down, she would go down with honor, dignity, and-oh who was she kidding, the toga was atrocious!

Calm down drama queen! I might have a way to win this!

How is that! It's impossible!

When the judges ask you to give them your speech, just say everything I tell you, okay?

Well I have no other choice anyways!

The anxiety was eating Rarity up. The closer the judges came, the more nervous she became. At last, the judges came up to Rarity and asked, "Please present us your creation."

Rarity hoped Hector knew what he was doing.

"I am here today to bring you the latest innovation in fashion. Might I ask you what wad the most powerful reign, who conquered the most land, who had the world in the palm of their hands? Any guesses?"

"The Roman empire?"

"umm..Yes! The Roman empire! As we look forward, we cannot forget about our past, the reason why I created...this, was to pay homage to the great Romans, who wore this with pride,. This toga here symbolizes so much, with just so little. Thank you all, I am finished."

The judges just nodded and continued on to the next person. Rarity had no idea what would happen next


"After much thought and consideration, we have finally selected a winner,but to all of you, we would like to thank you for participating. Some of your designs were amazing, and some were...quite interesting, but in the end, only one design took our breath away. And the winner is..."

Rarity knew it wouldn't be her, she was ready to accept defeat, when the judges said, "Hector Torres!" Rarity didn't even realize that she won until Hector pointed it out to her!

As Rarity made her way up to the stage, she had a few things to say, "Oh my goodness, I don't know what to say, thank you thank you thank you! It is such an honor to know that even though I thought I had no chance of winning, I did!"

Rarity are you crying?

Why of course.not darling, there is just so much dust in here!


Rarity could feel her mane getting messy already!

"Your simplistic design gave so much to us, the tribute to history was perfection! How on Earth did you think of this?"

"Well, let's just say it came to me."

*** ◆◇◆

First off let me get myself clear, no matter HOW MUCH Rarity made me girly, I did not lay a single hoof on that mane! I swear! Now that that's over with we can continue.

After Rarity won the element, Twilight changed us back to our normal bodies, which I think both Rarity and I were glad about. Do you know how hard it was to walk on four legs! I nearly fell so many times! And with Rarity's mane, I knew if something happened to it she would kill me! So yeah, I'm glad I got my old body back. The best part was that there were no side effects this time, except for the brief period of time when I called everyone darling, but that wore off...eventually. As we were in our way to find the next element, something very peculiar happened. I was using my phone to see how far we were from Disneyland, then all of a sudden, the screen went blank! I tried pressing the power button, but nothing worked. About five seconds later, Nightmare Moon's face takes up my entire screen. And I'm not going to lie to you, it scared me so much that I nearly chucked my phone across the city.

"Greetings humans." Nightmare Moon started out, apparently everyone could see this too, since I saw several other people with the exact same thing happening to them. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Nightmare Moon, and yes, despite what your "government" says, I am real, and I have your children."

I could hear gasps coming from everywhere.

"Come on girls, let's get outta here!" I said, trying to find the most secluded place nearby, whatever Nightmare Moon was going to say wasn't going to be good, and I didn't want to stick around to see what would happen next.

"The reason why I am speaking to you, whether it be from your television, computer, whatever. I am here to make a proposition. Do you see this boy?"

Now there was a picture of me, I have no idea how she got a hold of it, but a bad feeling was starting to arise in my gut.

"This boy is Hector Torres, I need this boy. Sadly, I cannot find him, that's where you come in. I need you to find this boy and bring him to me. And what is your payoff, some of you may be asking? That is it. Anything your puny hearts desires, will be yours. Fame, wealth, the dream girl, your child back, it'll be yours, just give me Hector Torres, and you will have everything you want in life! Now what are you waiting for, the million dollar boy is out there, go find him."

With that, the screen went dark, then it started to work normal again.

"What just happened?” Rainbow Dash said

"Nightmare Moon just raised the stakes.

Author's Note:

The ninth chapter of my story.