• Published 7th Feb 2014
  • 28,443 Views, 1,751 Comments

Pinkie Personalities - Drebom

Pinkie Pie isn't alone in her head- she has multiple personalities. The three of them have kept this fact secret for a very long time. Now, however, Twilight's overheard them arguing....

  • ...

Cake Transport

The four played for a long time. Twilight quickly got used to the usage of a spinner to choose who to dare, which was now being used in tandem with a bottle to differ between Twilight and the three-ponies-in-one opposite her. The time flew by. Interestingly, Twilight noted, when Pinkamena was in charge her mane and tail were flat and straight, whilst Pinkie and Surprise both had the familiar frizzy mess. Something to investigate later, perhaps. Surprise was about to choose her next pony-to-be-truth-or-dared when a knock came at the door.

"Pinkie? Princess Twilight?" came Mrs Cake's voice. "I don't wish to interrupt, but... well, it's just that you've been in there for hours now, and we're getting kind of worried. Is everything alright?" Confused, Twilight looked over to the clock on Pinkie's bedside table.

"Five o'clock?!" she gasped. "Girls, we've been playing for three hours! We were meant to be moving that cake to the library ages ago!" At the mention of the library, her mind turned to the assistant she had left behind. "Oh no- SPIKE! I've left him alone for three hours! I was only going to take an hour or so- he's going to be worried sick!" She turned back to...Pinkie? Surprise? Had they switched when Mrs Cake- never mind, no time! "Sorry girls, but I need to get back. Where's the cake?"

The pink pony- Surprise, perhaps- smiled. "Don't worry about it, Twilight! The cake is in the storage room downstairs- follow me!" She bounced downstairs, Twilight following. A hurried reassurance was given to Mrs Cake as they passed her, the two explaining that they had got carried away with a game of truth or dare, carefully stepping around inquiries about the sounds of crying that had been heard earlier. The moving of furniture was hastily attributed to Pinkie re-arranging her room to make space for some party cannon maintenance. With the Cakes reassured, the two entered the storage room, where Twilight's eyes fell upon the huge white pillar of a box that housed Pinkie's latest creation.

"Wow!" she gasped "How big is that thing?"

"About a meter and a half" replied Surprise (or was it Pinkie?) cheerfully.

"That's incredible!" Twilight avoided addressing her friend by name. Unless she was completely certain of which party pony it was making last-minute checks on the cake's safety inside its box, it would probably be best to avoid names, therefore also avoiding any chance of embarrassment at getting the name wrong.

"I know! Although Pinkie did do most of the work, so she's probably the best pony to tell you about it-hold on!" Surprise paused in her bouncing and went through the now familiar ritual of sitting down and closing her eyes for a moment. Then came the familiar head-dip, and Pinkie looked up and resumed the bouncing.

"So, Pinkie, what's in this?" asked Twilight, silently thanking Surprise for inadvertently clearing up her confusion.

"Well it's a carrot cake, because it's for a bunny, oh but there's also cherries and chocolate in there somewhere, and there's some balls of birdseed up near the top, and some of those have got treacle on and oh oh OH! Twilight?"

"Yes Pinkie?"

"Do birds eat treacle?"

"Uh...um..." Do birds eat treacle? What sort of a question was that? "Maybe? I'm afraid I don't know, but I can probably look it up back at the library, if you want." she offered.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I'm sure I can just ask Fluttershy at the party!" smiled Pinkie. With the question of the edibility of treacle for birds postponed to a later date, the two ponies prepared to transport the cake. It had been decided earlier that they would both support the cake physically by carrying it on their backs, sharing the burden, whilst Twilight would also use her magic to steady it. As an extra precaution, Pinkie was paying close attention to her tail- a twitchy tail could provide the crucial warning needed to save the cake if all went wrong.

Of course, this ended up being the case. The two had covered most of the distance to the library, to the point where it was just in sight, when a buzzing sound, quickly growing in volume, reached their ears. Pinkie's tail shook violently as an orange and red blur appeared ahead of them.

"Twitchy tail!" yelled Pinkie, and Twilight groaned. They were so close...but she strengthened her telekinetic hold on the cake all the same. Just in time too, because a split second later the Cutie Mark Crusaders cannoned into the two, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle riding in the red wagon hitched to Scootaloo's scooter. Somehow the fillies managed to hit right between the two mares, knocking them to either side of the cake box as the CMC sped down the road.

"Sooorrrrry!" came the fast fading apology as the three fillies sped away, unable to stop with their built-up momentum. Twilight and Pinkie fell to the ground on either side of the cake as it began to descend at a near-terminal rate. Fortunately, Twilight's magic grip was just strong enough to prevent the surrounding cobblestones from being painted in frosting. Instead, the cake almost floated the last few inches to the ground as Twilight managed to focus through her daze on her telekinesis, before settling on the road with a quiet 'thump'. Twilight and Pinkie both breathed a sigh of relief. Amidst the gaze of curious onlookers, the two managed to reposition the cake squarely on their backs, mainly thanks to Twilight's magic, which was fortunately strong enough to lift the heavy cake back up, admittedly with a fair amount of effort. The strain on Twilight was the only reason that they hadn't decided on just having her carry it to the library on her own via telekinesis.

They managed to carry the cake the rest of the way to Twilight's home without incident, and as soon as the cake was settled safely on a table Twilight called for her assistant.

"Spike? Spiiike!" she called "Where are you? I'm sorry I'm late!" She walked to the foot of the stairs and called again, while behind her Pinkie shut the door. "Spike?" Still no answer. Starting to worry, she went upstairs and took a look around. Spike was nowhere to be found. "Pinkie, Spike's not here!" she called down to the ground floor.

"He's gone into town!"

"Huh?" Going back downstairs, Twilight found Pinkie reading a note stuck to the back of the door. Walking over, she quickly scanned the short note. It was definitely Spike's handwriting, although it was a little messy, like it had been written in a hurry. Curious, but no real indicator for worry.

Hey Twilight, I finished sorting books, but you were taking ages. So I'm going to head into town for a while, hang around, maybe grab some ice cream. No need to worry about me. See you later!

Pinkie wandered around the library. Twilight had gone in search of books relating to multiple personalities, leaving Pinkie to her own devices. She considered visiting the cookery section, but in the end went in search of fiction after realising that she had already memorised most of the library's recipe books. After all, a party-planner and baker should know as many recipes as possible, so as to be prepared for every occasion. Common sense, really.

The fiction section of the library took up almost the entirety of the ground floor of the library. Golden Oaks was arranged so that the non-fiction books were mainly on the first floor, with the personal rooms such as bedrooms on the second. The exceptions to these layout rules were the kitchen and dining room, which were both situated on the ground floor, although separated from the rest of the library. One of the reasons behind this was the fact that nopony wanted to lug groceries up two flights of stairs. Idly browsing the shelves and taking down books that interested her or either Surprise or Pinkamena, there was soon a small collection of books growing on one of the tables in the room. Pinkamena had a soft spot for the older, classic titles, while Pinkie and Surprise preferred more modern novels. They also liked mysteries, Sherlock Hooves being a definite favourite of all three.

"So, are you feeling any more twitches?"

"Hmmm?" Pinkie tilted her head to one side. "What do you mean?"

"The doozy, remember? We got a doozy prediction earlier...unless that was Twilight finding out?"

This suggestion was, unfortunately, ruled out almost immediately afterwards by pinkie sense, tremors once again racking Pinkie's body for a few moments.

"Looks like that's a no! Oh boy, I wonder what it is..." Pinkie wondered, drifting off into thought.

"Another hydra attack, perhaps? Or maybe a dragon's going to come into town?" suggested Pinkamena. She was rather worried about the upcoming doozy. They weren't sure when it would strike, or where. A complete mystery.

"Maybe...Can you think of anything, Surprise?"

"Sorry, I can't think of anything either...Do you think we should tell Twilight?"

"Don't you remember what happened the last time Twilight got a warning about the future? came Pinkamena's dry reply "I'm not sure she's the best pony to go to."

"We can't say nothing! This doozy could be really, really bad news, and I don't want ponies to get hurt because they didn't know about it!!"

"But that's the thing, though isn't it? We don't know what's coming either!" Pinkamena sighed. "'Doozy' is so vague, we can't really do anything about it!"

"Maybe..." admitted Pinkie, slightly downcast. "I don't like it! What's the point of predicting the future if you can't tell what you're predicting?"

"Ummm...Oh! Maybe if we DID know the future, then we'd be able to stop the doozy before it happened. But then if we did THAT, then we wouldn't have a doozy, so we couldn't have predicted the doozy because the doozy wouldn't have happened. But we would have had to predict the doozy, otherwise we couldn't have stopped it. And then time would start melting!" This hypothesis, having been rapidly delivered by Surprise in a few breaths, made the other two pause.

"So you're saying that it's a safety feature?" questioned Pinkamena thoughtfully.


"That...actually makes sense, to be honest. The vagueness stops us from making paradoxes if we try to stop the doozy, in case it's something nasty. Interesting..." Pinkamena and Surprise joined Pinkie in thought, pondering the mysteries of pinkie sense.

Eventually, Pinkie broke the silence. "So...what do we do?"

Pinkamena sighed. "I'm not sure there's much we can do about this. Maybe we can warn the others, but I don't think that there's much we can do about this doozy except wait and see. Just don't get Twilight panicking over it!"

"I suppose..."

"Suppose what?" Pinkie jumped at the sound of Twilight's voice. She twisted around and smiled.

"Oh, nothing much! We were just talking about a potentially incredibly dangerous event that's in the near future which we know is coming but can do absolutely nothing about!"

Pinkamena and Surprise face-hoofed. Twilight started panicking.


Half an hour and some breathing exercises later, and Twilight had calmed down. In that time, Spike had returned from his trip into town looking, it would have been noted if anypony was paying attention, slightly red. However, the two ponies in the room were currently engaged in performing breathing exercises, leaving only owlowiscious to notice the red-cheeked dragon. His attempts to later inform Twilight of this observation would sadly be doomed due to translation difficulties.

"So, just to be clear, your pinkie sense is predicting another doozy?" asked Twilight. She, Pinkie and Spike, who had been a little distressed to find Twilight had had another panic attack in his absence, had settled down in the kitchen to discuss this turn of events. Spike wasn't aware of the events at Sugarcube Corner, nor would he be if Twilight could help it. Even without the explanation-limiting pinkie promise, Spike would still be able to get the gist of her emotional state earlier that day, and she didn't want him to have to worry about her too much.

"Yup" nodded Pinkie "But you shouldn't worry about it. It could be absolutely nothing to worry about!"

"'Could' means that there is a certain degree of doubt." Twilight pointed out. "Anyway, as I recall, the last one was a bigger shock than a hydra attack!"

"Yeah, that's true, but...umm...We can never be sure what the future is, it's going to happen whatever we do, sooo... we should just stop worrying over it and get on with life?"

"Wow Pinkie, that's great advice!" exclaimed Spike. He turned to Twilight. "You should take it Twilight!" he advised.

Twilight nodded in response. It was a reasonable argument, and she had in fact learnt that lesson personally with the time-travel incident. Oddly, Pinkie's statement seemed rather unlike her usual brand of advice, which was rather nonsensical at times. This sounded more like it had come from Pinkamena, who was quite clearly the most mature of the trio. In fact, Twilight realised, it probably had. With the pauses in her speech, Pinkie had sounded like she was repeating what somepony else was saying, rather like when you were making an oath of the 'repeat after me' variety. Pinkamena and Surprise could commune with Pinkie in her mind, after all. They couldn't talk directly with her with Spike there, of course. That wouldn't end well.

Although, she mused, it was a bit unfair to Pinkamena and Surprise. For years they had had to hide, and now they finally had somepony else apart from Pinkie to talk to, but still only in private. And even that was only due to chance. There had been a very real possibility of her not overhearing the three talking, if she had just walked at a slightly different pace that morning. Then the two other personalities would have still only had each over and Pinkie for company. Maybe, just maybe, it would be a good idea to tell the rest of their little group? Surely they would be supportive. And it would mean that Pinkie wouldn't have to be so secretive, as well as letting the other personalities get to know her friends personally. Sure, it would be rather weird at first, and there would probably be one or two less than entirely positive responses, but surely in the long run it would be for the best?

"Say, Pinkie?"

"Yes Twilight?"

"You know that...thing we were talking about earlier?" Twilight's voice was hesitant, taking care to make the reference as vague as possible, making certain there would be no chance of breaking her promise.

"Uh...yeah?" Pinkie was also nervous in her reply. Her eyes flicked towards Spike, and she prayed that Twilight wouldn't accidentally clue the dragon in. She wasn't ready for anyone else knowing yet. Spike, unaware of all that had transpired that day, simply looked between the two, confused.

"Well...Do you think that...It might be a good idea to tell the others?" asked Twilight gently.

"U-um..." Pinkie couldn't say she was surprised. Neither were Surprise or Pinkamena. They had all expected this suggestion to come up, sooner or later. That didn't mean they were entirely comfortable with it, though. It wasn't that they disliked the idea itself, it would be a big relief to not be on guard all the time, but they feared the reactions of Pinkie's friends should they find out. Twilight had accepted them, sure. but would the rest be so understanding? They all had very different personalities, coming from all different walks of life. Fluttershy would most likely be alright with them, but what of the other three? Would they be as accepting?

"I-I don't know...maybe? I'm not sure..."

"Well, it's only an idea. Though I think it might be for the best. Think about it, alright?"

"S-sure..." Pinkie had to admit, it would be great if some other ponies knew about Surprise and Pinkamena. It was certainly possible that the others in their group would be just as accepting as Twilight. Their friendship had overcome all sorts of obstacles before this, after all. Maybe it was best to have a more positive outlook on the idea.

"Uhh...What's wrong?" asked Spike, tentatively. "Is there something the matter, Pinkie?"

"No Spike, it's just...something about myself that I haven't really told anypony about. Nothing bad, I'm just...different."

"Well, I think whatever it is, it's better out than in. A problem shared is a problem halved, right?" Different? Everypony in town knew Pinkie wasn't exactly normal! On the other hand, it did seem that this was more serious than her day-to-day abnormal behaviour. In any case, Pinkie seemed a little down, if that was possible. Spike wasn't sure what was going on, but decided a little friendly advice wouldn't go amiss. After all, it might help Pinkie work out what to do about whatever was troubling her.

"Yeah, thanks Spike." smiled Pinkie. "I'll keep that in mind."

Author's Note:

This is turning into a really stressful day for Twilight, isn't it? There's been nasty shocks and panic attacks all over the place!

Sorry that this chapters taken so long. I've had some problems with it, but I've finally got it done! I know that it may be a little rough in places, so please point out anything you think needs a little editing. Constructive criticism is always welcome! Also, if you've been following my blog posts, you'll know that the next chapter may be a long time coming. If you haven't, basically I've got a ton of exams coming soon, and all the revision and preparation that precedes them, which is gonna take up a lot of my time for a while. I'm really sorry about this, but there's nothing I can really do about it. I'll still be working on PP on the side, though!