• Published 7th Feb 2014
  • 28,444 Views, 1,751 Comments

Pinkie Personalities - Drebom

Pinkie Pie isn't alone in her head- she has multiple personalities. The three of them have kept this fact secret for a very long time. Now, however, Twilight's overheard them arguing....

  • ...


Another beautiful morning dawned in Ponyville. As was usual in the summertime, the sky was clear and blue, with the occasional cloud floating by. Birds sung, the market bustled, all was normal. Well, almost. Pinkie Pie paced nervously in her bedroom. Today was the day. In just a few hours, her best friends would be coming to Sugarcube Corner at her request. She had invited them all at the end of Angel's party. Some part of her had hoped that they would refuse, say they had other plans- but it seems that her friends were all too happy for a get-together the day after a party. Of course, the last time she had made such an invitation and been refused, she had ended up going slightly cuckoo, so they were probably trying to avoid a similar situation. Either that, or they had noticed the slight faltering of her usual smile. Nopony had said anything though, so the first option was more likely. Probably.

Twilight had been the last to leave Fluttershy's except herself, and the reassuring look the alicorn had given Pinkie had done wonders for her composure. After Twilight had left the cottage, Pinkie had cleaned up the mess of the party quickly with help from Fluttershy, dodging any questions the timid pegasus had managed to ask with her specialised brand of hyper chatter.

Then, it had been back to Sugarcube Corner for the night. Sleep had not been the easiest to achieve, her nerves having begun to act up again, but a glass of warm milk had fortunately aided in hastening its arrival. Now it was morning. She idly wondered whether the Cakes had noticed the tension in her actions at breakfast. They hadn't said anything if they had.

With another look at the clock, confirming that time was indeed going painfully slow, Pinkie crossed the room to her door and headed downstairs. That morning she was supposed to be manning the counter until her friends arrived. Of course, her mind was elsewhere, and her normally positive attitude had become rather subdued. She didn't notice or care though, simply ringing up the customer's purchases with little comment- until Berry Punch asked her why she wasn't smiling. That was a shock to the system. She brushed the comment off, gave a big cheesy smile to the customer, and then went into the back room to have a quick breather. Which meant taking rather a lot of breaths quickly.

"Do you want me to take over? I bet I could smile all day long and all night too!"

"Y-yeah..thanks Surprise..."

"You're welcome!" beamed Surprise, trotting out to the counter again.

"Pinkie, it's going to be ok. They're going to be fine with this, you know they will."

"I know. I'm...I'm fine. Just a little nervous, that's all." Her quavering voice said otherwise.

"A little?" Pinkamena's tone was full of disbelief for a moment. "Pinkie, I think you just had a panic attack! That isn't something you should brush off!"

"I'm just a bit nervous about this, that's all!" Pinkie protested. In the material world, Surprise hummed merrily as she bagged some muffins for the local mailmare. She gave no indication that she was listening to the internal conversation, but was in fact following it closely. She was as worried about Pinkie as Pinkamena was.

"I think you're more than a little nervous. Come on, you know you can trust me. Tell me what you're feeling, truthfully." Pinkamena gently pressed Pinkie, in an attempt to get her to open up.

"I...I..." Pinkie took a deep 'breath'. "I'm scared because I'm about to tell ponies about my biggest ever secret and they're my friends and I know I should trust them but I'm not sure they'll be alright with you and I don't want to go back to a hospital and I think somepony might think I should and then they might not go to my old one or they might not remember me and I'd be stuck there!!!" One of the benefits of speaking with your mind was that it allowed for somepony to say a lot quickly. Of course, one of the downsides of this was that it was easy to forget to use things like separate sentences.

"So you're nervous about talking about Surprise and I, and you're also scared that your friends won't be as understanding as Twilight, and that they'll take you to a hospital. And then, once you were at the hospital, you're afraid that you won't be able to get out for a while, and have to relive your first time in a psychiatric ward.

"Yeah...That sounds right."

"Impossible." stated Pinkamena flatly.

"Huh? Wh-what do you mean?"

Pinkamena sighed. "Pinkie, you're scared. I get that. But nothing like that could possibly happen. Worst case scenario, somepony will need some time to warm up to us. That's it. You know you can trust your friends, especially after what the six of you have already been through. And on top of that, Twilight already knows everything! She knows that a hospital is the last place you want, or need, to be. Even if somepony tried to force us into a psyche ward, the staff would easily be able to get your file and would soon let you go! And it wouldn't even come to that, because Twilight is a PRINCESS for crying out loud- she can easily stop anything like that from happening!"

This speech had the desired effect. Pinkie's spirits began to lift, and Pinkamena breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you sure?" asked Pinkie quietly. She was still anxious, but her panic had died down.

"Yes Pinkie, I'm sure." reassured Pinkamena.

"Great!" whispered Surprise. She then, in a much louder voice, called across the shop to the latest group to enter the shop. "Hi girls!"

Pinkie and Pinkamena's heads snapped up to the 'screen' that hung in their shared mindscape. The gang was here. Surprise bounded over to them.

"I'm so happy you all made it! Unless one of you is a changeling, in which case I'm not so happy and please give us back our friend! Oh, but that doesn't mean that you can't be my friend as well mister-or-missus hypothetical changeling! HUGS FOR EVERYONE!!" She reared up onto her hind legs, held her forelegs wide, and beamed.

This outburst was followed by a few seconds of slightly awkward silence, which was eventually broken by Rainbow Dash.

"Uh, Pinkie? Didn't you want to talk to us?"

"Yup!" smiled Surprise, dropping back down onto all fours. "And it's really, REALLY important, and also really REALLY secret, so follow me!" She sped upstairs.

"Is it me or is Pinkie acting...weird?" asked Rainbow.

"You do realise this is Pinkie Pie we're talkin' bout here, right? She's always actin a mite strange." Applejack shook her head, smiling. "Still, ah wonder what's so important?"

"I just hope she isn't exaggerating." commented Rarity, heading to the stairs. "Shall we go see what all the fuss is about?"

Pinkie was sweating. She had switched with Surprise the moment they had reached the bedroom, and was now waiting for her friends to catch up. All too soon, the door swung open. Rarity was leading, closely followed by Twilight. Next came Applejack and Rainbow, with Fluttershy bringing up the rear.

"Hey girls!" she smiled. Applejack frowned.

"Pinkie? Y'all all right, sugarcube?" Everyone in the room had picked up on the sudden change in mood.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I've...I've got something I need to tell you. It's really important that you keep this a secret, all right? I...I don't want everypony to know about this." Giving each other worried glances, the group made an unbidden Pinkie Promise.

"Now, Pinkie dear, whatever's the matter?" asked Rarity.

"U-um..Is there something you need help with?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well, I..." Pinkie steadied her nerves with a deep breath. "I've got a...a mental condition. Multiple personality disorder." There. She'd said it. Now for the backlash.

"Multiple what-now?" Applejack tilted her head to one side, confused.

"Never heard of it." shrugged Rainbow. "What's she talking about, Twilight?"

"Well, it's a condition where the pony develops...multiple personalities." Twilight answered, already knowing that Rainbow would need more explanation, but unsure how to describe it. Sure enough, Rainbow gave her a half-annoyed look.

"I got that. What're multiple personalities?"

"Well, they're-"

"They're a serious mental illness. Pinkie dear, you should be in hospital!" Rarity interrupted Twilight, wide-eyed in shock. This was, of course, the worst possible reaction.

"NO!" shouted Pinkie. The others jumped. "I-I mean..No. I'm not sick. Their names are Pinkamena and Surprise. They...they aren't harmful! I've got a weird brain that does stuff to make it okay!"

Perturbed, Rarity pressed Pinkie. "Darling, what do you mean? I'm sure your brain is perfectly fine!"

Pinkie was panicking again. Fortunately, Twilight stepped in to take control of the degrading situation. "Rarity, Pinkie has already spent time in a psychiatric hospital for this. She was released because her condition wasn't harmful. She has a unique brain structure which had a hand in the development of this condition, and which also ensures her mental stability." she stated, carefully glossing over the circumstances of Pinkie's discharge.

"But Twilight-"

"She's fine, Rarity. They all are."

Rarity looked at Pinkie. To her surprise, she found that Pinkie was glaring at her.

"Pinkie, darling- are you all right?"

"She's panicking." said Pinkamena, scowling at the fashionista. "Thanks for that. I've spent the last hour trying to cheer her up, and now she's relapsed."

"Pinkie? Wh-why are you talking like that?" asked Rarity, worried at the sudden change in her friend.

"I'm not Pinkie." This statement was met with silence for a moment or two. Rarity looked at Pinkamena in dawning realisation and growing shock. Then, Applejack and Rainbow started pelting the angry pink pony with questions. Fluttershy just looked on in silent concern for her friend.

"QUIET!" yelled Twilight. As the noise died down, she looked over at Pinkamena. She was angry at Rarity, that much was obvious. Pinkie had apparently been unable to stand up to the pressure, and switched out. She devised a plan of action: First, work with Pinkamena and get the facts across. Exposition was all that was needed for understanding here. She glanced at Fluttershy. Maybe gloss over the part concerning that...stallion who called himself a doctor. Next, introduce Surprise. Reassure all present of Pinkie's mental health. And finally, make sure to give Pinkie some space to recover from this turn of events. She nodded to herself. Yes, that would work. Time to get started, then!

"So, let me get this straight. That was YOU, not Pinkie?" Rainbow grinned. "Cool!" Surprise giggled.

"Yep! And that's not the only time either- remember that day with the sneezing powder?"

The situation had finally calmed down somewhat. Overall, reflected Twilight, things had turned out alright. There had been a little hiccup when Twilight had revealed her knowledge of the situation, but that had been resolved after explaining how she had been sworn to secrecy. Rarity was still a little untrusting of Pinkamena and Surprise, but now was at least more understanding of the situation. Rainbow was clearly over the initial shock, having found that she had spent many a day playing pranks with Surprise and now animatedly chatting to the personality. Fluttershy, despite remaining rather quiet, had actually been the first to approach Pinkamena after things had been explained. She had hugged the irritated earth pony, and given her a gentle smile. This broke the ice and calmed Pinkamena down, and soon Pinkamena had been talking amiably to the others. After that, there had been a little get-to-know session, and then Pinkamena had switched with Surprise. The hyperactive mare had quickly started chatting away, and soon Rainbow and Applejack had begun to warm up to her. Again, Fluttershy was the most accepting of the group.

All of a sudden, Surprise sat up straight. "Pinkie's ready to come out again now!" she announced. "Be nice!" The suddenness threw everyone off for a second, which Surprise took advantage of. The change was obvious. The smile drooped, shoulders sank, and suddenly Pinkie was in control of her body again.

"H-hey guys..."

"Pinkie! How are you feeling?" asked Twilight.

"I'm ok. I think..."

Having confirmed that it was indeed Pinkie, Rarity walked over, her head low. "Pinkie, I want to apologise for how I treated you earlier. I'll admit that I'm not exactly comfortable with the situation at present, but I will endeavour to change this!"

"Th-thanks Rarity." said Pinkie.

"U-um...I like Pinkamena and Surprise...they seem nice." said Fluttershy softly.

"Same here!" announced Rainbow. The group, already knowing Twilight's outlook, turned to Applejack to hear her take on the matter. The farm pony sighed.

"Ah'll admit, I'm not exactly comfortable with this at the moment. It's just hard to wrap ma head around, ya know? Ah aint too sure what to make of this, to be honest..." Applejack trailed off, looking sorrowful. This turned to shame as she caught sight of Pinkie's downcast expression. "Look, ah aint condemmin' ya or nothin'." she said, in an attempt to comfort the party pony. "It's just that ah...what's the word...ah'm just not used to this yet. Just give me some time, alright sugarcube?"

"Yeah...thanks Applejack." Pinkie managed a small but genuine smile.

Silence retuned to the room. Pinkie began to rest easy in the knowledge that things weren't as bad as they first seemed. Twilight relaxed. The others enjoyed the quiet, peaceful moment. Which was then sadly interrupted by Pinkie's body erupting into what appeared to be a mild seizure.

"DOOZY!" shrieked Pinkie. The reactions were almost instant. Far away, a mad charge for safety began.

Alarms. Shouting. I need to get away!

Still trembling like crazy, Pinkie backed into a corner, fearing that some sort of attack was imminent. Her sadness at the situation with Rarity and Applejack now brushed aside for the time being, she prayed that the doozy would turn out to be something good.

Hooves burning. Can't stop. They're right behind me!

Pinkie's bed barricaded her door for the second time that week, as Twilight dragged it across the room with telekinesis. She then followed this up with a shield spell over the entire building.

Trees. Forest. Shelter.

Rarity, looking around nervously, took shelter under the table. Unaware of Twilight's shield, she reasoned that at least this way she had some protection if anything fell through the roof. 'Please don't let it be another hydra' she prayed.

Bush- Hide!

Fluttershy had seemingly disappeared. However, as Pinkie's eyes cast around frantically, searching for any sign of anything amiss in the world around her, she caught a glimpse of a pink tail peeking out from under her closet door.


Slowly, as an evil entity recently escaped from a thousand-year long imprisonment failed to show up and nothing exploded, the ponies in the room started to relax. Twilight took down her shield spell, Rarity began the long process of coaxing Fluttershy out of hiding, and Rainbow began vehemently denying that she had been hugging Applejack for dear life. The farmer herself wisely kept her mouth shut, well aware of her inability to lie with a straight face. As her tremors died down, Pinkie herself recovered fairly quickly from the new wave of terror- apart from the doozy, nothing had come up on her pinkie sense to indicate any kind of trouble. Pinkamena was quiet, clearly thinking over the new problem. Surprise started babbling away about possible doozies, many of which involving various forms of confectionery coming to life via nuclear waste- whatever that was.

"Pinkie, do you know what happened?" asked Twilight, as confused and worried as the others were.

Shaken, Pinkie looked out the window. She didn't know. The doozy had happened, but the event itself had apparently not been a local one. Everything was as peaceful as it had been before. There was no way to tell what had happened. And yet...she shuddered.

"I don't know," she admitted "but I've got a baaaad feeling..."

I'm free

The thought echoed through the stallion's mind. He revelled in the knowledge. The escape hadn't gone as well as planned, but that was irrelevant now. He was free.

He would have to lie low for a while, of course. No point in breaking out if the first thing he did was get himself arrested again. No, he would lie low. Not for too long, though. He had work to do. His hypothesis needed finalising. Investigation. Testing. That would be the hardest part. But then, he already knew where she was. The newspapers had been very helpful with that. Retrieving his little research subject shouldn't be too difficult. He would find her, and prove his theory. This would be ground-breaking, a revelation in the world of psychology. And after he had no more use for her, he would of course take his revenge. It would be slow, he decided. And painful. Just what she deserved.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the unexpected wait guys. This constant waiting is becoming a bit of a problem, isn't it? I'll need to get that sorted out ASAP. I hope that this was worth the wait though!

So, what do you think of the doozy? I think it's fairly obvious what's happened, so what do you think of this turn of events? Does the way I presented it (the short short snippets of thought in italics) make sense? How about the reactions to Pinkie's headmates (Thank you commenters for that term!), were they believable? Leave any criticisms you have in the comments. I'm always looking to improve my writing, so all feedback is greatly appreciated. Next chapter changes perspective to that of our antagonist, to reveal the chain of events leading up to the doozy. See you then!