• Published 22nd Mar 2012
  • 1,473 Views, 86 Comments

Shadows of the Past - Dr Atom Discharge

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Chapter Eleven: Changling Lair (Unedited)

Shadows Of The Past
Chapter Eleven: Changling Lair

Last time: Luna woke with a start, and tried to gasp, but no air would fill her lungs, only thick ooze, making her cough, or attempt to, but no matter how she tried the fluid would not budge. She tried to open her eyes but was met with green blur and a stinging sensation, which continued even after she had shut them again. After a few moments the pain subsided and she opened her eye, once they had focused her heart sank as she saw, through a green haze, Sabre, unconscious in a green pod hanging upside down, until she finally she realised she too was in a pod. Her eyes darted about in panic, until they came to rest on the sight bellow her; hundreds and thousands of changlings all scurrying along the floor. Luna let out a soundless scream into the green ooze surrounding her, holding her, trapping her

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Previous Night ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Luna and Sabre came to a stop outside of a large cave mouth, out of sight of it only by the layer of trees they were taking cover behind. They had been travelling all day and evening to get to the other side of the Everfree forest to get here in time. At least they could get away with teleporting back, knowing that even if the Changling Queen, Chrysalis, could detect the magic; it would be too late to stop them using it if they were teleporting away, the same couldn’t be said for if they were to arrive that way.

Both of them were just glad they were able to teleport most of the way, otherwise they would have had to skirt around half of Equestria just to get to where they were now, which would have taken weeks. Still, a day’s travel was needed as they had to land far enough away to avoid detection.

The two started to gladly set up camp, though they could use no fire, they were glad to simply be able to sit. They had picked a rather tactical spot, they had found an outcrop of rock to camp under, ensuring no scouts could sneak up behind them, a feature that soon worked against them . As they settled down for food they started to discuss strategy.

“So, I say we use a cloaking spell to disguise ourselves as changlings, get in, get the page, get out.” Sabre suggested to which Luna nodded
“Hopefully I can hide the spell well enough to maybe convince chrysalis to show us the page.” She replied, very nervous about what they were about to do. She sighed “I guess really, all we can really do is see what happens in there” she said.

After a little while they decided to start on the shifts for watch when they heard a rustling from just outside of camp, and both rushed to the edge to explore, after a few moments of silence Luna looked back towards Sabre to see him being tackled form behind by a changling, she swiveled around just in time to see the outcrop swarming with them before a changling’s hoof entered her view and everything went black

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present Time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Luna closed her eyes and took a few minutes to review her memories and figure out that the changlings must have climbed over the outcrop into their camp, sneaking up behind her and Sabre. Luna let out a silent cry of shock as she opened her eyes to be met with the sight of a Changling right in her face. The creature tilted it’s head and studied her for a moment, meeting Luna’s eyes, before scuttling off across the ceiling of the cavern they seemed to be in.

Luna started to look around, realizing she hadn’t actually paid any attention to where they were. It was a massive cavern of black, jagged rock, except for the floor, which seemed to have been filed down and polished into a smooth floor that gleamed like marble. The length of the room seemed to lead up to a single point: The Jagged black throne, carved into a twisted and contorted shape, riddled with holes and a green fire burning in each. Seated upon the terrible throne was Chrysalis herself, queen of the changlings, Luna recognized her from imaged Celestia had showed her of the fabled wedding.

As Luna looked over Chrysalis their eyes met, and a wicked, terrifying grin spread across the Queen’s face, striking a deep fear into Luna, she tore her gaze away and saw Sabre, now awake, locked in a similar gaze. There was a sudden lurch and a rushing feeling, followed by a hard collision with the floor. The slime that had been surrounding her now cascaded from the torn pod onto her for a moment before slowly stopping. Luna could see that Sabre was in a similar slime covered heap on the hard, polished floor.

As Luna and Sabre slowly climbed into a kneeling position, unable to find the strength to rise any further, they looked up at the Queen, who was wearing a fiendish smirk. “The forbidden, star-crossed romance between the Princess and the Captain of the guard, at first in secret, but allowed the flourish in the fires of war! How rare! How beautiful! How…” Chrysalis’s long, snake like tongue slithered out and slowly ran across her own lips. “… Delicious.” She said before letting out a dark chuckle.

“Did you re-“ Chrysalis started but was cut off my Sabre quickly rising to his feet
“You shan’t keep us captive! Yo-“ Sabre announced proudly, but was drowned out by Chrysalis’s bellow.
“How dare you interrupt your Queen!?” She cried out, her horn glowing green, a glow replicated by Sabre’s entire body as it was forced into a mock worship position.

Chrysalis growled and continued “Did you really think you could just come in and just take my page?” She gloated with a cackle. “You had lost before you even started!” she said with a dark laugh, looking past them, Luna turned her head to see Discord stood at the entrace to the hall way, she watched him march up the cave towards them, and then past; up the steps to the twisted throne.

At this point Chrysalis was now on her feet as discord stood next to her, putting his arm around her. “Oh no my dear princess! Did you think he was working with you? You turned him to stone, why in the name of the creator would he ever help you? Oh no… Discord is firmly in my corner.” Chrysalis gloated as Luna watched in horror as Discord and Chrysalis moved in closer to kiss.

Before their lips could meet, Discord placed a single claw on Chrysalis’s lips, halting her kiss. “My dear queen…” he said, looking deeply into her eyes, before the rest of his hand moved up her face, grasped it, and then pushed her backwards sending her tumbling down the stairs. He snatched the page, still floating in midair, next to where Chrysalis had been moments before. “sorry, dear, I’m lord of chaos, I’m a little inconsistent.” He said with a chuckle.

Chrysalis stared at him with pure fury before screaming; “GET HIM!” At that point every pair of changling eyes were firmly on Discord. He jumped down from throne, picked up the two ponies, slinging them over his shoulder, and then bolting out of the exit. Just as they ran out a single changling screeched and the entire swarm sprang into action, rocketing around the room and out the door after them.

Discord tossed the two ponies onto their hooves and they all ran together, the horrifying horde of changlings only meters behind them. As they raced through the corridors of the twisted hive, the changlings were gaining by the minute. Knowing this, the moment they entered the next chamber Luna skidded to a holt, swiveling around and casting a simple but powerful bolt of magic at the ceiling above the door, making it collapse in, blocking the entrance, and crushing several changlings and leaving only about 5 still in the chamber.

Sabre leapt into action, two blades now protruding from his greaves, he pounced on the changlings, taking them all on at once, and receiving only small scratches. Discord and Luna then moved to block of the other entrances, Luna collapsing two, and Discord blocking the other by spawning a giant marshmallow in the tunnel, it’s soft, round edges bulging out over the exit.

All three managed to regroup in the middle of the room, and Luna was the first to speak. “Alright, I can teleport us out of here, but it will take time to prepare one large enough for all of us.” She said, getting to work already, without feedback, on the casting circle, carving magical lines into the floor with her horn. Discord and Sabre exchanged glances and stepped away to let her work, checking their defenses.

Sabre suddenly turned to Discord with a snarl, jabbing a hoof into his chest. “What the hay are you going here anyway!? And why were you about to kiss Chrysalis!?” He demanded from the being of chaos, who gave a little grin.
“Oh please, I saw this coming since you defrosted me back in the gardens, I knew things were changing in the Conclave, and I knew we’d need the pages.” He explained, Luna still casting the complicated spell.

“Then why didn’t you tell us about the pages!?” Sabre said in shock, to which discord rolled his eyes.
“You needed to see Starswirl; he knew what needed to be done better than I did. But I knew that we needed the pages, and that Chrysalis had one, I planned ahead!” he said. Sabre gave him a skeptical look.
“Planning doesn’t quite seem your thing Discord.” Sabre said condescendingly.
“Oh please, True chaos contains some order; otherwise it’s nothing but chaos, which isn’t very chaotic at all.” He said with a chuckle, leaving sabre to figure it out on his own.

Sabre rolled his eyes and continued checking the Marshmallow barrier when he heard and unusual sound coming from it, and jumped back as the head a changling chomped through it and poked its head out snapping at Sabre who jumped back again. “Whoa! Discord! Fix this, Luna, speed things up!” Sabre ordered urgently, as discord formed balls of marshmallow in his hand, throwing it at the changling, slowly plugging the hole up and sealing the changling in place, wriggling and writing, but completely stuck… for now.

“Right, we need to get going, and get going soon!” Discord said to Luna who nodded, now concentrating on the spell itself, charging it and weaving it together. The changling was still wriggling and writhing as more sounds came from the other entrances; scrabbling and scratching of many hooves and claws. Sabre and Discord both took to guarding the other entrances, making sure they were secure for now, checking over and over, just to be sure, everyone knew what terrifying swarm waited outside, and if even one could get through, so could they all.

“Done!” Luna exclaimed, making both Discord and Sabre sigh in relief. “alright, everyone get into, and stay in the circle for the whole spell, if you step outside for even a moment it will leave you behind, understand?” Luna Explained as the two stepped into the circle, both nodded and stepped inside the carved circle, sabre meeting eyes with the Marshmallow encased changling and frowned as it suddenly started to writhe violently and break free.

Just as the spell started and the magical circle began to glow the Changling broke free of the improvised Marshmallow barrier and jumped up into the air, rocketing across the distance between the opening and the spell, heading right for Luna, ready to attack, fangs ready. At the very last moment Sabre lunged forwards out of the barrier, tackling the changling out of the air. Luna saw this just as the spell swept them away, and they landed in the courtyard of the camp. “NOOOO! No no no no no no!” Luna sobbed, collapsing to the floor in tears, knowing that now Sabre was gone for good.

Comments ( 1 )

Great chapter. Once again well written, and everyone seems to be in character. I'm looking forward to the next chap to see how everything wraps up.

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