• Published 7th Feb 2014
  • 28,443 Views, 1,751 Comments

Pinkie Personalities - Drebom

Pinkie Pie isn't alone in her head- she has multiple personalities. The three of them have kept this fact secret for a very long time. Now, however, Twilight's overheard them arguing....

  • ...

An ironic problem

As much as it annoyed him, he did appreciate the irony. Here he was, surrounded by trees, and he didn't have a single sheet of paper, or parchment for that matter. If it wasn't so frustrating, he might have laughed. Maybe. As it was, he just muttered another curse under his breath. On the other side of the cave, the Timberwolf looked up momentarily at the sound. When nothing else was said, it laid its head back on the floor to continue lightly dozing.

Food and water could be foraged, so that was no problem. Planning for the various experiments had been completed long ago, during his incarceration. But even his brilliant mind couldn't retain everything. And even if it could, he would need to do calculations, eventually spread word of his results. And unless the modern scientific world was prepared to take crude carvings on stone tablets seriously, he was in severe need of supplies. That meant that he would need to venture into civilization, and 'acquire' some resources. It couldn't wait- once he had retrieved the test subject, it would be too dangerous to leave the forest until his work was completed. But on the other hoof, it was also incredibly dangerous now; guards were sure to be patrolling the surrounding area for him.

Scowling, he looked over to the wolf. "Stay," he growled. No point in drawing more attention to himself, as the predator's presence surely would. He knew the wolf would understand. He'd managed to teach it a few basic commands, with the aid of a tree-branch to correct unwanted behaviour.

Walking through the forest, he wondered where he would go. Not into the town proper, of course. That was far too risky, even now, at night. There was a farm, though, wasn't there? And maybe a couple of outlying cottages too. All he had to do was find the way out. He had been slowly building up a mental map of his surroundings, during his various excursions for food and water. Just yesterday, he had found what appeared to be a beaten track through the forest, a fair distance from his cave. He had no way of determining its purpose, where it led, but decided it was as good a place to start as any.

The track, when he finally found it, was exactly as he remembered it. The vegetation underfoot was flattened, and patchy on the distinctive trail of compressed soil. It was clearly well-used. Unsure of which way to go, he chose a direction at random. Hopefully it would lead him to the forest edge.

It hadn't. He had, either by good luck or bad, apparently ended up deeper in the forest. Bad luck, because he was nowhere near where he wanted to be. Good, because he had found what he was looking for. A house. Or rather, a tree that had been made into one.

Putting aside the absurdity of finding such a construction in the Everfree forest, there was also the matter of its decor. Zebrican, if he was not mistaken. Tricky folk. They were as peace-loving as most Equestrians, but their mastery over potions made for a strong reputation. He recalled that their last war had ended before it had even begun, with most of the invading army falling ill with any number of maladies. The small group still able to fight had been quickly dissuaded by a large force of Zebra warriors. Peaceful, but still dangerous in a fight.

A Zebra living in the Everfree was sure to have protections against the various creatures it contained. He frowned at that thought. There were no traps as far as he could see, no obvious forms of defence. Not even an alarm system to warn the occupant of danger. He himself had been able to construct a large vine tripwire connected to bunches of small rocks inside the cave on a ledge, arranged in such a way as to make them fall in the event that an unwelcome intruder breached a hastily-erected perimeter around the cave. So where were the Zebra's defences?

He approached the hut cautiously, ready to bolt at the first hint of trouble. However, nothing happened as he approached a window, and looked inside. The tree-house was gloomy, with only a small lamp providing some night-time light. In the back, though, he could just about make out the shape of a bed, partly hidden by a wall. It was clearly occupied.

Neuron sat down, and contemplated his choices. Either he could retrace his steps, and try his luck at the other end of the trail, or he could attempt to break into the Zebra's home and search for supplies, all without waking the occupant. He sighed. There would likely be similar problems on the other end of the track, wherever that was. And that was assuming the track led to town, and not to some part of the Everfree rich with potion ingredients. He scowled again: he really had no choice. Getting here had taken long enough, finding the town and a suitable house could take him until morning. Entering this house was likely the safest choice if he was to avoid capture and still acquire supplies. A Zebra foolish enough to live in the Everfree without protection would pose little threat. Perhaps the various monsters really were rare in this part of the forest. It would certainly explain the lack of need for defence.

His decision made, Neuron stood up and pushed at the door. It was locked, naturally. However, this was a simple lock, designed to keep out mindless beasts, not an intelligent Unicorn such as himself. Telekinesis made it easy to lift the crude latch on the other side of the door, its presence confirmed with another glance through the window. He nudged the door open, and stepped in a quietly as he could.

The room was sparse in terms of furniture. Most of the room was dedicated to potion creation. Looking around, he spied a small wooden desk in one corner. A desk with paper. He smirked, and quietly made his way over to it. The wooden desk held an impressive amount of blank paper, as well as a few quills and bottles of ink. Off to one side was a small stack of notes, along with what appeared to be a letter. A cursory examination of the first few paragraphs revealed that the Zebra, 'Zecora', had been asked to write some notes on the Zebrican methods of potion mixing. Neuron raised an eyebrow at the impressive stack of paper, which had clearly been supplied for the Zebra to use. Whoever this academic was, they clearly had a rather strange definition of the word 'some'...and possibly of 'notes', as well. It seemed more like the Zebra had been contracted to write a book on the subject, possibly two!

No matter though. That just meant more supplies for him. After a few moments of thought, he decided to take the potion notes as well. Perhaps there was something of use to him in them. Lifting up the lot with telekinesis, he turned to check on the sleeping Zebra...and froze.

While looking through the window had shown him much of the house's layout, one thing it hadn't revealed to him was the fact that the Zebra apparently slept with a spear. It was long, sharp, and clearly made for protection. Neuron unconsciously gulped. At least he had an answer for the lack of traps now...they probably weren't needed. Apparently, this Zebra was combat-trained. He had a terrible suspicion that the Everfree left this house alone because the occupant had scared off any trouble.

Said occupant was also awake, alert, and pointing the afore-mentioned spear in his direction.

"This is quite a surprise to me, to find the fugitive of the Everfree. I ask that you surrender quietly, unless you wish this to turn ugly." said Zecora.

"I get the point," snarled Neuron. He lay down, and began lowering the supplies to the ground. Zecora relaxed slightly.

"Good, I tha-" And then he blasted the Zebra into the wall behind her with a large stunning spell, using the magic he was already channeling to fuel it. The things he was levitating dropped to the floor to the floor, the levitation spell now gone. Neuron scrambled to his feet and picked up the supplies again with his magic. He had to go, NOW, before the Zebra recovered.

Neuron Probe bolted out the door, taking with him paper, ink and quills. He was now ready to conduct his research.

Author's Note:

And so Probe comes a little closer to his goal...

Writing this chapter made me wonder about how Zecora keeps safe in the Everfree. I mean, she must have built that house herself, with minimal protection from the forest's inhabitants. Ponyville certainly wouldn't have helped her at the time. Seeing as how Apple Bloom can go there on her own, it must be a quiet part of the forest, but I figure she must still have had some means of protection. A weapon, or at least some combat ability, was the most logical conclusion. Oh, and apologies for any terrible rhymes. Writing dialogue for Zecora is hard...